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        An algorithm for labia minora reduction based on a review of anatomical, configurational, and individual considerations

        Lange Maurits DJ,Hage J. Joris,Karim Refaat B,Amant Frederic 대한성형외과학회 2023 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.50 No.1

        A variety of labiaplasty techniques have been introduced to date, but no single technique will offer the optimal solution for every patient. Rather, the technique should be chosen based on anatomical, configurational, and technical considerations, as well as on patients’ personal preferences regarded maintenance of the labial rim, maintenance of labial sensitivity, and prevention of iatrogenic thickening of the labium. We reviewed, defined, and assessed labial configurational variety, neurovascular supply, reduction techniques, and patient’s preferences as the considerations relevant to the choice of labiaplasty technique. Based on this review, an algorithm was constructed that leads to a choice of reduction technique through five decisions to be made regarding (1) resection or (partial) retention of the labial free rim, (2) the measure of required labial width reduction, (3) labial vascular status, (4) prevention of iatrogenic labial thickening, and (5) preservation of labial sensibility. The choice of techniques includes edge trimming, central spindle form de-epithelialization or full thickness resection, and three modifications of the wedge resection or de-epithelialization technique. These three modifications comprised a modified anterior resection or de-epithelialization combined with posterior flap transposition, a custom flask resection or de-epithelialization, and a modified posterior wedge resection or de-epithelialization combined with anterior flap transposition. Use of the five decisional steps and the inclusion of modifications of all three conventional reduction techniques offer an improved algorithm for the choice of labioplasty technique.

      • Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis : Zur Analysedes "Goya"-Romans von Lion Feuchtwanger auf dem Hintergrund seiner Biographie 리온 포이히트봥어의 생애를 배경으로 한 소설 "고야(Goya)"의 분석

        Lange, Dietmar 단국대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        한국에는 리온 포이히트봥어(Lion Feuchtwanger)의 작품들이 아직 잘 알려져 있지 않는 편이다. 이 논문에서 논의된 그의 소설 「고야 또는 인식의 험난한 길」은 그의 전형적인 역사소설일 뿐만 아니라 그의 자서전적 요소들이 많이 내포되어 있으므로 제한된 범위에서나마 그의 인간과 작품을 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 뮨헨 출신의 유태인인 포이히트봥어는 일찍부터 연극 및 문예 비평과 더불어 희곡과 소설들을 쓰기 시작했다. 그러나 뮨헨의 떠돌이 문인에서 시작하여 독일 망명문학을 대표하는 세계적인 작가가 된다는 것은 멀고도 힘든 길이다. 포이히트봥어의 작품들 중에서는 역시 역사소설들이 큰 비중을 차지한다고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 이 논문에서 논의되고 있는 포이히트봥어의 소설 「고야 또는 인식의 험난한 길」의 주인공 고야(Goya)는 하층 사회에서 태어나 스페인의 가장 이름난 화가가 된 사람이다. 그러나 포이히트봥어의 소설에서는 고야가 궁정화가로서 이미 큰 성공을 거둔 이후의 그의 내면세계가 그려져 있다. 고야는 본의 아니게 정치에 말려들어 까이에따나 데 알바 공작부인과의 사랑과 증오의 감정이 뒤섞인 관계로 고통을 당하게 되고, 사랑하는 딸을 잃게 되고, 종교재판의 위협을 받게 되는 등 온갖 정신적 좌절을 경험하게 될 뿐만 아니라 청력까지 잃게 된다. 하지만 이 모든 어려움과 싸우는 동안 그의 시력은 더욱 날카로와져 그 시대를 풍미하던 의고전주의를 극복함으로써 인간의 본질을 꿰뚫어 보고 그것을 그릴 수 있게 된다. 고야는 그의 <관념들>을 형상화함으로써 스페인의 중세적 상황을 비유적으로 그릴 수 있었고, 그 결과 그의 그림을 보는 사람은 그러한 중세적 상황의 사악함과 그 극복의 필요성을 인식할 수 있게 되는 것이다. 왜냐하면 그의 그림에 나타난 <관념들>은 누가나 이해할 수 있는 世界語이기 때문이다. 소설「고야 」는 발전소설이다. 그러나 그 주인공은 직선적으로 발전하거나 이상적인 인간으로 승화되는 것이 아니라 내면적인 발전을 거듭하면서도 끝까지 모순투성이의 인간으로 남는다. 이 소설은 주인공의 내면적 갈등과 18세기 말 스페인의 절망적인 사회상을 强弱格(Trocha¨us)의 反語的인 사용과 視角 및 場面들의 다양한 변화를 통하여 생생하게 그리고 있다는 점에서 전형적인 20세기 유럽 소설이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 무엇보다도 소설의 주인공이 사회적인 문제들에 말려들게 되고, 이에 대한 내면적 성향 과정을 통하여 예술적으로 완숙한 경지에 이른다는 것은 1차대전 이후에 씌어진 소설들의 공동광장(Topos)의 하나이기 때문이다. 그런 의미에서 이 소설의 주인공이 걷는 길은 망명작가 포이히트봥어 자신이 걸어간 길이었다. 또한〈이성을 위하여--우매와 폭력을 반대하여〉라는 포이히트봥어 작품들의 주도동기(Leitmotiv)가 이 소설에서 만큼 선명하게 부각된 곳은 없을 것이다.

      • The Effects of Structure on Participation: Informal Cooperative Learning in Small Groups

        Christopher Lange,Jamie Costley 공주대학교 교육연구소 2014 교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This study examines the use of structure within informal cooperative learning group work as well as participation that occurs within such group work. The structures of various cooperative learning techniques including Numbered Heads Together, Think-Pair-Share, Think-Pair-Share/Jigsaw, and Jigsaw are compar ed based on the nature and levels of participation they elicit. The varying structu res of these techniques are analyzed to explore the possibility that more structure in specific techniques can lead to increased levels of participation as well as more even participation among group members. Quantitative research was cond ucted to analyze the cause and effect of variables in order to examine the relation ship of the structuring of these techniques with participation output of students in informal cooperative learning groups. The results of this study appear to favor the Think-Pair-Share related techniques over the non-Think-Pair-Share relate d techniques in regards to equality of participation, number of words per group, number of words per student, and number of words per turn taken. These result s are analyzed and implications are made to suggest further research.

      • Dikablis (digital wireless gaze tracking system) ? operation mode and evaluation of the human machine interaction

        C. Lange,Jae-Woo Yoo,M. Wohlfarter,H. Bubb 대한인간공학회 2006 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The following paper describes the gaze tracking system Dikablis and how the human machine interaction can be evaluated with the help of this system. The system consists of a head based gaze tracking unit, a recording pc with the recording software and an offline software that can be run on any pc. The paper will describe these three parts and discuss their characteristics. Dikablis offers the possibility to evaluate novel driver assistance and information systems as well as human-computer interaction or advertisement appearances. How to do this research will be described in the second part of the paper.

      • The Effects of Structure on Participation: Informal Cooperative Learning in Small Groups

        Christopher Lange,Jamie Costley 공주대학교 교육연구소 2014 교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This study examines the use of structure within informal cooperative learning group work as well as participation that occurs within such group work. The structures of various cooperative learning techniques including Numbered Heads Together, Think-Pair-Share, Think-Pair-Share/Jigsaw, and Jigsaw are compared based on the nature and levels of participation they elicit. The varying structures of these techniques are analyzed to explore the possibility that more structure in specific techniques can lead to increased levels of participation as well as more even participation among group members. Quantitative research was conducted to analyze the cause and effect of variables in order to examine the relationship of the structuring of these techniques with participation output of students in informal cooperative learning groups. The results of this study appear to favor the Think-Pair-Share related techniques over the non-Think-Pair-Share related techniques in regards to equality of participation, number of words per group, number of words per student, and number of words per turn taken. These results are analyzed and implications are made to suggest further research.

      • KCI등재

        Relationships of Motivational Orientation and Creativity and Their Effects on Writing Performance

        Christopher Lange,Hyun-Ju Kim 한국영어교육학회 2021 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.76 No.2

        Motivational orientation and creativity of students in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing courses have recently garnered increased attention in South Korea and around the world. In an effort to advance research in these areas, this study examined relationships involving motivational orientation (intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy), creativity, and writing performance. A group of university EFL students (n = 41) in South Korea participated in this study. They were asked to complete questionnaires of intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy, take the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, and complete a series of writing tasks including a persuasive essay as part of their performance assessment of a writing class, which served as the context of this study. Results showed no significant relationship between motivational orientation and creativity. However, an interaction effect between intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy on student writing performance was found. Results are discussed and recommendations are made based on pedagogical implications of these findings.

      • Applied mediation analyses : a review and tutorial

        Theis Lange,Kim Wadt Hansen,Rikke Sørensen,Søren Galatius 한국역학회 2017 Epidemiology and Health Vol.39 No.-

        In recent years, mediation analysis has emerged as a powerful tool to disentangle causal pathways from an exposure/treatment to clinically relevant outcomes. Mediation analysis has been applied in scientific fields as diverse as labour market relations and randomized clinical trials of heart disease treatments. In parallel to these applications, the underlying mathematical theory and computer tools have been refined. This combined review and tutorial will introduce the reader to modern mediation analysis including: the mathematical framework; required assumptions; and software implementation in the R package medflex. All results are illustrated using a recent study on the causal pathways stemming from the early invasive treatment of acute coronary syndrome, for which the rich Danish population registers allow us to follow patients’ medication use and more after being discharged from hospital.

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