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        『상한론(傷寒論)』육경지면설(六經地面說)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        ( Shang Han Lun ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2013 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Objective : Zhang Zhong-jing`s Shang-Han-Lun is based on Six-channels system(六經) to classified a disease, but the notion of this seems to be a very various angles. Among them, Ke-qin(柯琴)`s Six-surface theory(六經地面說) is very clearly explained the notion of Six-channels system(六經) and it provide crucial clue to understanding a Shang-Han-Lun Method : I will try to describe the Six-surface theory(六經地面說) through the Ke-qin`s Shang-Han-Lun-Yi(傷寒論翼). At the core of this paper, The diaphragm is the most important criterion to understand a Six-channels system(六經), and it is based on the human body to divided into Yin-Yang(陰陽). Result : Ke-qin`s Six-surface theory(六經地面說) is connected with Meridian system(經絡), Viscera and Bowels(臟腑), and their functions. It is the concept of comprehensive to including those related were grouped into the surface. Conclusion : Six-surface(六經地面) is far beyond the simple concept of Meridian, and it include organization of pathology concepts carrying up to what happens on the human body caused by disease. We can see that Zhong-jing`s(仲景) medical treatment from syndrome differentiation(辨證) is associated with a holism(整體觀).

      • 태안지역(泰安地域)의 대표적(代表的) 무속인(巫俗人)인 이내황(李來晃) 소고(小考)

        신상구 ( Shang-koo Shin ) 충남연구원 2010 충남연구 Vol.3 No.2

        고 농취(濃翠) 이내황(李來晃, 1919-2003) 법사는 1919년에 태안군 근흥면 마금리(磨金里)의 전주이씨(全州李氏) 문중에서 농사를 지으면서 무속인으로 활동한 아버지 이상순(李翔純)과 여산송씨(礪山宋氏) 사이의 5남 1녀 중 둘째 아들로 태어났다. 그는 7세 때부터 16세 때까지 조모인 담양전씨(潭陽田氏)로부터 「천자문(千字文)」을 배우고, 동네 서당의 여러 훈장으로부터 한문과 주역을 배웠으며, 부친인 이상순(李翔純)으로부터는 여러 경문(經文)을 배웠다. 그의 가족은 그가 17세 때에 마금리(磨金里)에서 그 부친이 태어난 마을인 안기리(安基里) 1구 율현동(栗峴洞) 870번지로 다시 이사를 와서 농사를 지으며 살았으나 가뭄으로 흉년이 계속되어 고통만 따를 뿐 가난을 면하기 어려웠다. 22세 때인 경진년(庚辰年) 음력 11월 27일에 소원면 모항리(茅項里) 2구에 사는 18세의 정단분(鄭丹分, 80세)과 결혼하여 슬하에 2남 3녀를 두었다. 그는 일제시대에 두 번이나 끌려가 강제노동에 시달려야만 했다. 24세 때에는 강원도 화천의 수력전기공사장과 철원의 철도공사장으로 끌려가고, 27세 때에는 함경도 북청의 철산공장과 흥남 비행장으로 끌려가 강제노동에 시달렸다. 해방 후 그는 논 10마지기와 밭 1800평을 소유하고 77세까지 농업에 종사했다. 그런데 그는 한학(漢學)에 정통하고 경(經)에 밝아, 농사를 지으면서도 42세부 터 59세까지 근흥면 안기리 1구 율현동 870번지에 위치한 자기 집 사랑방에서 서당을 운영해 이효성(李孝星), 이성희(李星喜) 등 수많은 제자를 양성했다. 한편 그는 26세 때에 아무런 까닭 없이 몸이 초췌(憔悴)해 지자 그 병을 고칠 목적으로 불경(佛經)을 공부하기 시작했다. 그 후 9년 간 불경을 익혀 어느 정도 자신감이 생기자 그는 부친에게 자기도 법사가 되겠다고 했다. 그러자 부친은 이내황(李來晃) 법사에게 신명(神明) 없이 법사 노릇을 하기는 어려우니 우선 먼저 신이 통하는지 살펴보자고 했다. 그리고 그의 부친은 그에게 대를 잡고 통신주문(通神呪文)을 21번 외우면 몸에 신이 내린다고 하니 그렇게 한 번 해보라고 했다. 그래서 그가 대를 잡고 통신주문(通神呪文)을 외우기 시작했는데, 7번 쯤 외우자 놀랍게도 신이 내려 곧바로 법사로 활동하게 되었다. 그 후 1952년에 부친이 세상을 떠나자 그는 부친의 신당을 그대로 이어받았다. 그러나 그는 법사로 활동하면서도 신명(神明)에 대한 믿음은 적은 편이였다. 그리고 그의 신당에 옥수(玉水) 한 잔 바칠 줄을 몰랐다. 그래서 그런지 그는 40대 후반에 큰 병이 나서 자리에 누웠다. 그래서 점괘(占卦)를 보니 신당에 탈이 났으므로 새로 방 한 칸을 내어 새로 신당을 모시고 지극정성으로 신을 모시 라는 것이었다. 그래서 그의 제자인 서아지(徐牙只)와 정해남(丁海男)을 불러 내림긋을 하고 자택의 왼편 방 한 칸을 내어 신당을 새로 차린 다음, 35세부터 50세까지 15년 동안 세습무(世襲巫)로 활동했다. 그가 무업(巫業)을 하는 동안 짝패를 이루며 같이 활동한 무속인으로는 안기리(安基里) 2구의 박용채(朴龍彩, 朴壽天 부), 마금리(磨金里)의 김성태(金成泰)·송영노(宋榮魯), 두야리(斗也里) 1구의 문봉위(文奉緯) 등을 들 수 있다. 그는 이미 2000년 5월 단오날에 작고한 조부원(趙富元) 법사의 어머니 서아지 (徐牙只)를 비롯해 지금 태안지역에서 중견 무속인으로 활동하고 있는 박수천 (朴壽天, 71세), 정종호(鄭鍾鎬, 79세), 정해남(丁海男, 기세), 조부원(趙富元, 60세), 김종일(金鍾一, 63세), 최순희(崔順姬, 74세) 등 많은 제자를 양성하여 태안지역 무속인들 사이에는 널리 알려져 있다. 그리고 그는 점도 쳤는데, 육효점(六爻占)과 단시점(短時占)을 많이 쳤다고 한다. 특히 그는 병경을 의뢰하러 오는 사람 앞에서 산통으로 점을 쳤는데, 점치기에 앞서 먼저 축원을 한 후에 그가 산통에서 쇠침으로 된 괘를 세 번 뽑아 보아 점괘를 종합해 보았다고 한다. 복채는 가족점을 보는 데는 1000~2000원을 받았고, 굿을 하는 데는 일당 3 만원을 받았다고 한다. 그 후 51세부터 최근까지는 독학으로 습득한 풍수지리학(風水地理學) 지식을 활용하여 틈틈이 지관 노릇을 해왔는더ᅵ, 보통 묘자리 하나 잡아주는 데 20만원을 받았다고 한다. 그는 말년에 안기리 1구 율현동의 지방도 603호변에 살았는데, 결국 노환으로 시달리다가 2003년 9월 18일(음력 8월 5일) 타계해 마금리 선산에 묻혔다. 그가 유품으로 남긴 단행본은 부모에게서 물려받은 「무상대경전집(無上大經全書)」을 비롯해 36권에 달했다. 그리고 그의 사후 4년 만인 2007년 4월에는 그의 수제자인 정해남(丁海男), 김종일(金鍾一), 조부원(趙富元) 등이 이내황 법사 가 일평생 수집해 읽은 경문을 수집 정리하고, 십시일반으로 출판비를 마련하여 『경문대요(經文大要)』을 간행해 보급함으로써 태안지역 무속문화 발전에 크게 기여하고 있다. Nongchwi Lee rae-hwang was bom as the second son of Lee shang-soon who was farming at Mageumri in Geunheungmyeon of Taean country in 1919. His father served as shaman or the teacher of Seodang(village school) or geomancer as a side job. He learned Chinese character and the book of changes(周易) from the ages of 7 to 16 years old from his grandmother and teacher of seodang in his native village. His family moved back to Angiri from Mageumrieseo when he was 17 years old Angiri is a village which his father was bom. His family lasted only pain from famine and poverty because of drought. When he was 22 years old, he married with 18-year-old Jeongdanbun who lived at Mohang in Sowonmyeon. He had two sons and three daughters at home. He had been suffering from forced labor twice in the Japanese colonial period. Really he suffered from forced labor at Hwacheon hydro-electric construction and Cheorwon railway construction in Gangwondo when he was 24 years. And he suffered from forced labor at Heungnam airfield and Bukcheong iron factory in Hamgyeongdo when he was 27 years. After Korea's liberation from Japan, he was engaged in agriculture with paddy field 10 majigi and field 1,800 Pyeong until he was 77 years old. When he was 26 years old, his body became inexplicbly weakened. So he learned many kinds of Buddhist scriptures to heal his sickness for nine years. And when he chanted communication mantra 7 times to become a shaman, he could memorize God's body. After that, As soon as his father passed away in 1952, he took over his father's shrine. However, His belief in spirits was a small shift. So he were seized with the spiritual sickness in late 40s. He received naerimgut(an invocatory rite) from Seo oa-ji and Jeong hae-nam who he had taught for a long time. And after he redid new spiritual shrine in his house, he served as a hereditary shaman with Bak yeong-chae, Song yeong-no, Mun bong-wi Bupsa for 15 years from the age of 35 to 50 years old. In this time, he nurturedd many disciples such as Seo oa-ji, Jo bu-won, Jeong hae-nam, Bak su-cheon, Kim jong-il, Jeong jong-ho, Choi sun-hui and so on. On the other hand, he operated Seodang(village school) for residents who reside in Angiri, Yongsin-ri, Dohwangri, Mageumri in his house for 17 years from 42 to 59 years old and trained many leading disciples such as Lee hyo-seong, Lee seong-hui and so on. At times he played an important role as a fortuneteller through Dansijeom(短時占). So he is widely known as hereditary shaman and a teacher of seodang among residents in Taean long ago. In his later years, he was living in farming houses near the local rout passing through Angiri in Geunheungmyeon. Finally he died of old age on September 18, 2003 (lunar August 5) and was buried in mageumri seonsan(family graveyard). He left 36 kinds of books that inherited from the parents. After four years, his disciples collected all of his scritures and published 『KyeongMunDaeyo(經文大要)』. The supply of 『KyeongMunDaeyo(經文大要)』 are making significant contributions to the development of shamanistic culture in Taean.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of the TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Growth Behavior of Intermetallics in Sn/Cu Solder Joints

        Shengyan Shang,Anil Kunwar,Jinye Yao,Yanfeng Wang,Haitao Ma,Yunpeng Wang 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.2

        In order to investigate the effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on growth behavior of interfacial Cu6Sn5 intermetallics compounds(IMCs) in Pb-free Sn/Cu system, the solder joints are fabricated by using flux doped with different content (0.0–2.0 wt% offlux) and particle diameter (5 nm and 50 nm) of TiO2 . In context of isothermal reflow soldering at 250 °C and subsequentair cooling, the increase in reflow duration from 10 to 120 s was characterized with an increment in IMC layer thicknessand grain size, due to the enhancement of Cu flux contribution for Ostwald ripening during constant temperature reflow andprecipitation kinetics during cooling. The increased proportion of TiO2 nanoparticles in flux was found to reduce the growthof IMC layer and grain size. The suppression effect on IMC was more pronounced for 5 nm particles as compared to the 50nm TiO2 . The TiO2 nanoparticles, adsorbed on IMC plane can retard the growth of the latter. Presence of sufficient amountof a given sized TiO2 nanoparticles among IMCs, by increasing the effective stress at the localized interfaces, and causingthe breaking of brittle Cu6Sn5 during growth stage; can help in the inhibition of IMC whisker formation. Particle diameterand mass proportion of TiO2 nanoparticles are important for soldering materials design.

      • Vitis vinifera 적포도의 알콜발효중 화학성분의 변화

        심기환,최상도,이용수,최진상 慶尙大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.31 No.2

        Vitis vinifera 적포도의 발효중 총당, 알콜, 총산, pH, 유기산, 유리아미노산 및 총질소 함량등을 HPLC 등의 기기를 이용하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 발효중 총산은 초기에 약간의 증가를 보이다가 발효가 활발하게 진행되어 알콜의 농도가 증가하여 발효 후 품종에 따라 Cabernet sauvignon 15.6%, Cabernet franc 18.5% 및 Malbec 28.3% 감소하였다. 발효중 pH는 5일까지 감소현상을 보이다가 발효 후반기에 증가하여 발효완료 후 초기의 pH보다 높게 나타났다. Malic acid와 tartaric acid는 알콜의 농도가 증가함에 따라 감소하였으며, lactic acid는 발효초기에 측정되지 않았으나 발효가 진행됨에 따라 생성되어 succinic acid와 함께 발효시간의 경과에 함량변화가 없었다. 또한 유리아미노산은 발효초기에 급격한 감소를 보여 발효진행 5일 후의 농도가 Cabernet sauvignon 57.5%, cabernet franc 59.0% 및 Malvec 48.8%까지 감소하였으나, proline, glycine 및 serine은 발효중 변화가 적었으며, 알콜발효가 끝나는 시점부터 증가하였다. 총질소의 함량은 발효초기에 급격히 감소하였고, 알콜생성이 완료되고 2∼3일 경과 후 증가하는 현상을 보였으며, 발효최성기에는 초기농도의 약 13.5∼17.6%만이 발효액중에 남아있었고, 발효가 끝난 후에는 초기농도의 31∼38%정도였다. In order to investigate the changes of some chemical components during the alcoholic fermentation of Vitis vinifera red grapes, total sugar, alcohol, total acid, pH, organic acid, free amino acids and total nitrogen contents were analyzed with HPLC etc., the results are as follows. Total acid during the fermentation which increased slightly at the early time of fermentation decreased in Cabernet sauvignon 15.6% Cabernet franc 18.5% and Malbec 28.3% according to increasing the concentration of alcohol when fermentation was actively progress. PH during the fermentation showed decreasing phenomenon was actively progress. pH during the fermentation showed decreasing phenomenon until 5 days but showed higher at finished time of fermentation than initial time. Malic acid and tar-taric acid were decreased in proportion to increase of alcohol concentration, and lactic acid was not detected at the early time of fermentaation but the progress time of fermentation did not change the content with succinic acid. Free amino acids were rapidly decreased at the early time of fermentation when the concentration was decrased in Cabernet sauv-ignon 33.3%, Cabernet franc 55.5% and Malbec 54.2% at that time after 5 days, but the change was little in proline, glycine and serine during fermentation, and increased slightly until the finished time of fermentation. The content of total nitrogen was decreased rap-idly at the early time of fermentation of alcohol, and the concentration of total nitrogen in the height of prosperity of fermentation was exst only about 13.5∼17,6% in the liquid of fermentation than that of initial concentration, and was about 31∼38% of initial concent-ration after finished fermentation.

      • KCI등재
      • M.Weber의 "資本主義精神"의 理念的構造考察

        沈相弼 관동대학교 기업경영연구소 1995 경영논집 Vol.14 No.-

        1. The purpose and materials of the study Max Weber was the greatest economist and sociologist of the twentieth century who, with a background of wealthy knowledge on the world history, understood and developed in a comprehensive way economics, sociology, political science and philosophy. His greatest academic accomplishments are the establishment of new methodology of social science and the scientific understanding of modern European capitalism. Weber's recognition of modern European capitalism was attained through his creative methodlolgy of social science. In the first place, his achievements with the methodology of social science lie in conceiving the ideas of "the exclusion of value judgment" and "Idealtypus." In late nineteenth century, The History School headed by G. Schmolder injoyed its heyday in the circle of German economics, Max Weber grew up as one member of The History School himself. Weber, however, proposed the famous "dispute of value judgment" to exclude the political recognition from theoretical recognition of social science, revealing the limit of The History School and establishing the objective reason fo social science's existence. The first specific application of M. Weber's new methodology was to the thesis, Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus (zuerst 1904-1905). In this work, he fabricated an idea of "the spirit of modern capitalism" out of protestantism, especially Calvinism theology or ethic. "The spirit of modern capitalism" served as Idealtypus, a standard for comparing and studying historical, specific economic phenomena and economic spirit of each age and nation. This made it possible to put each specific economic phenomenon into perspective on a conceptual basis, and to make a precise economic phenomenon into perspective on a conceptual basis, and to make a precise definition and translation of its meaning. In the body, therefore, I gave a new consideration to the procedure in which M. Weber's unuque methodology of social science elicited "Idealtypus" or "the spirit of modern capitalism," helping clearer understanding of the conpemporary capitalism. The main study material for this monograph is Max Weber's first work by "Idealtypus," Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus (zurest 1904-1905), and a variety of dissertations on the history of economic and Christian theology were referred to in a minor way. 2. Preceding studies and the study method Although many scholars indluding F. Rachfahl have studied and criticized this monograph since its release, there have been few satisfactory studies because of the abstruseness of some theological concepts this work contains and the wide range of background knowledge including theology, philosophy, sociology, history and political science. In Korea and Japna, mere translation and introduction of the original work have been done with no deep preceding study of it. The study method this thesis uses is analyisng and considering, on the basis of the original text, the formation process fo Max Weber's notion of Idealtypus, "the spirit of modern capitalism." 3. The organization of this thesis This thesis is organized in the following order. In chapter one, the introduction, I dealt with the purpose and material of the study as well as the composition of the dissertation. In the second chapter, I analysed the criticisms on The History School, which Max Weber challenged, and the concept of Idealtypus to introduce M. Weber's creative methodology of social science. Chapter three looked at Predestinaiton, which is the root of "the spirit of modern capitalism," and analyse, according to M. Calvin's understanding, the characteristics of Calvinists' professional ethic coming from Predestination. Through these steps, I contemplated the formation process of "the spirit of modern capitalism." Finally, in the fourth chapter, the conclustion was presented along with criticisms on Max Weber's thoughts.

      • ON THE B₁IN Eⁿ. THE CASE i=3

        신상운,유기조 木浦大學校基礎科學硏究所 1999 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.17 No.-

        This paper is an introductory part of a series of our papers dealing with the new concepts of ?? in Eⁿ, i=1, 2, ···.n. In this paper, we shall investigate its elementary properties of B₃-curves in Eⁿ.

      • KCI등재

        실물실험에 의한 통기구조를 가진 외벽체의 에너지 성능평가 및 예측모델 개발

        심상권,이승언,손장열 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        This field-based study focused on evaluating the thermal performance in building envelope with ventilated cavity, which is set in the internal part of the conventional curtain wall. The fire resistance, the airtightness and the insulation efficiency were evaluated through mock-up tests. Temperature and air velocity were measured and analyzed by CFD according to the mechanical or natural control of the ventilated cavity. We made a regression model based on the results of this study to predict the rate of temperature drop on the curtain wall with ventilated cavity in summer.

      • 低溫貯藏中 참깨의 Sterol 組成變化

        崔相道,金炯甲 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1989 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.2 No.-

        참깨種實을 5℃의 냉장고 및 自然狀態의 어두운 저장창고에 12個月 貯藏하면서 sterol組成 變化를 分析檢討하였다. 참깨수확때의 19.7%의 campesterol이 17.3∼17.8%로 약간 減少하였고 stigmasterol은 12.2%가 9.5∼9.8%로 減少하였으나 sitosterol은 52.5%가 56.5∼58.3%로 增加하였으며 △^5-avenasterol은 15.2%가 14.5∼16.3%로 거의 變化하지 않았다. 또한 貯藏方法에는 差異가 거의 없었으며 12個月 貯藏에는 변화폭이 좁았다. The sesame seed were stored in the refrigerator of 5℃ and the natural dark store. The stored time of sesame seed are 0, 5, 8, and 12 months and the sterol composition of 4-desmethylsterol fraction from total sterol in sesame seed oil was analyzed by GLC at a different time and condition. The campesterol content as 19.7% at harvesttime was slightly decreased to 17.3-17.8% after 12 months' storage and the stigmasterol content was decreased from 12.2% to 9.5-9.8%, but the content of sitosterol was increased from 52.5% to 56.5-58.3%, otherwise, △^5-avenasterol content was not nearly changed during storage. Also, the sterol composition of sesame was a little difference on the different condition and the changed range in 12 months' storage was narrow.

      • KCI우수등재

        건물구조체의 통기시스템을 이용한 냉ㆍ난방부하 저감효과 및 경제성 평가

        심상권,이승언,손장열 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.4

        To evaluate the energy efficiency of the building envelopes with ventilated cavity, the reduction on cooling load and heating load were analyzed with ESP-r simulation program which is possible to interpret the energy consumption on various types of building envelopes. For the economic assessment of the ventilated cavity in the internal part of the office building envelope, the column & spandrel type was compared with the conventional curtain wall. The result of the computer simulation shows that 11.2~13.7% of the cooling & heating energy can be reduced in building envelope with ventilated cavity.

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