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        Adaptive Object-Region-Based Image Pre-Processing for a Noise Removal Algorithm

        ( Sangwoo Ahn ),( Jongjoo Park ),( Linbo Luo ),( Jongwha Chong(corresponding Author) ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2013 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.7 No.12

        A pre-processing system for adaptive noise removal is proposed based on the principle of identifying and filtering object regions and background regions. Human perception of images depends on bright, well-focused object regions; these regions can be treated with the best filters, while simpler filters can be applied to other regions to reduce overall computational complexity. In the proposed method, bright region segmentation is performed, followed by segmentation of object and background regions. Noise in dark, background, and object regions is then removed by the median, fast bilateral, and bilateral filters, respectively. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is much faster than and performs nearly as well as the bilateral filter (which is considered a powerful noise removal algorithm); it reduces computation time by 19.4 % while reducing PSNR by only 1.57 % relative to bilateral filtering. Thus, the proposed algorithm remarkably reduces computation while maintaining accuracy.

      • KCI등재

        『鍼灸要覽』의 鍼灸要穴解에 대한 문헌고찰

        안상우(Sangwoo Ahn),박영환(Yunghwan Park) 한국의사학회 2020 한국의사학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        The Summary Handbook of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (鍼灸要覽) (SHAM) was written by an unknown folk healer who learned acupuncture about 100 years ago in Korea. The book discusses 79 acupoints and includes a table of contents, a text, and a pair of acupoint charts. The acupoints in the book are classed under two headings, 49 acupoints of 14 meridians and 33 acupoints. A number of the acupoints such as Gichoong (氣忠), Eumheobong (陰虛峰), Goowa (口卧), Cheonryang (天良) did not fit the then existing meridian system and were newly uncovered by the authors. The book also discusses needle insertion depth in a way that is quite different from how insertion depth is understood by clinicians today. Books such as SHAM that record new acupoints and treatments are rare among Korea s existing medical and clinical books and can be said to be very important in terms of medical history. 『鍼灸要覽』은 약 100여 년 전 우리나라에서 저술된 것으로 저자는 未詳이며, 총 79개의 경혈이 기재되어 있는데 目次, 鍼灸要穴解, 明堂銅人圖로 구성되어 있다. 『鍼灸要覽』의 경혈은 14經脈의 正經穴과 새로 만든 要覽穴로 구성되어 있다. 이 책의 특징은 氣忠, 陰虛峰, 口卧, 天良 등 기존 正經穴이나 新穴, 奇穴에서 알려지지 않은 경혈들을 33개나 기록하였다는 점이다. 이 책의 또 하나의 특징은 자침법에 관한 것이다. 이 책에는 刺鍼의 깊이가 각 經穴마다 상세하게 기술되어 있는데 현재 임상에서 일반적으로 사용하는 자침법과는 다르게 深刺하는 특징이 있다. 이렇게 새로운 경혈과 주치를 기록한 서적은 우리나라의 기존 침구의학 서적이나 임상서적에서는 쉽게 찾아볼 수 없는 것으로 의사학적으로도 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다고 할 수 있다.

      • 지상파DTV 방송프로그램 보호를 위한 하드웨어 PPI 전송서버 설계 및 구현

        안상우(Sangwoo Ahn),남제호(Jeho Nam),홍진우(Hong Jin Woo) 한국방송·미디어공학회 2008 한국방송공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        본 논문에서는 지상파DTV 방송프로그램 보호를 위한 하드웨어 PPI 전송서버를 제안한다. 제안한 하드웨어 PPI 전송서버는 방송환경에서의 안정성을 보장하기 위하여 소프트웨어의 PPI 스케줄러와 하드웨어의 PPI MUX로 구성하였다. PPI 스케줄러는 EPG를 PPI 보호신호와 프로그램 ID와 함께 편성하여 시간순서로 스케줄링하는 기능을 제공하며, PPI MUX는 EPG, PPI 보호신호, 프로그램 ID를 PSIP로 부호화한 후, 이를 MPEG-2 TS로 패킷화하여 실시간 출력하는 기능을 제공한다. 또한 하드웨어 PPI 전송서버는 기존의 방송 송출 시스템의 변경 없이 유연하게 연동시킬 수 있는 장점이 있다. 본 논문에서 제안한 하드웨어 PPI 전송서버는 PPI 보호신호를 방송프로그램에 삽입하여 송출함으로써, 지상파DTV 방송프로그램의 무단복제, 불법배포를 제한하는 기능을 제공한다.

      • 食治의 개념 정립 및 적용 이론의 이해

        안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),이민호(Lee Minho),표보영(Pyo Boyong),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        Alimentotherapy refers to the treatment or prevention by means of food. As food is consumed in everyday life and its constituents varies enormously, the practice of alimentotherapy was often misunderstood. By the research on ancient classics we could find 3 prospective about this practice. Firstly, alimentotherapy was used during the recovery and also for prevention. This is a type of Life-nurturing method, which we suggest to be called life-nurturing alimentotherapy. Secondly, it was also used as a dietary prescription made by physicians. Sometimes they made prescriptions combining materials derived from food with herbal medication. This practice was exclusively made by physicians as they had to consider the characteristic of each food as well as the condition of the patient. Thirdly, sometime alimentotherapy was used in cuisine form. They used food components in major part and herbal medicine used as additional ingredients. It was primarily focused on the taste and in some part its functional aspects. The underlying theories in alimentotherapy is exactly the same as used for understanding herbal medicine in TKM. Therefore, except in the case of life-nurturing method, it should be used by expert physicians. Finally, we suggest to differentiate the terms of alimentotherapy in the aspect of life-nurturing, dietary prescriptions and cuisine to prevent confusions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        海南尹氏 孤山 尹善道의 醫藥事跡

        안상우(Ahn, Sangwoo) 목포대학교 도서문화연구소 2015 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.46

        孤山 尹善道(1587~1671)는 漁父四時詞와 五友歌라는 훌륭한 문학작품으로 국문학사에 널리 알려진 인물이었으나 당쟁으로 인해 벼슬살이와 유배생활을 반복하였다. 윤선도는 원래 아호를 孤山이라고 불렀는데, 중년 이후 전라도의 보길도와 해남의 바닷가에 거처했기 때문에 海翁이라는 호로 불렸다. 윤선도가 극심한 당쟁의 시대에 잦은 정치적 부침과 역경을 겪었음에도 불구하고 국문학사에 빛나는 명작을 남기고 남다른 장수를 누릴 수 있었던 소인은 어디에 있을까? 그 원인은 젊어서부터 터득한 의약지식과 평소 늘 동경했던 해남의 산수자연과의 일체감 속에서 스스로 심신을 수양하고 양생에 노력한 데에 기인한다고 여겨진다. 본고에서는 첫째, 최근 완역된 『고산유고』 번역을 밑바탕으로 윤선도의 가계 및 의학에 입문하게 된 동기를 살펴보고 둘째, 入仕 후 儒醫로서 內醫院의 議藥同參으로 활약했던 사적을 통해 그의 의약지식을 가늠해 보았다. 셋째, 자신의 治病기록 및 치료과정을 통해 축적된 의학지식과 아울러 그가 지녔던 醫學觀을 통해 조선 중기 士大夫들의 의약에 대한 인식을 알아보았다. 연구결과, 윤선도가 사대부 가문의 출신으로 의약을 다루는 儒醫의 입장을 대변하고 있으며, 조선 초부터 士類에 풍미했던 醫儒同道의 입장에 서있다. 또한 事親之孝의 일환으로서 儒者가 마땅히 의약을 알아야만 한다는 儒醫論에 입각하여, 의약을 국가에 충성을 다하는 신하의 도리이자 君父를 위해서 효도를 실천하기 위한 躬行의 방편으로 삼았음을 알 수 있다. 고산 윤선도는 인조~효종조에 議藥同參으로 入診하여 儒醫로서 맹활약하였으나 당쟁으로 인해 귀양길을 오가며 심신이 쇠약해져 갔다. 그는 노년에 이르러 전장을 마련한 보길도와 향리인 해남에 정착하여 수려한 산수자연을 벗삼아 심신의 안정을 꾀하였으며, 스스로 익힌 養生法과 의약지식을 활용해 노년의 건강을 유지할 수 있었다고 생각된다. Gosan Yoon Seon-do(孤山 尹善道, 1587~1671) is well known in the history of Korean literature for having created Eoubusasisa(“Fisherman"s Song of Seasons”, 漁父四時詞) and Owooga(“A Song about Five Friends”, 五友歌), which are great pieces of literature. However, he went back and forth between government posts he held and times of exile for engaging in party strife. Yoon Seon-do had a pen name of Gosan(孤山), but he was also called Haeong(海翁) for he had stayed at the seashore in Bogildo Island and Haenam later in his life. While Yoon Seon-do went through ups and downs caused by all the adversities in an era of extreme party strife, how could he leave such matchless masterpieces and enjoy exceptional longevity? The reason for this lies in the medical knowledge he studied since young age, and the mind-body discipline and yangsaeng(養生) that enabled him to feel the unity with nature in Haenam that he had longed for. This article, first, looks at the lineage of Yoon Seon-do and his motive for entering the field of medicine based on the translation of Gosanyugo(『孤山遺稿』). Second, an assessment is made of his medical knowledge through the records of his personal experience as Participant Doctor(議藥同參) in Naeuiwon(內醫院) and Confucian-physician(儒醫), after starting his official career in a governmental position. Third, by studying Yoon"s own records of treatment and medical knowledge gained through his work, this article looks into the understanding of medicine among mid-Joseon scholar gentry. As a result, Yoon Seon-do"s idea represents that of Confucian-physicians studying medicine as scholar gentry, being the idea that "medicine and Confucianism are on the same way(醫儒同道)", which had been popular among Confucian scholars(士類) since early Joseon dynasty. Also, based on the Confucian-physician theory(儒醫論), which is that Confucianists must study medicine as a part of filial duty(事親之孝), he rendered medicine to be a means of practicing the duty of a loyal subject serving the father-like king(君父). As a Participant Doctor, Gosan Yoon Seon-do treated kings since the reign of Hyojong and worked very actively as a Confucian-physician, but his body and soul weakened going into exile and coming back several times due to party strife. In his old age, he settled down in Bogildo Island and Haenam, and attempted to relieve his mind and body in nature. He was able to maintain good health in old age through yangsaeng and the medical knowledge he learned by himself in there.

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