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        김정규 ( Jungkyu Kim ),( Gregory Kramer ) 한국게슈탈트상담심리학회 2013 한국게슈탈트상담연구 Vol.3 No.2

        The nature of anxiety was analyzed in relation with scary thoughts that arise in our minds and the methodology to cope with anxiety problems was elaborated using mindfulness meditation especially PRO-procedure of the Insight Dialogue Meditation developed by Dr. Kramer. The nature of thoughts and principles of the mindfulness meditation was explained to help readers better understand the rationale behind PRO meditation.

      • KCI등재

        Use of Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid and Wound Complications in Spine Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study

        Kramer Moti,Drexler Michael,Herman Amir,Kalimian Tal,Klassov Yuri,Nasser Layalee Abu 대한척추외과학회 2020 Asian Spine Journal Vol.14 No.5

        Study Design: A retrospective cohort study.Purpose: This study aims to examine the effect of tranexamic acid (TXA) on postoperative wound healing in spine surgery.Overview of Literature: TXA (Cyklokapron, Hexakapron) is a widely used anti-fibrinolytic drug that is shown to be effective in mitigating hemorrhage during and after surgery by competitively blocking plasminogen in fibrinolytic cascade. Plasminogen also plays a role in inflammatory and infectious diseases. The modulation of this role by TXA may influence the development of postoperative infectious complications.Methods: We collected and reviewed the charts of 110 patients who underwent spine surgery at our academic center. We used multivariate regression analysis to assess the factors affecting surgical site infection (SSI).Results: Of the 110 patients included in this study, 21 patients (19%) were categorized as having postoperative wound complications, 16 patients (14%) had deep or superficial wound infection, and 5 patients (4%) had wound dehiscence. Patients with a higher surgical invasiveness index score, longer surgeries, and older patients were found to be at risk for wound complications. TXA was determined not to be a direct risk factor for wound healing complications and SSIs.Conclusions: We found no risk of wound healing complications and SSI directly attributable to preoperative and intraoperative treatment with TXA in spine surgeries.


        The IEEE 1904.1 standard: SIEPON architecture and model

        Kramer, G.,Khermosh, L.,Daido, F.,Brown, A.,Hosung Yoon,Suzuki, K-I,Wang Bo Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2012 IEEE communications magazine Vol.50 No.9

        <P>In a short time, IEEE EPON has progressed from initial trials to a market-leading optical access technology that supports business and residential services, including IPTV, VoIP, commercial- grade data services, and cellular backhaul. Due to EPON's simplicity and flexibility, various standards development organizations have embarked on standardization projects aimed at integrating EPON with existing network architectures. Also, several network operators have developed EPON solutions that address their specific deployment environments or relevant regulations. The IEEE P1904.1 SIEPON project is creating an open international system-level specification that provides for multivendor interoperability of EPON equipment while accommodating the rich and varied nature of the existing deployments and standards. The development of a unified EPON data path architecture is one of the key achievements of the SIEPON project. This flexible architecture supports multiple service models, multiple provisioning and management concepts, and diversity of deployment environments and regulatory requirements.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Embolization of an Exophytic Posterior Neck Mass Secondary to a Cutaneous Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis

        Kramer Dallas E.,Kerolus Mena G.,Tan Lee A.,Patel Smita,Reddy Vijaya,Chen Michael 대한신경중재치료의학회 2020 Neurointervention Vol.15 No.3

        Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) commonly metastasizes to the lung, liver, bones, and brain; however, cutaneous metastases remain rare with few reported cases. Since RCCs have the propensity to metastasize to highly vascular areas, the scalp and skin of the head and neck region are likely locations for cutaneous metastases. We report a rare case of a large, exophytic, cauliflower-like, hemorrhagic, metastatic mass of the posterior neck. This is the first reported case of a head and neck cutaneous RCC metastasis treated with endovascular embolization prior to surgical resection. Due to the increased vascularity of RCCs and risk of excessive hemorrhage during resection, adjunctive embolization of cutaneous head and neck metastasis may have a role. Essential characteristics to our treatment strategy are discussed with a review of pertinent literature.

      • KCI등재

        3,600 m3/h 의 하수처리수 탈질을 위한 유동상 생물여과

        (Kramer J . P .),(Wouters J . W .),(Noordink M . P . M .),(Molenkamp H . W .),(Anink D . M . E .),(Janus J . M .) 한국수처리학회 2000 한국수처리학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        STP De Groote Lucht in the Netherlands had to he upgraded in order to meet the tightened criterion for total nitrogen (10㎎/ℓ N as yearly average). ASTRASAND moving bed biofiltration, is introduced for post-denitrification. Pilot plant tests were executed in 1996 and it was found that in order to achieve good filter performance with the specific process conditions, an adequate process control system was required. This filter control ensured removal efficiencies of > 95% with influent concentrations up to 30 ㎎/l NO₃-N and strongly fluctuating influent flows. The full scale denitrification installation with a capacity of 3,600㎥/h, the first full scale installation of this type used for biological denitrification in Europe, was built in 1998 and started up in 1999. Since the start up, the filter performance is good and the nitrate removal efficiencies are higher than required.

      • KCI등재

        Acupuncture for Symptom Relief in Palliative Cared-Study Protocol and Semistandardized Treatment Schemes

        Sybille Kramer,Dominik Irnich,Stefan Lorenzl 사단법인약침학회 2017 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.10 No.4

        The use of complementary and alternative medicine methods such as acupuncture in palliative care has increased over the past years. Well-planned trials are warranted to show its effectiveness in relieving distressing symptoms. The development of treatment schemes to be used in the trial for both acupuncture and medical symptom control is challenging, as both acupuncture and palliative care are highly individualized. Thus, standardized care plans of a randomized controlled trial will have difficulties in producing treatment results that compare to the clinical practice. As an alternative, treatment protocols for both acupuncture and medical symptom control of dyspnea, pruritus, hypersalivation, depression, anxiety, and xerostomia were designed with the input of experts. They are designed to provide sufficient symptom control and comparability for a threearm, randomized controlled trial. Medical symptom control will be provided to all groups. The two control groups will be medical treatment and sham-laser acupuncture.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        Joint Angular Distribution of Bs → J/ψφ with Subsequent φ→ρπ and J/ψ → ℓ+ℓ- Decays

        G.Kramer,H.S.Song,ChaehyunYu 한국물리학회 2002 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.41 No.5

        The covariant density matrix formalism is used to obtain the joint angular distribution of the decay Bs ! J= (1020) with subsequent ! and J= ! `+``+``+` decays. The result is shown algebraically to be a special case of our previous work on the decay distribution of Bd ! J= K1(1270) with K1 ! K and J= ! `+` The covariant density matrix formalism is used to obtain the joint angular distribution of the decay Bs ! J= (1020) with subsequent ! and J= ! `+``+``+` decays. The result is shown algebraically to be a special case of our previous work on the decay distribution of Bd ! J= K1(1270) with K1 ! K and J= ! `+`

      • 기획논문 : 끝나지 않은 전쟁 ; 스탈린의 사망이 한국전쟁 휴전에 미친 영향

        마크크레이머 ( Mark Kramer ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2015 사총 Vol.86 No.-

        1953년 3월 5일, 소련을 장기간 통치한 지배자, 요지프 스탈린의 사망이 국제정치적 상황, 더 특정하게는 한국 전쟁에 미친 영향은 무엇인가. 케네츠 왈츠를 비롯한 신현실주의 학자들은 국내 요인과 국제 요인의 상관관계에 있어서, 국내의 정치적 요소들이 국제 체제의 변화를 이해하는 데 매우 적은 영향력을 가지고 있다고 주장해왔다. 서방국가들과 이전 공산권 국가들에서 새로 공개된 서고의 문서 자료들과 1차 증언에 기반한 본고는 일국 안에서 일어난 온전히 국내적인 변화가 다른 국가에게 결정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 나아가 국제 체제 전체의 변화를 가져올 수 있는지 입증하려 한다. 유럽 대륙에서 곧 미-소 간 전쟁이 곧 임박 했으며 미국의 군사적 역량을 한반도에 묶어 두는 것이 유럽 대륙에서 곧 발발할 전쟁에서 소련이 유리한 위치를 점할 수 있도록 한다고 믿은 스탈린은 중공 지도자들과 북한 지도자들이 한국전쟁을 지속하는 작전에 대해 우려를 표했음에도 불구하고 한국전쟁을 지속하고자 했다. 1953년 5월에 이르면소련 내부의 공산당 지도자들 모두가 한국에서 지속되는 전쟁을 중단해야만 한다고 여기게 되었다. 따라서 스탈린의 사망은 소련의 고위 지도자들로 하여금 일련의 정치 개혁을 실행할 수 있는 기회를 열어준 것이었다. 소련의 외교 정책의 전면적인 선회와 그로 인한 중대한 국제 체제의 변화는 스탈린 사망 이후 소련의 고위 정책 결정자들에 의해 가능했다. 1953년 봄과 초여름, 특히 소련의 지도자들은 이제 한반도에서 스탈린이 고집한 ‘잘못된 정책’을 중단할 수 있었고 동시에 신속한 사태 종결을 추구했다. 1953년 봄과 초여름 소련의 정책은 얼마전 스탈린 지배 하에 견지되었던 정책 기조와 비교해 급격히 변화했다. 따라서 휴전 협정은 7월 26일 체결될 수 있었다. What are the implications of the death of the long-time ruler of the Soviet Union, Iosif Stalin, on 5 March 1953 to the broader international context and especially the Korean War? Regarding internal-external linkage in international politics, Kenneth Waltz and other structural realists have argued that the study of domestic politics is of little relevance to an understanding of system-level change. Based on the newly declassified archival materials and firsthand accounts from Western and former Communist countries, the author tries to determine whether purely domestic changes in one state can indeed have important effects not only on other countries, but on the whole international system. Stalin whose conviction had made him believe that a war would soon break out in Europe and attenuating U.S. military capabilities in Korea would serve as a diversion to help USSR win in Europe insisted that the Korean War continues in despite the misgivings of Chinese and North Korean leaders. By May 1953, no one in the Soviet leadership doubted any longer that the time had come for a settlement in Korea. Thus Stalin’s death opened a way for a group of high-ranking political leaders to carry out a flurry of political reforms. The impetus for far-reaching changes in Soviet foreign policy thus came mainly from above. Particularly Soviet leaders could now move away from long-entrenched position of Stalin’s “mistaken policy” in Korea towards the rapid cessation of the war in the spring and early summer of 1953. Soviet policy in the spring and early summer of 1953 changed almost completely from what it had been only a short time earlier under Stalin. Thus the cease-fire negotiations bore fruits in the armistice signed on 26 July.

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