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        Что такое фантастика

        Д.Д. Николаев(Nikolaev Dmitry) 한국노어노문학회 2006 노어노문학 Vol.18 No.1

        주변부 문학에 머물던 환상문학은 최근 신데렐라처럼 각광을 받으며 문학 중심부로 들어왔다. 많은 학자들이 환상문학의 본질과 특징을 규명하기 위해 애쓰고 있지만 전반적인 시학의 차원에서 환상문학의 진정한 예술적, 장르적 매력을 구체화시키기 쉽지 않다. 환상문학은 현실에서 일어나기 불가능한 사건들을 문학적 범주 속에서 예술적 구체화시킨다. 그런데 비현실적인 내용들이지만 환상문학은 철학적 주제를 담으며 대중적인기를 구가한다. 이러한 환상(fantastika)의 양식은 세 가지로 규정할 수 있다. 첫째는 환상적 세계를 실제 세계와 연관시키지 않고 창조해내는 범주이다. 둘째는 현실과 연관시켜 환상적 세계를 창조하는 경우이다. 셋째는 현실 세계를 창조할 때 환상을 이용하는 경우이다. 이중 현실과 연관시켜 환상의 세계를 창조하는 행위가 가장 난해하고 복잡하다. 그러면 환상의 세계와 현실의 세계를 혼합시키는 방법은 어떤 것이 있는가? 우선 환상과 현실을 나란히 병치시키는 방법이 있다. 낭만적 환상문학과 고딕 소설에서처럼 동일한 시공간 속에서 현실과 환상을 혼합한다. 두 번째는 시간을 이용하는 방법이다. 시간의 차이를 두고 환상의 세계를 설정하여 과거의 시간과 미래의 시간을 혼합하는 것이다. 환상 문학은 오락적 효과를 생산하고 대중적 인기를 누린다. 이러한 환상문학의 대중성은 어디서 기인하는가? 환상문학은 현실에 접근하는 데 있어 독특한 거리를 둔다. 환상문학은 현실을 기상천외하고 독특한 방법으로 재해석하되 사회적, 철학적, 심리적 주제를 제시한다. 환상은 우리에게 현실의 또 다른 측면을 보여주는 예술 방법이자 장르이다. 환상 문학은 우리가 사물과 현상에 대해 새로운 시각, 새로운 태도를 갖게 만들고, 구세계의 원본을 소환하여 새로운 세계를 만들도록 기능한다. 환상문학은, 19세기 사실주의가 확립시킨 인간과 외계의 진부한 의사소통 방식을 타파하여 새로운 현실(new reality)을 접하게 만든다. Fantastika? Today it is difficult to present, that hundred more years back fantastika existed somewhere on periphery of literary process, generally near to popular scientific magazines and cognitive books for youth. Nowadays fantastic products borrow the central racks in bookshops, reviews of new fantastic books appear in the largest newspapers and magazines, research clauses and dissertations are written, conferences and symposiums are carried out. In group of leaders of sales invariable there are some fantastic books, cumulative circulations of many books exceed one million copies. It is impossible to overestimate and that influence which is rendered by writers on reader's minds, and - in result - and on development of a society. Transformation of fantastika from the cinderella in princess - one of the brightest phenomena of the last century. By the end of a millenium fantastika by the right was ratified as one of leaders of the book industry and - the main thing - has deserved a recognition not only the mass reader, but also experts-literary critics. And still, in spite of the fact that a question What we called “fantastika”? borrows researchers for many years, till now there is no work offering complete and system theoretical analysis fantastic in fiction. There are various interpretation of “fantastika” and fantastic, any of which is not capable to satisfy all. In this investigation we considered that in a basis of fantastic product lays special type of fiction. Fantastic fiction embodies that is impossible or unattainable from the point of view of the outlook prevailing during creation of product in a reality. However this definition does not allow to classify the products created at various stages of development of the literature as puts actually the maintenance fantastic in dependence on views of an epoch. It is obvious, that as types of consciousness vary, the direct maintenance of a category fantastic varies also. Classification of fiction in this case depends not only on a reality, but on representations about a reality. So, “fantastika” as obviously impossible is defined by frameworks possible at any stage of development of consciousness. Occurrence “obviously impossible” is connected with the advent of philosophical model of consciousness, to aspiration to remove a category of “miracle”, with amplification of the rationalistic approach to knowledge. If the consciousness supposes an opportunity of “miracle” anything obviously impossible is not present, and, accordingly, it is impossible to speak and about “fantastika”. It is obvious, that when we speak about obviously impossible it is necessary to mean only obviously impossible “objectively”, from the point of view of a “objective” picture of the world existing in any period. We offered the classification of fantastic models: 1) creation of the fantastic world as world, not connected to the world real, except for as author's consciousness, 2) creation of the fantastic world as the world connected to a reality, 3) use of “fantastika” at creation of a picture of the real world. The most complex is second of the named models. There are two basic ways of mixing of the real world and the fantastic world. First of them considers two worlds as existing “in parallel”. The parallel can be time or spatial. With the worlds existing in parallel in time, we meet in fantasy, in a romantic “fantastika”, in the Gothic novel, in occult prose. The worlds existing in parallel in space we meet, for example, in “travel novels”. In the other way of mixing the fantastic world appears as the world of the past or as the world of the future. Very important are the principles of change of parameters of the reality connected to features dialectic (in Science fiction) or metaphysical (in Fantasy) perception of the world, and, accordingly, the principles of construction of “other world”. A principle of transformation (correlation or change) is a principle of construction. In roma


        Hydrogen production by reaction of aluminum with water

        Shmelev, V.,Nikolaev, V.,Lee, J.H.,Yim, C. Pergamon Press 2016 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.41 No.38

        <P>The hydrogen production by reaction of aluminum foils and powders with KOH aqueous alkaline solutions was studied. Effect of different physical factors on the specific hydrogen production rate was analyzed. The efficiency of activation of aluminum by copper was examined. Three variants of contacting copper with aluminum were considered: 1) preliminary chemical coating of the aluminum surface, 2) embedding copper into the melt of aluminum or pressing the aluminum - copper powder mixture, 3) continuous supplying copper to the aluminum surface during the reaction. The results showed that presence of copper on the surface or in the bulk of aluminum essentially increased the effective hydrogen production rate. The filtration corrosion in pressed aluminum powder was found. Hydrogen production at reaction of aluminum with NaCl + CuSO4 solutions was studied. (C) 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Geomechanical study of well stability in high-pressure, high-temperature conditions

        Moradi, Seyyed Shahab Tabatabaee,Nikolaev, Nikolay I.,Chudinova, Inna V.,Martel, Aleksander S. Techno-Press 2018 Geomechanics & engineering Vol.16 No.3

        Worldwide growth in hydrocarbon and energy demand is driving the oil and gas companies to drill more wells in complex situations such as areas with high-pressure, high-temperature conditions. As a result, in recent years the number of wells in these conditions have been increased significantly. Wellbore instability is one of the main issues during the drilling operation especially for directional and horizontal wells. Many researchers have studied the wellbore stability in complex situations and developed mathematical models to mitigate the instability problems before drilling operation. In this work, a fully coupled thermoporoelastic model is developed to study the well stability in high-pressure, high-temperature conditions. The results show that the performance of the model is highly dependent on the truly evaluated rock mechanical properties. It is noted that the rock mechanical properties should be evaluated at elevated pressures and temperatures. However, in many works, this is skipped and the mechanical properties, which are evaluated at room conditions, are entered into the model. Therefore, an accurate stability analysis of high-pressure, high-temperature wells is achieved by measuring the rock mechanical properties at elevated pressures and temperatures, as the difference between the model outputs is significant.


        A combined physicochemical and electrocatalytic study of microwave synthesized tungsten mono-carbide nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes as a co-catalyst for a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell

        Rahsepar, M.,Pakshir, M.,Nikolaev, P.,Piao, Y.,Kim, H. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2014 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.39 No.28

        Tungsten mono-carbide (WC) nanoparticles supported on multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) was synthesized by a microwave-assisted solid-state carburization. The prepared samples were used as a co-catalyst to prepare Pt-WC/MWCNT catalyst for a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell. MWCNTs with and without oxidative pretreatments were characterized as the starting precursors. The influence of the carbide formation conditions on the physicochemical characteristics of the final product were extensively investigated. According to the results, surface pretreatment of the MWCNTs can improve the yield of carbide formation. Furthermore, carburization process can improve the catalyst utilization due to increasing the number of surface defects of the MWCNT supporting materials which can be interpreted as structural effect of the carburization process. It is believed that the superior performance of electrodes modified with tungsten carbide is mostly due to the structural effect of the carburization process and synergistic effect between the electrocatalytic activity of WC and Pt.

      • Poster Session : PS 0047 ; Cardiology : Associations Between Levels of Syntax Score and Hospital Complications in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

        ( Irina Urvantseva ),( Konstantin Nikolaev ),( Mikhail Voevoda ),( Alevtina Nikolaeva ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: SYNTAX score (SS) is an effective angiographic predictor of clinical outcomes in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, but the associations between high SS and short-term outcome in patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have not been studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate associations of the severity of coronary artery disease according to SYNTAX score with short-term outcome and clinical characteristics in patients treated with PCI for acute STEMI. Methods: A total of 330 patients (274 male и 56 females, mean age 53.6±8.9 years) with acute STEMI who underwent primary PCI were stratifi ed into the 3 groups. For SS the following distribution was used: low (=22, N = 216), medium (23-32, N = 66), high score (>32, N = 48). All in-hospital clinical outcomes were estimated in these patients. Results: During the short-term observation in hospital cardiovascular mortality was higher in groups of high and medium SS in compared with group of low SS (18.8%, 12.1% and 1.4%, respectively, p<0.01). Besides that the no-refl ow phenomenon, stent thrombosis, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, acute left ventricular aneurysm, recurrent myocardial infarction and bleeding were signifi cantly more frequent among the patients in high SS group (p<0.05). Multivariate binary logistic regression analyses demonstrated that SS is an independent determinant for pleural effusion (95 % confi dence interval (CI), 1.019-1.082; p=0.002), no-refl ow phenomenon (95 % CI, 1.008- 1.089; p=0.018), pulmonary edema (95 % CI, 1.027-1.090; p<0.001) and acute left ventricular aneurysm (95 % CI, 1.015-1.092; p=0.006). Conclusions: The SS is useful index to predict the risk of short-term adverse clinical events during hospitalization in patients with acute STEMI undergoing PCI.

      • Potentially Scalable Conductive-Type Nanotube Enrichment Through Covalent Chemistry

        Boul, Peter J.,Nikolaev, Pavel,Sosa, Edward,Arepalli, Sivaram American Chemical Society 2011 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C Vol.115 No.28

        <P>Metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes, synthesized through a pulsed-laser vaporization process, were selectively reacted with dodecyl-oxybenzene-diazonium tetrafluoroborate to yield tetrahydrofuran (THF) suspensions of nanotubes enriched in metallic content. The nanotube material that did not suspend in THF displayed a lower D/G ratio in Raman spectroscopy indicating less covalent functionalization and corresponds to an increase in semiconducting nanotube population. After the THF suspendable nanotubes were extracted from the unsuspendable nanotube material, the two separate nanotube populations were stripped of the dodecyloxybenzene functional groups through an annealing process. In this way, the functionalization process was made to be reversible whereby the nanotubes from both semiconducting and metallically enriched populations could have their original band gap properties restored.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jpccck/2011/jpccck.2011.115.issue-28/jp202251r/production/images/medium/jp-2011-02251r_0004.gif'></P>



        Bennett, D. P.,Rhie, S. H.,Nikolaev, S.,Gaudi, B. S.,Udalski, A.,Gould, A.,Christie, G. W.,Maoz, D.,Dong, S.,McCormick, J.,Szymań,ski, M. K.,Tristram, P. J.,Macintosh, B.,Cook, K. H.,Kubiak, M.,P IOP Publishing 2010 The Astrophysical journal Vol.713 No.2

        <P>We present a new analysis of the Jupiter+Saturn analog system, OGLE-2006-BLG-109Lb,c, which was the first double planet system discovered with the gravitational microlensing method. This is the only multi-planet system discovered by any method with measured masses for the star and both planets. In addition to the signatures of two planets, this event also exhibits a microlensing parallax signature and finite source effects that provide a direct measure of the masses of the star and planets, and the expected brightness of the host star is confirmed by Keck AO imaging, yielding masses of M(*) = 0.51(-0.04)(+0.05) M(circle dot), M(b) = 231 +/- 19 M(circle plus), and M(c) = 86 +/- 7 M(circle plus). The Saturn-analog planet in this system had a planetary light-curve deviation that lasted for 11 days, and as a result, the effects of the orbital motion are visible in the microlensing light curve. We find that four of the six orbital parameters are tightly constrained and that a fifth parameter, the orbital acceleration, is weakly constrained. No orbital information is available for the Jupiter-analog planet, but its presence helps to constrain the orbital motion of the Saturn-analog planet. Assuming co-planar orbits, we find an orbital eccentricity of epsilon = 0.15(-0.10) (+0.17) and an orbital inclination of i = 64 degrees(+ 4 degrees)(-7 degrees) The 95% confidence level lower limit on the inclination of i > 49 degrees implies that this planetary system can be detected and studied via radial velocity measurements using a telescope of greater than or similar to 30 m aperture.</P>

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