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      • KCI등재

        Cytological, genetic, and proteomic analysis of a sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) mutant Siyl‑1 with yellow–green leaf color

        Tong‑Mei Gao,Shuang‑Ling Wei,Jing Chen,Yin Wu,Feng Li,Li‑Bin Wei,Chun Li,Yan‑Juan Zeng,Yuan Tian,Dong‑Yong Wang,Hai‑Yang Zhang 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.1

        Background Both photosynthetic pigments and chloroplasts in plant leaf cells play an important role in deciding on the photosynthetic capacity and efficiency in plants. Systematical investigating the regulatory mechanism of chloroplast development and chlorophyll (Chl) content variation is necessary for clarifying the photosynthesis mechanism for crops. Objective This study aims to explore the critical regulatory mechanism of leaf color mutation in a yellow–green leaf sesame mutant Siyl-1. Methods We performed the genetic analysis of the yellow-green leaf color mutation using the F2 population of the mutant Siyl-1. We compared the morphological structure of the chloroplasts, chlorophyll content of the three genotypes of the mutant F2 progeny. We performed the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and compared the protein expression variation between the mutant progeny and the wild type. Results Genetic analysis indicated that there were 3 phenotypes of the F2 population of the mutant Siyl-1, i.e., YY type with light-yellow leaf color (lethal); Yy type with yellow-green leaf color, and yy type with normal green leaf color. The yellowgreen mutation was controlled by an incompletely dominant nuclear gene, Siyl-1. Compared with the wild genotype, the chloroplast number and the morphological structure in YY and Yy mutant lines varied evidently. The chlorophyll content also significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The 2-DE comparison showed that there were 98 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) among YY, Yy, and yy lines. All the 98 DEPs were classified into 5 functional groups. Of which 82.7% DEPs proteins belonged to the photosynthesis and energy metabolism group. Conclusion The results revealed the genetic character of yellow-green leaf color mutant Siyl-1. 98 DEPs were found in YY and Yy mutant compared with the wild genotype. The regulation pathway related with the yellow leaf trait mutation in sesame was analyzed for the first time. The findings supplied the basic theoretical and gene basis for leaf color and chloroplast development mechanism in sesame.

      • KCI등재

        唐代東亞文學史文體意識接受初探 -以≪文選≫與≪經國集≫賦類爲例

        동령 ( Tong Ling ) 연민학회 2011 연민학지 Vol.16 No.-

        According to the Japanese scholar for Oriental history, Ohoba Osamu(大庭脩)`s supposition, the failure in the Feishui battle(비水戰鬪) in Pre-Qin dynasty(前秦帝國)caused the cataclysm in the structure of North Asia. In the five hu(五胡) period, this cataclysm made spread of huge cultures and documents of Han dynasty to Japan at the first time. (see the 漢籍輸入の文化史) In succession to this, in six-dynasty(六朝) period, Sui(隋) dynasty and Tang(唐) dynasty, many Chinese documents spread to Japan. Among these classical Chinese documents, literary and historical ones not only enhanced the level of Japanese intellectuals` Chinese classics, but also triggered the creation of classical Chinese writings-even collections after the model of Chinese ones - in Japan. Jingguoji(經國集) published as a book in 827 is the very one of these publications. The thing which is worthy of notice is the fact that the consciousness of writing style also spread to Japan with these classical Chinese documents. However, there is an apparent time difference in speed between the spread and acceptance of the consciousness of writing style and the simple spread of documents. Each time to spread of concrete work of literature and the abstract consciousness of writing style to Japan is not same. Based with this point, the inner context in the exchange of literatures in East Asia will be guessed.

      • KCI등재

        『翰苑』 注 所引 『括地志』의 百濟 佚文 硏究 : 7세기 동아시아의 문헌지식

        童嶺(Tong Ling),번역: 임동민(Lim, Dong-Min) 한국고대학회 2021 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.67

        수당사와 동아시아사의 연구는 새로운 방법론(이론)과 새로운 사료라는 두 갈래의 길에 주로 기반을 두고 있다. 본래 일본 福岡縣 築紫郡 男爵 西高辻信雄에게 소장되었고, 현재는 같은 현 太宰府市 太宰府天滿宮에 소장된 舊鈔本 殘卷 『翰苑』은 正文과 注釋 모두 풍부한 정보를 담고 있다. 唐代 四六文의 발전 맥락에 따라 보면, 『翰苑』의 正文은 騈體文學의 여러 많은 특징을 구비하고 있으며, 『翰苑』의 注釋文字(특히 고구려, 백제 등의 조목)는 당 왕조와 동아시아사 관계에 충분히 유용한 사료이다. 본문은 일본에 소장된 『翰苑』에 인용된 『括地志』 佚文 연구로서, 이 연구는 필자가 앞서 쓴 『高麗記』 佚文의 연구(일본 교토대학 인문연구소 『東方學報』2017년 12월 발표) 와 자매편이다. 산일된 텍스트의 관점에서 당 왕조와 고구려, 백제의 관계를 다시 새롭게 볼 수 있었다. 구체적으로 말하면, 본문은 ‘佚籍文獻’과 ‘唐代 동아시아사’라는 두 시각으로부터 착수하여, 먼저 宮內廳 書陵部와 『翰苑』에 인용된 두 종류의 『括地志』佚文에 주목하였다. 영국의 Joseph Needham은 『중국의 과학과 문명』에서 현존하는 가장 오래된 地理總志는 814년 李吉甫의 『元和郡縣圖志』이고, 이때는 이미 唐代 말기에 접근하였다.”라고 지적하였지만, 이것은 서적의 산일된 정황을 고려하지 않았기 때문에 정확하지 않다. 본문은 모두 6개 절로 나뉘는데, 주로 아래의 3개 방면으로 고찰하였다. 첫째, 『翰苑』 注 인용 『括地志』에 수록된 백제 등의 역사적 사실에 대한 11개 佚文의 문자 고증을 진행하여, 백제 역법과 도성 위치, 5방 5부 등 중요 사료를 정정하였는데, 이것은 특히 백제의 관제, 제사, 왕족, 지리, 병력, 산천 등과 상당히 중요한 관계가 있다. 둘째, 신라‧당과 백제의 전쟁에 관련된 지리, 풍속 정보가 담긴 『翰苑』 注 인용 『括地志』佚文을 분석하였다. 『括地志』佚文은 직접 혹은 간접적으로 7세기 ‘삼국시대’ 최후의 백제 전쟁과 상당히 긴밀하게 얽혀 있다고 생각한다. 셋째, 唐代는 地志學이 충분히 발달한 시대였고, 계승의 관점에서 말하자면, 漢‧魏‧六朝 地志의 장점과 사료를 계승하였다. 唐代 地志 문헌의 ‘다면성’을 분석하고, 아울러 唐代 羈縻州 계통 등 다각도로 淸儒 輯本 『括地志』가 어째서 백제의 조목을 失載하였는지에 대한 하나의 학문적 추측을 시도하였다. The study of East Asian history is based on new methodologies and historical sources. The remaining ancient manuscript of Hanyuan(翰苑 舊鈔本 殘卷), which is currently in the collection of the Dazaifu Tenmangu(太宰府天滿宮) in Japan, is a valuable material that contains the original texts(正文) that show the characteristics of “pianwen(騈文)” in the Tang dynasty, and useful annotation(注釋) for the study of the relationship between Tang dynasty and East Asian history. This article is a study on the Kuodizhi (括地志) quoted in Hanyuan (翰苑), and a companion edition of “A study on the scattered texts of Gaoliji (高麗記)”, written by the present writer. Focusing on the scattered texts, the relationship between the Tang dynasty, Koguryŏ, and Paekche is re-examined. To be more specific, this article started from two perspectives: “the scattered texts(佚籍文獻)” and “East Asian History during the Tang dynasty”. This article is divided into six sections, and the following three aspects were mainly analyzed. First, by conducting a literal examination of the historical facts of Paekche recorded in the Kuodizhi quoted in the annotation of Hanyuan, important records such as the Paekche calendar, the location of the capital city, and “Opang(五方, five provinces) and ‘Opu’(五部, five districts) were corrected. These records are particularly important in relation to the administration, ancestral rites, royalty, geography, troops, mountains and streams of Paekche. Second, this article analyzed the scattered texts of Kuodizhi quoted in the annotation of Hanyuan that contains information on the war between Shilla, Tang, and Paekche. It is considered that the scattered texts are directly or indirectly related to the last Paekche War in the seventh century, Three Kingdoms period. Third, the Tang dynasty was an era in which topography(地志學) was significantly developed, and from the point of view of succession, the merits and historical records of the geography of Han(漢), Wei(魏), and Six Dynasties(六朝) were inherited. This article aims at analyzing the “multifaceted aspects” of literature on topography of Tang dynasty and attempting academic inference about the reason why Kuodizhi lost the Paekche records.

      • KCI등재

        Standardizing and optimizing acupuncture treatment for irritable bowel syndrome: A Delphi expert consensus study

        Xin-Tong Su,Wang Li-Qiong,Zhang Na,Li Jin-Ling,Qi Ling-Yu,Wang Yu,Jing-Wen Yang,Guang-Xia Shi,Cun-Zhi Liu 한국한의학연구원 2021 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.10 No.3

        Background: Acupuncture has been widely utilized for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, heterogeneity is large among therapeutic strategies and protocols. The aim of this study was to propose some down-to-earth recommendations and establish an optimized protocol for acupuncture practice in IBS. Methods: A panel of 74 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncturists participated in clinical issue investigation. Subsequently, systematic reviews concerning acupuncture for IBS were screened within 3 databases. An initial consensus questionnaire was formed from the results of clinical issue investigation and literature review. Ultimately, a Delphi vote was carried out to determine these issues. 30 authoritative experts with extensive experience were requested to respond with agreement, neutrality, or disagreement for the items. Consensus achievement on a given item was defined as greater than 80% agreement. Results: Following a 2-round Delphi survey, there were 19 items reaching consensus; of which 5 items (26.32%) achieved thorough consensus, and significant agreement was reached for the other 14 items. These items can be classified into the 3 major domains: 1) clinical outcomes that acupuncture can bring for favorable intervention population (5 items), 2) suitable therapeutic principles and parameters of acupuncture (13 items), 3) possible adverse events in the treatment (1 item). Conclusion: Without any ready-made guidelines and lacking of homogeneity in the published literatures, such expert consensus could be valuable for TCM acupuncturists in daily practice and patients with IBS to obtain appropriate and standardized acupuncture treatment. In addition, it also points out the clinical focus which need to be further explored in future trials.

      • KCI등재

        Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate induced oxidative damage involving FasL-associated apoptotic pathway in mouse spermatogenic GC-2spd cells

        Xiao Tang,Kun Tong,Lishan Zhu,Guoqing Fu,Wei Chang,Ting Zhou,Zhibing Zhang,Ling Tong,Ling Zhang,Yuqin Shi,Ling Zhang,Yuqin Shi 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2016 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.12 No.4

        Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) which belongs to phthalatic-acid esters, is a kind of harmful, global environmental pollutants. It is a known endocrine disrupting chemical and male reproductive toxicant. However, the mechanism by which DEHP exposure result in male reproductive toxicity is still unclear. To elucidate the productive toxicity mechanism of DEHP, we attemptted to investigate oxidative stress, apoptotic effects, mRNA and protein expression of apoptosis-associated genes including FasL, caspase-3, and caspase-8 in GC-2spd (mouse spermatogenic cells). The results showed that, with the increase of DEHP concentration, cell apoptosis rate increased; the activities of relation index of oxidative stress such as malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutatione peroxidase (GSH-PX) changed significantly; the mRNA and protein expression levels of FasL, caspase-3, -8, altered obviously. These results suggested that DEHP could induce apoptosis of GC-2spd cells through oxidative stress and FasL-dependent pathway.

      • KCI등재

        Recent progresses and perspectives of VN-based materials in the application of electrochemical energy storage

        Ling-Na Shi,Xue-Zhong Li,Lan-Tong Cui,Peng-Fei Wang,Ying Xie,Ting-Feng Yi 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.114 No.-

        Developing well-behaved electrode materials is crucial for manufacturing high-performance batteries,SCs and electrocatalysis, and it is also one of the main driving forces for the development of EES devices. In consideration of the high robustness and electrical conductivity during the electrochemical reactionprocess, VN-based materials exhibit good performance as electrode materials (or catalytic materials)for batteries, supercapacitors, and excellent catalytic activity for electrocatalysts. Especially, the VNbasedmaterials decorated into other active compounds with various morphologies elaborately presentexcellent performances due to the abundant active sites and fully synergistic effect. This review presentsthe structure-performance relation by designing different-dimensional nanostructures and various applicationsof VN-based materials in electrochemical energy storage (EES) applications. Finally, the perspectiveson future challenges and progress have been discussed. This review can offer a specificunderstanding for the optimization strategies of VN-based materials, thus booming the rapid developmentand practical applications for EES devices in the future.

      • KCI등재

        A Mean Field Game-Theoretic Cross-Layer Optimization for Multi-Hop Swarm UAV Communications

        Tong Li,Cong Li,Chungang Yang,Junqi Shao,Yue Zhang,Lei Pang,Lizhong Chang,Lingli Yang,Zhu Han 한국통신학회 2022 Journal of communications and networks Vol.24 No.1

        Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multi-hop communicationnetworks are foreseen to be widely employed inboth military and civilian scenarios. However, in ultra-densescenarios with swarm UAVs, nodes are highly dynamic mobile,ultra-dense deployment and non-centralized distribution. Thesecharacteristics make the centralized resource management policynot apply. Meanwhile, existing routing protocols can’t meetthe performance challenges of high dynamic, topology and linkfrequency changes of ultra-dense scenarios with swarm UAVs. Tosolve the above challenges of resource management and routingprotocol, a cross-layer optimization method is presented witha novel mean field game (MFG) in this paper. It is based onthe cross-layer design method of the MFG theory and jointlyconsiders the power resources in the physical layer, frequencyresources in the medium access control (MAC) layer, and routingresources in the network layer. By dividing into subproblems,the original problem is solved. Meanwhile, the optimal datatransmission path can be selected through the management andallocation of frequency resources and power resources. A crosslayerresource management dynamic source routing (CLRMDSR)protocol is designed based on that which adds link qualitymeasurement. The simulation results show that the presentedCLRM-DSR with the proposed resource management schemecan improve the data packet transmission rate, reduce end-toenddelay, and lower routing overhead for the multi-hop swarmUAV communication network.

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