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        루소의 신경증과 창작과의 상관관계 연구

        신곽균 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2000 프랑스어문교육 Vol.10 No.-

        Jean-Jacques Rousseau e e´te´ conside´re´ comme un malade mental durant ses dernie`res anne´es, par des psychiatres et des psychologies qui ont analyse´ son e´tat d'a^me a` travers ses oeuvres, surtout Les Confessions et Les Re^veries d'un Promeneur solitaire. Ce qu'il y a de su^r, c'est que Rousseau e´tait hypersensible a` l'e´gard des autres personnes, qu'il pre´sente dans ses oeuvres comme des perse´cuteurs qui ne provoquent par le complot qu'irritation, de´sir de vengeance et me´pris. Cette tendance naturelle au complexe de la perse´cution a e´te´ assure´ment favorise´e par son enfance malheureuse(sa me`re est morte de`s qu'il est ne´) et par le sentiment refoule´ d'une frustration initiale.(Rousseau, Les Re^veries d'un Promeneur solitaire, Bordas, 1985, p.9) Selon cette e´tude, cette affectivite´ maladive de Rousseau est devenue pour lui un stimulant efficace de la cre´ation litte´raire, la maladie pouvant e^tre que´rie par l'e´criture, l'imagination et finalement le re^ve. Par exemple, la folie de Rousseau en 1776 s'est apaise´e apaise´e suffisamment pour qu'il re´cupe`re son e´quilible psychique et rec¸oive des visiteurs de l'exte´rieur en e´crivant Les R^veries d'un Promeneur solitaire. Donc, son de´lire cause´ par l'e´tat d'inconscience a e´te´ remplace´ par le sextases de l'esprit qui re^ve selon des ravissements inexprimables. Nous avons e´te´ conduits au the`me de la re´ciprocite´ du ge´nie et de la cre´ation litte´raire qui fera l'objet de notre prochaine recherche´.

      • 보들레르 작품에 나타난 惡의 美學

        신곽균 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 1998 중원인문논총 Vol.17 No.-

        Le mal que nous analysons dans l'oeuvre de Baudelaire ne correspond pas forcement au crime juridique commis dans la societe, c'est plutot le mal moral en tant que manifestation d'une fatalite spirituelle dans la conscience. Cette conscience qui s'aggrave est d'abord liee au desir sexuel, par lequel nous sommes, comme Baudelaire lui-meme, engages dans l'etude des l'impulsions humaines, des troubles psychiques, des obssessions inconscientes, ou encore des reves lies al'enfance. c'est, par consequent, la psychanalyse de Freud, selon laquelle l'interpretation des reves est la voie royale menant a la connaissance de l'inconscient, qui nous permet de decouvrir la poetique baudelairienne d'une facon qui echappe aux autres. L'obssenssion du mal chez Baudelaire provient de sa reaction a la perte de l'amour maternal lorsque sa mere se remarie avec le General Aupick. En interpretant ce remariage comme une liaison illicite, l'enfant Baudelaire tombe dans un conflict interieur de nature fatal, enproie a la haine contre sa mere. A partir de ce trauma, son esprit tombe sous des influences dont les racines psychiques, immergees, restent cachees. Celles-ci se traduisent un jour dans des formees rituelles qui jaillissent dans l'imagination du poete. Contre tenue de l'experience personnelle de Baudelaire, nous pensons qu'il est important d'etudier comment les desirs inconscients l'ont entraine vers la sublimation poetique.

      • SNOBISME과 文學性

        신곽균 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 1995 중원인문논총 Vol.14 No.-

        Le snobisme est en general considere comme un geste de sot pretentieux, si l'on ne considere que son aspect negatif c'est-a-dire en fait, un certain mepris de l'etat du snob. Mais si nous examinons bien le mecanisme du motif psychologique, nous pouvons comprendre qu'il est une source de l'energie vitale reservee pour la vie sociale et spirituelle. La premiere perspective aboutit a "l'homme snob', qui tend vers la vanite personnelle, se sent superieur au reste de son milieu, ou tenu pour distingue dans la societe mondaine. Son desir et sa pretention parfois excessifs le font alors apparaitre comme stupide ou vulgaire, parfois meme comme grossier. Il se classe alors dans la dimension basse du snobisme. Cependant, la seconde perspective peut montrer que le snobisme developpe l'intelligence de l'homme qui se preoccupe de la perfection spirituelle, car ces manifestations spe cifiquement nobles demandent de la finesse et de l'elegane d'esprit. Il s'agit donc d'une creation litteraire profondement liee a ces deux perspectives. Devant cette reflexion, on comprend que le comportement snob ne s'en tient plus au jugement superficiel ou a une definition preconcue. Le snobisme possede par consequent une source creative de l'esprit noble. Celui-ci cree dans la litterature d'autres "imaginations" et fait naitre des personnages particuliers comme dans l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust "A la recherche du temps perdu' ou dit-on, foisonnent les tendances merveilleuses du snobisme. C'est pourquoi nous choisissons le texte de Proust en presntant les divers aspects du snobisme historique. a travers ces etudes et recherches, nous esperons mettre en lumiere les phenomenes morales du monde aristocratique et la substance positive du snobisme, c'est-a-dire sa fonction creatrice dans la litterature.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        An investigation of PbGeTiAu hybrid ohmic contacts to n-type GaAs

        Kwak, Kwak, J.S.,Kim, Kim, H.N.,Baik, Baik, H.K.,Lee, Lee, J.L.,Suh, Suh, K.S.,Shin, Shin, D.W.,Park, Park, C.G. 한국재료학회 1995 Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Mater Vol.2 No.e2

        Thermally stable, low-resistance PdGeTiAu ohmic contacts to high-low doped n-GaAs have been developed. The lowest contact resistance obtained is two times lower than that of previously reported PdGe ohmic contacts. The contacts are thermally stable even after isothermal annealing for 5h at 40$0^{\circ}C$ under atmosphere ambient. X-ray diffraction rseults, Auger depth profiles, and crosssectional transmission electron microscopy show that the good PdGeTiAu ohmic contacst are due to the formation of both AuGa and TiO compounds. The AuGa compound enhances the creation of more Ga vacancies, followed by incorporation of Ge into Ga vacancies and TiO compound suppresses As outdiffusion from GaAs substrate, rspectively.

      • Species Composition and Distributional Patterns of Marine Benthic Algae in the Coastal Waters of Soo Island, Jinhae

        Seok Nam Kwak(Seok Nam Kwak),Sung Su Kim(Sung Su Kim),Woo chul Shin(Woo chul Shin),Jin Muk Kang(Jin Muk Kang) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2022 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        The species composition and distributional patterns of marine benthic algae in the coastal waters off Soo Island, Jinhae were investigated seasonally throughout 2018. A total of 87 species, 7 Chlorophyta 15 Phaeophyta, and 65 Rhodophyta were recorded, and dominant species were Ulva australia, Codium fragile, Sargassum horneri, S. micracanthum, Amphiroa beauvoisii, A. foliacea, Caulacanthus ustulatus, Ceramium sp., Chondracanthus intermedius, C. tenellus, Gelidium elegans, G. vagum, Lithophyllum okamurae, Lomentaria catenata, and Polysiphonia sp. during study periods. Especially the vertical distribution of dominant algal species was remarkable: U. australia, and C. fragile were dominated in the upper part, S. thunbergii, and C. tenellus were in the middle part, and S. micracanthum, S. horneri, A. beauvoisii, and L. catenata mainly occurred in the low part of tidal zone. The numbers of species were different with seasons and stations; Higher number of species was 56 species in winter, whereas 40 species were the lowest in summer. The number of algal species was higher at stations 5 and 6 while the lower value was at stations 1 and 2 than other stations. The spatial distribution of marine benthic algal composition in MDS ordination was due to differences in the local microhabitats for marine algal species and physical characteristics such as current and water movement.

      • Marine Benthic Algal Community in the Coastal Waters off Soo Woo Island, Tongyeong

        Seok Nam Kwak(Seok Nam Kwak),Sung Su Kim(Sung Su Kim),Woo chul Shin(Woo chul Shin),Jin Muk Kang(Jin Muk Kang) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2022 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        The species composition and seasonal patterns in marine benthic algal community in the coastal waters off Soo Woo Island, Tongyeong were investigated seasonally throughout 2019. A total of 85 species, 9 Chlorophyta, 16 Phaeophyta, and 60 Rhodophyta, were recorded, and dominant species were Sargassum horneri, Caulacanthus ustulatus, Ceramium sp., Gracilaria textorii, Chondracanthus intermedius, Chondracanthus tenellus, Herpochondria elegans, Lithophyllum okamurae, Lomentaria catenata, Polysiphonia sp., and Pterocladiella capillacea during study periods. The number of species were differed with seasons and stations; Higher number of algal species was 52 species in spring, whereas 33 species was lower in summer. The number of algal species were higher at station 3, 4, while the lower value was at station 1, 6 than other stations. The differences of marine benthic algal composition at each station in MDS ordination due to the physical characteristics and local topography.

      • OB-19 : Simple high-throughput analytical method using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry for quantifying total NNAL in early pregnant women

        ( Shin Ok Jeong ),( You Jung Shin ),( Sue Yeon Park ),( Dong Wook Kwak ),( You Jung Han ),( Si Won Lee ),( Min Hyoung Kim ),( Jin Hoon Chung ),( June Seek Choi ),( Hyun Kyeong Ahn ),( Hyun Mee Ryu ),( 대한산부인과학회 2014 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.100 No.-

        목적: Urinary concentrations of 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) could be used as a reliable biomarker of exposure to tobacco smoke. We therefore developed a relatively simple high-throughput analytical method using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) to quantify total urinary NNAL concentrations in the general population. 방법: We developed and validated the UPLC-MS/MS method to quantify total NNAL concentrations in urine. And we studied quantified this biomarker of exposure in n=232 first-trimester pregnant women, of which n=17 were smokers, n=34 non-smokers, and n=181 with second-hand smoke exposure. 결과: Standard curves for total NNAL concentrations in urine were linear between 20-1500 pg/mL, with coefficients of determination >0.95, with precision ranging from 2.2 to 8.6% (CV), and accuracy from -5.6 to 10.9% (percent error). The lowest limit of quantitation was 6.7 pg/mL, and 2.0 pg/mL the lowest limit of detection (LLOD). Total urinary NNAL concentrations in non-smoker subjects (phase 1) non-smoker pregnant women (phase 2) were <LLOD, whereas in smokers total NNAL concentrations were between 0-35.2 pg/mL. Second-hand smoke exposure in pregnancy resulted in total urinary concentrations varying between 0-7.7 pg/mL. NNAL and cotinine in non-smoker samples were not detected. Measurement of urinary cotinine could be up to 14 days after last smoking. Measurement of urinary total NNAL could be up to 35 days after last smoking. 결론: We successfully developed an UPLC-MS/MS analytical method to quantify total urinary NNAL concentrations in the pregnant women. NNAL is better biomarker than cotinine to detect smoker in early pregnancy.

      • <i>In vitro</i> 3D skin model using gelatin methacrylate hydrogel

        Kwak, Bong Shin,Choi, Wonho,Jeon, Joong-won,Won, Jong-In,Sung, Gun Yong,Kim, Bumsang,Sung, Jong Hwan Elsevier 2018 Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry Vol.66 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Interests in <I>in vitro</I> skin models have been growing. Collagen, which is a main scaffold material for in vitro 3D skin models, has weak mechanical properties, often resulting in undesirable contraction. The physiological characteristics of the skin models often depend on the matrix in which cells are cultured. In this study, we developed a 3D skin model using gelatin methacrylate. The mechanical and transport properties were studied, and attachment and growth of fibroblasts and keratinocytes were examined. Fibroblasts preferred softer matrix, whereas HaCaT cells preferred harder matrix of gelatin methacrylate. This study provides information for developing <I>in vitro</I> skin models.</P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Immediate release tablet formulation of varenicline salicylate and comparative pharmacokinetic study in human volunteers

        Kwak, Seong Shin,Lee, Eun Seok,Yoon, Ho Yub,Kim, Chang Hyun,Goo, Yoon Tae,Kang, Myung Joo,Lee, Sangkil,Lee, Bong Sang,Jeon, Hong Ryeol,Oh, Chang Hyun,Choi, Young Wook Dove Medical Press 2018 Drug design, development and therapy Vol.12 No.-

        <P><B>Purpose</B></P><P>To develop an immediate release-type tablet containing varenicline salicylate (VRC-S), a smoking cessation agent, formulation and stability studies were performed. The in vitro dissolution and in vivo pharmacokinetic (PK) behavior of the tablets were compared with those of the commercial product (Champix) as a reference.</P><P><B>Materials and methods</B></P><P>The characteristics of the powder were investigated by particle morphology, size distribution, solubility, hygroscopicity, differential scanning calorimetry, and powder X-ray diffraction. Based on the drug–excipient compatibility test, different VRC-S tablets were prepared with the selected excipients through direct compression or wet granulation method and subjected to a dissolution test. The stability of the most promising VRC-S tablet (F4) was evaluated under accelerated conditions (40°C and 75% relative humidity). Further, the dissolution and human pharmacokinetic profiles of the F4 tablet and Champix were compared.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>VRC-S showed a positively skewed unimodal size distribution with a specific surface area of 2.02 m<SUP>2</SUP>/g, single endothermic peak of 225.2°C in differential scanning calorimetry, crystalline internal structure in powder X-ray diffraction, aqueous solubility of 244.7 mg/mL, and hygroscopicity of 0.256 mg/g. The wet granulation method was preferred for tablet preparation and employed the following excipients: microcrystalline cellulose and anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate as diluents, croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant, and colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate as lubricants. The F4 tablet was stable for 6 months under accelerated conditions. The dissolution of VRC was pH independent, revealing <I>f</I><SUB>2</SUB> values of 76.49 and 68.38 at pH 1.2 and pH 6.8, respectively. After the oral administration of F4 tablet and Champix to healthy human volunteers, pharmacokinetic parameters, including time to reach the maximum plasma concentration (T<SUB>max</SUB>), maximum plasma concentration (C<SUB>max</SUB>), and area under the curve from 0 to infinity (AUC<SUB>inf</SUB>), were compared. The values of 90% CI were 0.972–1.035 for C<SUB>max</SUB> and 0.982–1.075 for AUC<SUB>inf</SUB>, which was indicative of the bioequivalence of both products.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>VRC-S–containing F4 tablet might be a good candidate for smoking cessation treatment.</P>

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