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      • 干拓 地盤의 特性値 硏究

        金八圭,金淵千 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1994 論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        A convenient means of the determination of the soil properties would be to correlate it with the result of field test such as the cone penetration. But It is difficult to correct evaluation for the soil properties by the only one test at the reclaimed coastal region. In this study, the cone penentration test and seismic wave exploration are performed at the reclamed coastal regione which has the soil layers to be analyzed and the dynamic soil properties. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; 1) As a result of field test, the study area was found to be 3 layers. 1st layer was filled in the ground to the depth of 2∼3m and the next layer was showed the soft clay layer to 40∼45m from reclaimed layer. 3rd layer proved to be a bedrock. 2) When the cone penetration test, the cone resistance was observed very great value in the ground to the depth of 0.7m due to the result of ground compaction with the traffic load and consolidation in the nature etc. 3) As the result of study, it presented that the correlation between the cone resistance and the seismic wave velocity is distributed the only a certain range with a group. The correlation between the cone resistance and the seismic wave velocity is determined through the regression analysis. The correlation is assumed a line relationship between the cone penetration resistance and the seismic wave velocity. 4) The method of using the empirical correlations between the cone penetration test and seismic wave exploration is an effective method by which the soil properties can be decided simply. This method has limitations in application because its research and application is in the early stage. In considering the proper engineering factors, however, it can be used efficiently in ground investigation and design.

      • 비영리민간부문(NGO)으로서의 사립대학과 정부의 사학정책

        유팔무 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2001 東西硏究 JOURNAL OF EAST AND WEST STUDIES Vol.13 No.1

        이 연구는 정부로 대표되는 공공부문, 기업으로 대표되는 영리부문이 아닌 비영리 민간부문에 관한 연구의 일환으로서 비영리민간부문에 속하는 사립대하의 현황과 문제, 그리고 그 개선방안을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 사립대학은 '자주성'과 '공공성'이라는 두 가지 성격을 지니며, 특히 그것이 지니는 공공성은 정부의 지원과 규제를 수반하게 되며, 그 강도가 어떠하냐에 따라, 그 방식이 어떠하냐에 따라 사립대학은 그것의 설립, 운영이나 성장 등에 이르기까지 많은 영향을 받아 왔다. 사립대학에 대한 정부의 통제와 규제는 무수히 다양한 법률과 행정조치들을 통해 이루어지고 있으나, 그 중 대표적인 것은 학교의 설립에 정부의 인가를 받도록 한점을 비롯하여, 학칙, 교원인사, 학생정원, 학생선발방법, 재정사업, 등록금 책정 등의 면에서 정부의 인가와 감독을 받도록 한점 등이다. 재정적인 면에서는 규제와 지원이 동시에 이루어지고 있는데, 규제는 엄격하고 지원은 미미한 상태에 있다. 사립대학의 문제는 한편으로는 재정적 부실, 다른 한편으로는 정부의 빈약한 재정지원과 엄격한 법적, 행정적 규제에서 연원한다. 그러나 더 근원적으로는 교육의 공공적 성격에도 불구하고 정부가 그 책임을 다하지 않고 있는 데에 있다. 즉 학교 교육은 대학교육에 이르기까지 원칙적으로 정부가 떠맡아야 함에도 불구하고, 책임의식의 빈약, 정책상의 고려 부족, 이에 따른 재정적인 투자의 부족 등으로 인하여, 정부는 고등교육의 대부분을 민간부문에 떠맡겨 왔을 뿐 아니라 공공성에 입각하여 규제에만 치중하고 지원은 소홀히 해 온 것이다. 따라서. 정부는 사립대학에 대한 재정지원을 늘리는 한편, 법적, 행정적 규제는 완화해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국고전문학 다쿠멘터리의 제작 방향에 대한 제언

        송팔성 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2005 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        In order to illuminating and circulating the knowledge about Korean-classic-literature, I assert; production of documentary is very important and it must keep next three directions. (1) The Korean-classic-literature is complex of three parts; literature, history, and philosophy. So the Korean-classic-literature documentary (KCLD) must be a academic humanity documentary in distinction from historic documentary and cultural documentary, and it must contain of historical reality, literary artistry, and philosophical truth. (2) In order to visualilze the high artistry, the KCLD must be a high definition (HD) digital documentary. So It will be a high classic art-goods representing traditional Korean-culture, and be a multi-purpose digital contents (3) In order to contain the reality and truth, the individual researcher or group must carry out the production of KCLD independently. By producing the independence documentary, a researcher can assure his opinion directly, and produce the KCLD continuously.

      • CRS 압밀시험속도 산정에 관한 연구

        김팔규,류권일,최명진,고영헌 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 2002 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        Even though STD test based on Terzaghi's 1-D consolidation theory is extensively used to estimate the consolidation constant of soft-clay, it takes too much time to perform the test in addition to the problem in estimation of C_v and preconsolidation pressure. To overcome these defects, several types of rapid consolidation test, e.g., Constant Rate of Strain Test (CRS) and Controlled Gradient (CG), are proposed. Because consolidation characteristics obtained from the results of CRS test depend on the rate of rate of strain, it is repuired to determine the variation rate on the basis of the physical and structural characteristic in a building site, and then perform the test. Several methods determining the rate of strain, e.g., ASTM standard, Smith and Wahls' equation in 1969 and Armour and Drnevich's equation in 1986, have been researched. However, the rules about consolidation rates described in ASTM consider only the summary of the rate rules as a trial and error and its criterion also depends only on LL value. In this thesis, the test rate and parameters related in addition to LL value considered on ASTM basis are esamined in many fidlds of view ane the corresponding rate criterion is proposed.

      • 變形速度變化에 따른 花崗土의 剪斷强度 : 3軸壓縮試驗에 의해

        金八圭,宋容善,宋典燮 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1986 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        The effect of the rate of strain on the shear strength has been studied mainly in clay and sands. This paper is designed to establish the effect of the rate of strain by the triaxial compression test on weathered granite soil samples which vary in moisture content. The major results obtained from this study were: 1) Increasing strain rate increases angle of shear resistance but the cohesion decreases, 2) The variation of strength parameter is smaller under the 1.0-1.25mm/min rate of strain than any other strain rate, 3) The shear strength of weathered granite soil increases as strain rate increases.

      • 신경회로망을 이용한 VBR MPEG 비디오 소스의 고정 비트율 제어

        李八鎭,金永川,朴東宣 全北大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        Recently, many techniques have been developed for efficient transmission of MPEG Video and improvement of quality of service. In this paper, we propose fixed bit rate control algorithm using neural network which protects the overflow and under flow of buffer in order to maximize the channel utilization and the picture quality of the reconstruction image. The proposed controller consists of three-layered fully connected neural network with 16 input, 6 hidden and 3 output nodes using Back Propagation algorithm. The performance of efficient and adaptive control algorithm is evaluated and compared to TM1, MPEG Ⅱ in terms of PSNR, BPP(Bit Per Pixel), BPF(Bit Per Frame), average quantizer scale factor. The results are shown that proposed method is superior to TM1 about 0.5 dB(PSNR) for Table-Tennis, 0.2 dB(PSNR) for Football images.

      • 申紫霞의 小樂府 硏究

        孫八洲 新羅大學校 1978 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Shin Wi (pen name: Ja-ha, 1769∼1845) was one of the 'master poets' who wrote their poems in Chinese during the five hundred year period of the Yi Dynasty. He was also an outstanding calligraphist and painter. In the preface to Collected Poems of Shin Ja-ha, Kim Taek-yeong, the editor, says of the origin and characteristic features of Jaha's poetry as follows: Su Shih (1036∼1101) was the poet's master. He was also indebted to Hsu Ling (1507∼1583), Wang Wei(1699∼762) and Lu Yu(1125∼1210). At times rapid, rugged and full of fantasy, his poems soon displays their fine, simple and flat qualities. They employ a thousand feelings and natural aspects so that the reader is dazzled and intoxicated by the brilliant arrangement of dancing words. Indeed the poet was the greatest master of everlasting ages that was ever soaring with the wings of a rare genius. Jaha left about four thousand pieces of verse behind him. among the representative works are forty piece Sookbu in which Korean sijos were translated into Chinese, thirty-five piece Verses Commenting upon Korean Poets in which Chinese poems written by Koreans were evaluated in the form of verse, fifty piece Sundry Poems which has been favorably compared with Po Chu-i's (77 2∼846) 'New yueh-fu', twenty piece Post Chiu rhyu Poems, an imitation of Wang Shih-chen's (1634∼1711) work in the same title, and twelve piece Gwangeuk-jeolgu, a valuable document on the drama and actors of his days. In Collected Treaties Commemorating Dr. Kim Jong-wo's Sixtieth Birthday (Feb. 1977) is carried "A Study of Jaha's Soakbu" by the present author. The study was based on the twenty-three pieces of Soakbu included in Kim Taek-yeong's Collected Poems. Recently, this author had the fortune of obtaining sixteen-volume Gyeongdang Complete Works that contained the complete forty pieces of Soakbu. This paper deals with all the forty pieces in Vomume X, examining them in matters of form and content and analyzing the theories behind the poet's translation of sijos.

      • 일정변형률 압밀시험에 있어서 속도기준과 물성인자와의 상관관계에 관한 연구

        김팔규,류권일,최명진,고영헌 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        Even though STD test based on Terzaghi's 1-D consolidation theory is extensively used to estimate the consolidation constant of soft-clay, it takes too much to perform the test in addition to the problem in estimation of C_v and preconsolidation pressure. To overcome these defects, several types of rapid consolidation test, e.g., constant rate of strain test (CRS) an controlled gradient (CG), are proposed. Because consolidation characteristics obtained from the results of CRS test depend on the rate of strain, it is required to determine the variation rate on the basis of the physical and structural characteristic in a building site, and then perform the test. Several methods determining the rate of strain, e.g., ASTM standard, Smith and Wahls' equation in 1969 and Armour and Drnevich's equation in 1986, have been researched. However, the rules about consolidation rates described in ASTM consider only summary of the rate rules as a trial and error an its criterion also depends only on LL value.

      • 東人論詩絶句 硏究

        孫八洲 新羅大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        A confacian scholar, minister, painter, as well as outstanding calligraphist, Shin Wi[申緯 pen name : Cha-Ha(紫霞). 1769-1845] has generally been acknowledged as one of ' the greatest master' of poetry that the five hundred years of the Yi Dynasty had produced. His Verses Commenting upon Korean Poets (東人論詩絶句) not only offers a brief outline of the history of Chines poems written by Korean poets but displays his sound basis for their selection and interpretation. The first part of this paper discusses his life and poems with a view to establishing his standing in the history of classical writings. The distinctive characteristics of his poems and his influence upon the later classical poets are also studied. 1. Wit and satire appearing in his 4,000-odd pieces in verse are studied in this chapter. His Soakbu(小樂府) in which Sijo(時調) works of other poets were translated into Chinse werse, and Gwangeuk JeoIgu(觀劇絶句), in which the Korean plays of his days was described, are briefly studied. 2. It is noted how his versatile artistic talents were combined to make him known outside his country to Japan and China. To determine his standing in classical literature his indebtness to his Korean masters, as well as to the great Chinese poets such as Tu Fu, Li Po, Wang Wei, So Shih and Wang Shih Chen, is delved. His influence upon the later generation of classical poets is also dealt with. The second part examines the thirty-five poems of criticism in Verses Commenting upon Korean Poets after a brief survey of poetical criticism in verse form which appeared both in China and in Korea. The contents are analyzed so as to interpret his views on poetry Emphasis is given on examining his evaluation and discussion of the fifty poets treated in the work. This paper appeared originally in Studies on Dong-ak Language & Literature, Vol. 3 published by the Graduated School of Dongguk University in Dec. 1965. It has been revised and translated into Chinese by the present writer in an effort to introduce to the readers in China, Japan and other countries the rich world of poems in Chinese by Korean poets.

      • 원호 해석법을 적용한 점성토사면의 3차원 해석에 관한 연구

        김팔규,맹창환 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.10 No.2

        Soil is one of the material that have been used for civil engineering. Soil slope is constructed unavoidably because fill and cut is repeated during construction. If most of structure is destroyed, it causes great loss of life and economic loss. Especially, the stability of soil slope is very important because most of structure has a soil slope. However, Though a study about stability of soil slope has been advanced, soil slope is being destroyed continuously. In fact, a precise analysis of slope failure is impossible because, slope failure has a very complicated and combined mechanical relation. So, many scholars and civil engineers have analyzed a stability of slope by 2-D plane on the basis of plane-strain condition. It means that failure of slope occurs equally on any section of soil slope but, very important fact is failures have a finite width and shape of failure and mechanical relations are different for location of section. Therefore, 3-D spatial idea must be introduced to modeling for probable analysis of slope stability. In this study, an assumption that failure block is a part of sperical shape which has an arbitrary center point and radius is introduced and the computer program, 3DSSA(3-Dimensional Slope Stability Analyzer), is developed on the basis of the circular arc method(∮=0 method). For using 3DSSA, the chart of 3-D stability number is made for many geometrical conditions of cohesive soil slope that pore water pressure is not considered. Through the analysis of finite simple cohesive soil slope, the results obtained by means of the computer program 3DSSA show that: 3-D factor of safety is 1.41 times larger than 2-D factor of safety for most case of soil slope. 3-D stability number converges at 0.128 as angle of slope increase from 7.5。 to 60。. When angle of slope is 60。, 2-D stability number calculated by 3DSSA is smaller than Taylor's(1948) by 5.6 percent. The changes of cohesion and unit weight of soil affect little the ratio of 3-D factor of safety to 2-D factor of safety.

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