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      • KCI등재

        Characterization of Cement Solidification for Enhancement of Cesium Leaching Resistance

        Gi Yong Kim,Won-Hyuk Jang,Sung-Chan Jang,Junhyuck Im,Dae Seok Hong,Chel Gyo Seo,Jong Sik Shon 한국방사성폐기물학회 2018 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Currently, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is planning to build the Ki-Jang Research Reactor (KJRR) in Ki-Jang, Busan. It is important to safely dispose of low-level radioactive waste from the operation of the reactor. The most efficient way to treat radioactive waste is cement solidification. For a radioactive waste disposal facility, cement solidification is performed based on specific waste acceptance criteria such as compressive strength, free-standing water, immersion and leaching tests. Above all, the leaching test is important to final disposal. The leakage of radioactive waste such as 137Cs causes not only regional problems but also serious global ones. The cement solidification method is simple, and cheaper than other solidification methods, but has a lower leaching resistance. Thus, this study was focused on the development of cement solidification for an enhancement of cesium leaching resistance. We used Zeolite and Loess to improve the cesium leaching resistance of KJRR cement solidification containing simulated KJRR liquid waste. Based on an SEM-EDS spectrum analysis, we confirmed that Zeolite and Loess successfully isolated KJRR cement solidification. A leaching test was carried out according to the ANS 16.1 test method. The ANS 16.1 test is performed to analyze cesium ion concentration in leachate of KJRR cement for 90 days. Thus, a leaching test was carried out using simulated KJRR liquid waste containing 3000 mg·L-1 of cesium for 90 days. KJRR cement solidification with Zeolite and Loess led to cesium leaching resistance values that were 27.90% and 21.08% higher than the control values. In addition, in several tests such as free-standing water, compressive strength, immersion, and leaching tests, all KJRR cement solidification met the waste acceptance or satisfied the waste acceptance criteria for final disposal.

      • KCI등재

        개인-조직가치 적합성과 개인의 직무성과가 경력사원의 이직결정에 미치는 영향: 사건사 분석법의 적용

        박준혁(Junhyuck Park),정연앙(Yeon-Ang Jeong),최장호(Jang-Ho Choi) 한국인사조직학회 2018 인사조직연구 Vol.26 No.1

        조직 구성원의 자발적 이직은 모든 기업들이 고민하는 중요한 이슈 중 하나이다. 하지만 대부분의 선행연구는 신입사원을 대상으로 하고 있으며 경력사원을 대상으로 한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 더구나 최근 한국 기업들에서 대졸 공채형태의 신입채용보다 수시 경력사원 채용으로 채용형태가 변화하는 상황이므로 본 연구의 실무적 시사점이 많을 것이다. 본 연구는 개인-조직가치 적합성과 개인의 직무성과가 경력사원의 자발적 이직결정에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이직행동에 영향을 주는 주요 변수인 적합성 중, 경력 입사자에게는 개인-조직 적합성이 개인-직무 적합성보다 더중요한 변수라고 판단하여 첫 번째 독립변수로 설정하였다. 경력사원의 이직은 직무의 변경 없이 단지 회사만을 이동하는 경우가 일반적이기 때문이다. 또한, 직무성과(고과)의 수준도 경력사원의 이직결정에 큰 영향을 미치는 변수로 판단하여 두 번째 독립변수로 설정하였다. 마지막으로 사회적 교환이론에 근거하여 개인-조직가치 적합성이 이직행동에 미치는 부의 관계를 고과가 강화하리라는 가설을 검증해 보고자 하였다. 연구표본은 2011년도 국내 A대기업 전자계열사에 입사한 경력사원 191명을 대상으로 하였고 최대 40개월간의 직무성과(고과)와 이직 여부 및 이직 시점을 관찰하였다. 이직이라는 사건(event)이 개인-조직가치 적합성과 개인의 직무성과에 의해 어떤 영향을 받는 지를 알아보기 위해 사건사 분석법(event history analysis)을 활용하였다. 연구결과 및 시사점은세 가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 개인-조직가치 적합성의 수준이 높을수록 경력입사자의 자발적 이직은 감소하였다. 둘째, 입사 후 높은 고과나 낮은 고과를 받은 인력은 중간수준의 고과를 받은 인력보다 자발적 이직의 가능성이 높았다. 셋째, 개인-조직가치 적합성과 이직행동 간의 부(-)의 관계는 높은 고과에 의해 강화되었다. 즉, 개인-조직가치 적합성이 낮은 인력이 높은 고과를 받는 경우 이직행동은 더욱 강화된다. 본 연구를 통해 한국 대기업 경력입사자의 조기이직 문제점을 바탕으로 채용 시 개인-조직가치 간의 적합성 검증을 강화하고 우수 성과자의 유실을 최소화할 수 있는 차별적인 보상체계를 구축해야 한다는 시사점을 제공한다. The study was conducted with the purpose of finding out what influence the person-organizational value fit and job performance have on the decision of managerial-level newcomers’ voluntary turnover. A total of 191 individuals who had joined the two electronic subsidiaries of one large domestic company in Korea as managerial-level newcomers in 2011 were selected as the objects of the study, and after observing whether or not they tried to effect turnover during the thirty-six months they were analyzed by event-history analysis. The results are as follows. First, as the person-organizational value fit is higher, so the newcomers’ voluntary turnovers decrease. Second, those who got a higher or lower performance appraisal grade than average after their joining the company showed a higher voluntary turnover rate. This supports the theory suggested by Williams and Livingstone (1994) that the possibility of trying to effect turnovers may be higher when individuals get very high or very low job performance merits. Third, the relationship between person-organization value fit and voluntary turnover is moderated with high performance appraisal grades. If lower fit people get lower performance appraisal grades, the probability of turnover will be increased. The results of the study demonstrate that the verification of the person-organization value fit should be strengthened and a differential reward system should be constructed to provide motivation for those who produce higher performance.

      • KCI등재

        경력사원 조기이직의 영향요인에 대한 연구

        박준혁 ( Junhyuck Park ),최장호 ( Jang-ho Choi ),정연앙 ( Yeon-ang Jeong ) 한국질서경제학회 2013 질서경제저널 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of the study is to present the importance of biodata as one of the means for predicting the early turnover and to find out the biodata inventories which lead to predict the possible early turnover of managerial-level newcomer. For this, the personnel data of a total of 293 managerial-level newcomer, who entered a financial company of one of the large conglomerates during the one decade(1999~ 2008) were utilized. According to the study, it is confirmed that those who have frequently experienced the change of jobs are more likely to leave the current job, and the hypothesis was supported that personnels employed by the employee referral would be less likely to early change his or her job than others who had nothing to do with employee referral. Moreover, this hypothesis was also supported that the early turnover rate of those who take core job would be higher than the others. As the result of the study, the following points were demonstrated as methods of maintaining the high rate of employment in the early stage, or making low the early turnover rate. Firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate those who have shown frequent turnover experiences. They show the higher turnover probability, which supports the behavior consistency principle. Secondly, those who entered the organization through the employee referral show low level of turnover. Finally, it is also necessary to pay careful attention to those who take core job. That is because the core jobs have higher market value and higher demands to almost all the companies in that industry.

      • 경력사원 조기이직의 예측도구로서 전기자료(biodata)의 이용

        박준혁(Park, Junhyuck),최장호(Choi, Jang-Ho) 대한경영학회 2012 대한경영학회 학술발표대회 발표논문집 Vol.2012 No.2

        본 연구는 조기이직을 예측하는 선발도구로서 전기자료(biodata)의 중요성을 제시하고, 경력입사자의 조기이직을 예측해주는 전기자료 요인들(biodata inventories)을 밝혀내기 위해 수행되었다. 국내 A그룹 B금융계열사에 지난 10년간(99~08) 경력사원으로 입사한 임직원 293명의 채용면접 평가표 및 인사데이터를 활용하였다. 본 연구에 의하면 과거의 이직횟수가 많을수록 현 조직에서의 조기이직의 가능성이 높음을 확인하였고, 내부추천 경로를 통해 입사한 인력이 그렇지 않은 인력에 비해 조기이직이 적을 것이라는 가설도 지지되었다. 또한 핵심직무를 수행하는 인력이 그렇지 않은 인력에 비해 조기이직이 높을 것이라는 가설도 지지되었다. 본 연구결과는 경력입사자의 초기유지율을 높일 수 있는 방안, 다시 말해 조기이직률을 낮출 수 있는 구체적인 시사점을 제시해준다. 조기이직률을 낮추기 위해서는 첫째, 이직경험이 많은 입사지원자에 대한 철저한 검증이 필요하겠다. 이직경험이 많을수록 이직할 확률이 높다는 결과는 개인의 유전적 요인 또는 과거행동이 미래 상황에서 특정행동을 가능하게 한다는 행동 일관성 원리(behavior consistency principle)의 이론을 지지해준다. 둘째, 내부추천 경로를 통한 입사의 비중을 늘려야 하겠다. 내부 추천자는 능력이 우수하고 조직에 잘 적응할 인력을 소개해 주는 행동을 하기 때문일 것이다. 마지막으로 핵심직무 수행자에 대한 보다 세심한 관심이 필요하겠다. 핵심직무는 그 시장가치가 형성되어 있고 여타 기업들도 우수인력 영입을 위해 경쟁하는 직무이므로, 핵심직무 수행자의 확보 및 유지를 위해서는 각별한 관심이 필요하겠다. 국내 대기업의 채용면접자료 및 실제 이직데이타를 통한 살펴본 본 실증연구는, 전기자료(biodata)가 조기이직 선별에 타당성 있는 선발도구임을 확인시켜 주었고, 경력사원 조기이직을 예측해 주는 전기자료의 요인들(biodata inventories)로는 이직경험횟수, 내부추천 입사여부, 핵심직무 수행여부 임을 밝혀내었다. The purpose of the study is to present the importance of biodata as one of the means for predicting the early turnover and to find out the biodata inventories which lead to predict the possible early turnover of managerial-level newcomer. For this, the personnel data of a total of 293 managerial-level newcomer, who entered a financial company of one of the large conglomerates during the one decade(1999-2008) were utilized. According to the study, it is confirmed that those who have frequently experienced the change of jobs are more likely to leave the current job, and the hypothesis was supported that personnels employed by the internal recommendation would be less likely to early change his or her job than others who had nothing to do with internal recommendations. Moreover, this hypothesis was also supported that the early turnover rate of those who take core job would be higher than the others. As the result of the study, the following points were demonstrated as the concrete methods of maintaining the high rate of employment in the early stage, or making low the early turnover rate. These are the methods for making it low Firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate those who have shown frequent turnover experiences. They show the higher turnover probability, which supports the behavior consistency principle which says that individual genetic factors or the past behavior make the particular future behavior possible. Secondly, it is also necessary to make higher the rate of those who entered the organization through the internal recommendations. For the internal recommendations are likely to introduce the able personnels who are able to serve in the organization. Lastly, it is also necessary to pay careful attention to those who take core job. That is because the core jobs have higher market value and higher demands to almost all the companies in that industry.

      • KCI등재후보

        3차원 비정렬격자을 이용한 전열해석 방법론

        이주희(Lee, Juhee),장진우(Jang, Jinwoo),이용준(Lee, Yongjun),최준혁(Choi, Junhyuck),이상환(Lee, Sanghwan) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2014 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.8 No.6

        Heat transfers and related phenomena can be described by the second order partial differential equation, which cannot generally be solved except a simple domain. To make matters worse, the solution significantly dependents on the boundary conditions. The equations with analytical methods are solvable for only a limited number of cases. The known solutions are extremely useful in helping to understand heat transfer phenomena, but they rarely can be applied in engineering or design, because these solutions are not sufficiently practical. The engineer and designer have generally been forced to use numerical methods instead. To obtain an numerical solution, a discretization method, which approximates the differential equations by a system of algebraic equations is used. The approximations are applied to small domains in space and time so the numerical solution provides results at discrete locations in both space and time. The accuracy of numerical solutions is dependent on the quality of discretizations and size of cells used. The higher accuracy, the higher numerical resource are required. The balance between the accuracy and difficulty of the numerical methods is critical. The final linear equations by discretization are solved with matrix solver, which takes the most of the computation time. To reduce the computation time, the effective method for matrix solver is required. This study provides an overview of discretization, and matrix solver for the 3-dimensional numerical heat transfer.

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