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        유아 과학교육 활동을 중심으로 한 수와 사회교육 통합 사례 분석

        김숙자,현금자 한국영유아보육학회 2004 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.38

        본 연구의 목적은 과학활동을 중심으로 한 수와 사회 통합 교육 활동 수업 사례에서의 유아 반응을 분석하는 것이다. 분석 대상은 충북지역 M유치원 만 5세 유아 5명의 활동 수업 사례들이다. 「물」을 주제로 하여 총 10회 이루어진 교육활동은 선행연구(김숙자.김현정, 2003)에서 제시한 교수-학습과정 기본 모형을 토대로 하여 동기유발 단계, 초기개념 단계, 교수매체 투입, 개별 실험과 소그룹 토의를 통한 확장개념, 심화개념 단계로 재구성 하여 이루어졌다. 분석 결과 초기개념의 단계에서는 물을 옮길 수 있는 물체 예측을 통한 분류 개념과 물을 담는 용기의 높이와 물의 양과의 관련성이 분석되었다. 확장개념의 단계에서는 수 관련 개념으로 분류 개념, 수세기, 순서 짓기, 서수 개념, 높이, 크기, 길이, 양, 무게의 측정개념이 분석되었다. 사회 관련 개념은 문제해결을 위해 토의, 실험하기가 계속 순환되는 과정을 통해 나타난 협동하기, 다른 사람 의견 존중하기의 사회관련 개념이 분석되었다. 심화 개념의 단계에서는 물의 양과 물이 흘러나오는 속도, 물체의 형태변화와 부력의 관련성, 가라앉는 물체를 뜨는 물체에 올려놓는 위치와 부력의 관련성이 분석되었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher's teaching-learning strategies and young children's responses to the science integrated study with mathematics and social studies for young children, based on the basic process model of teaching-learning. The basic process model of teaching-learning is a remodeling which is basic process model of teaching-learning. This was researched by Kim, Suk Ja;Kim, Hyun Joung(2003). To achieve this purpose, actual class episodes were analyzed. The episodes from the classes were derived from 10 sessions of interaction between teacher and 5 kindergarten children. With priority given to scientific activities, educational activities were integrated into mathematics, science and social study. The subject of scientific activities was water. Contents of activities were organized with activities to understand concepts of the volume of water and the velocity of water flow. A qualitative analysis was used to access responses of young children to teaching-studying strategies of teachers in case studies. As a result, young children could have their own scientific ideas about the volume of water, the relationship between volume of water, velocities of water flow, and buoyancy. They could understand the concept of mathematics in ractical exercise. By repetitions of experiments and discussions to solve problems, young hildren could realize the concepts of sociality such as cooperating with each other and respecting other people's opinions.

      • 國家發展을 爲한 韓國女性人力의 活用

        嚴今子 단국대학교 대학원 1987 學術論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper analyzes the supply and demand of women powers in Korea up to now and forecast the supply and demand for the future to provide date for desirable planning and rational policy accordingly. The method used in the statistical forecasting, which is an fan­shaped extrapolation method, to project the sate of past and present on the future. A method of calculation is a regressive analysis. As a result of this analysis, the present writer can propose the policy to get rid of the various obsatacle factors like following; Firstly, A women’s organization is to perform the role of leader representing women as a strong pressure group in order to tide over political obstacle factor, and the government should refer to the “quota system”in the interests of development of women powers. Secondly, In order to tide over sociological things, the policy to guarantee and equal right as a law and to improve the educational program. As a strategic policy for the promotion of women’s status. i) Establishing a system of a vocational information. ii) Drawing up a plan for the promotion of woman’s statue. iii) Organization of women’s social group and a positive supporting and up bringings. These groping of the policy measures and the policy proposals to tide over the various obstacle factors impinging on women powers is “an intellectual conception”with the actual application value.

      • Reading 敎授法 改善을 위한 試圖 : Reading Laboratory 實施報告

        鄭金子 淑明女子大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        Although the importance of the oral aspect of language has long been emphasized in the teaching of a foreign language in our country, reading is still the core of the English language program on the college level. Naturally, main emphasis in the teaching of Freshman English is placed on the development of the students' reading ability to the level on which they can read with ease and comprehension books in their own field of study. Among the problems language teachers confront in the class, those seem to be especially hard to cope with: the student's habit of translation and grammatical analysis, the exclusive use of a bilingual dictionary, and the wide differences among the students in a large class of over 70. To have students experience reading in English as a thinking process, not as that of analysis and also make use of the differences in their abilities Reading Laboratory 3b, SRA Reading Series has been adminstered to the two different groups of freshmen, class Ⅰand Ⅱ, for a semester, in 1978 and 1979 respectively. Notable changes in the students' readintg habit resulted from the Laboratory work are as follows: 1) Since every individual student is allowed to work on her own level, the whole class has participated in reading much more actively than ever. 2) The sentence-oriented reading habit has developed in to that of the discourse- oriented. 3) Students now try to find word meaning in the context instead of consulting exclusively an English-Korean dictionary. 4) They learn more effectively through self correction. 5) They can read with more concentration. 6) They have come to enjoy reading in English. On the other hand, teachers must be cautioned regarding to the following: 1) Forced to guess the word meaning from the context. Students are apt to misunderstand the content of the reading. 2) They are so conscious of time that they will sacrifice SQ3R reading technique and comprehension to the shortening of the reading time. It is more desirable to offer the Laboratory course for non-credit so that students may feel free to enjoy reading. This is only an interim report on the adiministration of the Reading Laboratory to the non-native speakers of English, for only three out of the total nine levels have been carried cut. The present writer, however, firmly believes that the students in the experimental class will have profited greatly from the Reading Laboratory at the end of the whole course.

      • 선천성 비후성 유문협착증의 임상적 고찰

        최금자 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1986 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.9 No.4

        Fifteen infants with congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis who underwent pyloromyotomy at Dept. of Surgery, Ewha Womans Univ. Hospital for 5 years from Sept. 1981 to Aug. 1986, have been reviewed. The results were as follows. 1) Infants with congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis were 1.6% of the total pediatric surgical patients. 2) Eleven cases male and 4 cases were female. A ratio of male to fermale was 2.8:1. 3) The age distribution was 11 cases(73.3%) between 4 and 6 weeks. 4) The distribution of birth rank in siblings was 7 cases of first-born infants and 8 cases of second-born infants. 5) The distribution of type of feeding was 7 cases of breast-fed infants and 6 cases of cow milk-fed infants. 6) The seasonal distribution was 6 cases in Winter, 5 cases in Spring, and each 2 cases in Summer and Autumn. 7) The number of cases associated with the other congenital anomalies was 3 cases. 8) Non bile-stained projectile vomiting was the most prominant symptom and onset time was mostly between 3 and 5 weeks. 9) The pathognomonic olive shaped mass was palpable in 11 cases and the size of mass was average 2.4x1. 4㎝. 10) The results of Ramstedt pyloromyotomy or Koop's modification was excellent without operative faults.

      • 신생아외과환아의 사망율 변화에 대한 연구

        최금자 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1995 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.18 No.4

        1976년부터 1993년까지 이화여자대학교 의과대학 외과학교실에서 치료한 생후 4주 미만의 신생아를 대상으로 그 사망율의 변화를 분석하여 향후 신생아외과환아의 치료에 방향을 제시하고자 다음과 같은 연구를 시행하였다. 연구기간을 각각 6년씩 3기로 나누어 76~81년을 I기, 82~87년을 Ⅱ기, 88~93년을 Ⅲ기로 정하였고 기간별 대상환아의 질환별 빈도, 사망율 및 사망원인 등의 변화를 후향적으로 분석하였다. 사망예의 평가를 위한 질환의 중증 정도는 Clinical Classification System(CCS)과 사망유형(mortality patterm)으로 분류하였다. 그 결과 환아수는 제 I기 35예, Ⅱ기 61예, Ⅲ기 115예로 Ⅲ기에 환아수가 약 3배 증가하였고 사망수와 사망율은 각각 Ⅰ기에 12예, 34.3%, Ⅱ기에 8예, 13.1%, 그리고Ⅲ기에 5예와 4.6%로 사망율은 계속 현저히 감소하였다. 질환별 사망율은 식도패색증과 복벽기형에서 사망율감소가 가장 현저하였고 횡격막탈장은 큰 변화가 없었다. 기간별 사망자의 CCS와 사망율유형은 Ⅰ기 사망 12예중 Class Ⅱ가 5예, Class Ⅲ가 4예, Class Ⅳ가 3예이었고 이들중 9예가 예방가능한 사망이었으며 , Ⅱ기 사망 8예 중에서는 Class Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ가 각각 2예, 1예, 5예이었으며 이들 중 5예가 예방가능한 사망이었다. Ⅲ기 사망 5예 중에서는 Class Ⅲ와 Ⅳ가 3예와 2예로 이중 3예가 예방가능한 사망이었다 사망유형은 예방가능한 사망이 전기간을 통하여 가장 많았으나 I기 사망 12예 중 9예가 Ⅲ기에사망 5예 중 3예로 감소하였다. 가장 흔한 사망원인은 호흡부전과 패혈증이었다. 결론적으로 본원의 신생아중환아실의 훈련된 전문인력과 시설 및 고성능 장비는 극히 제한된 상태일지라도 신생아외과환아수는 계속 증가하였고 치료성적도 괄목할 만한 향상을 보이고 있다. 그러나 출생율의 감소와 더불어 출산전 태아진단검사와 임신중절 등으로 신생아외과환아수가 감소추세이고 반면에 신생아학의 발달로 인한 극심한 저체중아와 복합기형아의 생존율이 증가하고 있기 때문에 향후 신생아외과의 발전을 위하여는 이들 치료에 대한 의료인의 적극적이고 긍정적인 태도가 절대적으로 요구되는 바이다. 0bjective : The mortality of surgical neonates at Ewha Womans University Hospital was analysed and classified during 1976 through 1993 in order to assess e change of mortality rate and provide an opportunity for developing strategies to take off our neonatal surgery. Methods : The study period was devided three groups-'76 to'81 as period Ⅰ,'82 to '87 as period Ⅱ, and'88 to'93 as period Ⅲ. Author evaluated retrospectively and compared the mortality rates and causes of death in three periods one another. The clinical classification system(CCS) and morality pattern were used to assess the severity of illness in each death. Results : Surgical neonates were 35 cases during period Ⅰ, 61 cases in period Ⅱ, and 115 cases in period Ⅲ. And during the period Ⅲ, there was threefold increase in comparision with period Ⅰ. The number of death and mortality rate were 12 and 34.3% In period Ⅰ,8 and 13.1%in period Ⅱ, and 5 and 4.6% in period Ⅲ. And the mortality rate in period Ⅲ was significantly decreased. The most marked improvement of survival in neonatal surgery was in esophageal atresia and gastroschisis/omphalocele . And congenital diaphragmatic hernia was the most challenging problem in neonatal surgery with 40% of the overall mortality rate. The CCS of death cases in period Ⅰ were 5 Class Ⅱ, 4 Class Ⅲ, and 3 Class Ⅳ, and 1 nonpreventable, 2 permissible, and 9 preventable deaths. There were 2 Class Ⅱ, 1 Class Ⅲ, and 5 Class Ⅳ in period Ⅱ. And in period Ⅲ, there were 3 Class Ⅲ, and 2 Class Ⅳ. Although'preventable death' hold the first place as mortality pattern, it dropped from 9 of 12 cases in period I to 3 of 5 cases in period Ⅲ. The most common causes of death were respiratory failure and sepsis. Conclusion : Although our hospital had very limited the trained intensive care unit physician and nurses and well-equipped NICUs, the treatment results were very significantly improving progressively. However we should keep up advance the survival of the neonates with multiple anomalies and severely malformed premature giving the adequate attention and active management.

      • 수유를 통한 Allopurinol 투여가 신생쥐의 장간막 허혈 및 재관류 손상에 미치는 효과

        최금자 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1993 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.16 No.2

        Hypoxia is one of the most common major stress to which a neonate exposed, and subclinicaljschemic/hypoxic insults to the intestine has been implicated as playing a major role in thedevelopment of NEC. The exact mechanism leading to mucosal injury due to mesenteric ische-mia-reperfusion have not been fully elucidated, yet there is an increasing body of evidenceto suggest a role for xanthine oxidase(XO)- derived reactive oxygen metabolites. Allopurinolhas repeatedly been demonstrated to be effctive in decreasing reperfusion injury. This study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of allopurinol via breast-feedingto suckling rats, in the setting of ischemia and reperfusion. One-hundred forty Sprague-Dawley rat pups(one-week-old) received breast-feeding whoselactating mothers were bred on standard chow with allopurinol(2mg/100g) suspension water(ex-permental group) or tap water(control group) for 1 week Eight rats(each 4 of experimentalsand controls) were used to identify histologic finding of small bowel mucosa. Twelve rats(each6 of experimentals and controls) were used to measure serum uric acid levels. Ninety-six rats(each 48 of experimentals and controls) were subjected to superior mesenteric vessels occlusionfor 5, 10 or 20 min. to produce ischemic injury to the intestine. Segmental small bowel resectionswere performed in each 24 rats of control group and experimental group before and afterreperfusiort to histopathologic evidence of reperfusion injury. And the remaining 72 rats(each36 of experimentals and controls) were observed for mortality after IRI for 1 month. Serum uric acid 1.93±0.64mg/dl of experimentals was significantly lower than 7.32±1.18mg/dlof controls(p<0.005) Bowel injury severity was more severe on longer period of mesentericvascular occlusion in experimentals and controls. Mucosal injury severity was not differentsignificantly between experimentals and controls with same period of mesenteric vascular occlu-sion. but after 30 min of reperfusion, severity of mucosal injury in experimentals was attenuated than in controls. especially in the 5 min and 10 min occlusion of mesenteric vessels. All ofdeath occurred in 3 days after IRI, and mortality was decreased from 69.4% in controls to52.8% in experimental groups. Mortality was increased in case of longer period occlusion ofmesenteric vessels but not significant statistically. These results indicate that it is ability to transfer the effect of allopurinol to suckling ratsvia breast-feeding routes and the protective effects of allopurinol increases the survival rateafter IRI.

      • 최근 한국 유아교육에 관한 동향과 과제

        정금자 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 2000 人文科學硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to sum up some of current trends and issues which have been revealed importantly during the last two to three years in the field of the early childhood education in korea. For the last two years, the number of kindergarteners at 5-years old kindergarten were decreased continuously, comparing to the previous years, owing to IMF shock in the last 1997. However, some of progressive development could be accomplished, even in the gloomy circumstances of current years, keeping a few solicitous problems under the shadow of achievement. The followings, among the various accomplishment of the current education for young children, are considered as the most significant issues for the continuous development of this field; (1) Enactment of an act for promotion of the education for early childhood. (2) Remodeling of curriculum for the 6th kindergarten. (3) Some trials to reform the early childhood education into the publich schooling. (4) Some efforts to upgrade the quality of early childhood education, particularly the management of curriculum and education for teachers. The goal of this study, therefor, is to point out each progress of achievement and also lies in further analysis of the problems being considered as a factor of weakening such an achievements.

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