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      • KCI등재

        Original or counterfeit luxury fashion brands? The eff ect of social media on purchase intention

        Maria Cristina Morra,Valeria Gelosa,Francesca Ceruti,Alice Mazzucchelli 한국마케팅과학회 2018 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.9 No.1

        Italy is the country most aff ected by the counterfeit phenomenon in Europe. In the fi eld of luxury fashion brands, the relationship between social media marketing (SMM) and consumers’ intention to purchase counterfeit products is still little analyzed. The aim of this pioneering work is to investigate the net impact of SMM communication, user-generated content (UGC), and fi rm-created content (FCC), on overall brand equity (OBE) and on intention to buy original and counterfeit luxury fashion brands. Findings based on 198 Italian undergraduate students indicate a positive eff ect of UGC on both OBE and purchase intention of counterfeit products, while purchase intention of original luxury fashion brands is positively aff ected by OBE and FCC. The last relationship is confi rmed when UGC register a low appreciation by users. This study is signifi cant for both academics and practitioners, extending the scope of antecedents infl uencing the purchase intention of both original and counterfeit luxury fashion products. Findings reveal the fundamental role of UGC as a tool that fi rms have to manage and monitor due to their moderating eff ect in the relationship between FCC and intention to buy original luxury fashion brands. This study contributes to providing implications for developing social media brand communications strategies.


        Roberto Chierici,Maria Cristina Morra,Angelo Di Gregorio 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        In the years 2010–2012 in Italy, the 3F sectors, fashion, food and furniture, marked a +5% (FinanciaLounge, 2014). To some extent, this rise may rely on the strong Made in Italy label that is historically “perceived by consumers as being associated with “true” luxury goods” (Hoffmann & Coste-Manière, 2014) and, in order to create nostalgia and credibility for their brands, many firms try to correlate their offer to the heritage of the Country of Origin (Fionda & Moore, 2009). In the academic literature, Country of Origin is one of the most analyzed method to enhance a firm’s competitive advantage, mainly thanks to its ability to increase positive perceptions about firms’ products in the customers’ mind (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1999; Aiello et al., 2009). Moreover, Country of Origin is defined as “the effect rooted in consumers’ images of the quality of specific products marketed by firms associated with a country of origin” (Verlegh, Steenkamp, & Meulenberg, 2005, p. 127). COO works as an information cue that covers the attitudes toward the products evaluation. In particular, COO influences customers’ brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations depending on the country image, and, as a consequence, the overall brand equity (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1999; Chao, 1998; Magnusson, Westjohn, & Zdravkovic, 2011). For instance, some authors showed a positive bias (i.e. increased willingness to pay a higher price) toward products from some countries relative to others (Drozdenko & Jensen, 2009). For this reason, just few countries can benefit from their image and awareness in order to take advantage from the Country of Origin effect, such as Italy. Furthermore, besides the Country image, scholars found that the COO effect can vary depending on the product category “For a given category, country-of-origin credibility is high when consumers have a favorable image of the country’s products in that category, and low when the product–country image is unfavorable” (Verlegh et al., 2005, p. 129). In this perspective, firms should identify solutions to convey positive associations about their supply to customers (Phau & Leng, 2008). The relevance of this issue is confirmed by a lot of studies, where some communication tools related to COO effect are already investigated, like brand identification system, packaging, advertising copy and celebrity endorsement (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1999; Usunier, 2011). Actually, a lot of Italian firms use product placement exploiting the “Made in Italy” effect, where placement is here intended as the paid inclusion of branded products within mass media programming (Karrh, 1998). Just few examples are Piaggio with Vespa in Roman Holiday, Bacardi with Martini in James Bond and Ocean’s series, Riva Yacht with Aquarama in James Bond series and The Great Beauty, and Prada in The devil wears Prada. Many reasons are explaining such a great use of product placement. On one hand, in the last decade we have assisted to the fragmentation of media and their audience, and on the other one, consumers are more and more skeptical towards traditional benefit advertising and they use technology to avoid commercials (Hackley & Tiwsakul, 2006; Lehu & Bressoud, 2009). Integrating brands casually but notably in a media content appears to be an interesting alternative to traditional marketing communication tools (D’Astous & Chartier, 2000). Furthermore, product placement’s acceptance and its possibly effectiveness, as well as country of origin effect, is likely to vary across product category (Gupta & Gould, 1997; Russell, 1998). Moreover, we can assume that product placement impact on the overall brand equity in a positive way (Aaker, 1997; Miniero, Chizzoli, & Pate, 2013) as it is an effective tool that can increase brand awareness and develop favorable relations with customers (Chan, 2012). In particular, studies on product placement confirm an increased top-of-mind-awareness and unaided awareness of placed brands (Cholinski, 2012). Finally, even if studies on product integration effect on attitude toward placed brands are not univocal, a lot of publications present positive or at the very least neutral product placement influence on brand attitude (Russell, 2002). For instance, according to Miniero et al. (2013), product placement is a nice way to achieve communication objectives and it can be used to influence consumers’ attitude and intention to buy a specific brand (Miniero et al., 2013). To our knowledge, despite a huge employment of product placement in practice and a lot of contributions in the academic theory about these two topics, there is a gap in the literature about the relationship between the COO effect and the use of this communication tool from a practitioners’ perspective. On the contrary, from a consumers’ perspective, Tsai and Lu’s research find out a positive correlation between the use of product placement and the country image (Tsai & Lu, 2012). Moreover, due to the several studies concerning the positive impact of product placement and country of origin on brand equity, we are allowed to suppose that professionals can synergistically take advantage from both. Starting from Karrh’s studies on the practitioners’ perspective about product placement, our research aspires to draw any analogy and difference between Karrh’s findings and the Italian firm’s perceptions (Karrh, McKee, & Pardun, 2003; Karrh, 1995, 1998). Particularly, we aim to interview companies that belong to sectors where Made in Italy represents a key competitive component. In addition, our study attempts to explore if and how independent Italian firms exploit country of origin effect in their product placement in order to increase their brand equity. To answer our research questions, we could properly use the case study method (Yin, 2009). This qualitative methodology is very useful to explore unanticipated empirical discoveries (Eisenhardt, 1989). Our case study protocol will provide the analysis of three different data sources. In the first stage of our research, we will examine audio-visual materials, such as film, videotapes, websites and social media, to collect data in an unobtrusive method. In the second stage, we will go through public documents, newspapers and recent academic literature to understand trend topics on product placement and COO and to arrange guidelines suitable for the interviews. In the third ones, we will conduct in-depth face-to-face and semi-structured interviews with key figures of Made in Italy firms that integrated product placement in their communication mix at least once. More in details, interviews will be recorded and transcribed to ensure the completeness of the information gathered. Through the triangulation of these methods and sources we will achieve a richer and deeper data collection and we will also make the case study more detailed (Creswell, 2009). Although our research is still in progress, we expect to extend Karrh’s findings about product placement. More in details, we would like to focus our attention upon the integration between COO and product placement and we try to highlight any key element that can explain how to manage this relationship in order to increase brand equity.

      • The bending mechanics in a dynamic subduction system: Constraints from numerical modelling and global compilation analysis

        Capitanio, F.A.,Morra, G. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co 2012 Tectonophysics Vol.522 No.-

        Lithospheric plates bend at subduction zones where the vertical motions of the slabs are converted to surface plate motions. To understand the mechanics of plate bending we derive scaling laws for the deflection at the margin, i.e. radius and dip, from numerical models of a subducting viscoelastic plate. In such dynamic system we find that the buoyancy and the stiffness of the plates control the radius and the dip, as well as the plate motions toward the trench. This mechanical model successfully predicts the curvature of published three-dimensional laboratory and numerical models. For a thorough comparison with the observable, we have also implemented forces additional to the slab pull, such as the suction force and far-field stresses. By increasing or resisting the torque applied at the trench by the slab, these forces can largely rearrange the dip and the radius of slabs and the inherent plate motions, although they do not alter the observed anticorrelation between radius and dip. Similar inverse correlation relationship and dip-radius ranges are shown by most of the subduction zones analysed from a global compilation. Radii in the range of 100-350km and dips of 30<SUP>o</SUP>-70<SUP>o</SUP> for slabs that extends to the bottom of the upper mantle are compatible with the models, and allow estimating an average lithospheric viscosity contrast of ∼200 in the bending with respect to the ambient mantle. Radii and dips outside of this range are in good agreement with the trends and the magnitudes of models that include suction and far-field forces. In all these subduction zones, the correlation between dip, radius and plate velocity is found to be compatible with that of the models, showing how relevant bending is for the dynamics of Earth.

      • KCI등재

        Conservative hysteroscopic treatment of stage I well differentiated endometrial cancer in patients with high surgical risk: a pilot study

        Paolo Casadio,Francesca Guasina,Maria Rita Talamo,Roberto Paradisi,Ciro Morra,Giulia Magnarelli,Renato Seracchioli 대한부인종양학회 2019 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.30 No.4

        Objective: To report hysteroscopic treatment combined with levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) to treat women with early well differentiated endometrial cancer (EC) at high surgical risk. Methods: Nine women diagnosed with stage IA, grade 1 endometrioid EC which was contraindicated or refused standard treatment with external beam radiation therapy with or without brachytherapy were enrolled in our prospective study. Endo-myometrial hysteroscopic resection of the whole uterine cavity and the placement of LNG-IUD for 5 years was performed. Response rate, perioperative complications, and recurrence of disease were evaluated. Results: None had intra or post-operative complications and all were discharged no later than the third day of hospitalization. After 6 months from surgery, all the women showed a complete regression of the lesion. All the women completed the 5 years follow-up and in no case was detected sign of recurrence. Two women died for causes unrelated to the tumor or the ongoing therapy. Conclusion: The alternative treatment with endo-myometrial hysteroscopic resection and LNG-IUD in women with stage IA, grade 1 endometrioid EC showed initial encouraging outcomes in terms of effectiveness and safety.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Complex Surgical Management of the First Case of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and Multiple Intestinal Atresias Surviving after the Fourth Year of Life

        Guana, Riccardo,Garofano, Salvatore,Teruzzi, Elisabetta,Vinardi, Simona,Carbonaro, Giulia,Cerrina, Alessia,Morra, Isabella,Montin, Davide,Mussa, Alessandro,Schleef, Jurgen The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2014 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.17 No.4

        Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a life-threatening syndrome of recurrent infections and gastro-intestinal alterations due to severe compromise of T cells and B cells. Clinically, most patients present symptoms before the age of 3 months and without intervention SCID usually results in severe infections and death by the age of 2 years. Its association with intestinal anomalies as multiple intestinal atresias (MIA) is rare and worsens the prognosis, resulting lethal. We describe the case of a four year-old boy with SCID-MIA. He presented at birth with meconium peritonitis, multiple ileal atresias and underwent several intestinal resections. A targeted Sanger sequencing revealed a homozygous 4-bp deletion ($c.313{\Delta}TATC$; p.Y105fs) in tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7A (TTC7A). He experienced surgical procedures including resection and stricturoplasty. Despite parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease, the patient is surviving at the time of writing the report. Precocious immune system assessment, scrutiny of TTC7A mutations and prompt surgical procedures are crucial in the management.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Rare Presentation of Metastasis of Prostate Adenocarcinoma to the Stomach and Rectum

        Soe, Aye Min,Bordia, Sonal,Xiao, Philip Q.,Lopez-Morra, Hernan,Tejada, Juan,Atluri, Sreedevi,Krishnaiah, Mahesh The Korean Gastric Cancer Association 2014 Journal of gastric cancer Vol.14 No.4

        Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in men in the United States. The most common sites of metastasis include the bone, lymph nodes, lung, liver, pleura, and adrenal glands, whereas metastatic prostate cancer involving the gastrointestinal tract has been rarely reported. A 64-year-old African-American man with a history of prostate cancer presented with anemia. He reported the passing of dark colored stools but denied hematemesis or hematochezia. Colonoscopy revealed circumferential nodularity, and histology demonstrated metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed hypertrophic folds in the gastric fundus, and microscopic examination revealed tumor cells positive for prostate-specific antigen. Bone scanning and computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis did not show metastasis. It is crucial to distinguish primary gastrointestinal cancer from metastatic lesions, especially in patients with a history of cancer at another site, for appropriate management.

      • KCI등재

        A Rare Presentation of Metastasis of Prostate Adenocarcinoma to the Stomach and Rectum

        Aye Min Soe,Sonal Bordia,Philip Q Xiao,Hernan Lopez-Morra,Juan Tejada,Sreedevi Atluri,Mahesh Krishnaiah 대한위암학회 2014 Journal of gastric cancer Vol.14 No.4

        Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in men in the United States. The most common sites of metastasis include the bone, lymph nodes, lung, liver, pleura, and adrenal glands, whereas metastatic prostate cancer involving the gastrointestinal tract has been rarely reported. A 64-year-old African-American man with a history of prostate cancer presented with anemia. He reported the passing of dark colored stools but denied hematemesis or hematochezia. Colonoscopy revealed circumferential nodularity, and histology demonstrated metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed hypertrophic folds in the gastric fundus, and microscopic examination revealed tumor cells positive for prostate-specific antigen. Bone scanning and computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis did not show metastasis. It is crucial to distinguish primary gastrointestinal cancer from metastatic lesions, especially in patients with a history of cancer at another site, for appropriate management.

      • NDVI derived from near-infrared-enabled digital cameras: Applicability across different plant functional types

        Filippa, Gianluca,Cremonese, Edoardo,Migliavacca, Mirco,Galvagno, Marta,Sonnentag, Oliver,Humphreys, Elyn,Hufkens, Koen,Ryu, Youngryel,Verfaillie, Joseph,Morra di Cella, Umberto,Richardson, Andrew D. Elsevier 2018 Agricultural and forest meteorology Vol.249 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Time series of vegetation indices (e.g. normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]) and color indices (e.g. green chromatic coordinate [<I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB>]) based on radiometric measurements are now available at different spatial and temporal scales ranging from weekly satellite observations to sub-hourly <I>in situ</I> measurements by means of near-surface remote sensing (e.g. spectral sensors or digital cameras). <I>In situ</I> measurements are essential for providing validation data for satellite-derived vegetation indices. In this study we used a recently developed method to calculate NDVI from near-infrared (NIR) enabled digital cameras (NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB>) at 17 sites (for a total of 74 year-sites) encompassing six plant functional types (PFT) from the PhenoCam network.</P> <P>The seasonality of NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> was comparable to both NDVI measured by ground spectral sensors and by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). We calculated site- and PFT-specific scaling factors to correct NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> values and recommend the use of site-specific NDVI from MODIS in order to scale NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB>. We also compared <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> extracted from red-green-blue images to NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> and found PFT-dependent systematic differences in their seasonalities. During senescence, NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> lags behind <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> in deciduous broad-leaf forests and grasslands, suggesting that <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> is more sensitive to changes in leaf color and NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> is more sensitive to changes in leaf area. In evergreen forests, NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> peaks later than <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> in spring, probably tracking the processes of shoot elongation and new needle formation. Both <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> and NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> can be used as validation tools for the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics Product (MCD12Q2) for deciduous broad-leaf spring phenology, whereas NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> is more comparable than <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> with autumn phenology derived from MODIS. For evergreen forests, we found a poor relationship between MCD12Q2 and camera-derived phenology, highlighting the need for more work to better characterize the seasonality of both canopy structure and leaf biochemistry in those ecosystems.</P> <P>Our results demonstrate that NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> is in excellent agreement with NDVI obtained from spectral measurements, and that NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> and <I>G</I> <SUB> <I>CC</I> </SUB> can complement each other in describing ecosystem phenology. Additionally, NDVI<SUB> <I>C</I> </SUB> allows the detection of structural changes in the canopy that cannot be detected by visible-wavelength imagery.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We analyze 74 site-years of green chromatic coordinate (GCC) and camera NDVI data. </LI> <LI> Camera NDVI is comparable to traditional NDVI measurements. </LI> <LI> Camera NDVI and GCC can complement each other in describing ecosystem phenology. </LI> <LI> Both can be used as validation tools for satellite phenology products. </LI> </UL> </P>

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