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        맹자와 초기 중국 사상

        Kwong-loi Shun,李?熙(번역자) 중국어문논역학회 2010 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.27

        This chapter deals with various methodological issues in studying Menicus and other early Chinese thinkers. Kwong-loi Shun, first, examines carefully the relationship between the text, the Mencius and the thinker, Mencius, the problem of reference inherent in the term, Confucianism, and the meaning of “ethical.” Next, he discusses bigger issues concerning methodology. This first one is whether or not it is proper to treat early Confucianism as an object of intellectual inquiry. The second is how to avoid imposing on early Chinese certain presuppositions and frameworks alien to it. Kwong-loi Shun, while defending his own approach based on the analysis of content of thought, acknowledges the relevance of historical research and suggests the complementary relationship between them. And he attempts to resolve the second problem by the scrupulous cross-examination of early texts as well as by avoiding modern, western terms that carries too much alien connotations. Lastly Shun tells how to use commentaries and translations in analyzing the text. By comparing and adjudicating between the major alternative interpretations, he says he seek to provide some reason for accepting a proposed interpretation, rather than merely presenting it as his own preferred interpretation. In so doing, he hopes to put forward considerations in its favor to which those who disagree can respond, thereby providing the starting point of a dialogue to resolve such disagreements.


        Realizing Women's Human Rights in Asia : The UN Women's Convention and the Optional Protocol

        TANG, Kwong-leung,CHEUNG, Jacqueline Tak-York Ewha Womans University Press 2003 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.9 No.4

        Different international legal agreements have been arrived at by nations to deal with the global problem of discrimination against women, the most important of which is the Convention on the Elmination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Women's Convention). This paper discusses the importance of the Optional Protocol to the Women's Convention for Asian women, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1999. It provides for an individual complaint procedure against violations of women's rights and allows the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to conduct special investigations into violations of women's rights.


        Mellin transform solution for electrostatic field from a line charge in a slotted hollow wedge

        Kwon, G.,Hwang, K.C. Informa UK (TaylorFrancis) 2014 Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications Vol.28 No.6

        Electrostatic field from a line charge in a slotted, hollow wedge is investigated using the Mellin transform and mode matching. In order to obtain a rigorous and fast convergent series solution, an eigenfunction expansion and residue calculus are applied to the electrostatic boundary-value problem. As a result, the potential fields in the regions of interest are represented by a series formula. Numerical computations are performed to assess the field behavior in terms of wedge geometry and material parameters. Our theoretical results are also compared with the results by a commercial software package to check the validity of the derived series.

      • Capacitance Computation of Coplanar Waveguide Using the Mellin Transform and Mode-Matching

        Kwon, G.,Keum Cheol Hwang IEEE 2012 IEEE microwave and wireless components letters Vol.22 No.8

        <P>The electrostatic boundary-value problem of a symmetric, slotted conducting wedge is solved to compute the capacitance of a coplanar waveguide using the Mellin transform and a mode-matching method. In order to obtain a fast convergent series solution, eigenfunction expansion and residue calculus are applied. A simulation using a commercial software package was also conducted to validate the proposed approach. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with the simulation results as well as the results by conformal mapping.</P>


        Fabrication of uniform and high resolution copper nanowire using intermediate self-assembled monolayers through direct AFM lithography

        Kwon, G,Chu, H,Yoo, J,Kim, H,Han, C,Chung, C,Lee, J,Lee, H IOP Pub 2012 Nanotechnology Vol.23 No.18

        <P>Electrochemical AFM lithography was used to directly fabricate copper nanowires. The copper ions were strongly reduced by a negative sample bias at the point where the AFM tip was localized, and copper metal wires were successfully fabricated following the direction of the electrical field of the bias. A TDA⋅HCl self-assembled monolayer (SAM) was found to play an important role as an intermediate layer for enhancing the capability of high resolution and complete development after the AFM lithographic process. The physical and electrical properties of the wires were analyzed by AFM, EFM, SEM, TEM and I–V measurement. The fabricated copper has promising potential for applications such as masks and interconnectors for nanoelectronic devices.</P>

      • KCI등재

        음악치료교육활동이 다운증후군학생의 선택적 주의집중력에 미치는 효과

        유광숙,최중옥 한국특수아동학회 2003 특수아동교육연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 특수학교 정신지체학생 중 다운증후군 판별을 받은 학생을 대상으로 음악치료교육활동이 선택적 주의집중력에 미치는 효과를 검증한 것으로 그 구체적인 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 음악치료교육활동이 주의집중 성취도 검사(CIAT)의 중심과제 수행능력에 미치는 효과를 검증한다. 둘째, 음악치료교육활동이 주의집중 성취도 검사(CIAT)의 우발과제 수행능력에 미치는 효과를 검증한다. 연구방법은 부산광역시 소재 특수학교에 재학중인 3명의 다운증후군학생을 대상으로 단일대상연구인 중다기초선설계를 실행하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 프로그램은 Cassity(1985)가 연구한 것으로서 미국의 음악치료사들이 정신지체청소년의 적응행동을 개선하기 위하여 현장에서 사용하는 음악치료교육프로그램에 근거한 것이다. 연구결과 첫째, 음악치료교육활동이 주의집중 성취도 검사(CIAT)의 중심과제 수행능력을 기초선 보다 중재시 평균 12점, 50%, 유지기간 동안 평균 16점, 66.6% 향상되었다. 둘째, 음악치료교육활동이 주의집중 성취도 검사(CIAT)의 우발과제 수행능력을 기초선 보다 중재시 평균 7점, 43.8%, 유지기간 동안 평균 9점, 56.3% 향상되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 통해 음악치료교육활동이 선택적 주의집중력에 미치는 효과가 있음을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of therapeutic education activity on selective attention of children Down Syndrome who enrolled in a school for the mentally retarded. Followings are specific research problems. First, does the program have an effect on improving the mentally retarded students' performance on central attention tasks in CIAT? Second, does the program have an effect on improving the mentally retarded students' performance on incidental attention tasks in CIAT? Three children with Down Syndrome in tenth grade were employed as subjects for this study. CIAT was used to measure students' response in selective attention tasks. CIAT is an instrument which is developed commercially to be supposed to measure selective attention ability. CIAT is consisted of two tasks. One task is supposed to measure central attention ability. To solve this task, students are asked to select one stimulus which is closely related to the task with several distractors. The other task requires students to select one stimulus which is not related to the task from the other stimuli which are related to the task. Multiple baseline design across participants was applied for this study. The program designed originally by Cassity in 1985, designed to improve mentally retarded students' adaptive behavior in school setting, involves comprehensive emphases both on music education in classroom and on therapeutic activity of music in clinic. The research has made slight modification of Cassity's program to fit to the purpose of this study on the basis of researcher's teaching experience. Followings are the results of this study. First, therapeutic education activity of music improved response of students with Down Syndrome in central attention task. Second, the program improved performance of students with Down Syndrome on incidental selective attention task in treatment phase. The result indicated an increase in performance by all three students with Down Syndrome from baseline to the independent phase condition of the intervention. In addition, maintenance of effects were observed for all students on tasks.

      • 『어린 王子』에 있어서의《砂漠》의 이미지 : 《우물》과 《뱀》을 中心으로

        李光燮 誠信女子大學校 1989 硏究論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        En nous gardant de lire "Le Petit Prince" "a`la le´ge`re" (P.P. p. 422), nous sommes incline´ a` remarquer ruelques teintes e´sote´riques a` travers l'image du "puits" et du "serpents" la metamorphose du cercle ct la ge´ome´trie symbolique du triangle dans le de´sert initiatique du petit prince. Nous de´sirons, par cette e´tude, essayer une signification phe´nome´nologique qui est tanto^t herme´tique, tanto^t symbolique purement au sens litte´rare, par laquelle Saint-Exupe´ry, cre´ateur d'image, parvient a`prendre la ve´rite´ a` l'e´chelle cosmique, a` travers les yeux du Coeur, comme "ce qui simplifie" (T.H. p.254). Le puits et le serpent qui se cachent dans le de´sert, ce sont les messagers primordiaux du De´sert Initiateur. Car "Le puits porto loin, comme l'amour."(T.H. p.187) et le serpent peut "t'emporter plus loin qu'un navire."(P.P p.462) vers le monde e´ternel. Ce sont la Voie du voyage entre trios mondes, ce´leste, terrestre et souterrain. Ce sont l'Un. Ce que le De´sert Initiateur nous apprend, a`travers ses messagers, a`"toutes les grandes personnes qui ont d'abord e´te´ des enfants"(P.P. p.407), c'est une connaissance circulaire, universelle et sacre´e qui concerne le secret du "devenir" de l'homme et des choses. Les e^tres et les choses re´pe`tent "le devenir" a`travers "l'anneau" de la circulation du sortirretcurrer, comme le grain qui sort de sa vieille "cosse"(C.S. p.63) et retourne pour se reve^tir de son cosse neuve pour faire circuler son devenir. Comme le petit prince sort de sa plane`te au de´sert de la Terre, il se manifeste de "la vieille e´corce"(P.P. p.491, C.S. p.63) de Saint-Exupe´ry, grande personne, aviateur. Le puits, comme cela, se manifeste de la vieille e´corce du de´sert, celui-ci e´tant lui-me^me une manifestation, ce qui sort de l'e´corce de la terre. Cette manifestation, c'est le vertu du "Dharma du Coeur", de "l'e´tendue", qui se fait une religion, a` travers "l'apprivoisement", et qui est ne´ de l'e´corce du "Dharma de l'Oeil". La manifestation du scrpent, cela aussi, c'est celle de "la fatalite´ inte´rieure" de l'homme qui est ne´e de l'e´corce de la vielle ide´e de "la fatalite´ exte´rieure" de l'homme(V.N. p.124) et qui est par lui admise et accueillie volontairement. Bien que le "puits" soit le symbole de la Divinite´, de la Vie et de l'Amour, il est destine´ a` s'enfermer dans "l,anneau" de l'Ouroboros, serpent qui se mord la queue, symbole de la mort-retour-renaissance, et il s'y trouve immuable. "Ce cercle de fer"(T.H. p.222) se cache et se renouvelle, comme "le puits suivant" qui se trouve dans "la dissidence"(C.S. p.57), concentriquement dans le "bracelet d'or"(P.P. p.462). C'est dans "la dialectique mate´rielle de la vie et de la mort", i. e. "le dialectique du venin" que circule et se renouvelle "la dialectique de l'esprit et de la matie´re" du puits, "le lien entre l'essence et la matie´re". Ils sont les deux manifestations de l'Unite´ de l'univers qui ne sont pas autre chose que l'Un. Le De´sert nous initie au secret de l'e´ternite´, au me^me Principe dans lequel convergent les quatre e´le´ments, la matie´re et l'esprit, en me´tamorphosant l'eau en "Lumie´re" a`travers l'alchimie du puits, et la mort en "Renaissance-Retour e´ternel" a` travers celle du Serpent. Dans le secret de l'e´ternite´, l'a^me se se´pare de son corps et le renouvelle. C'est chez l'homme que le Divin est uni a`l'Iiumain. Cela est a`re affirmer la vision de l'homme de Saint-Exupe´ry, qui est "l'Homme-Dieu", comme chez le Franc-macon. "Le de´sert ouvert" s'est enfoui dans "le de´sert ferme´" qui se voit a`travers les yeux du Coeur et c'est dans le dernier que s'unifie le macrocosme et le microcosme. Et le de ´sert dans "Le Petit Prince", c'est le de´sert, en tant que "l'Un" qui unifie le de´sert Trio: "OASIS"-"DANS LE DESERT"-"AU CENTRE DU DESERT" dans Terre des Iiommes. Ce de´sert, c'es la hie´rophanie et la the´ophanie qui nous montre la ve´rite´ de l'homoge´ne´ite´ et de l,unite´ entre les e´toiles et la Terre, entre l'univers et l'homme, et entre "ce qui est en haut" et "ce qui est en bas". Ce a` quoi la ge´ome´trie du de´sert nous initie, c'est l'ori entation symbolique de l'alchimie de l'e´toile maconniqe a` cinq branches vers le Sceau de Salomon e´toile principielle a` six branches, Etoile Initiatique et Primordiale. Tandis que l'apparition initiale du petit prince dans le de´sert est pour l'Initiation a` la Ve´rite´ de "la Table d'Emeraud d'Herme´s Trisme´giste", sa re´apparition espe´re´e, c'est en vue de la Manifestation de la Ve´rite´ du Sceau de Salomon. Ce a` quoi le de´sert du petit prince nous initie a` travers l'e´vocation homoge`ne et les "correspondences" de la me´tamorphose de circles concentriques et l'imagination mare´rielle de triangles, c'est d'abord que le de´sert, oeil du Coeur de la terre, est la Connaissance elle-me^me concernant "l'Unite´" des "essences" de l'homme et de l'univers uui se de´couvre et s'actualise a` travers le Dharma du Coeur. C'est ensuite qu'il montre e´sote´riquement, a` travers les treis e´le´ments-fe´es du symbole caracte´ristique de Saint-Exupe´ry, re^ve, intuition et poe´sie, la pense´e me´taphysique qui concoit la ve´rite´ du devenir et de la vicissitude, et aussi l'arcane du salut universel. Ce que cette initiation du de´sert se manifeste, c'est toujours a` travers "l'anneau" du mouvement dynamique triangulaire de "la graine" qui sort de "l'e´corce" des choses concentriques ou de "l'univers ferme´". L'auteur vit avec "les yeux du Coeur", a` travers ce devenir dynamique, le de´sert comme l'espace sacre´ qui lui fait accomplir l'e´preuve alchimique de l'a^me et de l'esprit. Il parvient ainsi a` recre´er le ≪de´sert≫ come la ≪fontaine≫ du chant de la joie qui jaillit de l'amour, de la vie et de la beaute´ initiatiques a` l'e´chelle cosmique. Cette fontaine, c'est la naissance d'une religion.

      • 인체모델 정전기 방전현상의 혼합모드 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구

        崔鎭榮,宋光燮 홍익대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 産業技術 Vol.9 No.-

        Utilizing 2-dimensional mixed-mode device simulations incorporating lattice heating models, this work have successfully explained in detail the HBM ESD phenomena in NMOS transistors with different structures, which are commonly used as ESD protection transistors. Incorporating the DC brakdown characteristics of the devices, the mixed-mode simulation results were reasonably explained. The effects of the 2nd breakdown characteristics on the mixed-mode simulation results were also explained successfully. The effects of the device structure changes on the discharge characteristics were analyzed through the mixed-mode simulation, which seemed somewhat different from the DC breakdown characteristics, but more realistic. Also a criteria for more robust designs NMOS transistor structures against HBM ESD was suggested.

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