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金時俊 서울대학교 동아문화연구소 1979 東亞文化 Vol.16 No.-
It was written at the Mao Shi prefaces (毛詩序) that Shi Jing was divided into two groups; the Zheng Poem and the Bian Poem. According to this, many scholars published various assertions on how to distinguish the Zheng Poem from the Bian Poem in Shi Jing. Conseguently, these assertions were classified into four sorts. 1) Classification by the chronological order according to the political rise and fall 2) Distinction between eulogy and satire 3) Distinction the Poem which was accompanied by music from the poem which was not accompanied by it, 4) Classification by the style of the poem My study on each assertion leads to the following conclusion: 1) Although those scholars who made the first assertion defined that Shi Jing was published by the chronological order and they distinguished the Zheng Poem from the Bian poem by the table of contents, it is proved that Shi Jing was not published by the chronological order. 2) Those scholars who made the second assertion concluded that Shi-Jing was distinguished between eulogy and satiry at every prologue in Mao Shi and that the Zheng poem and the Bian Poem could be divided into eulogy or satire accordingly. But it is proved herein that the distinction eulogy from satire in Mao Shi prefaces was possible by the country and chronology without the definite standard even though the contents of the poem were the same. 3) Those scholars who made the third assertion divided Shi Jing into two parts. One that was accompanied by music was called the Zheng Poem and the other that was accompanied by music was called the Bian Poem. But it is proved that all of Shi Jing were accompanied by music 4) Those who made the fourth assertion distinguished between the Zheng Poem and the Bian Poem by the style of the Poem. But looking into the style, it is proved that the distinction between the Zheng Poem and the Bian Poem is the style itself. Thus, the above classifications seem to be unreasonable so far. Then, why did these assertions come to rise? These assertions were due to the Han scholars who regarded the poem as a remonstration. They attempted to classify the Zheng Poem as the poem of admonition and the Bian poem as that of warning. But they did not succeed in it.
Kuo, Yuh-Chi,Wu, Chia-Lin,Tasi, Wei-Jern,Wang, Jir-Yenn,Chang, Shi-Chung,Lin, Ching-Yuang,Shiao, Ming-Shi 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1
Yuh-Chi Kuo¹,Chia-Lin Wn¹,Wei-jern Tasi¹,Jir-Yenn Wang²,Shi-Chung Chang₃,Ching-Yung Lin⁴,and Ming-Shi Shiao⁴¹National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, ²Department of Biology,Fu Jen University, ³Department of Chest, ⁴Department of Pediatrics, □De[art,amt of Medical Research and Education. Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Yuh-Chi Kuo¹,Chia-Lin Wn¹,Wei-jern Tasi¹,Jir-Yenn Wang²,Shi-Chung Chang²,Ching-Yung Lin³,and Ming-Shi Shiao⁴.¹National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, ²Department of Biology,Fu Jen University, ³Department of Chest, ⁴Department of Pediatrics, □De[art,amt of Medical Research and Education. Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Blocking of Cell Proliferation, Cytokines Production and Genes Expression Following Administration of Cordyceps sinensis in the Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids Cells. Proceedings of international Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 44-64, 1999.-Cordyceps sinensis is a major parasitic fungus on larva of Lepidoptera. It is one of the well know fungi used in traditional Chinese medicine for treatment asthma, lung and kideney diseases. Many fungi belonging to the genus Cordyceps have been demonstrated to produce natural products with various biological activities. Reported biological activities of genus cordyceps include:(a)inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis;(b)enhancement of cell differentiation;(c)restruction of cytoskeleton;(d)inhibition of protein kinase activity;(e)antitumor activity on bladder, colon, lung carcinoma as well as fibroblastoma;(f)inhibition of the infection and revers transciptase activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1; and(g) inhibition of methylation of nucleic acid. Thus, it is suggested that the extracts of Cordyceps sp. Contain antitumor, antiviral, and many other biological activities. In our previous studies, we proved that C. sinensis contains the antitumor and immunomodulatory agents. In the present studies, effects of C. sinensis on bronchoalveolar lavage fluids(BAL)cells were demonstrated. The crude methanolic extracts of C. sinensis were fractionated into 15 fractions by silica gel column chromatography. Effects of various fraction on BAL cells proliferation and lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulated interleukin-1β(IL-8),platelet activating factor(PAF), interleukin-6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),and interleukin-8(IL-8) production on BAL cells were determined. The result indicated that the CS-19-22 fraction suppressed BAL cells proliferation activated by LPS. The median inhibitory concentration(IC50) was 6㎍/ml. The CS-19-22 fraction also decreased IL-1β,PAF,IL-6, TNF-αand IL-8 production.The results of revers transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) demonstrated that the CS-19-22 fraction did not affect IL-1β,PAF,IL-6, TNF-α,and IL-8 mRNAs expression in BAL cells activated by LPS. By contrast, it inhibited the IL-10 mRNA expression but enhanced IFN-γand IL-12 mRNAs expression in activated BAL cells. Moreover, the CS-19-22 fraction blocked PAF-induced platelet aggregation. It is unlikely that cytotoxicity was involved. Because no cell deths were observable. We hypothesize that inhibitory mechanisms of CS-19-22 on BAL cells proliferation may be related to the impairments of gene expression and production of cytokines in BAL cells. The explanation of C. sinensis antiasthma function may involved the following(1)C.sinenesis contained immunomodulatory agents that stimulated IFN-γand IL-12 expression in TH1cells.(2)Enhanced secretion of IFN-γand IL-12 will inhibit the Tγcells immune responses Ex. Decreasing of IL-6 and IL-10 production.(3) The impairments of cytokines production in TH2 cells suppressed th BAL cells proliferation then more cytokines production Ex.IL-1β,PAF,IL-6,TNF-αand IL-8 in activated BAL cells were decreased. (4)The suppression of TH2cells immune responses will inhibit the growth and differentiation of B cells then IgE production will be decreased. (5)Reduced production of IgE will decreased asthma attack occurring in individuals. However, the results of the present study suggested that C. sinensis may also have acted to treat asthma in part by inhibiting BAL cells proliferation and cytokine gene expression and production. Future, experiments with treatment of animals with asthma with C. sinensis will be necessary to defined whether C. sinensis can reduce asthma injury. Plans are underway for the isolation of pure principal growth inhibitors and their mechanisms of action are subjected for further study.
Hot Deformation Characteristics and Processing Map Analysis of Pre-Forged AZ80 Magnesium Alloy
Shi‑quan Huang,Ming Lu,Sheng‑lan Luo,Hai‑lin He,You‑ping Yi 대한금속·재료학회 2021 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.27 No.5
The hot deformation behavior of pre-forged AZ80 magnesium alloy is investigated by the isothermal compression tests attemperatures of 523–683 K and strain rates of 0.0001–0.1 s−1, and analyzed by the processing maps for guiding isothermaldie forging. Flow localization and even cracking occurs at low temperatures and high strain rates, where shear deformationdegree shows a positive correlation with the ��( ̇�� ) value. Two stability regions with high efficiency is found out by theprocessing maps. At common stability region with high temperatures and low strain rates, peak power dissipation efficiencydoes not represent optimum deformation condition as reported in other materials. A Z parameter criterion is introduced forparameters optimization. javascript:void(0); a new stability domain of 523–590 K and 0.0001–0.01 s−1 is observed, which istypical for fine microstructure composed of equiaxed clean α-Mg grains and big particles both about 1 μm (573 K/0.01 s−1).Super plasticity is speculated to occur at that condition.
박시현 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2002 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.29
Selon les definitions du dictionnaire Saehanguelsajeon, publie par la Societe de la Langue Coreenne, "ijae", c'est ① ce moment ou l'on parle ② facon d'exprimer le temps ou l'on parle, alors que "jiguem", c'est "ijae". "Ijae", est-ce donc un marqueur de deixis temporelle au meme titre "jiguem"? Voila la question que nous nous posons dans cette etude. Pour voir les specificites sematiques de "ijae", nous avons essaye de gloser un certain nombre de phrases qui continennent "ijae" et de voir la difference apres avoir remplace "ijae" par "jiguem". Nous avons fini par apprendre que "ijae" a affaire d'un cote a une operation de rupture temporelle qui s'inscrit dans une logique de relation cause/effet et d'un autre cote a une prise en charge subjective de l'enonciateur tandis que "jiguem" a affaire a une simple fragmentation notionelle, a un ancrage temporel en terme de quantite sans aucun lien logique. Nous devrions toutefois continuer a observer et a comparer les comportements de ces deux lexemes dans des contextes plus varies afin de verifier la conclusion tiree hativement.
남ㆍ북한 수학 교육과정 비교ㆍ분석 : 국민공통기본과정 9-가, 9-나를 중심으로
유시규,안순주 동국대학교 교육연구원 2005 교육문제연구 Vol.16 No.-
2002년도 발행된 고등중학교 1, 2, 3학년의 북한의 수학교과서와 2004년도 발행된 제7차 수학교육과정의 교과서를 중심으로 학교수학의 내용의 현상학적 특징을 비교ㆍ분석 하고자 한다. 본 논문에서 언급하는 바와 같이, 북한의 수학교과서에서는 상당히 많은 용어들이 이해하기가 난해한 한글용어로 자리메김하고 있다. 원래 중등학교 수학용어들의 대부분은 광복 이전에 사용하던 한자용어를 남북한에서 각각 독자적인 변화과정을 거쳐서 오늘에 이르게 되었다. 물론, 그의 핵심적인 변화는 한자 용어를 한글화하는 것이었다. 또한, 기존의 여러 논문들은 북한의 수학교육의 내용만 다루어고 있는데 비하여, 본 연구에서는 우리의 제 7차 교육과정 수학과 해설서에 준해서 북한의 통합 후의 교과서를 분석하여, 북한 수학 교과의 성격, 목표, 내용, 교수 학습 방법, 평가에 대한 부분을 조사 및 분석하였다. A half century has passed since Korean peninsula was divided into South and North Korea. So there are many differences in the society, politics, economy, culture and education between South and North Korea. Recently, there has been increased concerning reunification of South and North Korea. As a response to this growing mood of unification, the people who are related with mathematics education start to study North Korea's education ideology, goals and system. This paper attempts to analyze secondary mathematics curriculum in North Korea published by 2002 compared with South Korea's curriculum. As the results of this analysis and comparison, We can find some similarities and differences. Although there are some similarities in the form and content, many differences are also found ; view points of teaching, approach methods, and terms. On the basis of the above findings, We attempted to make some suggestion for the researches preparing for the unification in the area of secondary mathematics education. We would like to become a guide in the preparation for the unified mathematics curriculum ; for the unified Korea in the future.
이시영 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2005 自然科學論文集 Vol.16 No.1
This proposal is to present a campus landscape plan for PaiChai University. The site is located in 439-6 Doma-dong, Seo-gu, Taejon City and has an area of 208,499㎡. The landscape plan covers the following: site inventory and analysis; integration of design program and site analysis; evaluation of design concept; schematic design including circulation form and spatial form; and design development including subarea design. In the design process, the author focused on the integration and interpretation of site conditions as related to the university buildings. He also collectively analyzed and considered the physical development of the outdoor spaces of Paichai University. The following are some of the major areas in the design of the outdoor spaces of Paichai University: 1) a main entrance space as a symbolic square, 2) Paichai central street, 3) a campus core as a greenish square, and 4) a 'Jajuro' plaza as Paichai 'Han' square. The outdoor spaces of Paichai university are created as a new type of campus realm with function, campus quality, original identity, symbolic meaning and images and beauty.
공동주거단지 계획에 관한 연구 : 마포로변 신시가지 조성계획안을 사례로 case study of the Proposal for the New Town in MaPo-Gu
이시영 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2002 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.5 No.1
Mass housing as stacked flat is the most universal housing style of urban cities at present and an apartment housing type has been become popular in Korea as well. Owing to the high land price and overpopulation of the urban city, the mass housing has been rapidly developed. This can make use of various advantages such as competitive construction cost, efficient land usage, thermal efficiency, joint management and so forth, however this is unfavorable in noise, lighting, privacy, fire and ventilation. In this point of view, this study examines the layout type and characteristics of mass housing and aims at presenting the new model for mass housing through the Mapo New Town Proposal.