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      • Nanomeniscus-induced delivery of liquid solutions for diverse nanofiber fabrication

        An Sangmin,Kim Bongsu,Kwon Soyoung,Lee Kunyoung,Kim Jongwoo,안희준,제원호 나노기술연구협의회 2015 Nano Convergence Vol.2 No.13

        Nanomaterial-delivery fabrication expects high-potential impacts on nanoscience, technology and industry, but still faces limited applicability mainly due to high-field requirement for liquid delivery, complicated intermediate processes, and narrow ink selectivity. Here, we demonstrates a simple, non-template, non-contact and electric field-free fabrication of diverse nanofibers. The process consists of continuous, meniscus-assisted delivery of liquid solutions through a nanoapertured nozzle in ambient conditions, followed by subsequent evaporation of liquid and aggregation of nanoparticle residues. For example, the carbon-nanotube nanofibers of 500 nm diameter exhibit a high shear modulus of ~1.5 GPa and current density up to 10 4 A/cm 2 . The results provide a unique, universal and versatile tool with wide selectivity in both ink and substrate.

      • KCI등재

        Field-induced formation and manipulation of a microscale liquid ball on an outside wall of the pulled pipette

        An Sangmin,Jhe Wonho 한국물리학회 2022 Current Applied Physics Vol.36 No.-

        We report a phenomenological observation of electric-field-induced formation and manipulation of liquid ball on an outer wall of the pulled pipette by using the quartz tuning fork-based atomic force microscope (QTF-AFM). The dye molecule solution with excitation wavelength of 488 nm and detection efficiency of 95% is used to investigate the movement characteristics of liquid droplets when the electric field is applied. The ejected liquid solution forms a microscale liquid droplet at the apex of the pipette by the application of electric field, containing dye molecules, which climbs up along the negatively charged outer surface of the pipette due to the electroosmosis effect. With positive or negative bias voltages, we manipulate a liquid ball to slide upward or downward, respectively. This field-induced transport of a liquid droplet may be useful to nano-biotechnology or droplet-based microfluidic technology, for example, noncontact delivery and manipulation of liquid solution in the form of separated droplets.

      • KCI등재

        미국 특허소송에 있어서 판결의 효력 ―기판력 및 Kessler 법리에 관한 연방특허항소법원의 판결을 중심으로―

        정상민 ( Jung¸ Sangmin ) 한국지식재산연구원 2020 지식재산연구 Vol.15 No.4

        연방특허항소법원은 기판력, 즉 청구배제효와 관련하여 청구가 본질적으로 동일한 경우 후소를 배제하고, 부수적 금반언, 즉 쟁점배제효에 관하여는 이를 특허소송에 적용함에 있어 대체로 분쟁의 일회적 해결을 중시하고 있다. 특허소송에 고유한 법리인 Kessler 법리는 연방대법원의 Kessler 판결(1907년)에서 유래한 것으로, 판결 이후의 행위에 대하여 청구배제효가 적용되지 않고, 요건을 흠결하여 쟁점배제효도 성립하지 않는 경우 발생하는 간극을 메운다. 그에 따라 승소한 제조자 및 소비자는 특허권자의 법적 괴롭힘으로부터 보호된다. 연방특허항소법원은 2014년 Brain 판결에서 Kessler 법리를 부활시킨 이후, 2015년 SpeedTrack 판결에서 제조자가 소송에 참가하지 않았더라도 소비자가 직접 Kessler 법리를 원용할 수 있다고 하고, 2018년 SimpleAir v. Google 판결에서 Kessler 법리는 청구배제효와 마찬가지로 청구항이 ‘본질적으로 동일한’ 경우에 한하여 적용된다고 하였으며, 나아가 2020년 Amazon의 소비자들을 상대로 제기된 In Re PersonalWeb 판결에서는 쟁점 배제효와 달리 전소에서 실체적으로 심리를 받지 않았더라도 Kessler 법리가 적용될 수 있다고 판단하였다, 그 배경에는 IT산업, 플랫폼 서비스의 발전 등이 자리 잡고 있는바, 특허권자가 불특정다수의 소비자를 상대로 재차 특허분쟁을 일으키는 것을 통제하는 법리로서 활용가치가 있다. The Federal Circuit(CAFC) applies Claim Preclusion in case of claims in both suits are essentially the same, but not to activity after the date of judgment. Also CAFC made a lot of ruling about Collateral Estoppel, i.e. Issue Preclusion in consideration of patent litigation. And there is a tendency to enlarge the application of Res Judicata for judicial economy. The Kessler doctrine, which is a unique law to patent litigation, originated from the Kessler v. Eldred, 206 U.S. 285(1907). The Kessler doctrine fills the gap left by both preclusion. The Kessler doctrine protect an adjudged non-infringer and its customer from repeated legal harassment. The Federal Circuit brings the Kessler doctrine to life in Brain Life(2014), and broadens application of the Kessler doctrine by empowering customers to invoke it in SpeedTrack(2015). In SimpleAir (2018), CAFC stated that the Kessler doctrine applies only if scope of patent claims in both suits are essentially the same, but In Re PersonalWeb(2020), the Federal Circuit said non-infringement need not be actually litigated to invoke the Kessler dictrine contrary to collateral estoppel. It could be valuable and useful as a legal principle to control patent disputes against an unspecified number of consumers again.

      • KCI등재

        비실시간 온라인 영어 수업에 대한 고등학교 학생과 교사의 인식 비교 연구

        이상민 ( Lee¸ Sangmin ),정양수 ( Jung¸ Yang-soo ) 한국현대언어학회 2021 언어연구 Vol.37 No.2

        The Journal of Studies in Language 37.2, 181-196. A Comparative Study on the Perceptions of Korean High School Students and Teachers about Asynchronous Online English Classes. The purpose of this study is to compare the perceptions of students and teachers about the current online English teaching and learning since the outbreak of COVID-19. For this study, questionnaires have been used for 513 students and 10 teachers of a girls’ high school located in “D” city, South Korea. The results are as follows: First, there were no significant differences in student and teacher perceptions depending on the subcategories of online English learning. Second, both groups showed the average level of satisfaction with online English classes. Third, both groups showed the necessity for encouraging interaction among class participants. Considering the results above, interaction among class participants should be encouraged by either implementing synchronous mode of class or any other way. This research was based solely on the asynchronous mode of online education with class video contents, so it was not able to comprise other varieties of online learning. (Chongchon High School · Chungnam National University)

      • KCI등재

        현대 오순절 신학의 성령 중심 오순절 해석학 연구

        한상민 ( Han¸ Sang Min ) 한국조직신학회 2021 한국조직신학논총 Vol.64 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 현대 오순절 신학에서 발견되는 성령 중심 신학의 오순절 해석학에 관한 본질과 통찰을 연구하고 오순절주의 신앙과 신학에서 오순절의 정체성과 영성의 구체화를 신앙적 실천과 연결하는 도구로 여겨지는 성령 중심 신학 해석학의 신학적 함의를 고찰하기 위함이다. 오순절주의자들에 따르면, 오순절 해석학은 그 기원부터 다른 전통과 구별된 특징과 방법이 존재했다고 주장한다. 여기에는 오순절적 신앙체험과 성경적 교리의 진리를 통해 실천적 면이 강조된 것을 통칭하는 오순절 실재(Pentecostal reality)가 중요한 역할을 한다. 이 구별되는 실재는 신자의 실질적 삶에 역동적인 성령의 사역을 통해 하나님의 초월과 내재를 구체적 현실로 경험하여 신앙적 실천을 가능하게 한다. 따라서 오순절 해석학은 성령 중심 신학의 해석학으로 실천 중심(Praxis-based)의 성경 해석을 강조한다. 본 연구를 통해서 필자는 오순절적 해석학의 신학적 공헌은 단순히 성경의 내용을 석의 방법(exegetical methodology)으로만 온전히 담아낼 수 없다는 사실을 알려주고자 한다. 오순절 해석학의 역할은 영적 체험과 관련하여 충성된 증인으로서 성령으로부터 주어진 변혁의 능력을 자기 통찰과 자기 고백의 신앙으로 승화하여 소통하는 신앙 실천을 도모하는 데 있다. 성경적 메시지를 충실히 전달하기 위해 현시대의 필요를 반영하는 적합한 형식과 더불어 이야기(간증)를 통해 전달하고자 한다는 사실에 주목하고자 한다. 여기서 이야기(story-telling)의 중요성은 단지 과거를 회상하는 것에 제한되지 않고, 현재 우리가 경험하는 성령의 역사를 바르게 이해하고 재해석하여 성령 안에서 하나님의 이야기(계시)와 하나님 백성의 이야기들 사이의 통합을 시도하고 소통하는 데 있다. 이러한 이유로, 역동적 간증(이야기)를 신학화하는 것은 신앙체험(affections)의 중요성을 다시 고려하게 하며, 동시에 대중의 상황과 관심의 관점에서 하나님에 관해서 통찰하는 새로운 신학적 패러다임을 제공한다. 본 연구를 통해 이러한 오순절 해석학의 특징과 공헌에 관해서 논하고자 한다. The goal of this study is to present the constructive approach to the nature and meaning of Pentecostal hermeneutics which is based on Pentecostal pneumacentric theology, and it also attempts to explore the theological reflections of Pentecostal hermeneutics as a tool for articulating the embodiment of Pentecostal identity and spirituality. According to contemporary Pentecostals, historically, the Pentecostal hermeneutics has distinctive features and method in light of their spiritual experiences and theological thinking. Particularly, it has deeply engaged with Pentecostal reality which can be characterized as an integration of Pentecostal experiences and bible-based doctrines in the works of the Holy Spirit. In this reality, through the dynamic works of the Holy Spirit one can be possibly experience both transcendence and immanence of God as a concrete reality in one’s living reality and it leads one to actively participate in way of faithfully reflecting one’s spiritual experiences in the context of faith praxis. In this light, Pentecostal hermeneutics is built on pneumacentric theological reflections with the emphasis of praxis-based biblical interpretation. In this study, I will seek to focus on Pentecostal hermeneutics’ theological contribution which bears a faithful witness to the ever-present transforming power of the Spirit expressed in sharing and discerning testimonies as a communal exercise of Christian faith with critical self-reflections and self-confessions in its relation to affections (i.e. spiritual experiences) in order to make biblical messages relevant to the need of people in our lives. Within distinctive theological feature in Pentecostalism is to exercise recalling the stories in the past in order to understand the present realities of what it means to live in the Spirit; that is, the re-telling (or re-presenting) of Pentecostal testimonies correlates the stories of God and God’s people in the present context of living in the Spirit. Thinking in this way, theologizing the powerful testimonies (narratives) can be allow one to reconsider the importance of affections and, at the same time, served as a new theological paradigm which speaks about God from the position of people’s situations and concerns. Therefore, I would like to explore this distinct feature and a possible theological contribution through this present study.

      • KCI등재후보

        Walking: The New Tool for Analyzing Museum Visitors

        Sangmin Lee(Sangmin Lee) 한국아세아태평양교육문화융복합학회 2022 Asia Pacific Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol.2 No.2

        Purpose This study aims to research walking as a new tool for visitor analysis in the museums. Method After literature review, multiple case study methodology with some components of duoethnographic arts-based research were employed for this research. The data, including walking videos, photo journals, and dialogues at several museums, were collected and analyzed qualitatively. Results Museum visitors' walking can be categorized in five types - browsing walking, relational walking, analytical walking, recreational walking, and virtual walking. Each type has one or two sub-categories to shed light on visitors' walking patterns. Conclusion Museum staffs and educators will be able to use walking analysis as supporting data for making decision on their program development, exhibition planning, and spatial arrangement to improve visitors' museum experience.


        <i>In vivo</i> stem cell tracking with imageable nanoparticles that bind bioorthogonal chemical receptors on the stem cell surface

        Lee, Sangmin,Yoon, Hwa In,Na, Jin Hee,Jeon, Sangmin,Lim, Seungho,Koo, Heebeom,Han, Sang-Soo,Kang, Sun-Woong,Park, Soon-Jung,Moon, Sung-Hwan,Park, Jae Hyung,Cho, Yong Woo,Kim, Byung-Soo,Kim, Sang Kyoon IPC Science and Technology Press 2017 Biomaterials Vol.139 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>It is urgently necessary to develop reliable non-invasive stem cell imaging technology for tracking the <I>in vivo</I> fate of transplanted stem cells in living subjects. Herein, we developed a simple and well controlled stem cell imaging method through a combination of metabolic glycoengineering and bioorthogonal copper-free click chemistry. Firstly, the exogenous chemical receptors containing azide (-N<SUB>3</SUB>) groups were generated on the surfaces of stem cells through metabolic glycoengineering using metabolic precursor, tetra-acetylated <I>N</I>-azidoacetyl-<SMALL>D</SMALL>-mannosamine(Ac<SUB>4</SUB>ManNAz). Next, bicyclo[6.1.0]nonyne-modified glycol chitosan nanoparticles (BCN-CNPs) were prepared as imageable nanoparticles to deliver different imaging agents. Cy5.5, iron oxide nanoparticles and gold nanoparticles were conjugated or encapsulated to BCN-CNPs for optical, MR and CT imaging, respectively. These imageable nanoparticles bound chemical receptors on the Ac<SUB>4</SUB>ManNAz-treated stem cell surface specifically via bioorthogonal copper-free click chemistry. Then they were rapidly taken up by the cell membrane turn-over mechanism resulting in higher endocytic capacity compared non-specific uptake of nanoparticles. During <I>in vivo</I> animal test, BCN-CNP-Cy5.5-labeled stem cells could be continuously tracked by non-invasive optical imaging over 15 days. Furthermore, BCN-CNP-IRON- and BCN-CNP-GOLD-labeled stem cells could be efficiently visualized using <I>in vivo</I> MR and CT imaging demonstrating utility of our stem cell labeling method using chemical receptors. These results conclude that our method based on metabolic glycoengineering and bioorthogonal copper-free click chemistry can stably label stem cells with diverse imageable nanoparticles representing great potential as new stem cell imaging technology.</P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

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