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        한국인 독일어 학습자의 어휘오류분석

        김옥선,현희 한국독일어교육학회 2003 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.12 No.-

        Heute geh¨ort die Wortschatzarbeit zu den elementaren Aufgaben des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Denn die Kenntnis und Beherrschung von W¨ortern und die F¨ahigkeit zur situationsangemessenen Anwendung des erlernten Vokabulars sind die Voraussetzungen zu fremdsprach- licher Kommunlkation generell. Aber erst in den letzten 15 Jahren hat man sich intensiv mit der Frage der Wortschatzarbeit und ihrer Wichtigkeit beim Fremdsprachenlernen auseinandergesetzt. Zwar hat man schon in den 70er und 80er Jahren die Wichtigkeit der Wortschatzarbeit erkannt, aber sie beschr¨ankte sich auf Lese- und H¨or¨ubungen. Erst in den 90er Jahren begann man mit der systematischen und gezielten Wortschatzarbeit im Fremdsprachen- unterricht. Wenn ein Lerner anfangt, eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, wird er in erster Linie mit fremden W¨ortern konfrontiert. Gerade in einem kommunikativen Unterricht lernt der Lerner anhand des vorgegebenen Wortes die Aussprache, die Bedeutung und die Anwendungsm¨oglichkeiten(Grammatik). Je l¨anger sich nun der Lerner mit der Fremdsprache besch¨aftigt, desto gr¨oβer wird die Schwierigkeit bei der Erschlieβung der Wortbedeutung, w¨ahrend der Schwierigkeitsgrad bei der Aussprache und der Grammatik abnimmt. Aber nicht nur die schwierige Bew¨altigung der Lexik verlangt eine Schl¨usselfunktion f¨ur die Wortschatzarbeit, sondern auch die Erkenntnis, dass der falsche Gebrauch der W¨orter einen direkten negativen Einfluss auf die Kommunikation aus¨ubt. Ein falsch gebrauchtes Wort kann, im Gegensatz zu einem Grammatik- oder Aussprachefehler (der von den meisten Muttersprachlern als Kommunikation nicht st¨oerend toleriert wird), eine ¨uberraschende, von der beabsichtigten abweichenden Reaktion beim H¨orer hervorrufen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Aufs¨atze von Lernern in den fortgeschrittenen Kursen am Goethe-Institut auf lexikalischer Ebene untersucht. Bei der Analyse der lexikalischen Fehler in den Aufs¨atzen wurden die vier Kriterien, deren sich Marilyn Martin bedient, herangezogen. Die Analyse l¨asst den Schluss zu, dass die Fehler auf lexikalischer Ebene einerseits auf interlinguale bzw. Interferenzfehler zur¨uckf¨uhren lasen. Andererseits entstehen die Fehler auch dadurch, dass die Bedeutungsschattierungen eines Wortes nicht voll erfasst werden. Im Rahmen der Arbeit konnte aus Platzgr¨unden nicht auf die Didaktik und Methodik der Wortschatzarbeit eingegangen werden. Die Verfasser werden aber dies bei einer anderen Gelegenheit nachholen.

      • 상호인식차이 분석을 통한 웹사이트 개선전략

        김진화,임옥선 서강대학교 경영연구소 2005 서강경영논총 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 웹사이트에 대한 사용자와 제공자의 인식의 차이를 확인하고 분석한 후 이를 데이터마이닝을 이용해 웹사이트의 개선을 위한 전략의 도출을 제시하고자 한다. 이 연구에서는 웹사이트 사용자와 제공자간의 인식차이 분석을 위하여 기존 문헌 연구를 통해서 웹사이트 개선을 위한 웹사이트의 평가 요인과 항목을 중심으로 인터넷 서점 사이트를 연구대상으로 한 설문지를 재구성하였다. 그 다음 동일한 문항으로 사용자와 제공자에게 각각 설문 조사를 실시하여 데이터를 수집하였다. 수집된 사용자와 제공자 각각의 응답을 통계분석을 통해 비교하고 그 차이를 확인한 후 조하리 창(Johari Window)을 바탕으로 인식차이에 대한 분석을 하였다. 웹사이트의 개선을 위한 전략을 도출하기 위해서 사용자와 제공자간 인식차이가 상이하게 나타난 설문 항목에 대해 데이터마이닝을 이용하여 응답 데이터에서 규칙을 도출해내고 이를 기반으로 웹사이트 사용자와 제공자간 인식차이 분석을 통한 웹사이트 개선전략을 제시하였다.

      • 食肉 및 魚肉練製品의 營養成分과 添加物分析

        金玉善,河榮得 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 1986 科學論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the general component and food additives in sausage, ham, bacon and fish paste. The qualities of these products were compared based upon the Food Law of Korea. The results of the general component analysis were as follow: In sausages, the percentages of starch, phosphate, added moisture contend and fat content were very high, but those of protein content were low. The qualities of the pork-sausage were relatively better than those of the fish-meat mixed sausage. In hams, the percentage of fat, starch and added moisture content were low, whereas those of protein content were high. In fish paste, the percentages of the total and added moisture content were the highest and those of starch content were relatively high. But those of fat content were very low. The results of food additives analysis were as following: 1) Concentration of nitrite as the precursors of nitrosamine in hams was 14.7ppm/㎏, bacons 10.42ppm/㎏, sausages 1028ppm/㎏. Nitrite content of fish paste was of the least amount among them. 2) Concentration of nitrate in bacons was 220.2ppm/㎏, hams 206.7ppm/㎏ and fish paste 18.0ppm/㎏. Nitrate content of bacon was the highest amount. 3) Concentration of sorbic acid as the preservatives in bacons was 1.79g/㎏, hams 1.50g/㎏ and sausages 1.27g/㎏. 4) By the qualitative analysis of phosphate, the monophosphate was in hams, sausages and fish paste. The addition of up to 70ppm of nitrite in edible meat products, 50ppm of nitrite in fish products and 2g/㎏ of sorbic and in all products are permissible in the food hygienic Law of Korea. Food additives of all the products analyzed were within the limitation.

      • KCI등재
      • Multiplexed 수열을 이용한 선형복잡도

        김선옥,최재승 한라대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        In this paper, we studied linear complexity, minimum polynomials, and a period of binary sequence that are created when multiple shift registers are combined using multiplexed sequence Due to security reasons, using a large-sized shift register has substantial difficulties Hence, to make up for the weakness of this kind of linear shift register, the stream password system must be nonlinear It is necessary to have more than two linear shift registers in a way to adapt nonlinearity, and it uses a multiplexer to combine the two linear shift registers

      • 충남지역 심근경색 환자들의 식이섬유소 섭취상태와 혈청지질 분포와의 관계

        송옥영,김희선 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        Preventive effect of dietary fiber to cardiovascular disease has been known for a long time. Recently, cardiovascular disease emerged as the leading cause of death in Korea. In this study. amount of dietary fiber intake and the effects of dietary fiber on serum lipid levels were investigated among cardiovascular patients. Seventy five out-patients with myocardial infarction(MI) history of more than 3 month past were selected and all subjects were gathered on July 7 for cardiac rehabilitation program. Twenty four hour recall was conducted to investigate amount of dietary fiver intake by trained interviewers. Serum lipid levels were determined on a fasting blood specimen obtained by venipuncture after an interview. Total triglyceride, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels were measure using automatic analyzer and LDL-cholesterol levels were calculated using the Friedewald's equation. The average dietary intake was 5.75/day which was about 34% of average dietary fiber intake level in rual Korea. The average age of the subjects in the present study were 63 and 66% of the subjects were more than 60 years old. Average caloric intake of the subjects were 1511.3㎉. protein intake was 58.2g Since most of the subjects were under nutitional status, the dietary fiber intake level was calculate as the amount per 1000㎉ caloric intake. The average was 3.84g/1000㎉. Total serum triglyceride level was 169.5㎎/㎗, total serum cholesterol level was 188.9㎎/㎗, serum HDL-cholesterol level was 42.1㎎/㎗ and LDL- cholesterol level was 113.0㎎/㎗ The amount of dietary fiber intake and the serum lipid levels did not show any significant correlation. This might be due to the low dietary fiber consumption. The overall food and nutrient consumption of the subjects was very low and modification of patients' poor eating patterns would play a key role to rehabilitate of MI patients.

      • Giuseppe Verdi의 오페라 무대의상 연구 : Concerning to La Traviata La Traviata 의 경우

        현선희,김옥진 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 1998 生活科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate how to express wearing style through characters and images of dramatis personae based on 「La Traviata」s played by 3 different directors : Mario Lanfranchi's performance, Franco Zeffirelli's performance and Richard Eyre's performance, with actual approach and costume expression of Opera by considering expressional characteristics of wearing style on Stage costume. First, stage costumes of each performance have the common expressional characteristics ; Silhouette shows historical setting, material and color shows characters and images of dramatis personae, details and trimming to make images more effective express characteristics ·social class ·personality ·images of the cast. As the plot progresses, main subject and atmosphere are expressed with darker color. It brings catastrophe. That means that even if each performance has been made in different year and by different director, whole atmosphere, color and materials of all stage costumes are closely similar. Second, stage costumes of the Opera has a tendency to be simplified around the late 20 century. Works of the middle 20 century use gay details and excessive trimming while works of the late 20 century use silhouette to express the historial setting and use the simple design but detail and trimming. Third, the recent stage costumes emphasize simple wearing style and symbolic representation of the cast including historical circumstances. That means unique clothes, stage costumes, follows simple and functional trend of daily dress. As the stage costume applies the popular trend, costumes style is getting simplified and adornment is getting disappeared. Modernism of the late 1900's might effect this trend. As conclusion, stage costume expression of Opera shows the current and the background which the symbol applies to and expresses characteristics of the cast. The stage costume plays a symbolic role in delivering the plot like dumb lines of Opera. That is, stage costume of composite art, Opera, plays a very important role as one of visual factors to elevate the atmosphere

      • CO₂고정을 위한 화학독립영양미생물 Aeromonas sp. strain JS-1의 분리 및 특성

        배상옥,곽경오,이용운,김성준,정선용 전남대학교 촉매연구소 2000 觸媒硏究 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The increase of CO2 in the atmosphere by fossil-fuel combustion has been recognized as a major cause of global warming. Thus many studies on CO2 removal from the combustion gas have been performed, and recently the techniques for biological CO2 fixation by photoautotrophs have also been developed, In this study, extensive screening was conducted to obtain micoorganism with high capability in fixing CO2, and its characteristics was investigated. As a result, a chemoautotrophs identified as a Aeromonas sp. strain JS-1 was isolated from the fresh water. The isolated strain used the molecular hydrogen and CO2 as an energy and a carbon source, respectively. Growth characteristics, which will be used in the development of a continuous culture system related in CO2 fixation, were examined in batch cultivation under conditions of various CO2 and NaCl concentrations, temperature, and pH. The results of the examination showed that the isolated strain had a good growth to high CO2 concentration(40%), indicating applicable in removing CO2 discharged from industries.

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