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        일본 고대문학과 개인의 발견 ―‘나’(我)의 탐구에서 ‘타인’(人)에 대한 이해로―

        이미숙 ( Lee¸ Mi-su ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2020 民族文化硏究 Vol.89 No.-

        본고에서는 일본 헤이안 시대의 일기문학과 모노가타리에 나타난 ‘나’에 주목하여, 한 개인이 ‘나’에 대한 탐구에서 ‘나’를 표현해나가는 방법으로 글쓰기를 시도하거나 또는 자기인식을 심화시켜 타인으로 인식의 폭을 넓혀가는 양상을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해 10세기, 11세기 동양 고중세에 싹트고 있던 개인의 발견과 개인주의의 맹아의 양상을 조망해보고자 한다. 일본 고전문학텍스트 속에 나타난 개인의 발견과 글쓰기, 그리고 자신의 내면 풍경을 직시하며 자신만의 울타리를 넘어 타인에 대한 이해로 사고로 확장시켜나가고 자신과 타인의 관계성을 재인식하며 조망하는 등장인물들의 형상화에 주목함으로써, 전근대 일본에 있어서의 개인의 발견, 개인주의의 형성과정에 대해 생각해볼 수 있을 것이다. 한 개인이 소속된 집단 내에서 자기 자신의 위치를 재인식하여 자기 존재성을 주장하며, 상대와의 관계를 재조명하며 타인으로 이해의 폭을 확장시켜 나가는 모습은‘동양 나름의 개인의 발견’이라 할 수 있다. 그 근거로 들 수 있는 것이 일본 헤이안시대의 일기문학이나 모노가타리(物語)에 나타난 ‘나’라는 표현과 ‘나’(我)와 ‘타인’(人)을 대비하여 표현하고 있는 ‘나도 타인도’(我も人も)라는 표현이라고 할 수 있다. This paper focuses on ‘I’ in diary literature and monogatari literature during the Heian period in Japan. We will consider how one individual tries to write as a way to express ‘I’ from the quest for ‘I’, or deepens self-awareness and broadens the range of recognition for others. Through this, we will look at the discovery of individuals and the emergence of individualism that sprouted in the Middle Ages of the East in the 10th and 11th centuries. In order to think about the discovery of individuals in pre-modern Japan and the process of formation of individualism, we focus on the discovery and writing of individuals in Japanese classical literary texts. In addition, while looking directly at one’s inner landscape and expanding one’s thoughts beyond one’s own frame to understanding others, pay attention to the figuration of characters who re-recognize the relationship between oneself and others. Recognizing one’s position in the group to which one individual belongs, asserting one’s existence, and relighting the relationship with the other person to broaden the range of understanding to others is an oriental individual discovery. The basis for this is the expression of ‘I’ in diary literature or monogatari in Japan’s Heian period, and ‘I’(我) and ‘other person’(人) in contrast to the expression of ‘I and others’(我も人も) can be said.

      • [New insights into the pathogenesis of neuromyelitis optica]

        Misu, Tatsuro,Takahashi, Toshiyuki,Nishiyama, Shuhei,Takano, Rina,Nakashima, Ichiro,Fujihara, Kazuo,Itoyama, Yasuto 醫學書院 2010 Brain and nerve Vol.62 No.9

        <P>Recently, the disease-specific antibody was found in the sera from neuromyelitis optica (NMO) patients, and its target was identified as aquaporin-4 (AQP4), mainly expressed in astroglial foot processes. In our immunohistochemical studies, loss of AQP4 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was evident in about 90% of NMO lesions, especially in perivascular areas of acute inflammatory lesions where immunoglobulins and complements were deposited. In contrast, myelin basic protein (MBP)-stained myelinated fibers were relatively preserved in those lesions, which probably suggested the secondary damage of myelin sheaths following astrocytic damage. Recently, there are developing evidences of the effect of AQP4 antibody in vitro or in vivo. In HEK293 cells transfected with AQP4, AQP4 antibody could bind to the membrane AQP4, and induced the degradation and endocytosis of AQP4 in complement-dependent manner. In vitro experiments by primary cultured astrocytes, AQP4 antibody had cytotoxic effects with complement, and also could impair the astrocytic function such as the maintenance of the blood brain barrier or glutamate homeostasis. In vivo study, the lesions lacking AQP4 and GFAP was appeared by passive-transferred Lewis rats with human purified IgG from NMO patients. Furthermore, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarker study, astrocytic damage reflected by marked increase of CSF-GFAP, far severe than demyelination (CSF-MBP), was evident in NMO but not in classical multiple sclerosis (MS). These evidences suggested the pathogenic role of AQP4 antibody with astrocytopathy in NMO. Now it is indispensable to check the AQP4 antibody,and is important to reconsider the role of astrocyte in demyelinating disorders.</P>

      • DLK1 suppresses melanoma growth by shaping tumor immune microenvironment

        Misu Kim,Hyejin Min,Seongwon Pak,Dohyeon Chung,Yejin Lee,Bikash Thapa,Keunwook Lee 한국실험동물학회 2021 한국실험동물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.7

        Immunoediting is a dynamic process that changes host immune system from immunosurveillance to immune escape during tumor progression. Despite the recent advances in cancer immunotherapy targeting immune checkpoints, it remains unclear how tumor cells acquire an ability to shape a favorable immune landscape within tumor microenvironment. To identify immunoediting factors that promote tumor progression, we performed a comparative transcriptomic analysis using tumor tissues derived from syngeneic mice transplanted with B16 melanoma manipulated to accelerate the tumor growth, in comparison with mice received with control B16 cells. Among the tumor-intrinsic factors that were differentially expressed and putative immune-associated genes, delta-like noncanonical Notch ligand 1 (DLK1) was further validated its functional impact on tumor growth and immune microenvironment. Forced expression of DLK1 attenuated melanoma growth whereas knockdown of DLK1 enhanced the tumor growth in the transplanted mice. Of note, DLK1 expression did not promote tumor growth intrinsically as neither ectopic expression nor knockdown of DLK1 affect proliferation or apoptosis of B16 cells. On the other hand, we observed a marked changed in the immunophenotype within tumor tissues including increased infiltration of effector CD4 T cells and NK cells, and reduced myeloid cells. In vitro coculture assay demonstrated that DLK1 expression in B16 upregulated the ability of melanoma cells to promote migration of CD4 T cells and NK cells toward the tumor. It is in progress to investigate the mechanism by which tumors modulate the expression of DLK1 in the tumor microenvironment during cancer progression. Collectively, our experimental data suggest DLK1 as a potent anti-tumor immunomodulating factor derived from tumor itself and provide a novel therapeutic venue for cancer treatment by reshaping the tumor immune microenvironment.


        Misu, Tadashi,Yasuda, Kiyoshi,Dohi, Takeyoshi 대한전자공학회 1992 HICEC:Harbin International Conference on Electroni Vol.1 No.1

        There are many methods for the diagnosis of aphasia. We selected the necessary methods used for effective training by speech therapists. The data includes profile, summary, medical information, details of language impairment, and 8 kinds of tests. The system was upgraded to input-output the data effectively and the data base was structured hierarchically. The most important test in Japan is the Standard Language Test of Aphasia for speech therapist. The support system for SLTA and the training system was developed by a similar method. The system guides the examiner, records the data, measures the time of the test, evaluates the data, and control the test. At present, The support system has been evaluated and improved, and works effectively.

      • KCI등재

        How does the Constructivism Learning Theory Apply to the Gaudi Permanent Exhibition in the Gyeonggi Children' s museums?

        Chung Misu 한국박물관학회 2005 博物館學報 Vol.- No.9

        Through my dissertation, 1 want to know how to organize the Gaudi Permanent Exhibition of Children' s Museum at Gyeonggi Province in Korea. Gaudi is a well-known Spanish architect who had tremendous creativity and was nominated as designer of 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites. 1 want to convey his creativity and love of Nature to Korean children who need creativity for their future. 1 shall start with the general history of Museum Education, roles of the museums, characteristics of educational psychology and applying the constructivist psychology and exhibition to Gaudi Exhibitions in detail. 1 constantly think about what educational theory 1 have to apply in order to make a perfect exhibition for children There are many reasons to visit the museums. The reasons include the desire to see beautiful objects, to accompany friends and farnily, to see a newly opened exhibition and unique collection, and to learn something People who go to museums think that they and their children need to be continually learning, continually searching for new information, continually intellectualising and aesthetically stretching, and they perceive museums as places to engage in this meaningmaking.

      • KCI등재

        국내 인도 연구 동향 분석: 인도 경제 연구를 중심으로

        김미수 ( Misu Kim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구에서는 최근 높아져 가는 인도에 관한 관심과 그에 맞춰 빠르게 늘고 있는 연구 수요에 따라 인도 경제 연구의 동향을 분석하고 발전 방향에 대해 논의했다. 그 대상으로 한국연구재단의 한국학술지인용색인 웹사이트와 한국교육학술정보원 한국연구정보서비스 웹사이트, 국회도서관 웹사이트를 통해 인도 경제와 관련한 연구를 선별했다. 총 284건의 논문을 바탕으로 1950년대 초반부터 최근까지의 연구 동향을 모두 분석해 1950년대 초반부터 1992년까지는 도입 단계 I, 1993년부터 2006년까지는 도입 단계 II, 2007년부터 2019년까지는 성장 단계로 크게 3단계로 나누었다. 우리나라에서의 인도 경제 연구는 1993년 본격적으로 실시되어 지금까지 약 30여 년간 진행되어 왔다. 구체적으로 살펴보면 대부분의 연구 주제는 우리 기업의 인도 진출이나 교역 등에 관련되어 있다. 이는 인도에 대한 우리의 인식이 ‘물건을 팔아야 할 시장’에 국한되어 있음을 방증한다. 인도와의 경제 협력을 위해서는 ‘시장’으로서의 인도의 사업적 규모나 가치를 분석하고 이해할 필요도 있지만, 더 깊은 이해를 위해 인도의 경제 및 산업 구조, 정책 등에 대한 좀 더 면밀한 연구가 필요하다. This study discusses trends in Indian Studies in Korea with special reference to researches of Indian economy. It is timely to analyze this topic because the interests on Indian economy recently has expanded in Korea. As a result, the demand of studies on Indian economy based on various topics also has increased. To analyze trends in Korea researches of Indian economy, we collected 284 research papers from Korea Citation Index of National Research Foundation of Korea, Research Information Sharing Service, National Assembly Library. The trends in Korea researches of Indian economy is divided into three phases: Introduction I from 1950 to 1992, Introduction II from 1993 to 2006 and Growth Phase from 2007 to 2019. It has been almost 30 years since research of Indian economy in Korea started in earnest in 1993. Many researches are related to investment and trade between Korea and India. It shows that the perception from Korea’s perspective toward India is a market to sell commodities. However, it is necessary to understand India’s economic and industrial policy more deeply in order to enhance economic cooperation between Korea and India and Korea’s understanding on India.

      • KCI등재
      • 민속지학적 수용자 연구에 대한 비판적 성찰

        나미수(Misu Na) 한국언론학회 2005 커뮤니케이션 이론 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 수용자 연구에 대한 질적 연구방법으로 확산되고 있는 민속 지학적 연구의 특성과 경향을 살펴봄으로써 수용자 연구에 있어 민속지학적 접근방법에 대한 비판적 성찰을 시도하였다. 이를 위해 17편의 국내 민속지학적 수용연구사례에 대한 검토를 통해 민속지학적 연구의 성과와 한계를 살펴보았는데, 특히 분석대상 논문들의 연구 참여자 및 연구대상 매체, 이론적 논의와 방법론 그리고 연구 경향 등을 분석, 평가해 보았다. 분석결과 이들 연구사례에서 나타난 몇 가지 공통된 방법론적인 문제들로는 연구방법 선택의 근거나 타당성, 그리고 연구 설계와 절차에 대한 설명이 미비하고 연구자 관여와 같은 방법론적 이슈 및 성찰성에 대한 논의가 매우 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 한편 국내 민속지학적 수용연구의 경향을 크게 텍스트 해독 연구, 미디어 소비 연구, 하위문화 연구로 구분하여 살펴본 결과, 텍스트 해독 연구는 전반적으로 텍스트 자체에 집중하는 경향을 보이면서 해독문제를 사회적인 과정으로 연결시키지 못하고 있음에 따라, 미디어 수용행위가 포함된 수용자의 일상생활 구조에 대한 복합적인 이해라는 민속지학적 속성이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 미디어 소비 연구와 하위문화 연구사례들에서 텍스트의 문제에서 맥락(context)의 문제로 관심의 비중이 이동하면서 하나의 사회적 과정으로서 미디어 수용행위를 둘러싼 일상생활 맥락을 분석하고자 하는 시도들이 엿보이는 것은 매우 바람직한 경향으로 보인다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 기존 연구들에 대한 반성과 함께 민속지학적 수용자 연구의 방법론적 쟁점을 실증주의 관점과 인류학적인 민속지학으로부터 제기되는 문제를 중심으로 정리하고, 이를 토대로 민속지학적 수용자 연구가 갖는 의미와 한계를 논의하였다. This article tries to investigate the significance and limits of an ethnographic approach in the field of media audience studies. For this purpose, this article reviewed 17 studies which conducted ethnographic audience research, and which were published in Korean academic journals from 1994 to 2005. As a result, those studies tended to take little notice of methodological issues such as the effect of the presence of the researcher and informants' interaction with the researcher, the discussion of research design and procedures, and self-reflexivity. Also, a few studies applied triangulation considered important to secure the validity of qualitative research, while most of the studies employed interview alone as a method. In addition, the research trend of those ethnographic audience studies was divided into three categories, that is, audience interpretation of text, media consumption and sub-culture study. The studies on text interpretation neglected to understand media reception in the context of audiences' daily life, showing a text-centered tendency. However, research focus, particularly in studies on media consumption and sub-culture study, moved from text to context in which media reception as a social process was analyzed in the context of everyday life. Finally, this article, on the basis of review on 17 studies, discussed methodological issues which have been particularly criticized from the perspectives of positivism and anthropological ethnography.

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