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        The Scope of Henrik Ibsen`s Influence on Ham Seduk`s The Sea Swallow

        ( Juhng Chullsung ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2017 현대영어영문학 Vol.61 No.3

        Ham Seduk borrowed quite a few dramatic techniques from J. M. Synge. Likewise, he was indebted to Henrik Ibsen in writing The Sea Swallow. It is certain that he was acquainted with Ibsen`s three plays: A Doll`s House, Ghosts, and The Lady from the Sea. He did not, however, use those three plays evenly and equally. He imitated freely Ibsen`s style of handling background, characters, storyline, and stage props from The Lady from the Sea, of which he made the most use among the three plays. He took over a couple of motifs from Ghosts: a revolting daughter and half-sibling lovers. He might have considered using Nora`s theme for The Sea Swallow, but it is not clear whether Ham depicted the women`s issues in his play as Ibsen did in A Doll`s House. His contact with European literature made his dramaturgy quite skillful, which asks for more academic attention. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        헨릭 입센의 영문 번역이 함세덕에게 끼친 문학적 영향

        정철성 ( Juhng Chullsung ) 대한영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.42 No.1

        Ham Seduk won a literary contest in 1940 with his play, The Sea Swallow, and then rewrote it after working for several years in the theater industry. The motive behind his rewriting has not been clearly explicated. Ham’s Sanhuguri is often said to have been influenced by J. M. Synge’s The Riders to the Sea. In the similar vein, he wrote The Sea Swallow, using Henrik Ibsen’s The Lady from the Sea as a source. There are some irrefutable similarities between the two plays: characters, their jobs and relations, props, and so on. They do not exactly match, though. Ham used his source skillfully to make his a totally independent play. It is not clear which of Ibsen’s texts he used. He did not have the ability to read Ibsen’s original. He might have read the second text translated into Japanese and/or Korean. Ibsen was first introduced to Asian readers in English and German translation. Korean translators got help from Japanese versions, but tried to utilize the English versions, two of which can be identified. Compared with Ibsen’s The Lady of the Sea, the meaning of Ham’s rewriting can be more specifically traced down. Furthermore, Ibsen's influence on Ham can be reviewed in order to analyze how intertextuality works between the plays of the two playwrights. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재

        존 씽의 『말을 타고 바다로 가는 사람들』의 배경 속 신화와 시장의 병치

        정철성 ( Juhng Chullsung ) 대한영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.40 No.1

        John M. Synge’s reputation as a playwright has been swayed between two extremes. The first repulsion has given its way to complements, which naturally raises a question: what happened in between? Scholarly approaches, which began to see Riders to the Sea as a tragedy, found out that it is not as impressive as Greek and/or Shakespearean tragedies. Other researchers put more emphasis on nature’s ferocious power to interpret the inevitability of events. They failed to look into the real life of the Aran Islands where primitivism kept its traces but the process of modernization was making its steady advance. Maurya and her children live in the two different worlds: the traditional and the modern. The young priest plays a role as a mediator between the island and the mainland. Bartley who is attracted by the profit he can get from a market in Galway defies his mother’s traditional wisdom. Among these people lies a conflict that tears them up between Maurya’s mythical explanation of what happens in the island and the logic of mainland market that attracts the younger generation. Primitivism, inevitability and even tragic lyricism belong to the island myth while modernization is represented as a force that is invisible but ever-influential over the islanders. In the first half of the play, the myth and the real occupy their respective territory on the stage. After Maurya’s vision with her “second sight,” however, mythical lamentations and prayers presides over the atmosphere. The play shows the fear of remote islanders who will face the inevitable modernization sooner or later. (Jeonju University)

      • 단체협약 위반행위의 처벌규정에 대한 고찰

        문중원(Muhn, Juhng-Won) 명지대학교 법학연구소 2019 명지법학 Vol.18 No.1

        단체협약은 노동조합과 사용자가 노동조건 등에 관하여 잡단적인 교섭과정을 거쳐 쌍방이 서명 또는 날인하여 체결하는 협정이다. 단체협약은 노동조건 등에 관한 기준을 설정함으로써 일정기간 노사관계를 안정시키는 기능을 한다. 아울러 단체협약을 체결한 당사자가 일정한 위반한 행위를 한 경우에 처벌하는 규정을 두고 있다. 즉, 단체협약을 위반한 자에 대한 처벌규정은 「노동조합 및 노동관계조정법」 제92조 제1호에 설정되어 2001년 3월 28일부터 시행 중인 조문이다. 이 처벌규정이 새로이 제정되기 이전에는 구 노동조합법 제46조의3에 “단체협약에 위반한 자는 1천만원의 벌금에 처한다”는 규정이 있었다. 그러나 이 구 노동조합법의 단체협약 위반자에 대한 처벌규정은 헌법재판소에서 죄형법정주의에 부합하지 아니한다는 이유로 위헌결정을 함으로써 실효되었다. 현재의 처벌규정은 위헌결정으로 실효된 그 처벌규정의 대체입법으로 신설되어 시행 중이다. 그러나 대체입법으로 시행 중인 현행 단체협약 위반에 대한 처벌규정도 과연 죄형법정주의에 부합하는 것으로서 적정한 처벌법규라고 할 수 있을 것인가에 대하여는 의문이다. 다시 말해서 위헌결정으로 실효된 과거 구 노동조합법의 처벌규정을 대체하여 다시 제정한 현재의 처벌규정이 과연 헌법에 합치되는가 역시 의문이다. 실제 집단노사관계 현장에서 흔히 제기되고 있는 것이 단체협약 위반 주장으로 인한 논란이기도 하고, 이 처벌법규로 처벌받는 사례가 비일비재하여 노사간의 균형을 위한 역할을 하는 규정인지도 의문이 아닐 수 없다. 이러한 의문에서 본고를 시작하였다. A collective bargaining agreement is an agreement signed or sealed by both parties through a multidisciplinary negotiation process, such as labor conditions. The collective agreement serves to stabilize labor-management relations for a given period of time by establishing criteria for labor conditions, etc. In addition, the Act also provides for the punishment of those who have signed a collective agreement if they have committed a certain violation. That is, the provision of punishment for those who violate collective agreements has been established in Article 92 No. 1 of the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act and has been in effect since March 28, 2001. Before the new rules of punishment were enacted, Article 46-3 of the old (invalid) Labor Union Act stipulated that Any person who violates the collective agreements shall be fined 10 million won. However, the old labor union law s punishment rules for violators of collective bargaining agreements were effective when the Constitutional Court ruled them unconstitutional on the grounds that they did not conform to the criminal justice system. The current punishment rule has been enacted as an alternative to the punishment rule, which was effective under the unconstitutional decision. However, it is questionable whether the current provision of penalties for violations of collective bargaining agreements under alternative legislation, which is consistent with the principle of criminal justice, is also an appropriate punishment law. In other words, it is also questionable whether the current punishment rule, which was rewritten by replacing the punishment rule of the old labor union law, which was effective by the unconstitutional decision, is compatible with the Constitution. It is questionable whether what is commonly raised at the sites of collective labor-management relations is a controversy caused by claims of violation of collective bargaining agreements, and whether the punishment law is a regulation that plays a role in balancing power between labor and management. This is the beginning of this dissertation.


        Woo-nam Juhng,Yong-ho Lee,Bo-young Choi,Donghwan Lee 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.9

        Fourier's law of heat conduction has been applied in solving conduction problems encountered in practice. This law predicts instantaneous heat diffusion with infinite propagation speed. Some recent experiments show the reflections of thermal waves at the interface of dissimilar materials at cryogenic temperature. In situations involving transient heat flow in very short time or at cryogenic temperature, the effects of finite speed of heat propagation become important. The thermal wave characteristics of damping and resonance are derived from the thermal wave equation through both modified heat flux equation and energy conservation law. The thermal resonance and phase lags of heat flux in a finite medium with thermal relaxation time are studied in this work by Finite Fourier transform with respect to space. As the result of the transformation with respect to space, the resonance and phase lags on underdamped condition are found when the modal frequencies in the medium exceed a critical value. The relationship between the modal frequencies and the resonance frequencies is obtained.

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