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        Tunable photonic crystal fiber coupler based on a side-polishing technique.

        Kim, Hokyung,Kim, Jinchae,Paek, Un-Chul,Lee, Byeong Ha,Kim, Kwang Taek Optical Society of America 2004 Optics letters Vol.29 No.11

        <P>A tunable photonic crystal fiber (PCF) coupler, which couples part of the optical power in one PCF with that in another PCF, has been made by side polishing. We fabricated the PCF coupler by mating two side-polished PCFs. We achieved evanescent field coupling between the core modes of the two PCFs by using side polishing to bring the cores close to each other. By adjusting the mating angle between the two side-polished PCFs we obtained as much as 90% tunability in the coupling ratio. The spectrum of the coupling ratio was almost flat, with small ripples, over a 400-nm wavelength range.</P>

      • KCI등재

        An Examination of Laura's Growth from Child to Adult: in the American Prairies

        Kim, Hokyung(김호경) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2012 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.3 No.-

        본고는 로라 잉걸스 와일더의 『초원의 집』 시리즈 중 『기나긴 겨울』(1940)과 『눈부시게 행복한 시절』(1943)에 나타난 십대 소녀 로라의 성장을 조명한다. 이를 위해 로라의 성장에 결정적 역할을 하는 가족, 학교 사회, 그리고 자연과의 관계를 중점적으로 파악한다. 역사소설과 자서전 성격을 띤 『기나긴 겨울』 과 『눈부시게 행복한 시절』 은 산업화와 물질문명의 혜택을 받기 이전인 19세기 미국 서부 개척시대 개척민들의 삶, 가족의 의미, 여성의 삶 및 청소년의 성장을 잉걸스 가족의 개척정신, 사람과의 관계, 사람과 자연과의 관계, 종교, 교육 등을 통해 특히 사실적으로 묘사하고 있다. 로라의 아버지는 자유로운 삶을 즐기는 개척자로서 자연과 더불어 사는 삶, 노동을 통한 삶의 개척 및 풍요로움의 성취 등에 의미를 부여한다. 한편, 가족의 안정된 삶을 중시하는 어머니는 정착이 중요하다고 여기며 아버지의 삶의 방식과 차이를 보인다. 어머니는 지역사회에서 타인과의 관계정립, 자녀의 교육, 전통적인 가정생활 유지 등에 보다 큰 의미를 부여한다. 로라 자신도 아버지처럼 자연과 함께 하는 삶을 원하지만 아버지와 어머니의 논리를 모두 존중하며 서로 다른 이념 사이에서 내면적인 갈등을 겪는다. 가족이 처한 현실을 되새기며 현실에 적응해야 할 필요성을 깨닫는 로라는 앞을 못 보게 되는 언니 메리의 공부를 돕고 가족에게 경제적 도움을 주기위해 교사가 된다. 가족을 위해 자신을 헌신하는 어머니의 삶을 따르게 되는 것이다. 자연에 순응과 도전을 반복하는 현실의 삶에서 가족을 위해 헌신하며 안정정인 삶을 추구하는 로라의 고민과 이를 통한 성장의 여정이 사회생활을 통해 만나는 다양한 사람들과의 관계를 통해 나타난다. 또한 알만조와의 로맨스를 통해 자연스럽게 아버지의 딸에서 아내가 되는 결혼에 이르게 된다. 어머니처럼 자신을 헌신하지만 남녀관계에서 로라는 일방적인 순종이 아닌 평등하고 독립적인 자세를 취한다. 더불어, 초원은 특히 자연을 동경하는 로라의 성장에 정신적 풍요로움과 안정을 부여하는 역할을 한다. In this paper I examine the process of growing up of Laura which is shown in The Long Winter(1940) and These Happy Golden Years(1943) written by Laura Ingalls Wilder(1967~1957). For this, I explore Mary`s family life, her social life including the relationship with Almanzo, and the prairie. The two books are parts of the Little House series, which is Wilder`s autobiography and historical novel; they describe American frontiers` life during the America`s westward expansion, before the new modern technology advents. The Long Winter in particular depicts Laura`s family life in the West more realistically than other books of the series. In the book, Laura, the teenage protagonist, approaches adulthood. Laura`s growing up to a mature woman through her social life as a teacher is portrayed din These Happy Golden Years, which also depicts Almanzo and Laura`s courtship, Laura`s social life. Pa prefers pioneer life of moving rather than settlement, and wants to go further to the West. He loves nature and portrays the typical image of American pioneer attitude of hard-working. Pa and Laura aspire the sense of own capabilities and the feeling of free and independence. The prairie becomes Laura`s invisible home which provides her with spiritual security. Unlike pa, Ma values settlement of the family and children`s education rather than moving. She devotes herself to the family settlement. The Long Winter dominates women`s work culture on the American frontier in the nineteenth century by showing Ma`s domestic chore Ma in fact shows how women can be inventive in the kitchen. Although Laura respects her parents` different attitudes, she struggles with the two different life styles. Considering the reality of her family life and the older sister Mary`s less bright situation as a blind, Laura decides to follow Ma, who strongly influences on her future; Ma is a role model for her. After the harsh winter passes, Laura realizes her role as a woman. She becomes a self-reliant and independent individual which she harmonizes with modern and traditional values, which she learned through the education and Ma.

      • Sexually dimorphic male horns and their use in agonistic behaviors in the horn-headed cricket Loxoblemmus doenitzi(Orthoptera:Gryllidae)

        Hokyung Kim,Yikweon Jang,Jae C. Choe 한국응용곤충학회 2010 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.05

        Sexual dimorphism, the difference between sexes in secondary sexual characters, is in general driven by processes of sexual selection. The horn-headed cricket, Loxoblemmus doenitzi, exhibits sexual dimorphism in head shape, in which males have flat heads and triangular horns on both sides of their heads, whereas females have rounded heads and no horns. We hypothesized that male horns have been evolved due to intra-sexual selection in which males use these horns as weapons in aggressive interactions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted agonistic trials of field-caught males in L.doenitzi. Horn length was significantly correlated with thorax length and hind femur length. During agonistic males aggressively used their horns by beating the opponent’s horns with their horns or by poking the opponent’s body with their horns. However, the result of logistic regression analysis revealed that horn length or horn point frequency were not significant factors for contest outcome. Instead, body size was significant for determining contest outcome

      • Three-Dimensional Silicon Electronic Systems Fabricated by Compressive Buckling Process

        Kim, Bong Hoon,Lee, Jungyup,Won, Sang Min,Xie, Zhaoqian,Chang, Jan-Kai,Yu, Yongjoon,Cho, Youn Kyoung,Jang, Hokyung,Jeong, Ji Yoon,Lee, Yechan,Ryu, Arin,Kim, Do Hoon,Lee, Kun Hyuck,Lee, Jong Yoon,Liu, American Chemical Society 2018 ACS NANO Vol.12 No.5

        <P>Recently developed approaches in deterministic assembly allow for controlled, geometric transformation of two-dimensional structures into complex, engineered three-dimensional layouts. Attractive features include applicability to wide ranging layout designs and dimensions along with the capacity to integrate planar thin film materials and device layouts. The work reported here establishes further capabilities for directly embedding high-performance electronic devices into the resultant 3D constructs based on silicon nanomembranes (Si NMs) as the active materials in custom devices or microscale components released from commercial wafer sources. Systematic experimental studies and theoretical analysis illustrate the key ideas through varied 3D architectures, from interconnected bridges and coils to extended chiral structures, each of which embed n-channel Si NM MOSFETs (nMOS), Si NM diodes, and p-channel silicon MOSFETs (pMOS). Examples in stretchable/deformable systems highlight additional features of these platforms. These strategies are immediately applicable to other wide-ranging classes of materials and device technologies that can be rendered in two-dimensional layouts, from systems for energy storage, to photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and others.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        고관절 골절 수술 이후 광선치료를 포함한 한방치료 3예 보고

        장호경 ( Hokyung Chang ),김형석 ( Hyungsuk Kim ),김수전 ( Soojeon Kim ),김세윤 ( Seyoon Kim ),박재현 ( Jae-hyun Park ),배준형 ( Jun-hyeong Bae ),신우철 ( Woochul Shin ),윤예지 ( Ye-ji Yoon ),이한솔 ( Hansol Lee ),정원석 ( Won-seok 한방재활의학과학회 2018 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        This study is designed to report three cases of postoperative care after hip surgery using conventional Korean Medicine treatments including phototherapy. Three patients undergone hip fracture surgery were treated with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and phototherapy. We used Visual analogue scale (VAS), EuroQol five dimension scale (EQ-5D), and hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score (HOOS) to evaluate treatment effectiveness. After the treatment, VAS score was improved in all three cases, while EQ-5D and HOOS showed different results by items. EQ-5D (pain/discomfort) and HOOS (pain, symptoms, activities of daily living) were improved in all three cases. EQ-5D (self-care) and HOOS (quality of life) showed improvements in two cases. EQ-5D (mobility, usual activities, anxiety/depression) and HOOS (sports/recreation) were improved in one case. Conventional Korean Medicine treatments including phototherapy can be effectively used to alleviate pain and symptoms after hip fracture surgery. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2018;28(4):113-124)

      • KCI등재

        아들을 위한 약속: 『아들이 된 아버지』의 교훈

        김호경 ( Kim Hokyung ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2022 동화와 번역 Vol.43 No.-

        본 연구는 F.앤스티의 『아들이 된 아버지』의 아버지 캐릭터를 융의 페르소나와 연결하여 탐색한다. 앤스티는 소설에서 세대 간 소통의 문제와 아버지의 공감 부족 해결하기 위해 몸 바뀜 장치를 사용한다. 소설은 권위적인 아버지 폴 벌티튜드의 예상치 못한 학교생활을 코믹하게 묘사한다. 사회적으로 성공한 사업가 폴은 자녀들과 거리감을 두고 가정적이 되는 것을 두려워한다. 폴의 이미지는 특정 시기 영국 사회 중산층 남성의 모습을 상징한다. 사회인으로서 공적 얼굴인 페르소나에 익숙해진 아버지의 가부장적 권위는 내면의 숨겨진 여성적 특성인 아니마와 공존해야 한다. 공감 능력은 필요하다면 학습이 이루어져야 한다. 마법의 돌에 의해 아들의 몸이 되어 체험한 일주일간의 기숙학교 생활은 아들의 어려움을 이해하고 타인과 공감하는 법을 알게 된다. 본 연구는, 앤스티의 작품 분석을 통해, 공감능력은 외형의 얼굴 페르소나와 내면의 아니마의 균형이 필요함을 재확인한다. This paper explores a father character in Vice Versa by F.Anstey(1882) in light of C.G.Jung’s persona. Anstey uses body swap motif in the novel to resolve an intergenerational communication problem caused by the father’s lack of empathy. An unexpected school life of the authoritative father Paul Bultitude is comically portrayed. As a successful businessman, Paul keeps distancing from his children and fears in being domesticated in the novel. He was a typical father figure who represented British middle-class manliness in that particular time. Paul’s patriarchal authority that obsessed with his social face persona needs to be together with anima, whch is a female personality hidden in an emotional feeling. Empathic skills need to be taught if necessary. Being swapped to his son’s body by a magic stone, an experience of boarding school life for a week teaches him the hardship of his son as well as how to be empathic. The study, through the examination of Anstey’s novel, reaffirms that empathic abilities need to be the balance between the external face persona and the internal face anima.

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