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      • KCI등재

        Universal tolerance of nab­paclitaxel for gynecologic malignancies in patients with prior taxane hypersensitivity reactions

        Kathryn Maurer,Chad Michener,Haider Mahdi,Peter G. Rose 대한부인종양학회 2017 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.28 No.4

        Objective: To report on the incidence of nab-paclitaxel hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) inpatients with prior taxane HSR. Methods: From 2005 to 2015, all patients who received nab-paclitaxel for a gynecologicmalignancy were identified. Chart abstraction included pathology, prior therapy, indicationfor nab-paclitaxel, dosing, response, toxicities including any HSR, and reason fordiscontinuation of nab-paclitaxel therapy. Results: We identified 37 patients with gynecologic malignancies with a history of paclitaxelHSR who received nab-paclitaxel. Six patients (16.2%) had a prior HSR to both paclitaxel anddocetaxel while the other 31 patients had not received docetaxel. No patients experienced aHSR to nab-paclitaxel. Median number of cycles of nab-paclitaxel was 6 (range 2–20). Twelvepatients received weekly dosing at 60 to 100 mg/m2. The remainder of patients received 135mg/m2(n=13), 175 mg/m2(n=9), or 225 mg/m2(n=3). Thirty four patients (91.9%) receivedreceived nab-paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin (n=28, 75.7%), IP cisplatin (n=1,2.7%), carboplatin and bevacizumab (n=3, 8.1%), or carboplatin and gemcitabine (n=2,5.4%). Reasons for discontinuing nab-paclitaxel included completion of adjuvant therapy(n=16), progressive disease (n=18), toxicity (n=1), and death (n=1). There were no grade4 complications identified during nab-paclitaxel administration. Grade 3 complicationsincluded: neutropenia (n=9), thrombocytopenia (n=4), anemia (n=1), and neurotoxicity (n=1). Conclusion: Nab-paclitaxel is well-tolerated with no HSRs observed in this series of patientswith prior taxane HSR. Given the important role of taxane therapy in nearly all gynecologicmalignancies, administration of nab-paclitaxel should be considered prior to abandoningtaxane therapy

      • KCI등재후보

        Grundlagen des Verwaltungsvertrags

        Hartmut Maurer 한양대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.26 No.1

        Durch das im 19. Jahrhundert entstehende Verwaltungsrecht wurde die Verwaltung rechtsstaatlich gebunden. Ausdruck dieser Bindung war auch der Verwaltungsakt, der zwar einseitig von der Verwaltung erlassen wurde, aber die Rechtslage im konkreten Fall zu konkretisieren hatte. Der Verwaltungsvertrag konnte sich dagegen nicht durchsetzen. Er wurde von Otto Mayer, dem fuhrenden Verwaltungsrechtler jener Zeit, abgelehnt, weil die Hoheitsgewalt des Staates eine vertragliche Regelung mit dem dieser Hoheitsgewalt unterworfenen Burger nicht zulasse. Die rechtsstaatliche Entwicklung, die durch das Grundgesetz verstarkt wurde, fuhrte jedoch zu der Erkenntnis, dass der Burger auch gegenuber dem Staat eigene Rechte habe und als Rechtssubjekt dem Staat gegenuberstehe. Damit war die Basis fur den Verwaltungsvertrag gelegt. Der Verwaltungsvertrag ist erstmals im Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz von 1976-allerdings nur knapp-geregelt worden. Das Gesetz bestimmt Begriff und Zulassigkeit des Verwaltungsvertrages (§ 54), verlangt die Schriftform (§ 56), fordert fur Vertrage, die in Rechte Dritter eingreifen, dessen Zustimmung (§ 58), regelt die Folgen der Rechtswidrigkeit von Verwaltungsvertragen, indem er einige Nichtigkeitsgrunde nennt, im ubrigen aber den Verwaltungsvertrag trotz Rechtswidrigkeit rechtswirksam werden lasst (§ 59), befasst sich mit der spateren anderung der dem Verwaltungsvertrag zugrunde liegenden Verhaltnisse (§ 60), regelt die Vollstreckung von Verwaltungsvertragen (§ 61) und verweist abschließend auf die erganzende und analoge Anwendung der Vorschriften des Burgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Zwei Vertragstypen, namlich der Vergleichsvertrag und der Austauschvertrag, werden noch zusatzlich genannt und beschrankt (§§ 55, 56). Der Verwaltungsvertrag weist eine bemerkenswerte Disparitat der Vertragspartner auf, da einerseits die Verwaltung an ihre offentlich-rechtlichen Kompetenzen und Beschrankungen gebunden ist, wahrend andererseits der Burger sich auf seine in der Privatautonomie wurzelnden Freiheiten berufen kann. Das schließt aber nicht aus, dass sich die Vertragspartner auf eine gemeinsame Regelung einigen. Der Verwaltungsvertrag bietet den Vorteil, dass die Burger in die Entscheidungsfindung einbezogen und die flexiblen Gestaltungsmoglichkeiten des Vertrages genutzt werden konnen. Allerdings bestehen diese Vorteile heute auch weitgehend beim Verwaltungsakt, wie die Verfahrensrechte des Burgers und die Formulierungsmoglichkeiten beim Erlass eines Verwaltungsaktes zeigen. Der Verwaltungsvertrag wird vor allem dort bedeutsam, wo die Verwaltung mit Privatunternehmern kooperiert und daher ein Verwaltungsakt von vornherein nicht in Betracht kommt. Dieser Bereich hat sich in der letzten Zeit erheblich erweitert. Das gilt vor allem fur die sog. funktionelle Privatisierung, die darin besteht, dass die Verwaltung bei der Erfullung offentlicher Aufgaben Privatunternehmer heranzieht und beteiligt. Das ist nur uber einen sog. Kooperationsvertrag erreichbar.

      • KCI등재후보


        T. MAURER,N. ABDELLAOUI,A. GWIAZDA,P.-M. ADAM,A. VIAL,J.-L. BIJEON,D. CHAUMONT,M. BOUREZZOU 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2013 NANO Vol.8 No.2

        We present a simple method to prove the presence of an organic shell around silver nanoparticles (NPs). This method is based on the comparison between optical extinction measurements of isolated NPs and Mie calculations predicting the expected wavelength of the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of the NPs with and without the presence of an organic layer. This method was applied to silver NPs which seemed to be well protected from oxidation. Further exper-imental characterization via surface enhanced raman spectroscopy (SERS) measurements allowed to identify this protective shell as ethylene glycol. Combining LSPR and SERS measurements could thus give proof of both presence and identi¯cation for other plasmonic NPs surrounded by organic shells.


        Dependency of COD on ground motion intensity and stiffness distribution

        Aschheim, Mark,Maurer, Edwin,Browning, JoAnn Techno-Press 2007 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.27 No.4

        Large changes in stiffness associated with cracking and yielding of reinforced concrete sections may be expected to occur during the dynamic response of reinforced concrete frames to earthquake ground shaking. These changes in stiffness in stories that experience cracking might be expected to cause relatively large peak interstory drift ratios. If so, accounting for such changes would add complexity to seismic design procedures. This study evaluates changes in an index parameter to establish whether this effect is significant. The index, known as the coefficient of distortion (COD), is defined as the ratio of peak interstory drift ratio and peak roof drift ratio. The sensitivity of the COD is evaluated statistically for five- and nine-story reinforced concrete frames having either uniform story heights or a tall first story. A suite of ten ground motion records was used; this suite was scaled to five intensity levels to cause varied degrees of damage to the concrete frame elements. Ground motion intensity was found to cause relatively small changes in mean CODs; the changes were most pronounced for changes in suite scale factor from 0.5 to 1 and from 1 to 4. While these changes were statistically significant in several cases, the magnitude of the change was sufficiently small that values of COD may be suggested for use in preliminary design that are independent of shaking intensity. Consequently, design limits on interstory drift ratio may be implemented by limiting the peak roof drift in preliminary design.

      • KCI등재

        Pseudobulbar Affect in Parkinsonian Disorders: A Review

        Mathew Hakimi,Carine W. Maurer 대한파킨슨병및이상운동질환학회 2019 Journal Of Movement Disorders Vol.12 No.1

        Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a neurological symptom of inappropriate and uncontrollable laughter or crying that occurs secondary to a variety of neurological conditions, including parkinsonian disorders. PBA is a socially and emotionally debilitating symptom that has been estimated to affect 3.6% to 42.5% of the population with Parkinson’s disease. While indexing measures and treatment options for PBA have been extensively studied in neurological conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis, there has been considerably less attention given in the literature to PBA in parkinsonian disorders. The purpose of this review is to discuss the pathophysiology of PBA, its prevalence and impact on quality of life in parkinsonian disorders, and the treatment options currently available. Areas requiring further study, including the development of standardized, cross-culturally validated methods of symptom assessment, and evidence-based studies exploring the efficacy of current treatment options in parkinsonian disorders, are also highlighted.

      • KCI등재

        International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189

        Frank Schneider,Caroline Maurer,Richard C. Friedberg 대한진단검사의학회 2017 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.37 No.5

        The College of American Pathologists (CAP) offers a suite of laboratory accreditation programs, including one specific to accreditation to the international organization for standardization (ISO) 15189 standard for quality management specific to medical laboratories. CAP leaders offer an overview of ISO 15189 including its components, internal audits, occurrence management, document control, and risk management. The authors provide a comparison of its own ISO 15189 program, CAP 15189, to the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program. The authors conclude with why laboratories should use ISO 15189.

      • KCI등재

        Does European History Repeat Itself ?: Lessons from the Latin Monetary Union for the European Monetary Union

        ( Ralf Fendel ),( David Maurer ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 2015 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.30 No.1

        Even among academics, it is less known that Europe already witnessed a monetary unification project in the second part of the 19th century. The unification endeavours culminated in the creation of the Latin Monetary Union in 1865, which eventually failed. This paper compares the historical event of the Latin Monetary Union to the current European Monetary Union. More specifically, it searches for differences and similarities between the two monetary unions. We find that even if the specific problems of a monetary union in the 19th century based on a bimetallic standard do not compare to those of a monetary union these days on a more general level, problems are surprisingly alike. In both monetary unions, we observe a lack of enforceable disciplinary measures, inadequate stability criteria, as well as diverging economic and political interests, consequently leading to extensive free-rider behaviour among member states. The study of the Latin Monetary Union and its disintegration suggests that a monetary union can only prevail within a strong regulatory and disciplining framework sharing an overarching vision of its members towards establishing a common political union.

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