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        이주일(LEE JUIL) 한국비교법학회 2005 비교법학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        The investigation appeal institution or maintenance discovery secures the criminal in objective and it is an activity of the investigation office which collection preserves an evidence. The hour limit of the investigation there is not a regulation of distinguished family and against the problem of the thing authorization which will permit the investigation after appeal proposing the opposition of theory and judicial precedent is appearing. especially the reference investigation after appeal proposing specially it is permitting principle. The hour limit like that is only will be opposition of opinion. It arranges like this general position and after appeal proposing permitting the reference investigation it permits in principal of positive result enemy conditions process of process to fall in love it could not be permitted the investigation again in investigation conclusion disposal after which is an appeal institution. And the criminal action law scholars bloom in after where the most appeal is proposed and the person the prosecuting attorney the newspaper doing negates a permission. In the reference against permits the investigation after appeal proposing the thing more against the reference who is on free position from criminal case process the investigation office more freely permits the investigation the thing is thought that it does not hit even logically. Our criminal action law is letting when case of the reference it is necessary and the system it will be able to requisition the witness newspaper before 1 trial fixed date. The hazard which applies this system well stand the investigation after appeal proposing, it is thought that proper not to be permitted. Our court of justice leads judicial precedent more and the witness who finishes a verbal evidence from trial process is again recalled in the prosecuting attorney and drawing up the written record of the gist which reverses a statement contents as evidence of illegality collection must exclude an evidence ability. To be like that and reference investigation after appeal institution it means proper not to be permitted. I think that not to be permitted censure evidence.

      • KCI등재

        전략과정에서의 이탈 현상은 어디에서 비롯되는가?: 한국웰빙연구원의 조직개편 사례

        이주일(Juil Lee),박정은(Jeong Eun Park),김상준(Sang-Joon Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2019 인사조직연구 Vol.27 No.2

        전략의 수립에서 실행에 이르기까지의 전략과정이 저절로 이루어지지 않는다는 점에 착안하여 본 연구는 전략과정에서 나타날 수 있는 이탈(disengagement) 현상에 주목하고 이를 규명하고자 한다. 본 연구의 관심인 전략과정에서의 이탈은 전략의 수립과 실행이 불일치하는 상황을 의미한다. 전략과정에서의 이탈은 제도적 디커플링(decoupling)과 달리 의사결정자들과 구성원들 사이의 의미형성 과정으로 이해할 수 있다. 이를 심층적으로 규명하기 위해서 정부출연연구기관인 한국웰빙연구원(가칭)을 대상으로 사례연구를 실시하였다. 한국웰빙연구원은 공중보건과 웰빙에 관한 서비스를 제공하는 기관으로 전문성과 효율성 강화라는 비전에 입각하여 사업부제 구조에서 이에 적합한 기능중심의 조직구조로 개편을 단행하였다. 하지만, 조직개편에 대한 당초의 기대와 달리 한국웰빙 연구원은 전문적인 조직역량을 함양하는 데 어려움을 겪었을 뿐만 아니라 오히려 비효율적인 업무행태를 보였다. 본 연구는 이 사례를 심층적으로 분석하여 전략의 본원적 취지 및 의미와 전략을 실행하는 행태 사이에서 이탈 현상이 나타날 수 있음을 주장한다. 이를 체계적으로 파악하기 위해, 본 연구에서는 의사결정자의 전략적 구상이 구체화된 조직구조 개편 그 자체를 ‘구조’의 이슈로 보며, 이후의 실행 과정을 ‘운영’의 이슈로 분리하여 접근한다. 구체적으로 조직개편 전략이 조직구조로 구현되는 실행의 과정을 구조적인 측면(비인격적 구성요소)과 운영적인 측면(인격적 구성요소)을 구분하여 서로 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 살펴보기로 한다. 본 연구의 분석결과에 의하면, 전략과정에서의 이탈은 관계적, 유기적, 공감의, 운영의 불일치에서 비롯한 것으로 보인다. 이와 같은 결과가가 함의하는 바는 조직구조를 비인격적인 구성요소인 ‘구조’와 인격적인 구성 요소인 ‘운영’의 결합으로 이해해야 하며, 이들이 상호 영향을 미치는 순환적 관계에 있음을 이해해야 한다는 것이다. 요약하면, 본 연구는 전략과정에서의 이탈 현상을 규명하고, 이와 같은 문제를 극복할 수 있는 실용적이며 체계적인 분석 틀을 제시하고 있다. Acknowledging that a strategy process (i.e. the process between strategy formulation and strategy implementation) does not take place spontaneously, this study illuminates disengaged consequences in strategy processes. For this, we coin the term disengagement in the strategy process, which refers to the situation where an inconsistency between strategy formulation and strategy implementation occurs. In contrast to institutional decoupling, disengagement in the strategy process is a sensemaking process between the top management team and employees. As evidence, we conducted an in-depth case study of a Korean Research Institute. Established in 2014, the institute is a state-owned organization providing public services in promotion of public health and wellbeing. Hoping for enhanced efficiency and proficiency in business analytics and statistics, the institute transformed its organizational structure from a divisional one to a functional one. However, this led the institute to become much more inefficient. These unexpected consequences resulted from a disengaged strategy process. Specifically, we found four patterns of disengagement in the strategy process, based on the sources of decoupling: relational, empathic, organic, and operational disengagement. These findings suggest that the phase transition between strategy formulation and strategy implementation requires consideration for the relationship with other organizations (such as resource dependence), consensual knowledge on organizational structure throughout the organization, and interplay between the top manage-ment team and employees.

      • KCI등재

        활동적 노년의 시민참여가 노화불안에 미치는 영향: 삶의 의미와 삶의 만족의 매개효과

        이시우 ( Si Woo Lee ),김태웅 ( Tae Woong Kim ),이주일 ( Juil Rie ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2021 지역과 세계 Vol.45 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identify the dual mediating effects of meaning in life and life satisfaction between civic engagement and aging anxiety among active elderly. This paper collects data from 700 elderly who belong to small communities in Seoul and Gyeong-gi Province, and the analysis was conducted using data from 323 people aged over 65. To analyze the data, Process Macro and Bootstrapping method were used. As a result, meaning in life and life satisfaction were found to have full mediation effects on the relationship between civic engagement and aging anxiety. This result indicates that civic engagement can contribute to reducing aging anxiety among elderly, which is emerging as a major problem in the aging society. Moreover, it is essential to feel the meaning in life and life satisfaction through participation rather than simply participating in specific civic activities. Finally, the practical implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

      • KCI우수등재
      • Robust Self-presentation: When and How Do People Present Themselves on Social Networking Sites (SNSs)?

        Marie Kim(김여은),Leena Yoon(윤이나),Hyeongseo Nam(남형서),Juil Lee(이주일),Sang-Joon Kim(김상준) 한국경영학회 2019 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2019 No.8

        User of social networking sites (SNSs) often encounter boundary complexity, as users interact with multitude of people of different social groups with diverse interests and perspectives in one common space. User actions (e.g. postings, dialogs, pictures, other online materials) on SNSs are, by nature, shared with a broad audience, even contacts who have incompatible views with the focal user. To act effectively, credibly, and reliably interact with their contacts, users craft their own ways in presenting themselves on SNSs. To explore the behavioral responses to boundary complexity on SNSs, we incorporate the theory on self-presentation and robust action and argue that individuals were able to better achieve a desired presentation of the self through structural reformation of the platform or rhetorical formulation through the platform. We conduct 30 in-depth interviews from those who have used a specific platform (i.e. Instagram). With the interviews, we first specify the bases of boundary complexities into Audience, Interest, and Attention and given this, we classify two processes of boundary management: authentic self-presentation and robust self-presentation. While users of SNSs respond to boundary complexities in various ways to make their self-presentation effective, the methods are based on the ongoing interactions with the platform. SNSs provide particular functions to the users to reconcile issues of boundary complexity. This suggests that the authentic self-presentation is performatively devised through interacting with their platform as well as their contacts.

      • Exploring Ways to Cope with Multivocality Encountered in Social Media

        Marie Kim(김여은),Leena Yoon(윤이나),Hyungseo Nam(남형서),Juil Lee(이주일),Sang-Joon Kim(김상준) 한국인사조직학회 2019 한국인사ㆍ조직학회 발표논문집 Vol.2019 No.1

        본 연구에서는 소셜미디어 플랫폼에서 다성성(multivocality)이 개입되는 현상을 포착하고, 실제 어떻게 소셜미디어의 유저들은 플랫폼상에서 다중인격성을 인지하고 이를 해결하려고 하는지 탐구하고자 한다. 특히 소셜미디어에서는 ‘포스팅’이라는 행위로 자신을 드러내는데, 본질적으로 소셜미디어에서는 이러한 포스팅을 바라보는 대상의 범위가 제한되어 있지 않아서 관계의 복잡성이 발생하게 되고, 자신의 의견을 제시하거나 주장을 함에 있어서 청중의 반응을 기대함에 있어서 모호성이 나타나게 된다. 소셜미디어 상에서 사람들은 이러한 관계의 복잡성을 해소하고 보다 강건한 방식으로 자신을 드러내는 방안을 모색하게 된다. 본 연구는 어빙 고프만의 자신 드러내기(self-presentation)에 대한 이론과 강건행위(robust action)의 개념을 통합하여 강간한 자신 드러내기 과정이 소셜미디어에서 어떻게 일어나고 있는지 고찰하고자 한다. 본 연구는 소셜미디어 플랫폼인 인스타그램을 사용하는 20-30 대 30 명을 심층인터뷰하고, 이들이 인지하고 있는 소셜미디어의 상황, 그리고 이 상황을 다루는 방식을 강건한 자신드러내기 과정으로 구체화하고자 한다. 연구의 결과는 인스타그램 유저들은 관계의 복잡성을 타개하기 위해서 스스로 다중인격성을 갖추고자 하였고, 이는 플랫폼 내에서 제공하고 있는 다양한 기능들을 활용함으로써 보다 강건하게 자신을 드러내고 있었다. 구체적으로 ‘강건한 자신드러내기’는 ‘편집(curation)’과 ‘분리(separation)’의 행동 패턴으로 나타나고 있었고, 특히 소셜미디어 플랫폼은 유저들이 자신드러내기를 보다 강건하게 할 수 있도록 다양한 기능들을 지속적으로 개발하고 있었다. This study pays attention to the situations where people in social media often encounter multivocality. Multivocality occurs when one interacts with diverse people with diverse interests and perspectives at a common space. In social media, by nature, user actions (e.g. postings, dialogs, pictures, other online materials) are widely shared with even the contacts who have incompatible views with the user’s. This requires users to deal with such multivocal situations. To act effectively in social media to credibly and reliably interact with their contacts, users craft their own ways in presenting their self in social media. To explore the behavioral responses to multivocality in social media, we incorporate the theory on self-presentation and robust action and argue that self-presentation in social media attempt to balance between robustness and flexibility. Robustness is achieved through disconnecting their contacts while flexibility enables users to incorporate all the perspectives from their contacts. To specify our argument, we conduct 30 in-depth interviews from those who have used a particular social medium (i.e. Instagram). With the interviews, we first specify the bases of multivocality into Audience, Interest, and Attention and given this, we classify two types of robust self-presentation in social media, i.e. Curation, and Separation. While users in social media respond to multivocality in various ways to make their self-presentation effective, the methods are based on the ongoing interactions with the social media themselves. Social media provide particular functions to the users to reconcile the multivocality issues. This suggests that the robust self-presentation is performatively devised through interacting with their social media as well as their contacts.

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