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      • 최루가스(o-Chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile)가 흰쥐의 각막과 결막에 미치는 영향

        이군자 서울보건대학 1995 서울보건대학 부설 한국보건과학연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        Two groups of rats were exposed to the o-chlorobenzylidine malononitrile(CS) being used in the control of riots, and sacrificed to examine histological and histochemical changes of the cornea and conjunctiva. 1. In animals exposed to the CS gas (50mg/min./㎥) for 20min., reversible histological changes were observed in the cornea. Epithelial and endothelial Na,^(+) K^(+) -ATPase activity were reduced, wing cells of the epithelium were transformed to the squamous shape and mitotic activity occurred actively in the basal layer. 2. In animals exposed repeatedly to the CS gas (50mg/min./㎥) for 20min. once a day for 10 days, Na^(+), K^(+)-ATPase, Mg^(2+)-ATPase and alkaline phosphatase activities of the corneal epithelium and endothelium were reduced. And there was epithelial shrinkage, irregular basement membrane and irregularly arranged collagen fibers were also observed in the stroma. 3. In animals exposed to the CS gas (50mg/min./㎥) for 20min., reversible histological changes were observed in the conjunctiva. Mucin secreting activity of the goblet cells was reduced and lymphocytes, eosinophils were infiltrated. 4. In animals exposed repeatedly to the CS gas (50mg/min./㎥) for 20min. once a day for 10 days, irreversible changes were observed. Desquamation with oedema and shrinkage of the epithelial cells, and loss of some basement membrane were observed. Mucin secreting activity of the goblet cells was reduced and lymphocytes, eosinophils were infiltrated significantly. As a result when eyes are temporally exposed to the CS gas reversible degenerative changes, desquamation with oedema of the epithelium and infiltration are produced. And when eyes are repeatedly exposed to the CS gas histopathologic changes such as desquamation with oedema of the epithelium, infiltration, and reduced mucin secreting activity are occurred.

      • 뇌졸중 자연유발증 고혈압 쥐(SHRSP)의 골밀도 및 골성분의 변화

        임순길,이근일 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 2003 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.13 No.1

        The results of the present study on the comparison of the characteristics of BMD and BMC between the SHRSP and WKY were as follows: 1. There was a significant difference between WKY and SHRSP by bcdy weight, blood pressure, total-BMD and bone-salt(p <.0l). 2. There was a significant difference between WKY and SHRSP by Femorld-BMD, Femoral-salt, Femoral Breaking Force(p<.0l). 3. There was a significant difference between WKY and SHRSP by Femorld Wet Mass, Femoral-Organic content and bone ashes(p<.0l). 4. There was a significant difference between WKY and SHRSP by Femorld-Ca and Femoral-P 9p(p<.01). In conclusions, the SHRSP group tended to have a symptom of the osteoporosis by decreased BMD and Femoral Breaking Force with hypertensions as compared with the WKY group. The reason for decreased bone mass is possibly due to a deficiency of the composition of bone and an abnormality of the mineral deposition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Trade Cycles in a Re-export Economy: The Case of Singapore

        Keen Meng Choy 한국국제경제학회 2012 International Economic Journal Vol.26 No.2

        This article uses econometric methods to test the hypothesis that Singapore is a ‘re-export economy’. If the hypothesis is true, merchandize exports and imports would co-move together over the course of trade cycles while exports would be insensitive to the exchange rate due to their high import content. Impulse response analysis of a monthly structural vector error correction model incorporating these trade aggregates, proxies for external demand and relative prices affirms the empirical validity of the re-export hypothesis. Innovation accounting also suggests that growth in the worldwide semiconductor industry rather than price competitiveness is the most important factor behind's Singapore's trade expansion in the long run.

      • KCI등재

        How solute-membrane interaction influences foulant formation in polymeric catalytic membrane: Competitive and sequential reactions

        Ian Keen Koo,Poh Teck Lim,Xiao Chen,K.B. Goh 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.123 No.-

        Foulant-induced deactivation usually limits polymeric catalytic membrane performance, but the mechanismsgoverning foulant formation remain poorly understood. Recent research suggests that the interactionbetween solutes and the membrane plays a crucial role in foulant formation. This paper proposes amolecular theory to explain how reactant/product-membrane interactions influence foulant formation. This theoretical approach allows us to untangle the coupled competitive/sequential reaction–non-idealdiffusion phenomena in deactivating polymeric catalytic membranes. In other words, we include thereactant and product molecular information when describing their non-ideal reaction–diffusion behaviorin confined polymeric environments; that is, they can interact (i) catalytically and (ii) non-catalyticallywith the membranes. We demonstrate how the non-catalytic reactant/product-membrane interactionscontrol the partitioning process between the membranes and bulk solutions, allowing us to capturethe formation of foulant locally and the global deactivation process. In our observations, we have foundthat attractive reactant-membrane interactions can enhance diffusion within the membrane, but this cancome at the cost of reduced catalytic activity. Conversely, with the repulsive pair interaction, the reactantsmust overcome a more significant energy barrier to penetrate the membranes, simultaneously limitingthe polymeric catalytic membrane performance and hindering foulant formation. In conclusion, ourtheory establishes a detailed understanding of reaction–diffusion phenomena governing foulant formationin polymeric catalytic membranes, considering the direct interaction between active reactants/productsand reactive membranes.

      • Effects of Flavonoid-Rich Beverages on Prostacyclin Synthesis in Humans and Human Aortic Endothelial Cells: Association with Ex Vivo Platelet Function

        Carl L. Keen,John A. Polagruto,Derek D. Schramm,Janice F. Wang-Polagruto,Luke Lee 한국식품영양과학회 2003 Journal of medicinal food Vol.6 No.4

        Diets rich in flavonoids have been associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. This may be due,in part, to flavonoid-induced alterations in eicosanoid synthesis. Our objective was to identify plant-derived beverages that al-ter synthesis of prostacyclin in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), and to determine if these beverages could al-ter in vivo6-keto-prostaglandin F 1a (a stable metabolite of prostacyclin) synthesis and platelet function. HAEC were treatedwith nine commonly consumed beverages to determine their effects on prostacyclin synthesis under acute and chronic treat-ment regimens. Orange, purple grape, and pomegranate juices and coffee (6 9 mL/kg) were then provided to 28 fasted, healthyadult subjects (eight men and 20 women) on five separate days. Plasma samples were collected immediately following juiceconsumption (baseline), and at 2 and 6 hours post-consumption. On an acute basis, administration of HAEC with pomegran-ate juice increased media prostacyclin. Chronic exposure to purple grape and pomegranate juice increased aortic endothelialcell prostacyclin synthesis (38% and 61%, respectively; P, .05). The consumption of purple grape, pomegranate, and orangejuice prolonged epinephrine/collagen-induced clotting time (P, .05). Purple grape juice increased plasma 6-keto-prostaglandinF1a (20%; P, .05) at 2 hours; pomegranate and orange juice did not significantly influence plasma prostacyclin concentra-tions. Consistent with the in vitrodata, coffee consumption did not influence clotting time or plasma prostacyclin concentra-tions. These results indicate that the HAEC model system can provide a qualitative means to screen food and food-derivedproducts for biologic activity related to cardiovascular health.

      • KCI등재

        경상좌수영과 왜관을 활용한 부산의 해양문화 관광루트 개발방안

        이근우(Lee, Keen-Woo),채영희(Che, Young-Hee),오창호(Oh, Chang-Ho),신명호(Shin, Myung-Ho) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2020 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.22

        부산은 선사시대부터 한반도와 일본열도를 연결하는 관문이었다. 그래서 부산의 역사는 한 · 일간의 역사를 대변하고 있다. 한반도와 일본 사이에 있었던 전쟁과 평화의 역사는 그대로 부산의 역사이기도 하다. 한 · 일간의 장구한 역사 속에서 형성되었던 평화의 기억과 흔적들뿐만 아니라 전쟁의 기억과 흔적들은 부산을 중심으로 존재한다. 예컨대 해안가 봉수대, 수군진보, 경상좌수영, 왜관, 동래읍성, 왜성, 통신사 등이 그것이다. 이런 기억과 흔적들이 부산의 독특한 역사와 문화를 형성하고 있으며, 그 흔적은 경상좌수영과 왜관을 중심으로 형성되었다. 부산 고유의 해양문화 관광 상품을 개발하기 위해서는 경상좌수영과 왜관처럼 부산 고유의 역사와 문화에 기반 한 관광루트 개발이 필요하다. 부산의 해양문화 자원을 대표하는 경상좌수영과 왜관은 활용도와 파급효과가 가장 높은 관광자원이기도 하다. 이 같은 경상좌수영과 왜관을 관광루트라는 측면에서 연구, 개발하여 효율적으로 연결한다면 자연적 해양관광자원과의 융합 가능성과 효용성, 해양관광산업으로의 활용성, 그 외 드라마, 소설, 영화, 게임 등 문화콘텐츠로서의 파급효과 등에서도 적지 않은 파급효과를 기대할 수 있다. 이 같은 문제의식에서 부산지역의 해양문화를 대표하는 경상좌수영과 왜관을 관광루트라는 측면에서 검토하고 당일, 1박2일, 2박이상의 일정별로 관광루트를 개발한 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 당일 관광루트는 부산역을 기점으로 하여 차이나타운(왜관 설문터)-봉래초등학교(초량객사 및 성신당)-연향대청 터-용두산 공원-자성대(부산진 왜성의 자성)-동래읍성-수영성의 원문 안(수영사적공원)-황령산 봉수-해운대로 이어지는 루트를 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 보았다. 다음으로 1박2일 관광루트는 부산역을 기점으로 하여 1일차에는 차이나타운(왜관 설문터)-봉래초등학교(초량객사 및 성신당)-연향대청터-용두산공원-증산체육공원(부산진왜성)-자성대(부산진 왜성의 자성)-영가대(통신사 전송지)-동래읍성(1박)으로 이어지는 루트가 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 제시되었고, 2일차에는 광안리 해수욕장-수영강변 갈맷길-좌수영 선창-수영성의 원문 밖(팔도시장)-수영성의 원문 안(수영사적공원)-수영성 둘레-황령산봉수-해운대로 이어지는 루트가 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 제시되었다. 마지막으로 2박 이상의 관광루트는 부산역을 기점으로 하여 1일차에는 차이나타운(왜관 설문터)-봉래초등학교(초량객사 및 성신당)-용두산공원-증산체육공원(부산진왜성)-자성대(부산진 왜성의 자성)-영가대(통신사 전송지)-동래읍성(1박)으로 이어지는 루트가 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 제시되었고, 2일차에는 광안리해수욕장-수영강변 갈맷길-좌수영 선창-수영성의 원문 밖(팔도시장)-수영성의 원문 안(수영사적공원)-수영성 둘레-황령산봉수(2박)로 이어지는 루트가 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 제시되었으며, 마지막으로 해운대-기장 죽성리 왜성-울산 서생포 왜성-감포진(경주)-포이포진(장기)-칠포진(흥해)-오포진(영해)-축산포진(영해)로 이어지는 루트가 문화적, 관광적 차원에서 가장 효율적인 관광루트로 제시되었다. From ancient, Busan has been a gateway which has connected Korean peninsula and Japanese islands. therefore the history of Busan represents the relation between Korea and Japan. the history of peace and war between Korea and Japan is also the history of Busan. not only the memory and evidence of peace which were achieved in the long history between Korea and japan, but also the memory and evidence of were which were achieved in the long history between korea and japan mainly exits in Busan area. for example, beacon fire station, marine force station, Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station, Waegwan, Dong-rae town wall are the evidence. these kinds of memory and evidence have fashioned the unique history and culture of Busan area. and those evidence have been fashioned mainly in Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station and Waegwan. therefore in order to develop the unique marine culture sightseeing goods of Busan, we should develop the unique marine culture sightseeing route like Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station and Waegwan. Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station represent marine security. waegwan represent marine peace. In late Joseon period, Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station was a headquarters of Gyung-sang province’s marine defence. the seven marine force ports, which were Dadaepo, Seapyungpo, Doomopo, Gaeunpo, Busanpo, Poipo, Seasangpo, were under the control of Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station. also Japanese delegation in Waegwan committed diplomatic activity with Donr-nae magistrate. so Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station, Waegwan and Donr-nae castle could be connected in the concept of Busan’s marine culture. we can classify Busan’s marine culture such as Kyunsang-jwasuyoung station, Waegwan and Donr-nae castle into the sightseeing route. finally, we offered three sightseeing routes which were the very day sightseeing route, two days sightseeing route and two nights and three days sightseeing route.

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