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      • 음악교사교육 연구에 대한 試論

        안미자 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1992 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.61 No.1

        This study was undertaken to investigate the trends of teacher education in music in the United State of America. It was found that music teacher preparation institutes truly devoted to the training of music specialists for public schools do not exist in Korea. Therefore, this study would be served as a model and also as the basic reference for the study of music teacher preparation in Korea which will be proceed in near future. After raising the fundamentals questions, the Trends of Teacher Education; the Qualification of Music Teacher; and the Program for Music Teacher Education are discussed in this paper. For the past twenty years, there happened many things which greatly influenced education. We have moved from being an industrial society to becoming an information society, implying that more than ever before our capacity to cope will depend in large measure on the quality of our education systems. And quality education depends on the teacher. Teachers have responsibility for student education and it is teacher who can influence the students. The study on teacher education is a constant ongoing process. It never can be fully resolved because teacher preparation should change with the needs of the times and with those of the changing society. The competency-based education movement is affecting most professions in the U. S., and it fits into the societal and professional demands of greater accountability. The notion that the arts should be taught primarily by trained and certified teachers from the discipline of either art or music has been almost universally accepted. The quality of art education in the schools depends upon the training and qualification of art teachers. Music educators who are competent, flexible, creative and curious will be prepared to survive and flourish in a world of change. They have the capacity to make a profound difference in the lives of those around them. The recommendation issued in 1986 by the Holmes Group and the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, suggest impetus to the movement toward a change in the way of training teachers. That is, the America should dramatically change her States certification practice. Practitioners should be certified on the basis of proven professional competence rather than competence as a college student. The Carnegie report contained recommendations which included the creation of national board for teacher standards whose role would be to establish more rigid certification requirements throughout the country. The board would issue two certificates : a Teachers Certificate and an Advanced Teachers Certificate. Both would be specific to subject and grade levels, and could be endorsed on examination for other subject matter areas or levels. The certification testing should enable the board to judge the quality of the candidates general education, mastery of subjects and knowledge, and mastery of the techniques required in teaching specific subjects. Both Holmes and Carnegie Groups recommended the replacement of undergraduate teacher education programs followed by a masters degree program in professional education and an intern experience under the guidance of a master teacher. They also believed that close ties between the universities and schools are necessary in order to improve teacher education. Music teacher qualifications place emphasis on persons who evidence of a high degree of insight and skill in four principal areas : professional cometence ; personal qualities and relationships with others; understanding of educational processes, and Understanding of the dynamics of change. The older norms of appearance, alertness, emotional poise, attitude, etc., can no linger be taken as infallible criterion indices to personal qualifications of teachers and educational leaders since we can not find any evidence of fixed norms to which such terms may be applied. In their place, it is suggested that we substitute "situational" criteria for assessing personal factors. These critera suggest ways of determining the effectiveness of individuals in meeting the demands of situations which may typically be found in education. The most critically needed changed in each of three areas of music teacher education program are as follows : Musicianship, Professional Education, and General Education. More than anything else, a music teacher must have rigorous musical training. They must be actively involved in such programs as listening, performance, improvisation, composition aural analysis, history, and criticism, The four year see sequential program in comprehensive musicianship will become the basis of training for all undergraduate musicians and this will take at least half the portion of the total preservice education. All music methods courses should be taught by music educators who have had years of successful experience in teaching in elementary and secondary schools. A frequent complaint situations in the schools. All prospective music teachers need to experience music learning at all levels in order to become complete music educators rather than narrow specialists. Preservice music teachers also must be required to engage in a substantial amount of stuffy outside music in such broad areas as natural science, social science, and arts and humanities, These areas should be flexible enough to be selected according to the students personal, self-fulfilling needs without the pressure of specific requirements. Teachers tend to teach as they were taught, not as they were taught to teach. When they enter the public school classroom, they are more class than to apply the principles of learning theory, curriculum development, and methodology presented in their college classroom. This vicious circle makes educational reform almost impossible. Effective teaching requires similar kinds of knowledge and skill, no matter when or where the teaching takes place within the public school environment. The music educators mission for the future is to collectively help the society toward achieving its human potentials so that this society will have at least a vital musical culture an enlightened music public. In Korea, problems in teacher education in music is more serious. Due to the lack of understanding concerning music education by the college administrators and much lack of financial support from the government in this area, it is far behind from the standards discussed in this paper. Therefore, it is urgently needed to reform, develop, and realize the importance of music teacher education program, Especially, curriculum reform in music education program should be undertaken as a first step. It is also important to keep close relationship with problems in general education such as researches in developing curriculum and various programs.

      • 김치 變遷에 관한 考察

        朴美子 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1993 産業開發硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        This study is to examine many kinds of modern Kimchi and the uses of it, referring to the literature of the history of changing Kimchi's treaties and old books. Many kinds of and types of soaking Kimchi, the uses of its materials, the annual events and the words of it are divided according to times and put them to rights, especially as comparing the chronological Kimchi-Processing of ancient times(Pre-Unification Shilla), from Groyeo Kingdom to the early days of chosun dynasty, after the middle of chosun dynasty. In remote ages, there were mainly the dishes of dried slices of radish preserved in salt from Goryeo Kingdom the beginning of chosun dynasty, there were the chopped radishes pickled in salt water, and the pickled white radishes seasoned with pepper, garlic, onion, ginger and celery with developed farming vegetables, cultivating stuffed-cucumber kimchi and sobakgi's kimchi, and these are divided into four formulating systems after the middle of chosun dynasty, many kinds of kimchi were highly developed out of the uses of red pepper and Jukgal from other country. The uses of kimchi were developed and extended by the modern industrialization of the local kimchi, and so kimchi-industries should be expanded over seas by developing them.

      • KCI등재

        대학 캠퍼스 내 전기 절약 캠페인 전략수립을 위한 수용자 인식 및 태도 연구: 감지적 접근법을 중심으로

        한미정,신경아 한국방송광고공사 2008 광고연구 Vol.0 No.80

        The present study conducted focus group interviews to examine college students’ perceptions and attitudes toward energy saving on campus. These students who participated in the interviews currently lived on dormitories and using the sense-making approach, students were asked to indicate their thoughts and current energy use behaviors on campus. These students acknowledged that they were likely to waste electrical energy in terms of using PC and lighting in their dorms. They expressed their neglect in switching off electricity while they were absent from the facility. However, they felt justified with energy wasting in the dormitory because they thought they already paid enough money to the university for residential fees. Students also pointed out that the university management should take more initiative in promoting energy saving with financial compensations and conveniently engineered electricity saving tactics. Also the focus group discussions rendered a deeper understanding of the target audience and based on that understanding, energy saving campaign strategies or message strategies could be drawn.

      • KCI등재후보

        소비자교육과 관련 변수가 초등학교 학생의 소비자능력에 미치는 영향

        제미경,김영옥 한국 가정과 교육 학회 2002 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The objectives of this study are to investigate whether consumer education affects the consumer competency and to find out which factors including consumer education affect the consumer competency of elementary school children. The subjects of this study were 43 children at fifth grade to participate in consumer education(experimental group) and 37 children not to participate(control group). Consumer education program was executed for total 20 hours in a semester. Surveys were also conducted twice times to get data for consumer competency and the related factors. The findings are as follows : 1) Consumer education has a positive effect on consumer-role attitude and consumer skill according to the result of ANCOVA. 2) The variables affecting the consumer-role attitude are consumer education and consumer skill of mother in that order according to the result of multiple regression. The variables affecting the consumer skill are consumer skill of mother, consumer education, record of a cashbook and gender in that order. The only variable affecting the consumer knowledge is consumer education.

      • KCI등재

        자연언어처리를 위한 개념도식 도구와 그 활용

        정미애 신영어영문학회 2000 신영어영문학 Vol.16 No.-

        Natural language processing requires efficient and powerful tools for representing and processing knowledge. And one of the prominent theories for NLP is Conceptual Graph Theory by Sowa. The purpose of CG theory is to express meaning in a form that is logically precise, humanly readable, and computationally tractable. Because it can be directly mapped to language, CG can serve as an intermediate language for translating computer-oriented formalism to and from natural languages. Since Sowa(1984), there have been a large number of researchers carrying out extensive research and development on various theoretical and practical issues in utilizing this knowledge representation scheme for building knowledge based systems. However, in Korea, there have been few researches on developments and applications of CG tools. Therefore, this paper tries to introduce some of the prominent CG tools for CG editing and programming such as CharGer as a graphical CG editor, CGWorld as a web-based knowledge Base Browser, and PROLOG+CG as a knowledge management and CG programming tool.

      • 율무의 영양 및 이화학적 특성에 관한 연구

        박미자 공주대학교 자원과학연구소 2000 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The historic source of Job's tears, the value of nutritional and physicochemical properties of Job's tears are summarized through literatures, Which are as follows;?? 1. Job's tears was used in a medicine and Gramineae of yearly plant. 2. The contents of moisture of 9.2% ,total ash of 2.1-1.5%, crude protein of 19.5-20.8%, crude fat of 3.7-7.2%, dietary fibers of 2.70-3.86%, carbohydrate of 60.7-67.0% are different from as its unpolished or polished. 3. The average values of specific gravity, refractive index, iodine value, saponification value, and acid value of the crude oil extracted from Job's tears were 0.917-0.920, 1.47, 107-111, and 198-199, respectively. 4. The fat content of Job's tears has a neutral lipid of 87-88%, of glycolipid 8-9%, phospholipid of 3-4%, and its content of important fatty acid were oleic acid > linolec acid > palmitic acid and the Antioxidizine of Job's tears was an effect of the antiacid of ethyl ether level in sampling of 50% methanol. 5. Generally, the peroxide values and thiobarbituric acid values of the Job's tears oils and control(soybean oil) during 40 storage days at 40±1℃ showed very low increase. After 32 days ,the peroxide values and TBA values of soybean oil showed higher than those of the Job's tears oils. Conclusively, the Job's tears oils were shown to be more stable than the soybean oil. 6. The element of amino acid has Glu > Leu > Ala, albumins(17.4%), globulins(19.6%), gliadins (55.2%) and glutelins(7.7%). Albumin has more acid protein than salt protein. A pH effect to albumins sampling was a low of melting degree to pH 3-4, and it sharply increases in melting degree of an alkali , water of pH 8 over. 7. The shape of Job'b tears starch granules composed of hexagon, octagon and globular form them that was resembled to corn starch. X-ray diffraction of Job's tears starch is similar corn and barley starch and it is. A type of diffraction as the typical type of starch. In Amylogram of starch initial pasting temperature is the highest degree of barley starch (84.5℃) and it is similar degree to Job's tears starch(76.0)and corn starch(75.5). The retrogradation of starch gel was not happened in 2℃ of Job's tears starch and its highest degree is in Job's tears starch of 450 BU(Barley starch 1.6 times). 8. The endogenous Ca and Fe contents of dietary-fiber extracted from Job's tears bran were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer(AAS). Ca contents were 300 times over TDF than ADF and Fe contents were 4 times over TDF than ADF. The iron binding capacity of dietary fiber at pH 5.0-7.0 was 95-97% for TDF and 85-95% for ADF. 9. In the mineral content ,it has the most of K(176mg/%), Second Mg(150mg/%) and Ca as 3-4 times of barley, but Na has much more barley than Job's tears.

      • 참취에서 추출한 엽록소의 안정성

        이미순,정미숙 德成女子大學校 1996 德成女大論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        참취는 약리작용과 독특한 풍미를 지니고 있을 뿐만아니라 농가에서 재배를 권장하고 있는 우리나라 고유의 특용작물이다. 식품의 천연착색료로서 참취를 사용하기 위하여 우리나라에서 예로부터 착색료로 이용되어 온 쑥과 취나물의 한 종류인 곰취의 색소 선호도와 chlorophyll의 열안정성 실험을 실시하였다. 신선한 시료 가운데서 참취의 색이 가장 선호되었고 100℃에서 10분간 데쳤을 때는 참취와쑥의 선호도가 가장 좋게 나타났다.(p〈.0001). 신선한 상태 및 100℃에서 10분간 데친 참취에서 추출된 chlorophyll a, b 와 pheophytin a,b 함량에서 유의적 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 곰취와 쑥은 신선한 상태 및 100℃에서 10분간 데친 처리에서 색소 함량의 유의적 변화가 있었다.(p〈.05). 따라서 참취는 색소 선호도가 가장 높고, 열안정성도 우수하므로 식품의 천연 착색료로의 사용을 권장할만 하다고 사료된다. Aster scaber is Korean wild vegetable which has medicinal effect and characteristic flavor. For the purpose of using this Aster scaber as a natural food colorant, Artemisia princeps, Ligularia fischeri and Aster scaber were studied in their color preference and heat stabklity. From the fresh samples, the color of Aster scaber was mostly preferred and from the samples which were blanched at 100℃ for 10 min the color of Aster scaberand Artemisia princeps were mostly preferred(p〈.0001). Also there were no significant defferences on the amount of chlorophyll a, b pheophytin a, b from fresh sample and the one from blanched Aster scaber at 100℃ for 10 min. But Artemisia princeps and Ligularia fischeri had significant differences on the amount of pigment from both treatment(p〈.05). Based on the data presented, it was concluded that Aster scaber is mostly suggestable as a natural food colorant for green color.

      • 韓國産 감자品種의 加工適性에 관한 硏究

        李美淳 德成女子大學校 1977 德成女大論文集 Vol.5-6 No.-

        韓國産 감자 品種의 加工適性에 관한 연구가 수행되었다. 比重, 還元糖 함량, chips의 品質 및 調理特性이 加工適性의 판단을 위하여 측정되었다. 國內 育成品種인 대관22가 加工을 위하여 가장 유망한 새로운 品種으로 간주되었다. 본 品種은 比重이 높고 엷은 色의 chips을 생산하였으며 After-cooking darkening을 나타내지 않았다. 대관 28 및 31은 Chipsrkrhd에는 부적당하게 보였다. 이들 세가지 品種은 모두 아린맛을 나타내는 것이 결점이었다. 導入品種으로써는 Superior 및 Norchip이 전반적으로 우수한 加工 및 調理特性을 나타냈다. An investigation was made on the processing quality of Korean potato varieties. Specific gravity, reducing sugar content, chip color and culinary characteristics were determined for the evaluation of processing quality. Taekwas 22 was regarded as a promising new variety for the processing. It showed high specific gravity, light-colored chips and no after-cooking darkening. Taekwan 28 and 31 appeared to be inappropriate for chip processing. All of these three varieties revealed bad taste. In overall view of quality criteria, Superior and Norchip showed good processing and culinary characteristics.

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