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        예이츠의 초기시 연구 : 이상과 현실의 갈등

        유건상(Yu Keon-Sang) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        시인으로서 W. B. 예이츠(William Butler Yeats)의 주된 관심사는 현실과 이상, 자아와 반자아, 육체와 영혼 등 서로 대립적인 요소들 사이의 갈등과 그것을 통한 양자의 조화이다. 이러한 조화의 상태는 예이츠의 시적ㆍ정신적 성숙도와 더불어 그의 의식 속에서 치열하게 대립되는 갈등을 극복함으로써 후기시에 이르러 성취된다. 예이츠의 초기시는 주로 현실세계와 이상세계 사이의 갈등을 보여준다. 시인은 슬픔으로 가득 찬 현세적 삶의 유한성을 인식하고 요정의 나라로 대변되는 영원한 이상세계로의 도피를 추구한다. 그러나 이러한 시도는 그가 이상으로 삼은 영원한 요정의 나라가 현실과 조화를 이루지 못함으로써 좌절된다. 그는 무작정 현실을 도피하기 위해 백일몽과 환상의 세계로 날아간 것이 아니라, 그 세계와의 균형을 원했다. 그 세계는 현실적 갈등과 고뇌가 없는 영원한 미와 꿈의 세계일지라도, 현실과는 너무도 유리된 세계이기 때문에 시인은 두 세계 사이에서 갈등만 느낀 채 현실로 돌아온다. 결국 예이츠는 현실을 인간 삶의 조건으로 인식하고 받아들인 것이다. 그러므로 시인의 최종 목적인 조화에 대한 가능성이 감지된다. 본 논문에서는 『어쉰의 방랑』( The Wandering of Oisin (1889))에서부터 『십자로』( Crossways (1889)), 『장미』(The Rose (1893)), 그리고 『갈대 밭 속의 바람』( The Wind Among the Reeds (1899))에 이르기까지 예이츠의 초기시를 중심으로 현실과 이상이라는 대립적인 요소들이 어떤 모습으로 드러나 조화를 향해 나아가는지를 다룬다. Yu, Keon-Sang. 2008. A Study of Yeats's Early Poetry : A Conflict between the Ideal and the Real World. Studies in Humanities. Vol. 20. pp. The main concern of W. B. Yeats as a poet is embodying the harmony of the conflictive opposites: the real and the ideal world, the self and the anti-self, and the body and the soul. This state of harmony is accomplished in his later poems by overcoming the conflicts, which have severely opposed in his mind, with his poetic and spiritual maturity. Yeats's early poetry depicts the conflict between the real and the ideal world. Yeats attempts to transcend the frustration and sorrow of the real world by leaving for the ideal world that is represented by an eternal fairyland beyond time and space. But because of his ideal world, which is dreamy and eternally beautiful as it may be, and is so remote from the real world, he cannot attain the harmony between the real and ideal world. He does not blindly fly to the fantasy world in order to escape reality, but he wants a balance between the two. He ultimately comes back to the real world with the conflict in his mind. As a result, Yeats recognizes the real world as the condition of human life and accepts it. Therefore, we can find a positive note with the vision of hope, the final achievement of unity. The purpose of this study is to show how to describe the two opposite aspects of the ideal and the real world and to make steady progress toward harmony, the "Unity of Being," reflected in his early poems, The Wandering of Oisin, Crossways, The Rose, and The Wind Among the Reeds.

      • 균형된 결정트리의 형성을 위한 군집화 알고리즘

        李根壽,金奉權 안성산업대학교 1991 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        알려지지 않은 방대한 량의 자료들을 효과적으로 분류하고 검색하기 위한 시스템에서는 균형된 결정트리를 형성하는 것이 효율적인 검색을 위해 매우 중요한 관건이 된다. 그러나 기존의 군집화 알고리즘(clustering algorithm)들은 단지 그 구성원이 서로 동질이고 다른 집단과 잘 구분될 수 있는 구조를 찾아내기 위한 목적을 가지고 수행한다. 본 논문에서는 균형된 결정트리를 형성하기 위해 가능한한 형성된 집단들 간에 동질성(homogeneity)을 잃지 않으면서 등분포(equi-distributed)의 성질을 가지도록 하는 군집화 알고리즘에 대해 기술하며, 이를 위해 등분포율(EDR:Equi-Distribution Rate)을 정의한다. 이러한 알고리즘을 이용하여 형성되는 결정트리는 많은 양의 자료들을 검색하여야 하는 영상데이타베이스에서 유사성 검색(similarity retrieval)과 같은 목적을 위해 효율적으로 사용될 수 있다. The equi-distributed decision tree is very important in the system to store and retrieve a very large set of data. But the object of traditional clustering algorithms is to find the homogenious cluster structure. This paper describes an algorithm that used when designing balanced decision tree. The EDR(Equi-Distribution Rate) defined to form equi-distributed cluster. It will be use for similarity retrieval in the image database system.

      • 가토 악골에 매식된 Apatite-Wollastonite Glass Ceramic의 생체반응에 관한 실험적 연구

        任昌俊,金慶勖,申承澈,金豪建,申建澈 단국대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The authors implanted the Apatite Wollastonite Glass Ceramic(AWGC) powders in the rabbit maxillae to evaluate the possibility of clinical use as an artificial bone substitute material. Firstly we made AWGC and analized powder X-ray diffraction pattern of glass after crystalization. Secondly we made animal experiment with New Zealand white rabbits. The rabbits were sacrificed at the day of opstoperative 2 weeks and 4 weeks after implantation. We took the radiography of the maxillae block specimens, each of which includes the AWGC, at the day of sacrifice. And the block specimens were routinely prepared for the SEM and EDX study. We observed the attitudes at the border between the bone and the material with the SEM, and we searched the components such as Ca or P by use of EDX and compared the periodic changing data. The obtained results are as follows : 1. On SEM findings, silica band-like zone was found between the bone and the implanted materials at 2-week specimen, and this zone was found diffusely mingled between the bone and the implanted meterials at the 4-week specimen. 2. On intraoral X-ray findings, the border line was definitely found between the bone and the the material just after implantation of AWGC, but the border line became difused and fusion was occasionally found at the border area. 3. There was a little change in the natural bone components at the border area, and Ca or P was drawn out from Awgc at the border area. 4. Si of AWGC was increased as the time being, and AWGC was dissolved with leakage of Ca and P. So it is suggested that the intermediate zone of Calcium Phosphate Apatite was formed at the border area by Ca and P from AWGC dissolution, and it makes AWGC further tightly bonded to the bone.

      • Apatite-Wollastonite Glass-Ceramics 材料開發 및 치면열구전색재로의 이용을 위한 동물실험 연구

        金龍成,申承澈,金豪健,申建澈,小久保正 단국대학교 치의학연구소 1991 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The authors has experimented with Apatite - Wollastonite - Glass -Ceramic of MgO-CaO-SiO_2-P_2O_5-CaF_2 as biomaterials in order to find out the possibility for use of pit & fissure sealants. 2-rabbits would be selected with insertion of AWGC powder at lower anterior teeth after flap operation. X-ray taking has been done after 2 weeks and 4 weeks breedings. Extracted tooth had been used as samples for SEM observation after sacrificing every 2 weeks. Every samples had been observed at material portion as well as tooth. Such components as Si, Ca and P had been checked by use of EDX and compared the periodic changing data. The obtained results are as follows; 1. Apatite - Wollastonite glass ceramics were prepared with the component of MgO-CaO-SiO_2-P_2O_5-CaF_2 successfully. 2. On intraoral X-ray findings for teeth, A-W materials had been shown the slightly absorption at 2 weeks breeding sample and A-W material had been remove out by attrition otherwise it had been shown the generally radiolucent area as decalcification at 4 weeks breeding sample. 3. On SEM finding for tooth sample after insertion of A-W, the band like intermadiate zone had been found more remarkably at 2nd and 4th week breeding samples, rather than that of the sample which prepared at right after insertion. And this band zone had been fingured diffuse image by gradual. 4. Si and P might be drawn out from A-W material by disolution of A-W through the time, and it was estimated that calcium phosphate as apatite crystal, newly formed biomaterial, would be made of P component from A-W and Ca component from Tooth. 5. It was estimated that A-W material would be more useful at bone than at teeth and adaptable cement should be needed between tooth surface and A-W in case of using for pit & fissure sealant. So more studies for developing the adaptable cement would be needed.

      • 멀티미디어 데이터를 위한 통합 파일시스템의 논리적 구조 설계

        백건효 동의공업대학 1999 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        Continuos media data such as audio and video is appeared it's characteristics of store mechanism a difference conventional text data and image data. if continuous media data is processed by byte-oriented file system such as UNIX then it's access time is required some overhead because of it's file access structure. this paper propose that requirement of IMFS(Integrated Multimedia File System) and design of objective that is essential element in order to build IMFS.

      • 다양한 사용자 환경을 지원하는 멀티미디어 정보 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        이건배 경기대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.38 No.2

        In this paper, an efficient information construction and retrieval method is discussed, which supports the flexible multimedia information retrieval through the various user interfaces. The system provides with the hypertext navigation and the direct query retrieval environment with coorperative query-answering mechanism. This mechanism helps the user who has the insufficient information to acquire the desired information through the various information retrieval processes. Also the system provides with the different information retrieval environments and methods according to the knowledge and the skill of the users, which supports the efficient information retrieval.

      • 대수응력모델을 사용한 선체 프로펠러면 주위의 점성유동해석

        오건제 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        선체와 같은 심한 굴곡을 갖는 형상주위의 유동은 아주 복잡하다. 특히 선미 Bulk를 갖는 저속 비대선의 경우는 선미 부근에서 유선의 곡률이 심하고 프로펠러 평면에서 vortex가 나타난다. 선체 주위 유동해석을 위하여 최근까지 와점도형 난류모델이 주로 적용되어 왔으나 프로펠로면에서 일어나는 복잡한 유동현상의 예측은 매우 힘들다.이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여, 유선의 곡률이 심하거나, vortex가 있는 경우에 잘 적용될 수 있는 대수응력모델을 사용하여 선체 주위의 점성 난류유동을 계산하였다. ITTC 표준모형선인 Tanker 및 실적선인 179K DWT 살몰 모형선에 대하여 수치해석을 수행하였으며, 프로펠러 면에서의 결과를 표준 k-ε 난류 모델 사용결과 및 실험결과와 비교 검토하였다. Viscous flow around the propeller plane of the ship with rapid curvature is very complex. Especially, the flow around a full slow ship with stern bulb shows highly curved streamlines and vortex on the propeller plane. Recently eddy-viscosity type turbulence models mostly have been used for the calculation of the flow around a ship. However, it is hard to analyse these complex flow on the propeller plane using the eddy-viscous type turbulence model. To resolve this problem, an Algebraic Stress Model(ASM) is applied. The ASM is suitable for the flow with highly curved streamlines and vortices. Calculations are performed for ship models of the HSVA Tanker and the 179K Bulk Carrier; the former is an ITTC standard model ship and the latter is a real constructed ship. The results on the propeller plane are discussed and compared with those of standard k-ε turbulence model and experiments.

      • 미숙아에 대한 통계적 고찰

        이건수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        This clinical study was made on 106 prematures who were delivered at Chungnam University Hospital during 1 year and 6 months from January, 1988 to 1989. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of prematurity was 12.4% and in incidence by sex, male to female was 1.5:1. 2. The incidence by gestational age was most predominantly between 36-37 weeks as 30.2%. 3. The incidence by birth weight was most predominantly between 2001-2250gm as 34.9%. 4. The incidence by order of pregnancy was the highest incidence above 6 pregnancies as 31.6%. 5. C-section delivery was higher among prematures than the overall rates among tatal live births. 6. The perinatal obstetrical complications were in order to twin, toxemia, premature rupture of membrane, abruptio placenta, placenta previa, syphilis. 7. Prematures were most prevalent among mothers under 20 years old and over 41 years old. 8. The mortality rate of prematures were 20.8% and female exceeded the male. Higher mortality rate was noted in more shortened gestational period. 9. The main cause of death were respiratory distrss syndrome(45.6%), neonatal hypoxia(22.7%), congenital anomaly(13.6%), sepsis and etc. 10. Lower Apgar score was noted in the shorter gestational age and higher mortality. 11. The maximum weight loss was found on average 5.7 days after birth, the duration of returning to the birth weight was the average 10.9 days and appeared to be slowly returned to birth weight in lower birth weight group.

      • 소아 세균성 이질의 임상적 고찰

        이건수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1985 충남의대잡지 Vol.12 No.2

        Clinical study was made on 34 cases of culture-proved childhood shigellosis at Chungnam National University Hospital in Taejeon between January 1979 and December 1984. The following results were obtained; 1. Of 34 cases, 2lcases were male and 13 were female, the ratio being 1.6:1. The most frequently affected age group was between one and five years (70.6%) of age. 2. The peak incidence was noted in autumn (38.2%), however it occured throughout the year, even in winter (20.6 %). 3. The most frequent symptoms on admission were diarrhea (100%), fever (91.2%), dehydration (70.6%), vomiting (64.7%), convulsion (52.9%) and abdominal pain (44.1%). 4. The most frequent character of diarrhea was mucobloody stool (53%). The frequent degree of dehydration was mild (70.8%) and isotonic dehydration (87.5%) in studied cases. 5. The leukocyte count in stool was founded in 73.3% and RBC was founded in 50% WBC count in peripheral blood was variable from leukocytosis to leukopenia and over 5% of band form was seen in 64.8%. 6. S. flexneri was the most frequently isolated strain (94.2%) followed by S. sonnei (2.9%) and S. boydii (2.9%). 7. The most common duration of admission was within 2 days (82.4%). 8. The noticed electrolyte changes were hypocalcemia (45.4%), hypokalemia (16.1%), and hyponatremia (12.5%). 9. The resistance rate of antibiotics were obtained; Kanamycin (64.7%) and Ampicillin (85. 3%). In cases of Ampicillin resistance, Rifampicin was sensitive. 10. The mortality rate was 2.9%. To prevent developing the resistance of shigella to Rifampicin, it is necessary to confirm that negative conversion of stool cultures has been achieved.

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