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        陈娟 ( Chen¸ Juan ),罗敏球 ( Na¸ Mingu ) 중국학연구회 2020 중국학연구 Vol.- No.94

        이 논문은 하남성에서 사용하고 있는 방언의 사용 상황을 조사하고 검토하였다. 우선 하남 방언을 중심으로 했던 사회언어학연구를 살펴보고 본 연구의 의미를 밝히었다. 그 다음 설문 조사의 형식을 통해 현재 거주지、연령、교육정도 등 기준으로 사용 장소、교류대상、언어 태도 등을 분석하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 하남방언과 보통화의 사용 현황 및 하남방언 사용자들의 언어태도를 진단하였다. 조사 결과에 따르면, 보통화와 방언의 우열은 사용 환경 및 사용 집단에 따라 변화한다는 점 그리고 방언사용자 비율이 교육 정도와 밀접하게 연관돼 있다는 것을 발견하였다. 교육 수준이 높을수록 방언을 사용하는 비율이 낮았다. 같은 방언을 사용하는 대상자와 교류할 때에도 보통화를 쓰는 현상은 일상 언어 환경이나 언어습관 때문일 수 있지만, 보통화의 영향을 받아 방언 사용율이 감소하였을 것이라고 판단된다. 언어태도 조사에 따르면, 방언에 대해 긍정적인 태도를 가진 비율이 낮은 편이고 보편적으로 보통화가 더 가치가 있다고 생각해서 자신의 아이들에게 보통화를 배우게 하는 경향도 나타났다. 방언의 미래에 대해 물어 봤을 때 조사 대상자들은 ‘둘 다 공존할 것이다’라는 답이 가장 많았다. 마지막으로 언어 외부 요인 즉 보통화 보급 정책、매스컴 전파 방식、방언 사용자들의 언어 태도로 인해 하남방언이 점점 보통화와 거리를 좁혀가고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Starting with the three social variables of current residence, age, and education level, this article examines the current status of using Henan dialect and the attitude of native dialect speakers by conducting surveys focusing on key contents such as use scenario and language attitude. Analysis showed that not only college or higher but also all residents and age groups currently residing in social variables tend to use Mandarin during official events. In this case Mandarin becomes the dominant language, and in informal settings all social variables prefer to use Henan dialect, but at this time Henan dialect becomes the dominant language. It can be seen that language strengths are not fixed and will change with changes in the use environment. This article analyzes the content and reason of Henan dialect’s tendency to approach in Mandarin. This tendency is mainly reflected in the weakening of dialectic characteristics, the contraction of group use. The cause of this phenomenon is mainly the external element of language, namely the promotion of mandarin. Three aspects of media communication methods and the language attitude of native dialect speakers are analyzed. Also, based on the results of existing research in dialect, this article believes that the reduction of dialect will bring about the situation of language integration in China, but this does not help balance cultural diversity. To protect and inherit Henan dialect and maintain the coexistence of Mandarin, certain measures are needed to avoid the process of language integration and maintain cultural diversity and culture in three aspects of national policy, social organizations and individuals.

      • KCI등재

        임란기(壬亂期) 의병문인이 바라 본 남송 ― <영남송사(詠南宋史)>의 주제의식 및 그 시적 형상화

        田娟 ( Tian¸ Juan ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2020 大東文化硏究 Vol.112 No.-

        <영남송사>는 임진왜란 당시 의병으로 참여했던 剡湖 陳景文이 ‘미개국에 의해 짓밟힌 문명국’이라는 남송의 ‘신화’의 중복과 재구를 통해 전쟁의 상처를 투영하고 폐허 속에서 다시 일어서기 위한 의지를 표출하고자 쓴 장편 연작 영사시다. 본고는 이 작품의 창작 배경과 주제적·예술적 특징 등을 살펴보았다. <영남송사>는 칠언절구로 이루어진 총 69수의 연작시이다. 그 내용은 79명의 역사적 인물에 대한 형상화와 ‘고종화의’라는 역사적 사건을 중심으로 다루고 있다. 본고에서는 작품 속 인물을 남송의 군주, 남송의 臣·民, 금·원 출신의 인물 등의 세 가지로 분류하여 살폈다. 이를 통해 이 작품이 ‘오랑캐 문제에 대한 대응’에 초점을 맞추고 있음을 알 수 있으며, 임진왜란으로 인한 심리적 충격과 함께 군주의 덕목, 忠義 정신, 華夷觀 등에 관한 작자의 생각 등을 살필 수 있다. 본 작품의 예술적 특징을 두 가지의 측면에서 살펴보았다. 우선 여러 작품으로 이룬 하나의 전체로 볼 때 비교적 치밀한 짜임새를 갖추고 있다. 분명한 포커스의 존재, 종적 축과 횡적 폭의 상호 작용을 통해, 개별 작품이 조직적·유기적으로 묶이어 정밀한 구조를 갖춘 하나의 결합체를 형성하여, 작품의 완결성을 확보하였다. 다음으로 <영남송사>를 이루는 개별 작품을 한 편 한 편 살펴보았을 때, 특별한 기교와 수법없이 그저 자신의 평가와 감정을 직설적이고 소박하게 털어놓는 방식을 사용하여 분명한 가치 판단과 강렬한 감정을 효과적으로 전달하였다. 이러한 두 가지 방식의 조화로운 결합, 거기에 전달하고자 하는 생각과 감정의 진솔함을 더하였기 때문에, 이 작품은 감정과 메시지 전달에 큰 성공을 거두었다. On the History of Southern Song Dynasty is a series of poems on history written by Jin Kyungmun who participated in Korean voluntary soldier movement during the Japanese invasion period in Year RenChen (29th year of the Sexagenary Cycle). There are 69 poems in total and all of them are four-line poems with seven characters per line and express the praises and demerits of historical figures in Southern Song Dynasty. Firstly, the poet's specific evaluations on the emperors, ministers, citizens, and people of Jin Dynasty are reviewed. The results show that both the choice of specificallydescribed objects and the evaluations of merits and demerits mainly focus on the dealing methods of foreigners, which should be the reflection of metaphor literature of psychological impact brought by the Japanese invasion in Year RenChen. Secondly, the artistic techniques and literary effects of this work are reviewed from two perspectives, the poems as a whole and the individual works in this work.

      • KCI등재

        La evolución poética de Pablo Neruda y el surrealismo

        Bahk, Juan-W 서울대학교 스페인중남미연구소 2005 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        A través del análisis de varios poemas de Residencia en la tierra, La evolución poética de Pablo Neruda y el surrealismo no sólo se ha procurado seguir la gestación de la poesía surrealista del poeta sino que también se ha tratado de verificar la existencia de las características surrealistas en sus obras. Su autor ha querido también mostrar los discursos poéticos provenientes de la nueva poética naciente en España de aquel entonces, ya que por la amistad que tenía con los poetas del grupo poético del 27, Neruda estaba al tanto del cambio de la flamante poesía. Otro aspecto del que no podemos prescindir es que Neruda a los 15 años era conocedor del idioma francés y por ello leía las obras de Apollinaire, Rimbaud y Baudelaire; o sea, Neruda seguía teniendo contacto con los grandes precursores franceses cuyas contribuciones aportaron al nacimiento de la poesía vanguardista del siglo XX. Este estudio es un proceso ininterrumpido de la evolución poética de Pablo Neruda. Todo lo que tenía en su fondo personal, desde su origen humilde como el hijo de un ganadero y ferroviario hasta su carrera política como senador de Chile y cónsul en varios países de cuatro continentes, llega a cuajar muy bien con la constante evolución de su poética. Este trabajo ha trazado el trayecto de Neruda desde su inicio hasta Residencia en la tierra con el objetivo de que entendamos mejor su poesía surrealista.

      • KCI등재

        Surf points based Moving Target Detection and Long-term Tracking in Aerial Videos

        ( Juan-juan Zhu ),( Wei Sun ),( Bao-long Guo ),( Cheng Li ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2016 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.10 No.11

        A novel method based on Surf points is proposed to detect and lock-track single ground target in aerial videos. Videos captured by moving cameras contain complex motions, which bring difficulty in moving object detection. Our approach contains three parts: moving target template detection, search area estimation and target tracking. Global motion estimation and compensation are first made by grids-sampling Surf points selecting and matching. And then, the single ground target is detected by joint spatial-temporal information processing. The temporal process is made by calculating difference between compensated reference and current image and the spatial process is implementing morphological operations and adaptive binarization. The second part improves KALMAN filter with surf points scale information to predict target position and search area adaptively. Lastly, the local Surf points of target template are matched in this search region to realize target tracking. The long-term tracking is updated following target scaling, occlusion and large deformation. Experimental results show that the algorithm can correctly detect small moving target in dynamic scenes with complex motions. It is robust to vehicle dithering and target scale changing, rotation, especially partial occlusion or temporal complete occlusion. Comparing with traditional algorithms, our method enables real time operation, processing 520×390 frames at around 15fps.

      • Control of peak floor accelerations of buildings under wind loads using tuned mass damper

        Juan Acosta,Edén Bojórquez,Juan Bojórquez,Alfredo Reyes-Salazar,Omar Payán,Manuel Barraza,Juan Serrano 국제구조공학회 2022 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.81 No.1

        Due to the frequency and magnitude of some loads produced by gusts of turbulent wind, building floors can develop lateral displacements and significant accelerations which can produce strong inertial forces on structural, non-structural elements and occupants. A device that can help to reduce the floor accelerations is the well-known Tuned Mass Damper (TMD); however, nowadays there is no enough information about its capacity in order to dissipate energy of turbulent wind loads. For this reason, in this paper different buildings with and without TMD are modeled and dynamically analyzed under simulated wind loads in order to study the reduction of peak floor accelerations. The results indicate that peak floor accelerations can be reduced up to 40% when TMD are incorporated in the buildings, which demonstrated that the Tuned Mass Damper is an efficient device to reduce the wind effects on tall buildings.

      • KCI등재

        Systemic Inflammation in Older Adults With Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome

        Juan-juan Fu,Vanessa M. McDonald,Peter G. Gibson,Jodie L. Simpson 대한천식알레르기학회 2014 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: The role of systemic inflammation on asthma-COPD overlap syndrome is unknown. This study aimed to examine systemic inflammation inasthma-COPD overlap syndrome, and to identify associations between clinical characteristics and inflammatory mediators in asthma-COPD overlapsyndrome. Methods: In 108 adults older than 55 years comprising healthy controls (n=29), asthma (n=16), COPD (n=21) and asthma-COPD overlapsyndrome (n=42), serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) were assayed. Spirometry, induced sputum, quality of life, comorbiditiesand medications were assessed, and their associations with asthma-COPD overlap syndrome were analyzed using logistic regression. Associations between systemic inflammatory mediators and clinical characteristics were tested in multivariate linear regression models. Results:Patients with asthma-COPD overlap syndrome had significantly elevated IL-6 levels compared with healthy controls and asthmatics. Age, comorbidityindex and IL-6 level were independently associated with asthma-COPD overlap syndrome. FEV1% predicted was inversely associated with IL-6level, and cardiovascular disease was associated with an increased IL-6 level. Systemic markers were not associated with airway inflammation. Conclusions: Systemic inflammation is commonly present in asthma-COPD overlap syndrome, and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome resembledCOPD in terms of systemic inflammation. IL-6 is a pivotal inflammatory mediator that may be involved in airflow obstruction and cardiovascular diseaseand may be an independent treatment target.

      • KCI등재

        차집관로와 하수처리시설의 설치에 따른 도시하천의 수질변화 특성

        주연연(Juan Juan Zhou),임봉수(Bong Su Lim) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.12

        대전 3대하천을 대상으로 차집관로와 하수처리시설 증설로 인한 도시하천의 수질변화의 특성을 분석하였다. 지난 10년 동안 최고 수질에서 최저 수질의 차이가 가장 큰 하천지점은 하수처리시설 하류부인 갑천5(신구교) 지점이다. 반면에 최근 수질은 이 지점이 다른 지점보다 수질이 불량한 것은 하수처리시설의 방류수 영향이다. 하수처리시설 상류부에서는 대전천이 유기물질의 오염감소에서 다른 지점보다 비교적 양호한 지점인데 이는 차집관로의 유지관리 투자에 기인한 것으로 보인다. 최근 3대하천 수질은 하천수질기준치와 비교하였을 때 대부분 수질항목은 기준치 이내로 적합하였으나 상류지점인 대 전천, 유등천, 갑천3 지점의 총인은 기준치에 못 미치므로 하수처리시설 상류부가 하류부보다 차집관로의 유지관리가 더 필요하다. 하수처리시설의 방류수 수질이 하천 수질오염총량관리 지점의 목표수질에 악영향을 주기 쉬우므로 하수처리시설 유지관리의 효율성이 적극 요구된다. In this study, the characteristics of water quality change of the three streams in Daejeon were analyzed according to the expanded installation of interceptors and wastewater treatment plant (WTP). Gabcheon 5 (Singu Bridge) location showed the maximum difference of the highest and lowest concentrations in the last decade. However, the recent water quality of this location was worse than other locations, because of the impact of the effluent from the WTP. In the upstream of the WTP, the Daejeon stream was relatively better than the other locations in organic pollution reduction, and this was caused by the investment for the management of the interceptors in three streams of Daejeon. According to the water quality standard of the stream water quality, the recent water quality of the three streams in Daejeon was acceptable within them in the most of the water quality items, but because the total phosphorus concentration of the upstream such as Daejeon stream, Yudeng stream, Gabchen 3 location did not reach the standard values, a better management of the interceptor was required in the upstream of WTP than its downstream. The upstream of WTP also required a better management of the interceptor than the downstream. The operation and management of WTP was required a high efficiency because the water quality of the effluent from the WTP incurred an adverse effect to the target water quality in the location of the total water pollution load management system.

      • KCI등재

        부가가치분석으로 포스코와 벤치마킹을 실시한 중국 철강회사의 경영전략

        호연연 ( Juan Juan Hu ),유인선 ( In Seon Yoo ) 한국생산성학회 2014 生産性論集 Vol.28 No.1

        Due to the development of Western areas, urban redevelopment, and urbanization of rural areas in China, the demand for a high value-added steel has sharply risen. The current study compared Baosteel Group Corporation and POSCO, which are representative steel companies in both China and Korea, and analyzed indicators of a valued-added analysis developed by Korea Productivity Center(KPC) with a macro approach. Through a valued-added analysis, the present study attempted to identify the importance of a valued-added analysis technique and useful business strategies for management activities. Furthermore, our research suggested some improvement plans for Baosteel Group Corporation in China regarding the areas of technology creativity, human resources development, company image, environmental protection, impacts of derivative industry, international business capability, and raw material supply. In addition, our research aimed at suggesting how to strengthen competitiveness, improve productivity, and produce high value-added steel products for Baosteel. An analysis period was from 2001 to 2010 and publicly-announced financial statements through both stock exchanges were analyzed.

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