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        미용전공과 비전공 여대생의 모발영양지식, 모발상태, 모발행동에 관한 연구

        노영희 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.6

        본 연구는 피부미용전공과 비전공여대생의 모발영양지식을 파악하고 모발영양에 관한 과목을 수강한 학생들과 수강하지 않은 대상자들간의 모발상태. 모발행등 등을 연구하고자 청주에 있는 피부미용과 여대생 146명과 비전공여대생 145명을 선정하여 설문지를 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 모발영양지식은 전공여대생이 비전공여대생에 비해 훨씬 높았고. 모발의 진단을 받아본 경험도 전공대상자가 높았다. 그러나 모발상태. 손상원인 모발에 관한 걱정은 두 그룹 모두 비슷한 양상을 보였다. 모발관리도 전공대상자가 비전공대상자보다 많이 하고 있었고, 모발손질 횟수도 전공대상자가 높은 비율로 나타났다 미용실 출입횟수는 2∼3달에 한번이 가장 높았고, 그룹간에 차이는 없었다. 1회 머리손질 비용도 전공대상자가 비전공대상자에 비해 높은 경향이었고. 샴푸의 선택기준은 두 그룹 모두 샴푸의 질과 본인 모발의 상태를 우선적으로 고려하여 선택하였다. 결론적으로 피부미용전공 여대생은 모발영양관 모발관리학 등에 관한 수업을 받았기 때문에. 모발영양 지식이 많아 모발행동이 더 바람직하였고 도발상태를 양호하게 유지하였다. 그러므로 모발에 관한 교육 건강한 모발을 유지하는데 기여한 것으로 나타나. 적절한 모발교육 프로그램을 개발하여 비전공여대생들에게도 모발교육을 실시하는 것이 바람직하다고 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate nutrition knowledge of hair, hair condition and hair behaviors and beauty major and non-major female students. Results were obtained by a questionnaire in 146 students majoring in beauty care and in 145 students not majoring at Chung-Ju. In the awareness of hair nourishment. the students majoring in beauty care showed higher score on hair nourishment and more experience on taking a hair condition test. However, worries about hair conditioning and damaged hair were not different between two groups. Typically students majoring in beauty care cared much more for there hair showing higher incidence rate of hair care and more expenditure on making hair style per one operation. Visting hair salon is done once per two or three months in both groups. The criteria for choosing hair conditioner is based on the quality of hair conditioner and hair condition in both groups. In a conclusion, the course on hair nourishment positively affect the students taking the course. The knowledge on hair nourishment and hair science directed the students in a proper hair care. It is assumed that healthy hair is obtained by a precise nourishment of hair care and programs to educate the hair care is necessary even for the students not majoring in hair care.

      • KCI등재

        여대생들의 식습관이 모발의 상태에 미치는 영향

        노영희 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.5

        본 연구는 여대생 의 식습관이나 식품섭취 횟수가 모발의 상태에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 연구하고자 청주에 있는 2년제 여대생 291명을 대상으로 설문지를 통하여 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 대상자들의 거주형태는 자택이 가장 많았고. 평균 한달 용돈은 10~20만원 사이였다. 대상자의 식습관은 불규칙하였으며, 아침식사를 하지 않는 대상자가 많았다. 모발상태 역시 손상모가 많았으며. 손상원인은 주로 염색, 탈색, 퍼머, 드라이 등이었다. 식습관과 모발상태와의 관련성은 유의성이 없었으며, 생선류, 콩류 등의 식품섭취빈도가 높을수록 탈모, 백모, 머리결 손상 등의 문제점이 적게 나타났다. (p<0.05) 술이나 커피같은 기호식품의 섭취빈도도 모발의 성장에 영향을 미쳐, 술이나 커피의 섭취량이 높을수록 모발의 성장이 지연되었다. 이상의 결과로 식습관과 식품 섭취빈도 등이 모발의 상태에 영향을 미친다는 것을 알았고, 대학생은 모발이 많이 손상될 수 있는 시기인 점을 고려한다면 여대생에게 있어서 규칙적인 식습관 이나 올바른 식품선택이 중요하며 모발영양에 대한 교육이 필요하다고 사료된다. This study was aimed to evaluate any influence food habits, food intake frequency and factors associated hair conditions. The subjects of this study consisted of 291 female college students in Chung Ju. Questionnaires were completed by them Eating habits of subjests was irregular and hair type was not good generally, hair glossy was most Who had hair trouble. The relationship between hair type and eating habits was not significant. But the rate of hair troubles, fallen hair, white hair, hair glossy were lower at the fish and soybean intake frequency to increasrd.(p<0.05) The drinking trime of coffee(p<0.001) and alcoholic beverage (p<0,05) per day was significant negative correlation with hair growth.

      • 홍삼의 단백질 획분 및 진세노사이드가 항종양작용에 미치는 영향에 관하여

        盧永姬,金俊燮,李熙鳳 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1996 農業科學硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        Ginsenosides and partially purified protein fractions from Korean red ginseng were investigated on metabolic functions of liver and their potency as an antitumor drug was evaluated. 1. Protein fractions and ginsenosides inhibited the activity of C-kinase induced by a tumor promoter, PMA. 2. Protein fractions and ginsenosdes inhibited the phosphorylation of histone Ⅲ induced by PMA in vitro. 3. Protein fractions and ginsenosides inhibited the phosphorylation of 34 KD which is induced by both C-kinase and Ca2+ calmodulin kinase in PMA-treated rat liver cells. 4. Protein fractions increased cGMP, the intermediate opf antitumrous factor which were decreased by PMA. 5. The glycoprotein below 18 KD was contained in the protein fraction exhibiting antitumor effects.

      • 고도정수처리 공정에서의 천연유기물질 특성변화 및 소독부산물 전구물질의 제거특성 평가

        노재순,손희종,박은주,황영도,최동훈,배석문,신판세 慶星大學校 環境問題硏究所 2002 環境硏報 Vol.12 No.1

        In this research the movement and apparent molecular weight distribution of hydrophilic/hydrophobic organic matters in advanced water treatment process were investigated using the raw water of Maeri area, located in downstream of Nakdong river, and the variation of the disinfection by-product formation potential was also investigated. In the raw water used in experiments, the content of BDOC (biodegradable dissolved organic carbon) in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was about 39%, and this value is far above a normal, Pre-ozone treatment showed an increase of 40% in the BDOC content, and this means that biodegradability was remarkably increased by ozone treatment BDOC concentration in BAC treated water was 0.09 mg/L, which means 84% of BDOC removal rate compared with that in post-ozone treated water. The variation of chlorine disinfection by-product formation potential in each process unit of water treatment process was analyzed. TOXFP concentration in raw water was 449 ㎍/L, and the contents of THMFP and HAAFP among TOXFP were 24% and 23%, respectively. The removabilities of these materials BAC process had an order of TOXFP > HAAFP > THMFP. BAC process was less effective for THMFP than others. The distribution of hydrophilic organic matters were evaluated in each treatment process. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic matters in the raw water had a ratio of 50 : 50, and the ozone treatment decreased the content of hydrophobic matters. The BAC treatment made the ratio 85:15. These mean that the removal of hydrophilic matters is more difficult than that of hydrophobic materials in water treatment process. In addition the portions of humic and fulvic acid in hydrophobic matters were analyzed. Fulvic acid a large portion among hydrophobic matters in the raw water, and the portion was 78%. Ozone treatment was more effective on the removal of fulvic acid than humic acid. After BAC treatment, the concentration of residual fulvic acid was high than humic acid. Chlorine disinfection by-product formation for hydrophilic and hydrophobic mattrts was compared in each process unit. in the raw water TOXFP and THMFP formation for hydrophobic matter was higher, and HAAFP was highly formated for hydrophobic matter. After post-ozone or BAC treatment, chlorine disinfection by-product formation has high potential for hydrophobic matters. Comparing humic and fulvic acids, chlorine disinfection by-product formation potential was higher for humic acid than for fulvic acid in all processes. In the comparison of the reactivity with chlorine disinfection by-product per unit DOC, THMFP and DOXFP showed higher reactivity with hydrophobic matter than with hydrophilic matter in all processes, and HAAFP was highly reacitive with hydrophilic matter. Apparent molecular weight distributions of organic matters were investigated in each process step.The content of low molecular weight organic matters less than 1000 Da in DOC was high in all processes except raw water, but molecular weight organic matters more than 1000 da was higher than molecular weight organic matters less than 1000 Da in the formation potential of chlorine disinfection by-product.

      • 順天灣으로 流入되는 東川과 伊沙川의 植物플랑크톤 群集의 種組成과 動態

        盧景姬,金琮鴻,鄭泳喆 순천대학교 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.3 No.-

        The species composition and dynamics of phytoplankton community were seasonally investigated on Dong Cheon and Isa Cheon flowed into in Suncheon Bay during the periods from May, 1990 to May, 1991. As a result, 128 taxa were identified, comprising of 5 phyla, 6 classes, 10 orders, 23 families, 54 genera, 117 species, 6 varieties, 1 form and 3 unidentified species. The composition of occurrence species were as follows: diatoms are 78%, green algae are 11%, blue green algae are 7% and etc. Dominant species were Melosira granulata, Melosira granulata var. angustissima, Melosira varians, Fragilaria capucina, Navicula cryptocephala, Cymbella tumida, Cymbella ventricosa, and Nitzschia palea. The standing crops of phytoplankton community varied from 55,000 to 8,015,000 cells/1. Seasonal variation of standing crops appeared increase in spring and peak in summer.

      • 정보검색 기법의 검색효율 비교연구

        정영미,노영희 연세대학교 대학원 1992 延世論叢 Vol.28 No.1

        Four major information retrieval techniques encompassing Boolean retrieval, probabilistic retrieval, cluster-based retrieval, and the retrieval based on matching function were evaluated theoretically and experimentally. In the retrieval experiments, retrieval effectiveness and retrieval time were measured. Experimental data consisted of controlled index terms, selected from 134 articles in zoology journals containing Korean abstracts. Twenty search questions were formulated for the experiments. The experimental results showed that the probalilistic retrieval model is the optimum retrieval technique among the four with matching function retrieval being the second best. The vecall recall ratio of the probabilistic retrieval was 0.9778 and the precision ratio was 0.8033. However, Boolean retrieval and cluster-based retrieval achieved rather low performance.

      • KCI등재

        CLOSED LOCK 증례에 대한 악관절 세정술의 임상적 연구

        현영옥,강창희,노양호,천영두,이희원 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.1

        Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of arthrocentesis for treatment of closed lock. Material : 42 patients were diagnosed to closed lock by physical, radiographic examriation and undergone arthrocentesis. All patients have a pain and mouth opening limitation on affected site. Method : Arthrocentesis was done under conscious sedation and local infiltration anesthesia, normal saline and some steroid was injected on upper compartment of tempormandibular joint. After pumping and lavage, manual reduction procedure of anterially displaced disc was done. All the patients wear an anterior repositioning splint just after arthrocentesis. The result of arthrocentesis was assessed by pain and difference of mouth opening. Result : Difference of mouth opening after arthrocentesis was improved to 18.85mm and pain was gradually decreased. All patients were worn stabilization type splint after mean 1.84 months. 6 patients had relapse of mouth opening limitation so done arthrocentesis again and delivered good results.

      • KCI등재

        악관절 강직증의 치험례

        현영옥,강창희,노양호,천영두,김신헌,이희원 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.1

        Temporomandibular ankylosis is defined as a situation in which the condyle is fused to the fossa by bone or fibrous tissue. Conditons such as trauma, infection, or systemic disease may predispose to various types of ankylosis, bringing about different levels of limitation in mandibular movement. Most patients with temporomandibular ankylosis are associated with limitation of maximal mouth opening, deviation of the chin toward the affected side, impaired occlusion, chronic pain, compromised oral hygiene, severe facial asymmetry & impeded mandibular molar eruption occurring in childhood. Several techniques to release ankylosis have been described in the literature, showing variable and often unsatisfactory results. The most frequently used operations are gap arthroplasty, interpositional arthroplasty, and exicision and joint reconstruction with autogenous or alloplastic materials. We have managed the two patients of TMJ ankylosis. They had previously TMJ surgery and we treated with gap arthroplasty & active physial therapy. We have obtained favorable results and report these cases with literatures review.

      • 기종성 방광염

        인영호,유지형,성락희,정재용,노충희 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        Emphysematous cystitis (EC) is a rare complicated lower urinary tract infection (UTI)characterized by air within the bladder wall and lumen. The disease is most common in middle-aged diabetic women. Patients with chronic UTI, indwelling urethral catheters, urinary tract outlet obstruction or neurogenic bladders are predisposed to complicated UTI such as EC. Most patients can be managed by adequate bladder drainage and appropriate antibiotics coverage and operation is needed very rarely. We report a diabetic women with EC who underwent partial cystectomy.

      • KCI등재

        콩 β-Conglycinin의 대장균 발현과 정제

        오문헌,노영희 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        콩 단백질은 글리시닌과 β-콘글리시닌을 주요 성분으로 하며, 콩 β-콘글리시닌이 나타내는 알레르기 원인과 콜레스테롤 저하 작용을 밝히고저 유전자 공학적인 방법을 시도하였다. 즉 β-콘글리시닌의 α-subunit를 유전자 클로닝하고 대장균에서의 발현시스템을 구축하였다. 발현벡터는 pET21d이며 플라스미드를 구축하여 E. coli BL21(DE3)에 형질전환시켰고 발현된 단백질은 균체전체 단백질의 15%이며 90%이상이 가용화 상태로 축적되었다. 축적된 발현 단백질은 천연의 β-콘글리시닌과 동일한 트리머로 확인되었다. 발현 단백질은 20∼40% 황산암모늄 분별침전과 Q-Sepharose 이온교환크로마토그래피, Butyltoyopearl 소수성 컬럼크로마토그래피로 정제하였다. 이것은 콩단백질의 기능특성을 규명하는데 필요한 대장균 대량 발현계를 확립하고 발현 단백질의 정제방법을 확립한 결과이다. Soybean protein consists of two major components β-conglycinin and glycinin, which together constitute 70% of the total seed storage protein at maturity. β-Conglycinin is a trimeric glycoprotein and formed by the assembly of various combinations of three subunits, α,α´and β, which have molecular weights of 69,000, 72,000 and 42,000, respectively. Recently, β-conglycinin was identified as powerful LDL lipoprotein receptor activation, hypercholesterolemia and major allergenic proteins. To investigate these reasons, we constructed an expression system of cDNA encoding α-subunit of β-conglycinin in Escherichia coli and purified the expressed protein. The pro-β-conglycinin sythesized in Escherichia coli BL 21 (DE3) comprised approximately 15% of the total bacterial proteins and the expressed protein are formed soluble and trimer such as native protein in Escherichia coli cells. The highly expressed protein was purified to homogeneity by salt precipitation with 20∼40% ammonium sulfate, ion-exchange chromatography with Q-sepharose and hydrophobic column chromatography with Butyltoyopearl.

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