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        H<SUB>∞</SUB> Multi-Step Prediction for Linear Discrete-Time Systems

        Hao-qian Wang,Huan-shui Zhang,Hong Hu 대한전기학회 2008 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.6 No.1

        A new approach to H∞ multi-step prediction is developed by applying the innovation analysis theory. Although the predictor is derived by resorting to state augmentation, nevertheless, it is completely different from the previous works with state augmentation. The augmented state here is considered just as a theoretical mathematic tool for deriving the estimator. A distributed algorithm for the Riccati equation of the augmented system is presented. By using the reorganized innovation analysis, calculation of the estimator does not require any augmentation. A numerical example demonstrates the effect in reducing computing burden.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation on the interactions of scutellarin and scutellarein with bovine serum albumin using spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques

        Hao Tang,Nian-Guang Li,Zhi-Hao Shi,Yu-Ping Tang,Qian-Ping Shi,Ze-Xi Dong,Peng-Xuan Zhang,Jin-ao Duan 대한약학회 2015 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.38 No.10

        The binding abilities of scutellarin (Scu) andscutellarein (Scue) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) wereinvestigated using equilibrium dialysis, high performanceliquid chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy, competitivesite marker and molecular docking. The resultsshowed that the average protein binding ratios of Scu andScue with BSA were (79.85 ± 1.83) and (85.49 ± 1.21) %respectively. Under simulated physiological conditions, thefluorescence data indicated that Scu and Scue bound withBSA through a static mechanism. The thermodynamicparameters indicated that the interactions of Scu-BSA andScue-BSA mainly occurred by van der Waals forces andhydrogen bonds and it was easier for Scue to bind withBSA than Scu, indicating that the glucuronic acid moleculein Scu decreased the binding affinity. Site competitivemarker experiments showed that the binding sites of Scuand Scue mainly located within the sub-domain IIA ofBSA. Furthermore, molecular docking studies indicatedthat one BSA could bind three Scue, while one BSA couldcarry only two Scu. All these results clearly indicated theinteractions of Scu and Scue with BSA, which will lay thefoundation for further research to determine the pharmacologyand pharmacodynamics of Scu and Scue for treatingischemic cerebrovascular disease.

      • KCI등재

        Development of supporting platform for the fine flow characteristics of reactor core

        Qian Hao,Chen Guangliang,Li Lei,Zhang Lixuan,Yin Xinli,Zhang Hanqi,Su Shaomin 한국원자력학회 2024 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.56 No.5

        This study presents the Supporting platform for reactor fine flow characteristics calculation and analysis (Cilian platform), a user-friendly tool that supports the analysis and optimization of pressurized water reactor (PWR) cores with mixing vanes using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computing. The Cilian platform allows for easy creation and optimization of PWR’s main CFD calculation schemes and autonomously manages CFD calculation and analysis of PWR cores, reducing the need for human and computational resources. The platform’s key features enable efficient simulation, rapid solution design, automatic calculation of core scheme options, and streamlined data extraction and processing techniques. The Cilian platform’s capability to call external CFD software reduces the development time and cost while improving the accuracy and reliability of the results. In conclusion, the Cilian platform exemplifies an innovative solution for efficient computational fluid dynamics analysis of pressurized water reactor (PWR) cores. It holds great promise for driving advancements in nuclear power technology, enhancing the safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of nuclear reactors. The platform adopts a modular design methodology, enabling the swift and accurate computation and analysis of diverse flow regions within core components. This design approach facilitates the seamless integration of multiple computational modules across various reactor types, providing a high degree of flexibility and reusability

      • Design of Chemical Industrial Park Integrated Information Management Platform Based on Cloud Computing and IOT (The Internet of Things) Technologies

        Qian Hao,Furen Zhang,Zeling Liu,Lele Qin 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.9 No.4

        Chemical industry is the fundamental strategic industry in national economy and one of pillar industries in China. A wealth of chemical industrial parks has been built one after another in many places, where lots of chemical enterprises are established. In the normal operation of those enterprises, their raw materials or products manufactured, transported and stored are usually featured by flammable, explosive or toxic properties, resulting in frequent occurrence of pollution and personal accidents and causing great threats to surrounding environment. This thesis realizes an integrated information management platform based on currently advanced cloud computing and IOT (The Internet of Things) technologies, so as for integrated management of chemical industrial parks. This thesis designs the architectural structure of said integrated information management platform, expounds the roles and realization approaches of the basic support platform and the business service platform, analyzes the principles and methods for realization of regionally coordinate emergency management operation mechanism based on the information management platform, that of IOT architecture technology and that of RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), and discusses that the standard unification of heterogeneous data under cloud computing is realized by means of multi-source data integration middleware. The said platform can accomplish the whole-process, real-time and dynamic follow-up and control of chemicals and hazardous materials and also provide effective service for users’ decision-making by mining and analyzing tremendous data of a chemical industrial park with Agent-middleware technology. The information management platform is capable of assessing the safety factors of chemical enterprises at peacetime, giving necessary warning before accidents and offering effective technical support for rescue via expert system, emergency plan system, monitoring system and positioning system. The realization of chemical industrial park integrated information management platform based on cloud computing and IOT technologies will greatly improve the management level of chemical industrial parks, intensify surveillance, achieve information resource sharing and lower the probability of accident occurrence.

      • KCI등재

        베이징 공공장소 쓰레기 분리수거함 디자인 개발 연구

        전호(Qian Hao),강범규(Bum-Kyu Kang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2014 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.14 No.9

        Product design should reflect environment and experience of use in consideration of product's role as well as roles in life. In doing so, it is expected to realize interaction between product's role and users. Therefore, design of a recycling bin should also consider not only colors, shape, or materials but also process and experience of use. This study was conducted targeting public recycling bins in Beijing. As for the study method, first concept of a recycling bin was defined while specifying significance of recycling in Beijing City. Also, advanced research on recycling related policies that are currently being promoted was carried out. Second, current status of recycling in Beijing and problems of recycling bins were analyzed through on-campus survey. Lastly, users' psychological demand on a recycling bin was assessed and analyzed to suggest developmental direction of recycling bin design in the future. 제품을 디자인 할 때는 제품뿐만 아니라 생활 속에서의 역할까지 고려해 사용 환경 및 경험까지 반영함으로써 제품의 역할과 사용자 사이에 상호작용이 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 따라서 쓰레기 분리수거함의 디자인 역시 단순히 색채, 외형, 소재뿐만 아니라 사용과정 및 사용경험까지 두루 고려할 필요가 있다. 본 논문은 베이징 공공장소의 쓰레기 분리수거함을 대상으로 조사를 진행하였다. 연구진행방법으로, 첫째, 쓰레기 분리수거함의 개념을 정의하 베이징시의 쓰레기 분리수거 시행의 의의 및 현재 추진 중에 있는 쓰레기 분리수거 장려정책에 대한 선행 연구를 진행하였다. 둘째, 캠퍼스에서 설문조사를 통하여, 베이징시의 쓰레기 분리수거 현황과 쓰레기 분리수거함의 문제점들을 분석하였다. 마지막으로 쓰레기 분리수거함의 사용자의 심리적인 요구사항을 조사 및 분석함으로써 향후 쓰레기 분리수거함의 개발 방향을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Scaling analysis of magnetic-thermal behaviors in ferromagnetic insulator LaCoO3 thin film

        Liu Hao,Fan Jiyu,Zheng Huan,Rahman Azizur,Qian Fengjiao,Wang Caixia,Ma Chunlan,Zhu Yan,Yang Hao 한국물리학회 2021 Current Applied Physics Vol.28 No.-

        The structure, surface topography and magnetic properties of LaCoO3 (LCO) thin films deposited epitaxially on the SrTiO3 substrates have been investigated in detail. The LCO thin films show a typical ferromagneticparamagnetic (FM-PM) phase transition at 78 K. Based on the measurements of isothermal magnetization around the Curie point, the magnetic entropy change (ΔSM) of LCO thin films under various applied magnetic fields were obtained. By utilizing scaling theory, all of the ΔSM curves can be re-scaled, confirming that the FMPM phase transition is second-order magnetic phase transition. Moreover, the magnetic entropy change -ΔSM features a maximum around TC, whereas, power law fitting of -ΔSmax M with H gives n = 0.9704, which is obviously deviating from the standard value n = 2/3 for the Landau mean field model. This indicates that the mean field theory cannot be used to explain the critical behavior of LCO thin films which implies that the critical behavior of LCO thin films may involve complex magnetic interactions. These interactions are correlated with a long-term puzzling finding in this system why its Curie point is always around 80 K regardless of the different fabrication methods and conditions used in the film growth.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the Seismic Optimization Scheme of Steel Bundled-Tube Structure with Vertical Setback

        Yong Hao,Feng Chen,Yun-hui Han,Xue-qian Hao,Chun-hui Du,Qiu-yu Ding 대한토목학회 2024 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.28 No.2

        In order to improve the seismic performance of vertical setback steel bundled-tube structure and meet the dynamic multi-objective requirements of seismic performance-based design, the optimization effects under rare earthquakes on the zone of fortification intensity 7 and 8 in China are researched by improving members stiffness and adding dampers in the weak parts of structure, based on dynamic elastic-plastic analysis. The results show that: 1) Under rare earthquakes on the zone of fortification intensity 7, increasing the stiffness of weak skirt beam can improve the seismic performance of spiral and symmetrical setback structure; 2) For the spiral setback structure, under rare earthquakes on the zone of fortification intensity 7, the damper can only be arranged at the junction of the first layer of the setback frame unit and the frame unit without setback. However, under rare earthquakes on the zone of fortification intensity 8, it is not advisable to install dampers at the weak areas; 3) After incorporating dampers at the weak areas of symmetrical setback structure, the optimized members experienced a reduction in stress levels, significantly decreased the inter-layer displacement angles with a maximum reduction of 43%, and the optimization effect is significant.

      • KCI등재

        인간공학을 적용한 손전등 디자인 연구

        전호(Qian Hao),강범규(Bum-Kyu Kang),김성현(Sung-Hyun Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.10

        경제와 기술의 발전으로 인류는 ‘상품이 곧 서비스’인 시대에 진입하였다. 아울러 상품의 혁신 속도가 점차 빨라지면서, 소비자의 상품에 대한 요구에도 변화가 생겼고, 그들은 제품 사용의 편리성, 편안함과 품질의 신뢰성, 안전성 등에 주목하고 있다. 즉 제품의 디자인과 개발에 있어 제품 디자인에서 말하는 ‘인간 친화적 디자인’이 요구되고 있는 것이다. 따라서 어떻게 하면 제품 디자인에 인간 친화적 마인드를 구현할 수 있는가 하는 것이 디자이너, 유저 그리고 생산자의 공통적 관심사로 떠오르게 되었다. 본 논문은 인간공학(ergonomics)의 원리를 바탕으로 일상생활 도구인 손전등에 대한 조사와 개발연구를 진행하였다. 우선 현재 베이징에서 시중에 판매되고 있는 손전등에 대한 표본조사를 진행하여, 손전등 제 품의 특징과 문제점을 분석하였다. 다음으로 손전등 사용법 연구를 통해 손목의 불편함을 줄이고 사용 시 부적당한 자세로 인한 신체적 무리를 줄일 수 있는 손전등의 곡선형 손잡이 디자인을 제시하였다. 끝으로 중국인의 손바닥 길이와 넓이를 측정한 데이터를 바탕으로 적당한 손전등의 길이와 넓이 범위를 제시하였다. 본 연구는 손전등의 인간공학적 배려를 통하여 제품의 사용감을 개선한 연구로써 이와 유사한 다른 제품의 디자인 개발에 있어서 이론적인 방향을 제시해줄 수 있을 것이다. With economic development and ever-changing technology, human has entered the era of Product-as-a-Service. At the same time, the update of the product gradually accelerated. The demand of consumers for products are slowly changed, they pay more attention to convenience, comfort and reliable quality and safety of the product .That is the humanized design problem that often mentioned in the product design. This also put forward new requirements for the design and development of product modeling. So how to reflect the humanized ideas in the product design has also become common focus of attention of product designers, users and producers of a new era. The paper is based on the principles of ergonomics to investigate and improve the daily life utensil - flashlight. Firstly, make a sample survey of the flashlight in Beijing market and analyze the characteristics and problems of flashlight products. Secondly, explore the use of the flashlight and proposed Flashlight curved grip design to reduce the occurrence of wrist discomfort and damage to the body caused by poor posture of the operation of users. Finally, determine the range of the length and width of the body of the flashlight according to the length and width measurement data of the Chinese palm. Wishing that the improvements of flashlight products in ergonomics can improve use of feelings of these products and give a theoretical guidance for solving similar problems.

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