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      • 虛辭的 否定辭 NE

        金宇珍 弘益大學校 1976 弘大論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        L'expletif NE s'emploie dans la subordonnee introduite par un verbe ou une locution conjonctive qui exprime ou implique l'idee negative. C'est pourqoui l'expletif NE est inevitablement pleonastique et on peut autrement l'appeler negation pleonastique. L'emploi s'en explique psycholinguistiquement par la discordance que l'on trouve entre la subordonnee et le fait central de la phrase. Par la definition que nous avons donnee de la negation expletive, nous en avons class les cas d'emploi, etudie la valeur negative et analyse le montif psychologique des emplois qui sont obligatoires et de ceux qui sont facultatifs.

      • 17 세기 초 빠리의 문학 이미지 : 최고 법원의 수사학

        이상우 프랑스문화학회 1996 프랑스 문화읽기 Vol.1 No.1

        Paris est au de´but du XVIIe sie`cle la ville d'un roi de France restaure´ dans son pouvoir et dans ses pre´rogatives. Mais les guerres de Religion ont laisse´ de nombreuses traces dans la me´moire parisienne. The´a^tre de violences ou` s'oppose`rent Catholiques et Re´forme´s, la ville des rois de France a appris a` regarder le pre´sent avec le recul que lui donne son anciennete´ me´die´vale. Aussi l'histoire apparai^t-elle a` Paris comme la seule capable de lui faire retrouver la confiance apre`s ces temps d'expiations. Paris revient sur son histoire : pourquoi les institutions royales se concentrent-elles en son sein? Pourquoi Paris demeure, depuis l'origine de la dynastie cape´tienne, le coeur de la France? A ces deux questions, les membres du Parlement de Paris tentent de re´pondre en fournissant une argumentation qui tient autant de l'histoire que de l'e´loquence du Palais. Les discours d'Ouvertures des sessions du Parlement sont autant de contributions ou` la rhe´torique du Palais analyse le ro^1e de Paris. Ils sont la` pour rappeler l'antiquite´ du Parlement. De´positaire du bien parler, l'eloquence parlementaire affirme une ve´ritable the´orie de l'Etat. Paris abrite le Parlement. Or Paris est la capitale du roi. Paris est en cela particulie`re puisque coexistent dans son enceinte l'autorite´ du roi et la jurisprudence du Parlement. Comment Paris peut-il e^tre a` la fois le sie`ge de la justice et de l'inde´pendance du Parlement et la ville des rois de France? A cette question essentielle de l'histoire institutionnelle de la France du de´but du XVIIe sie`cle, les parlementaires re´pondent en utilisant les ressources de leur art oratoire au service de la glorification du Parlement et de Paris.

      • Microbiological characteristics of bread dough and nutritional quality of “Tabnen-naow,” ethnic artisan bread in Burkina Faso

        Tapsoba François,Ouédraogo Nicolas,Kagambèga Boureima,Ouédraogo Ali,Zongo Oumarou,Nikièma Fulbert,Savadogo Aly 한국식품연구원 2022 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.9 No.-

        This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological characteristics of bread dough and the nutritional quality of “Tabnennaow,” an ethnic artisan bread consumed mainly in Burkina Faso. Originating in Boussé, this bread is spreading to the outskirts of Ouagadougou for several reasons, such as the increase in the price of industrial bread and especially the supposed low glycemic index of artisan bread. However, there is insufficient information in the literature about the nutritional quality and technology of artisan bread in Burkina Faso. For this purpose, surveys were conducted among artisan bakers in five artisan bread production units in Ouagadougou, using survey forms to draw the production diagram. The microbiological characteristics of bread dough were evaluated using standard microbiology methods. Lastly, the nutritional quality of ethnic artisan bread was determined using standard techniques. All the bakers were male, between 22 and 34 years old, with an average age of 27.8 ± 5.1 years. They all used wheat flour, mainly (80%) from the Grand Moulin du Faso (GMF). The Baker’s dough fermentation was done at room temperature using dry or lyophilized yeast. The interesting microorganisms (yeasts, lactic acid bacteria) were present in all the bread dough samples. The yeast (2.5 108 CFU/g) and lactic acid bacteria (2.27 107 dough, which had a low lactic acid bacterial load. The ethnic artisan bread contains carbohydrates (88.20–89.05%), proteins (9.60–10.60%), and minerals such as iron (11.56 to 89.27 mg/kg), calcium (00.00–290.03 mg/kg), and zinc(69.18 ± 36.74 to 389.10 ± 32.89 mg/kg). The nutritional composition revealed that ethnic artisan bread could contribute significantly to a healthy diet and food security.Keywords: Bread dough, Microbiological characteristics, Ethnic artisan bread, Tabnen-naow, Nutritional quality, Food security

      • 3MPRT(3 - stage Macropipelined Ray Tracing) Machine 상에서 물체 탐색법의 고속화에 관한 연구

        權五鳳 全北大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        3MPRT machine for high speed ray tracing exploits macropipeling. It means that ray tracing task is segmented into three subtasks (Object Search, Intersection Calculation, and Shading Calculation), and they are overlapped. There are some high speed ray tracing algorithms. Many types are bounding box hierarchies, adaptive spatial subdivision, and uniform spatial subdivision. This paper addresses high speed ray tracing algorithms are implemented on 3MPRT machine, and shows evaluations of them through simulation. The result shows that our algorithm performance is 2.5∼19 times as high as others.

      • KCI등재
      • KARL BARTH의 思想과 그 神學的 影響

        崔午均 부산외국어대학 1984 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Today the religion of Protestantism in Korea is in great confusion because theology has been thrown into disorder. That is one of the phenomena which we, Christians can see only in our country as theological seminaries increase without control more and more every year with the problems of sect. So I think we need the deep knowledge and real understanding of theology by studying the Bible to have the firm and sound theological seminaries according to our denominations. Therefore we must learn and receive something useful for us from good theologians. Now we have many good theologians in twentieth century : one of them is Korl Banth, whom we had better study for our faith. And I demonstrated to have Korean Christians study his theology and thoughts. I mentioned introduction in the first chapter, life in the second chapter, the development of his theology in the third chapter, and his theology and thoughts with his points of view about God Chris as well as humanism, Holy Spirit, and the doctrine of the Atonement in the fourth chapter. In conclusion, I reviewed new criticisms on Banth's theology and influence in the hope that this thesis might help those who would understand God's real will in Korea.

      • G.Gougenheim의 文法體系

        金宇珍 弘益大學校 1978 弘大論叢 Vol.10 No.-

        Dans le Syst?me grammatical,?? M.G. Gougenheim a cassay? d'appliquer syst?matiquement aux faits grammaticaux de la langue fran?aise des m?thodes structurales et a retenu le syst?me phonologique pour son mod?le linguistique. Il pense donc que la transposition directe du modele phonologique au systeme grammatical, laquelle, semble-t-on est insuffisante pour comprendre des particulaites grammaticalcs. Un regard sur l'objet de la syntaxe et sur les morph?mes n?gatifs du Syst?me de Gougenheim, c'est dans le but de rendre plus facile ? comprendre son syst?me grammatical, qui, tout de m?me, constitue un effort syst?matique de donner un mod?le structural du fonctionnement grammatical. 1. Le Syst?me Grammatical de la Langue Fran?aise. - Paris, d'Artrey, 1969.

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