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        타자를 향한 연민에 대하여

        이상임 ( Sang Im Lee ) 동양철학연구회 2014 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.79 No.-

        Chuangtzu and Rousseau diagnose that human beings are suffering in society. And the reason of the suffering is all of artificial institutions and norms in civilized society, especially human beings lose their nature and become alienated to themselves due to the pursuit of desire which is continuously aggravated by these artificial products. Nevertheless man cannot escape from the civilization and society. Then what man can do? As an answer to this question, although their time and space are different, Chuangtzu and Rousseau could seem to agree that man should have a pity toward others in society. That is, it reminds us that the realization that the other and I are all interdependent and coequal free beings and should have mutual respect, is the clue to solve the problems caused from civilization and society. From this perspective, first, it will be examined how man is suffering from the conflict in a society in Chuangtzu and Rousseau. Secondly, based on the previous examination, it will be explored what is the reason of the suffering of human beings in a society. Then the method of solving the problem, which is, pity will be discussed. Finally, their thoughts will be analyzed and compared based on the previous discussions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학생의 자기주도 운동참여와 건강관련체력 및 웰니스지수의 관계

        이상덕(Lee, Sang-Duk),임종국(Im, Jong-Guk),유신환(Yoo, Shin-Hwan) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        This study carried out 12 weeks self-directed exercise participation for 58 college students (29 men, 29 women) who are studying liberal art class (well being sport theory) in order to research the effect of self-directed exercise participation on physical formation, health related fitness and wellness index, and analyzed the factors of physical formation, health related fitness and wellness index and obtained following results. First, as a result of measuring the result before and after physical formation exercise depending on the characteristics of research targets, men didn’t show the significant result in total while women show the significant result in Waist-Hip Ratio factor. Results before and after exercise tests showed that muscle mass in 1st grade, abdominal obesity rate in 2nd grade, and weight in 3rd grade were significant. In subjective health, it was found that all factors were not significant. Second, according to the measurement before and after healthy related fitness exercise depending on the characteristics of research targets, men showed the significant result in muscle endurance, flexibility, explosive muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance. Women showed the significant result in muscle power, muscle endurance, flexibility, explosive muscular strength. For each grade students, first grade students showed the significant result in muscle endurance, the 2nd grade showed significant result in all the factors other than cardiovascular endurance. The 3rd grade showed significant result in flexibility and explosive muscular strength, the 4th grade showed significant result in muscle endurance, flexibility and explosive muscular strength. As a result of measuring the result before and after exercise, the subjective health scale showed significant result in “healthy” and “normal” while showing significant results in all the factors other than cardiovascular endurance, and “weak” showed the insignificant result in all the factors. Third, depending on the characteristics of study subjects, the analysis of the before and after exercise participation showed the significant difference in physical, mental, intellectual, emotional index. It was found the grade showed a significant difference in physical, mental, and emotional Subjective health showed significant differences in physical, social, mental and intellectual. Fourth, as a result of analyzing wellness index carried out after self-directed exercise participation, it showed the significant difference in physical, social, mental, intellectual, emotional and whole wellness index. Comprehensively, it is considered to require the development and application of education program in college for familiarization and practicalization of exercise so that they can practice proper health promotion lifestyle and manage it with responsibility for their health in college student period, it is judged that various subsequent studies seeking the change of physical education paradigm ultimately should be attempted continuously.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프로젝트로서의 현대 안에서 본 한국 신종교의 여성관 -금강대도(金剛大道)를 중심으로-

        이상임 ( Sang Im Lee ),전석환 ( Suck Hwan Jun ) 한국신종교학회 2008 신종교연구 Vol.19 No.-

        우리가 현재 살고 있는 시간적 공간을 `현대`라고 명명하는데, 그 현대라는 용어에 상응하는 사회형태는 대략 18세기 말부터 형성되었다고 말한다. 그런데 기계론적 세계상의 반영인 현대를 움직이는 추동력이 `과학주의적 기획(企劃)`이라는 뜻에서 현대의 실현과정은 `프로젝트`라는 말로 자주 표현되곤 한다. 이러한 사고 양식은 이미 르네상스 이후 F. 베이콘의 학문의 방법론적 패러다임의 전환 요구에 들어 있었다. 그러나 오늘 날의 현대는 그런 목표로 제시되었던 이상(理想)은 쇠퇴하고, 오히려 그 역기능이 많은 부분에서 노정된다. 그것은 물질적 대상으로 환원될 수 없는 인간 삶의 유기체적 구성요소들을 현대세계의 발전 전개라는 미명하에 주변부에 위치시키면서, 부단하게 `타자화`시키는 데에 있다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에 있어 가장 큰 모티브는 한국 여성의 문제가 발전적 전망을 지니고 있음에도 불구하고, 아직 주류 담론으로부터 멀리 떨어진 사적인 것으로 간주되었기에 그 해법에 대한 논의가 시급하다는 당위성 때문이다. 현대가 탈종교화의 특징으로 규정됨에도 불구하고, 종교는 여전히 인간 삶과 연관된 중요한 사회적 구성요소를 이룬다는 전제로, `한국여성의 사회적 지위`에서 보이는 `상대적 주체화`라는 현상에 대한 극복 대안의 제시를 시도한다. 그러한 해답찾기의 시도는 아직도 남성을 위주로 한 가족 중심의 구조와 그 안에 짙게 드리운 남존여비사상에 어떻게 대응하는가의 문제는 총체적으로는 새로운 가족 모델의 개발 여부에 달려 있다고 할 수 있을 것이다. `금강대도`를 통해 본 남녀평등사상은 `전통 안에서 현대`, `현대 안에서 전통`을 지니고 있다는 점에서 미래의 대안적 가족문화 창조의 이념과 그 실천전략에 많은 시사를 던져 주고 있다. The temporal space where we live in is called as `the modern times,` and it could be said that the social form responding to the term `the modern` had began roughly speaking at the end of 18C. However, the process of realization of the modern is used to say as `project` in terms of the impulse to move the modern which reflects a picture of the mechanical world is `scientific project`. Such a thinking pattern already has been embeded in Francis Bacon`s need of the shift/change of methodical paradigm after the Renaissance. But as we know in the modern the ideal presented as the goal has been declined, on the contrary it reveals the dysfunction in many ways. However, it is not only the superficial fact of the simple contrast that the meaning of these examples implies that the danger of philosophy degraded into `the maid of science`. It means that it is continuously making `the otherness` with marginalizing the organic constituents of our human lives which cannot be reduced to the material objects in the name of the development of the modern world. This essay is going to examine about the viewpoint of the woman in Korean New Religion based on the problem of the otherness. The main motive of this research is that in spite of the problem of the Korean woman has a developmental prospect, since it is still treated as the private which is rather far from main discourse, it is because the justifiability of the urgency of the discussion about the solution. In spite of the modern characterized by `dereligionization`, on the premise that religion is still a important social element related with our lives, this essay tries to suggest an overcoming alternative about the phenomenon of the relative subjectification seeing from the social status of the Korean woman. Such an attempt to find out the answer to the issue which is how to confront with the male-centered family oriented structure and the idea embeded within itself that men are superior to women, seems to be depended on the development of new family model in general. The idea of equality of sexes from the viewpoint of `Kumkangdaedo` suggests many things on the idea of alternative familial culture in the future and its practical strategy in terms of having `the modern within the tradition,` `the tradition within the modern`.

      • KCI등재

        벗에 대한 고찰 - 『논어』와 『아함경』을 중심으로

        이상임(Lee Sang-Im) 한국동양철학회 2006 동양철학 Vol.0 No.26

          『논어』와 『아함경』 안에서 벗과의 관계는 인간의 기본적 윤리관계로 설정되어 있다. 벗과의 관계는 생래적이 아닌 선택적 관계이지만 인간이 공동체 생활을 하는데 아마도 가장 필수적인 관계라고 생각된다. 왜냐하면 인간은 공동체 안에서 자신을 완성해나가며 또한 자신이 속한 공동체에 영향을 미치게 되기 때문이다. 따라서 이러한 개인과 공동체를 잇는 가교역할을 하는 벗이 부각되고 좋은 벗을 사귄다는 것이 중요한 과제로 남는다. 흥미로운 것은 공자와 세존 모두 자기만 같지 못한 사람을 벗 삼는 것에 대해 경계하였다는 점이다. 이러한 주장은 공자와 세존이 강조하는 ‘인’과 ‘자비’에 반하는 행동으로 보일 수 있다. 그러나 이것은 첫째로 자연적인 귀추라는 것, 그리고 둘째로 악으로 향할 수 있는 인간의 경향성에 대한 경고라는 점에서 중요한 관점이라고 결론지을 수 있겠다.   In Confucianism and early Buddhism the relation between friend and friend is defined as one of the foundational ethical relations. Even though the relationship between friends is not what is given but can choose, the relationship is considered perhaps as the most necessary thing in communal life. Because human beings affect their community as well as they accomplish themselves within their community. Therefore the importance of keeping good company is brought out, who takes a role of the bridge between an individual and his community. What is interesting is that both of Confucius and Buddha warns making a friend who is not as good as oneself. This kind of claim seems against benevolence and compassion which Confucius and Buddha emphasize. However, it can be concluded as the important point from the perspective that first, it is the a natural consequence and second, it is a warning against the possibility of human inclination toward evil.

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