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        Association between face covering policies and the incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 in European countries

        Sookhyun Kim,Jiyoung Oh,Tak Sangwoo 질병관리본부 2023 Osong Public Health and Research Persptectives Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the impact of the strengthening or relaxation of face covering mandates on the subsequent national case incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Europe as the full vaccination rate was increasing. Methods: European countries in which case incidence increased for 3 consecutive weeks were monitored and analyzed using COVID-19 incidence data shared by the World Health Organization (WHO). The epidemic trend of COVID-19 in Europe was compared with that of countries elsewhere in the world based on WHO weekly epidemiological reports from June 20 to October 30, 2021. In addition, this study provided insight into the impact of government mask mandates on COVID-19 incidence in Europe by measuring the index scores of those facial covering policies before and after mandate relaxation or strengthening. The effects of the vaccination rate and the speed of vaccination on COVID-19 incidence were also analyzed. Results: The incidence of COVID-19 after the relaxation of face covering mandates was significantly higher than before relaxation. However, no significant difference was observed in vaccination rate between countries with increased and decreased incidence. Instead, rapid vaccination delayed the resurgence in incidence. Conclusion: The findings suggest that face covering policies in conjunction with rapid vaccination efforts are essential to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Recast, Clarification and Repetition and Learner Uptake during Chatting

        Kim, Sookhyun(김숙현) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2016 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문은 다양한 형태의 피드백이 학생들의 영어 학습에 미치는 영향에 대해서 연구하였다. 한국과 같이 영어가 외국어로써 학습되어 지는 환경에서 채팅이라는 도구는 상위 영어 학습자와 하위 영어 학습자들 사이의 의사소통을 할 수 있는 도구로 사용되어 지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 채팅이라는 도구가 영어학습자들의 의사소통을 향상시키는 도구로써의 역할에 대해 상위 영어 학습자와 하위 영어 학습자의 채팅을 통한 대화를 분석함으로써 알아보고자 한다. 본 연구에 참가한 두 명의 상위 영어 학습자는 영어권 국가에서 3년 이상 수학을 하였고 하위 학습자 2명은 영어권 방문 경험이 없는 대학교 2학년을 대상으로 실험을 실시하였다. 상위 학습자를 대상으로 의도적으로 본 연구에 필요한 세 가지 피드백을 제공하는 훈련을 하였으며 이후 하위 영어 학습자들과의 채팅을 통한 대화 중 세 가지 피드백을 하위 학습자들에게 제시하였다. 참여자들의 채팅 사용경험이 변인이 될 수 있으므로 실제 실험 전 모의 채팅을 실시하여 영어 채팅에 대한 친숙도를 높였으며 실험 단계에서도 학생들의 영어 채팅에 대한 두려움과 불안감을 낮추기 위해 일상적인 대화 주제를 선택하여 실험을 진행하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면 학생들은 제시된 세 가지 피드백을 통해서는 학습이 이루어지지 않았음을 보여 주고 있다. 하위 학습자들은 대화동안 상위 학습자들에 의해 제시된 피드백이 본인의 영어에 대한 오류수정임을 인식하지 못하고 평범한 대화의 일부분으로 인식하였기 때문이다. 이는 하위 학습자들에게 제공된 오류 수정 피드백의 형태가 명시적인 오류 수정 피드백이 아닌 암시적인 형태의 피드백으로 제시되었기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. 비록 채팅이라는 도구를 통한 영어 대화가 학습으로 연결될 수는 없지만 한국과 같은 영어를 외국어로써 학습하는 환경에서는 영어라는 언어에 노출 되고 사용해 볼 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 도구로써의 역할은 할 수 있다고 보여 진다. The study investigates the effects of different types of feedback. Within the EFL environment in Korea, chatting is used as a communication tool between high-level Korean English speakers and low-level Korean English learners. High-level English speakers who have studied English in America more than three years are trained to intentionally give different types of feedback. Low-level learners who do not have any experience in the English country are selected from one of the same classes as the high-level Korean English speakers. To avoid using computer skills, participants have pilot sessions to train using computers. Also, common topics which are hobbies, school life and friends are chosen to communicate for reducing anxiety of using English. The low-level English learners receive the different types of feedback from the high-level English speakers. Students are given three different types of feedback to correct their errors. The feedback does not connect to the students" learning because the students do not recognize the corrective feedback when it is presented. The feedback that used in the study is provided implicitly to the low-level learners. When the corrective feedback is given, students ignore it. If learners can not recognize their errors, it is hard to fix their errors. Even though chatting can not be used as the learning tool from the study, it is a useful tool to give opportunity to produce English considering EFL environment.

      • Survey of Shape Resonances for Photoionizing Transitions

        KIM, SOOKHYUN OH, SUNG DAHM CHOI, JEEHYE BAE, JEAN KIM, YOUNG SOON 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1989 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.1

        The existence of shape resonances for photoionizing transitions in ground state neutral atoms have been investigated using a one electron model with a Herman-Skillman central potential. The effective potential should have an attractive well near the nucleus and a repulsive barrier at the atomic region, and phase shifts of the final continuum wave functions should rapidly increase by π. Only Xe, Cs, Rn and Fr atoms have a shape resonance in transitions to the f channel.

      • Survey of Shape Resonances for Photoionizing Transitions

        KIM, SOOKHYUN,OH, SUNG DAHM,CHOI, JEEHYE,BAE, JEAN,KIM, YOUNG SOON 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1989 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.1

        The existence of shape resonances for photoionizing transitions in ground state neutral atoms have been investigated using a one electron model with a Herman-Skillman central potential. The effective potential should have an attractive well near the nucleus and a repulsive barrier at the atomic region, and phase shifts of the final continuum wave functions should rapidly increase by π. Only Xe, Cs, Rn and Fr atoms have a shape resonance in transitions to the f channel.


        Sookhyun Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Social media have been proved as a tool for social branding, but not as a tool for return on investment (ROI) generation. The ultimate goal of any business activities is to generate ROI; therefore, businesses should know what social media practices actually increase their ROI. Researchers in the computer science and engineering areas have attempted to create a systematic model/statistical method to quantify data collected from social media to generate meaningful consumer and market trends and ROI (Zeng, Chen, Lusch, & Li. 2010). This process is called Social Media Intelligence (SMI) or Social Media Analytics (SMA). Researchers have not been yet successful in developing an effective analytical system for social media data to generate ROI. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore which social media practices would affect ROI based on SMA process with key techniques used to analyze the indicators in social media (i.e., Key Performance Indicators; KPIs) that show the effectiveness of a company in achieving its business objectives. This study is an exploratory research to determine the nature of a problem in the SMI, to gain further insight, and to show opportunities in the subject area. The result shows that using crawling, topic modeling and social network analysis techniques, businesses could collect and monitor right KPIs depending on their social media goals (e.g., number of followers for awareness, number of link clicks for engagement, number of lead magnets for conversion). After then, using the techniques to analyze the KPIs (e.g., opinion mining, sentiment analysis, etc. for the understand stage), businesses would be able to identify/predict consumer demands and market trends. Based on this prediction, businesses need to visualize the result to customers by executing right marketing strategies (e.g., effective viral marketing, personalized Call-To-Action, customized product/service, direct relationship establishment, frequent communication, establish long relationship, etc.). This study could contribute to the field by presenting the effective KPIs and techniques organized based on the SMA stages and social media goals and could provide the industry a right tool and a direction for their social media promotional practices.


        Sookhyun Kim,Hyunshin Na 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        In the fashion industry, designers and researchers have proposed various sustainable fashion products (i.e., sustainability in product development), and retailers have also created many sustainable business practices (i.e., sustainability in distribution). However, according to the previous researches, even though the industry have offered a variety of sustainable designs and retail offers, consumers did not show a positive purchase behavior on the sustainable products. Currently, the gap exists between industry offers for sustainability and consumers’ expectation/acceptance of those offers. This result supports that there are other aspects than environmental protection aspect of the sustainable fashion products that need to be improved and/or be emphasized on to make consumers feel confident in purchasing. To examine consumers’ purchase behavior changes on sustainable fashion products, this study will measure consumers’ equity of sustainability on existing sustainable fashion products with three criteria of sustainable designs proposed by Day and Townsend (1993), which are socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally benign. Then, consumers’ purchase intention for sustainable fashion products will be measured. The result will show the sustainable fashion product types that currently satisfy consumers so that the industry can concentrate on and develop the types further. In addition, this study will explore the impact of well-known brand names and cause-related marketing whether they would improve consumers’ purchase intention towards sustainable fashion products. No research has studied these two variables for sustainable fashion products as well as the equity of sustainability. Finally, different benefit sought groups will be tested whether they show different acceptance/preference and impact of brand names and cause-related marketing on the sustainable fashion products so that companies can set the appropriate strategies based on their target market’s benefit sought. PROPOSED MODEL AND HYPOTHESES Based on previous researches, the authors propose a new model shown in the figure 1, and the hypotheses are developed based on the model. H1. Significant differences in equity of sustainability, purchase intention before and after cause-related marketing and the relationships in the model. H1-1. Consumers will differently evaluate equity of sustainability of each sustainable fashion product type. H1-2. Consumers will have different purchase intention on each sustainable fashion product type. H1-3. Consumers will have different purchase intention on each sustainable fashion product type after cause-related marketing. H1-4. Equity of sustainability will significantly influence on purchase intention in all sustainable fashion product types. H1-5. Cause-related marketing will significantly improve purchase intention in all sustainable fashion product types. H2. Significantly different results in H1 between benefit sought groups. H2-1. Benefit sought groups will have significantly different equity of sustainability on all sustainable fashion product types. H2-2. Benefit sought groups will have significantly different purchase intention on all sustainable fashion product types. H2-3. Benefit sought groups will have significantly different purchase intention on all sustainable fashion product types after cause-related marketing. H2-4. Benefit sought groups will show a different relationship between equity of sustainability and purchase intention in all sustainable fashion product types. H2-5. Benefit sought groups will show a different influence of cause-related marketing on purchase intention in all sustainable fashion product types. H3. Significantly different results in H1 after adding well-known brand names on sustainable fashion product types. H3-1. Equity of sustainability will be significantly different for all sustainable fashion product types after adding well-known brand names. H3-2. Purchase intention will be significantly different for all sustainable fashion product types after adding well-known brand names. H3-3. Purchase intention after cause-related marketing will be significantly different for all sustainable fashion product types after adding well-known brand names. H3-4. The relationship between equity of sustainability and purchase intention will be different after adding well-known brand names in all sustainable fashion product types. H3-5. The influence of cause-related marketing on purchase intention will be different after adding well-known brand names in all sustainable fashion product types. H4. Different results from H2 after adding well-known brand names. H4-1. The significant difference of equity of sustainability between benefit sought groups will be different after adding well-known brand names in all sustainable fashion product types. H4-2. The significant difference of purchase intention between benefit sought groups will be different after adding well-known brand names in all sustainable fashion product types. H4-3. The significant difference of purchase intention after cause-related marketing between benefit sought groups will be different after adding well-known brand names in all sustainable fashion product types. H4-4. After adding well-known brand names, the result of the relationship between equity of sustainability and purchase intention in each benefit group will be different in all sustainable fashion product types. H4-5. After adding well-known brand names, the result of the relationship between cause-related marketing and purchase intention in each benefit sought group will be different in all sustainable fashion product types. RESEARCH METHOD A simple black dress which is the product silhouette consistently shown through all sustainable fashion product types and relatively low involved when purchasing was selected to minimize the cognitive effort to process/judge the product attributes (Tucker, Rifon, Lee & Reece, 2012). The equity of sustainability is determined as an average score of economic viability, social equity, and environmental responsibility of each sustainable fashion product type. Benefit segments most commonly studied in the previous researches are selected for this study which are price-conscious, fashion-conscious, brand-conscious, convenience-conscious, quality-conscious, self-express, and self-confidence groups. Brand name is a moderator variable to test the brand name effect on participants’ response. Two different versions of questionnaires were distributed. One version shows brand names on the product types, which are selected as reliable brand names from a pretest in terms of quality and credibility, and the other version does not show any brand names on the product types. The reliable brand names are luxury brands such as Ralph Lauren rather than middle to low-priced brands. Both versions include the question for purchase intention before and after cause-related marketing (e.g., “If 10% of this sales is donated to a non-profit organization to preserve our environment, I would buy this item.”). Only female consumers are allowed to participate in the survey because the stimuli are dresses. Surveys were distributed by a commercial survey data collection company. Total 399 surveys were usable (non-brand version, n=190; brand name version, n= 209). The majority of participants are between 25 to 44 years old (22-34 years 49.1%, 35-44 years 16.8%) and has a college degree (college degree 52.6%, graduate school degree 25.8%). RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS From the data analysis (see table 1), non-brand companies would have a benefit by offering transformable products in which consumers feel more value than other sustainable fashion product types. When showing luxury brand names, participants evaluated upcycling products as the highest equity of sustainability and purchase intention after cause-related marketing. The zero waste luxury brand product received the highest purchase intention before cause-related marketing and also received a significantly higher equity of sustainability than the non-brand zero waste product. Therefore, it is recommended for luxury brands to show their sustainability practice on the product through labels, especially showing a zero waste production label. The result in all sustainable fashion product types regardless of brand names showed that the higher sustainability, the higher purchase intention. Thus, again, it is important for companies to educate their sustainability practices (e.g., economic, social and environmental values) to consumers through either promotions or labels on the products. For both non-brand and luxury brand products, promoting a donation or support for community/society (i.e., cause-related marketing) on the product would influence consumers' purchase decision when selling the upcycling, recycling and promotion on fashion products. For example, companies could create/include a symbol of their cause-related marketing or include a symbol of a non-profit organization on the sustainable fashion products. Considering different benefit sought groups, the high fashion involved group scored the variables higher in most sustainable fashion product types in the model than the low fashion involved group did. When companies plan to offer sustainable fashion products, they need to target the high fashion involved group for a better sales outcome. Even though participants perceived that the upcycled product was highly sustainable, they purchased different product types. The high fashion involved group highly intended to purchase the transformable product in the non-brand product types and the animal-free product in luxury brand product types in both before and after cause-related marketing. Luxury brands are the ones typically consume most real animal furs and skins, and this might influenced the participants’ purchase intention. The low fashion involved group were willing to purchase the product with organic materials in both non-brand and luxury brands, but cause-related marketing increased the purchase intention on the most of product types. Companies targeting a low fashion conscious group are suggested developing/promoting organic fashion products and actively promote their community/society involvement. Regardless of benefit sought groups, higher equity of sustainability generated higher purchase intention. Again, companies need to inform/promote their sustainability practices to consumers through products or media to improve sales. The impact of cause-related marketing on the purchase intention was significant for the low fashion involved group in the upcycling, recycling, promotion on the product, zero waste and transformable products regardless of brand names. Therefore, when companies cannot appeal consumers with their brand names, the cause-related marketing plays an important role. The low fashion involved consumers seem to consider the after-purchase impact on the society than product itself when purchasing sustainable fashion products. The cause-related marketing had less impact for the high fashion involved group on their purchase intention than the low fashion involved group; however, the purchase intention of non-brand upcycling and the upcycling, recycling and promotion on the product for luxury brands have significantly improved after cause-related marketing. Companies, especially luxury brand names, need to include cause-related marketing when selling those product targeting the high fashion involved group.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Italian Fashion Case Study

        Sookhyun Kim,Akira Shimizu,Raffaele Donvito 한국마케팅과학회 2016 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.7 No.3

        This special section, “Italian Fashion Case Study”, is part of the Global Fashion Landscape project initiated by the Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. Researchers and business leaders aspire to understand current trends, types and characteristics and their application to consumer behavior in leading fashion cities. Understanding consumer behavior in those major global fashion cities will affect the success of the fashion business in the future. The current special section shows the relevance of the link between fashion cities and fashion brands. It provides the opportunity for marketing scholars to investigate the transfer of culture and heritage of a city in the perception of fashion brands through different points of view. Undeniably, the reputation of a city and of the street where a store or a museum is located could influence fashion brands’ identity.

      • KCI등재

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