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      • 미토콘드리아 Cytochrome b5의 계면활성제를 사용한 분리ㆍ정제

        李相稷,李상鎬,權英愛,郭天錫,呂基淑 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1988 基礎科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        Cytochrome ?? was separated from the mitochondrion of bovine heart. The spectrum of the cytochrome was that of oxidized one and reduced one was produced on reducing it with sodium hydrosulfite. The reduced cytochrome b? showed its absorption bands of alpha, beta and gamma. A surfactant Triton X-100 facilitated the isolation of the cytochrome from the mitochodrion.

      • 온도와 습도가 잔향시간에 미치는 영향

        이성직,윤화중,전관수 충남대학교 1990 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.17 No.2

        The decay rate of sound in large reverberation room depends on air humidity and temperature. This phenomenon is one of the important part to reverberation time of architectural acoustics. In this paper, the measurement of the reverberation time was carried out according to temperature and humidity in order to obtain the effect of atmospheric sound absorption. T_60 = ((const)·V)/(-S ln(1-α-)+4mV) corrected as T_60 = ((const)·V)/(-S ln(1-α-)+4.41mV) at humidity 70~80% T_60 = ((const)·V)/(-S ln(1-α-)+3.20mV) at humidity 80~90%

      • 플라즈마 소결 PZT 세라믹스의 유전특성

        이형직,송두규,권혁병,정해경,윤상옥,이형복,이홍림 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        소결첨가제나 바인더를 넣지않고 만든 무첨가 PZT 분말 성형체를 플라즈마 소결-로 열처리 후의 미세조직의 변화, PbO의 거동 그리고 이에 따른 유전특성을 로소결한 경우와 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 플라즈마 소결-로 열처리로 만든 PZT 시편이 로 소결 시편과 비교하여 입성장이 크게 일어나지 않은 미세조직을 나타내었으며, 또한 균일한 Pb, Zr, Ti 성분분포를 보였다. 유전특성에 있어서는 1kHz에서 20%정도의 유전율의 향상을 얻을 수 있었으며 유전소실 또한 40%정도 낮출 수 있었다. 상기의 결과는 DC 플라즈마 소결법의 특징인 소결초기의 급속가열 효과와 PbO의 증발 억제 효과에 의한 것으로 고려된다. PZT powder compacts without additives and binder were processed by plasma sintering-furnace annealing. Microstructures, PbO behaviour and dielectric properties were investigated, and compared to the specimen obtained by furnace sintering. The specimen prepared by plasma sintering-furnace annealing showed more not only fine microstructures but also homogeneous pb, Zr, Ti composition distribution, and revealed 20% higher dielectric constant as well as 40% lower dielectric loss (measured at 1kHz). Above results might be considered to be caused by rapid heating effects, high temperature sintering effects and preventing effects of PbO evaporation characterized by dc plasma sintering.

      • 사회체제 변화에 대한 국가체론적 분석 : 노동관계와 배분관계를 중심으로 A Analysis by the Theory of Nation Formation : Focusing on Labour Relation and Allocation Relation

        李相直,金善浩 대구산업정보대학 1999 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to rebuild a new theoretical framework of the transitional process of social system. As the framework is specially a critical result of Marx's historical materialism and doctrine of social formation, it is denied in this study that the social system of mankind in future is communism as well as socialism like Marx's prophecy. Undoubtedly, we cannot negate that Marx's expectation will be realized as long as the proletariat exist. But the chance is come true merely when working class make a fusion solidarity with his own ideology In conclusion, the transitional process of the existent social system is not determinated by an intention of a specific class. The process, namely, is analyzed on correspondent process of labour and allocation relation to productive force. In other words, the process is examined on the endless solutional process of antagonistic opposition of the subject of social formation as agent of forces which interact on labour and allocation relation in social system. In addition, if we forecast a future type of the existent social system, we must begin by analyzing the mutual antagonistic relation of the subject in social formation. This study is a new theoretical trial that is formulated a framework in relation to the above-mentioned argument. Therefore, I would like to say that this study must be amended, made good and accepted all criticism. Because it is not decided conclusively.

      • 소의 심장 cytochrome c oxidase의 전자전달 특성

        李相稷,呂基淑,李在亮,郭天錫,尙瑛錫 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1988 基礎科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        Cytochrome c oxidase (complex Ⅳ) was isolated from bovine heart mitochondrion. The spectra of isolated cytochrome c oxidase which was considered to be oxidized showed absorption bands at 598nm and 421nm in the oxidized form and at 604nm and 443nm in the reduced form. The activity of cytochrome c oxidase measured by the redox system of ferrocytochrome c-oxygen was not affected by NH₄OH and ethylenediamine. It was, however, found that 2-mercaptoethanol and potassium cyanide inhibited its reactivity respectively.

      • Electron transport complex I 의 전자전달특성

        李在亮,李相稷 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1986 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        An electron-transport system, complex I, was isolated from bovine heart mitochondria. Michaelis constants, catalytic constants of the complex, and the effects of temperature and pH on the activity of the complex were measured. The NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity of the complex was maximized at 38℃ and above pH7. Michaelis constants of the complex were approximated to be 10-⁴∼10-³m and 5×10??M for ferricyanide and NADH respectively. Catalytic constants, K??. for ferricyanide and NADH were approximately 55sec-¹and 15.1sec-¹respectively. Quinone (2,5-cyclohexadene-1, 4-dione) was fouund out not to be a fittable substrate for the complex.

      • Dideoxyribonucleotide의 비효소적인 방법에 의한 합성과 분리방법

        이상직,송병수 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1984 基礎科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        A protected dinucleotide, 5'-O-dimethoxytritylthymidylyl-(3'→5')-3'-O-acetyl-N??-benzoyldeoxyadenosine, was synthesized by 'Phosphodiester Method' and separated by solvent extraction/recrystalization. The amino group of the base, 3'-hydroxyl group of deoxyadenosine-5'-monophosphate, and 5'-hydroxyl group of thymidine were previously protected with benzoyl, acetyl, and di-p-methoxytrityl group respectively before the condensation between the nucleotide and the nucleoside was conducted. The condensation reaction was more efficiently conducted with triisopropyl benzenesulfonyl chloride(TPS) than with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCC). The dinucleotide synthesized was purified utilizing solvent systems isopropyl ether/0.5M triethylamminium bicarbonate (TEAB), ethyl ether-ethyl acetate (5:5, v/v)/0.5M TEAB, and 0.5M TEAB/CH₂CL₂-CCl₄(4:6, v/v). This method was more efficient than the ordinary diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose column chromatography.

      • 스웨덴의 노동시장정책

        李相直 대구산업정보대학 1999 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to find significance in the Swedish Labour Market Policy [SLMP], for supporting development of Korea's one. Sweden's unemployment experience differs radically from what has happened in most other European countries. Unemployment in Sweden has fluctured between 1 and 3.5% since the early 1960s, and there is only a weak trend increase ; the cyclical peaks in 1960s involved lower unemployment than the peaks in the 1970s and the 1980s, and the same holds for the slumps. Despite Sweden's excellent unemployment record, there are reasons for concern about a clear trend increase in the duration of unemployment. In the late 1960s, the average duration of a completed spell of unemployment was seven weeks ; in the mid-1980s, the unemployment who have remained so was about twice as long. But recently the fraction of the labour force unemployed for a year or more has exeeded 10%, and this is very same by European standards. Sweden' government make an effort to surment this problem by labour market policy. Generally, Labour market policy entails influncing the allocation of economic activities in time and space to meet the supply of labour, or, more simply, getting people (through traing, information, mobility allowances, etc.) to jobs, and getting jobs to people. Labour market policy is not social welfare, a means of keeping the unemployed off the streets and out of trouble. The rationale is first of all economic. Full employment brings an increase in the output of goods and services by making otherwise idle human resources productive. High unemployment means less output and greater dependency, thus increased cost in form of income transfers. But the logic does not end there. Even if afforable, income transfers cannot replace employment for people able to work. Work is part of living a normal life, even-especially-for those otherwise handicapped. Thus human well-being is inseparable from the functioning of the labour market. Full employment is at the core of social-welfare policy, 'the practical means of breathing life into a widely shared equalitarian philosophy.' In conclude, a core of SLMP is Active Labour Market Policy[ALMP], which is a main component of Sweden's post-war strategy for full employment. The main contends of ALMP are composed of labour supply-oriented programms, labour demand-oriented programms, relief work projects, and cash subsidy for the unemployed, etc.. Besides SLMP includes unemployment insurance, which is made of unemployment-benefits payment programms and cash labour market assistance(unemployment assistance). And prior to this SLMP' anaysis, I have expounded the conceptions and types of Welfare State, the changeable process of Swedish social welfare system, and the crisis of Welfare State and Welfare State Sweden, etc.. Finally the ultimate object of this study is to aid in escaping from 'the crisis of Korea's economy'.

      • 아스코르브산등 킬레이트제가 鐵吸收에 미치는 영향

        李相稷,崔承熙 嶺南大學校府設 基礎科學硏究所 1983 基礎科學硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        Serum iron concentrations of rats which took sirupy diets dissolving substantial amount of ferrous ion and chelating agents including ascorbic acid were determined. Ascorbic acid-fed rats showed elevated level of serum iron, i.e. elevated absorption of iron as reported previously in many papers, but not all the chelating agents improved the absorption of iron. Whether or not chelating capacity of ascorbic acid for the ferrous ion contribute to the absorption of the ion remains to be answered.

      • 미토콘드리아 complex III 의 활성에 관한 연구

        이상직,이재양 嶺南大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1992 基礎科學硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        The maximum activity of complex ⅠⅠⅠ, a mitochondrial electron transfer enzyme, was observed at 38。 C by sonicating mitochondrial suspension(200 ㎍ of protein per ml)treating with 0.01 M KCN solution (twice the suspension volme) for the inhibition of active complex Ⅳ at O。 C to 4。 C. This system was improved as an enzyme source of the complex for the measurements of cytochrome c which is the electron acceptor and ubiquinol-6 or ubiquinol-10 which are electron donor substrates of the complex by UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The assay gave the following results. The Km values of the enzyme were 42.44 ㎛ and 7.02 ㎛ for ubiquinol-6 and ubiquinol-10 when the concentration of cytochrome c was fixed. The Km values were 20.22μM and 38.93μM respectively for cytochrome c when ubiquinol-6 and ubiquinol-10 were fixed.

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