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      • 韓國·日本·中國(臺灣) 佛敎의 現況分析에 依한 韓國佛敎 社會化 方向摸索 : from the analysis of the present situation of korean, Chinese and Japanese Buddhist

        韓鍾萬 圓光大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        First of all, let me summarize the problem and phenomenon of Buddhism in Korea, Japan, China, one by one. The significance of the existence of a religion lies in how much it is beneficial for the masses. During the 16 centuries since Buddhism has been introduced into Korea, it has served as the prop of thoughts and soul. But nowadays, it is pushed back by another religions in waves of modernization. I think that the most important reason lies in the religions associations inner factors rather than outer factors. Because the factors by which Korean Buddhism is not modernized are the fact that it is in the mountains, does not cope with the expedient change of the times, and does not become a religion of life. The pernicions evil of Buddhism in the mountains in that it cannot approach the masses, must wait for Buddhists to visit temples, and so cannot have positiveness in evangelization and Buddhists cannot be quickly familiar with monks on account of many differences between monk's lives and their appearances. Next, we can enumerate its out-of-date system and expedient. There has made Buddhism be pushed by the power of christianity, that is, Buddhism has its demerits of being harden toward non-social direction. So they have to innovate in this respects. Add to the improvement of the system, understanding the spiritual direction of the people with the modernization of education and the monk's qualities, they are to evangelize Buddhism of Japan has very succeeded in popularizating. It is a parishioner system, and it makes monks not only be in close harmony with the people but have the positiveness to evangelization and social work. But now, It does not emerge from heritage, and result in being vulgar, in changing into a means. Therefore, the traditions of those ceremonical Buddhism or fumeral ceremonies brought forth even the vulgar customs of the worship of ancestors. This is a primary factor to make us misunderstand the intrinsic nature of Buddhism. Buddhism is a super-vulgar, futuristic religion. Even though the truth can not seperate from this secular warld, it means not the approval of secularism but excelling And there appears very large estrangement between Buddhism of the intellectuals and the one of the commonality. This was caused by the long tradition of exceeding secularism, that is, a parishioner system. Japanese Buddhism has its deep-rooted tradition, dissimilarly to korean, to the extent that any foreign religion can not penetrate into Japanese. But it is in a phase to rectify the vulgar and degenerated factors. It is very difficult for us to find out the purity of Buddhism in chinese Buddhism because of the factor of the deep mixture, Taoism and Buddhism. This functions as a fragile factor in the subject thought development of Buddhism. Chinese Budd, dissimilarly to Korean, has its templs every villiages as a public religion and has close something to do with the masses, but does not accomplish its object of Buddhism's thoughts. That appears especially in the aspect of educational institutions and so, it is every lukewarm in taking part in society. The service for the public is connected directly with the problem of existence of Buddhism, and coincide with monk's missions. It coincides with the essence of Buddhism in which they identify enteriny Nirvana with salvation of the people. But it must be rectified to attach importance to self-culture Now, I'll summarize the great monk's thoughts, Yong Sung Baek, Han Yeong Bak, Yong Woon Han, who discharged their duties as pioneers in the movement of the renovation of Buddhism, that is, the movement of socialization Korean Buddhism. They endeavoured very eagerly to make Korean Buddhism up-to-date under the difficult conditions, at the end of old Korea. First, they demanded Buddhists(monks) serious relection who were in want of self-consciousness as time go by. It was immediate to awaken the people to what is the duties of Buddhism itself and what is the factor to hold pride as Buddhists. Second, there was needed the self-consciousness of phases of the times. In the days when western scientific cvilization rushed for our country, and in the days when the power of christianity penetrated into the masses, Buddhism could have no leadership as a religion in the mountains. Presenting the essence of Buddhism, (spiritual enlightment, ture self) they said that we had to do our best to the education of youth as self-conscious realistic men in order to do its dutieis and cope with the social situation. Third, they urged to innovate the policy of Buddhism. Then, big problems are the estabilishments of the control of the religious association, economic indefendence, and the modernization of the means of missionary works. They emphatically asserted that, to develope Buddhism, we needed strong control with the unification of administration. At that time, they thought that they had to compose the power of organization to exert an important effect upon society. Because they could not cope with the social situation which more and more become the socialization of industries only with the system of the thirty-one Buddhist cathedral. The problem of economic indefendence was the destruction of dependence life in respect of individual, while it was also to make Buddhism a life religion which closed the indefendent administration and the activity in society of the religious association in respect of the religious association. In a word, they asserted that they had to fair prides to live indefendent lives by ceasing the life of asking almo, and making them farm and practice zenmeditation at a time in respect of individual, while they asserted that they had to combine or amalgamate temples, utilize the financial resources, convert fixed assets to current assets, and also found and administrate the production institutions in respect of the religious associations. They thought these not only as the devices for utilizing the financial resources of the religious association but also as the means of evangelization and the service for society. The problem of the modernization of evangelization appeared as an important problem connected with the existence of Buddishm and the possibility of development. They were faced with situation which had to cope with the change fo social situation and evangelize positively. To evangelize positively, they needed to translate the sutra into Korean above all. Because the religious doctrine must be popularized and socialized in order to realize Buddhism's ideal. Add to this, therefore, the probation of studies for religious workers and the simplication of rituals were made a subject of discussion. Especially it was very great problem to convert Buddhism in the mountains to Buddhism in the street. Because a religion which seperates from the masses can not accomplish its essential object. Moreover, Yong Woon Han who had progressive thoughts pointed out the fact that the system of prohibiting monks from marring was inadequate for future. He said the reason were; ① the severace of humanity. ② the destruction of the foundation of a nation ③ tge noxiousness of evangelization. As mentioned above, we could see the summary of the modernization of Buddhism by the three monks. Their encleavour, however, has more important significance in presentation of direction of pioneers rather than in success. Now, I'll investigate the direction of socialization in Korean Buddhism. First, in evangelization, developing the essence of Buddhism, and displaying its adaptability very well to adjust itself to society, it is urgent to inovate the constitution of Buddhism. A religion, in order to realize this object, has to adapt itself to the situation of the times and lift its spiritual subjecthood. For this we must make Buddhism harmonize with the times, be adapted to lives, popularize. So we must change the image of Buddhism in the mountains into Buddhism in the cities, Zen Buddhism into rational true Buddhism, that is, we have to throw away the in dolense of seclusion, take part in our own lives, and have positive post ures. For this, it is necessary to simplify rituals (for example, costume), to clear up separate emotions from the masses. And it is possible to change Buddhism into Buddhism of production, life, the masses. Second, the direction of social service, this is monks' elemental duties. Originally, the object of Buddhism is the evangelization for all creatures and the prusuit of Buddhahood. But they regarded the evangelization for all creatures as a Bodhisattvas truth rather than the prusuit of Buddhahood. For this, it is necessary to symplify and renovate rituals (ie: costumes) with the changes of the times. And to clear up the separate emotions from the masses. Today is the times of industry. Its characteristics is mass production. As long as the evangelization of a religion can not be a productive and life one, its survival is very difficult. Especially the things demanded very lagerly in the times of industry are the regular administration of current construction and production. It is urgent to realize the truth of self-interest and altruism on the gound of Buddhistic truth. Therefore, with the positiveness of the manners of evangelization and the estabilishment of an unified organization, we must strengthen centripetal duties and because Buddha's essential purpose was to eliminate pains and offer the pleasure of bliss(?苦與樂) social services must be planned as one of the elemental policy of the Buddhism's association. First, the developement of activity by the estabilishment of charitable organizations. Second, the abolition of distintions between men receiving charities and men offering charities. This must be changed into the dimension to feel these charities each other. Third, the construction of impartial society. We can not realize the essence of social services with the contiunation of partiality. Third, the direction of cultural activities. It is impossible to develop the thoughts of Buddhism without the success of cultural dimention. It is important to inherit and develop historical conventional culture, but it is even more important to create new culture. With the estabilishment of the Promoting Center for Scholastic Buddhism and the Cultural Center, we have to promote the plans intentionally. We must develope the cultural activity synthetically-it include thoughts, literature, arts and so on. The research activity for the highest thoughts, the supply activity the masses with easy cultural books, and the sutra, literary works. The assimilation with the masses through artistic activity are the vital factors in the developement for Buddhism. It is urgent for Buddhists to change its construction in order to take off its stagnancy and develope as a new religion. There are the meanings of systems and Buddhists' modernization for the structure of consciousness. We can not expect the novel developement without renovating the structure of consciousness and improving the systems.

      • KCI등재

        소련의 제 2 경제

        한종만 서울대학교러시아연구소 1992 러시아연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Die zweite Wirtschaft kommt sowohl im marktwirtschaftlichen System alsauch im planwirtschaftlichen System zur Erscheinung. Unter zweiter Wirtschaft (auch "unoffizieller", Schatten-, Konter-, Untergrund-, oder Parallelwirtschaft usw.) wird eine breite Palette von Aktivitaten verstanden. Diese wirtschaftlichen Aktivitaten mussen nach Grossman im engeren Sinne einer der breiten folgende Bedingungen genugen: Sie dienen der personlichen Bereicherung oder Sie verstoβen in wesentlicher Beziehung bewuβt gegen geltende Gesetze. Nach unserer Definition der zweiten Wirtschaft kann daruber hinaus eine systembedingte Definition im weitesten Sinne halblegeale und sogar legale Aktivitaten mitberucksichtigen. Inhalt und Struktur der zweiten Wirtschat sind abhangig vom "ersten" Wirtschaftssystem d.h. von dessen Versorgungs-, Allokations- und Motivationsmangeln. Diese zweiten wirtschaftlichen Aktivitaten haben zu einem eigenen Geldkreislauf gefuhrt, der sich den Planungsinstanzen und der Planung entzieht (Planaweichung, Planlucke etc.). Die zweite Wirtschaft wurde und wird hauptsachlich von standig mangelnden Waren und Dienstleistungen und selbst Unfunktionsfahigkeit des planwirtschatlichen Systems verursacht. Die zweitwirtschaftlichen Aktivitaten stehen auβer Kontrolle der zentralen Planungsinstanzen und fuhren zweierlei Koordinationssystemen, die Effizienz-, Allokations-, Wachstums- und Wohlfahrtsverlust mit sich bringen. Der informelle Allokationsmechanismus fuhrt zu einer sekundaren Einkommensverteilung innerhalb der Bevolkerung und der Region und somit zu einem zweistufigen Preissystem. Trotzdem spielte die zweite Wirtschaft in der sowjetischen Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft eine Rolle von "economic lubricant", "economic buffer", and "social molifier." Das hohe Wachstum der zweiten Wirtschaft wurde als "Lokomotive" zu Zerfall der Sowjetunion beigetragen. Die zweite Wirtschaft wurde und wird durch Wirtschaftsreformen in erste Wirtschaft einbezogen. Seit dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion und Entstehung der GUS (Geminschaft der Unabhangigen Staaten) wird die zweite Wirtschaft im zunehmenden Tempo liberalisiert. Trotz der offiziellen wirtschaftlichen Einbeziehung der zweiten Wirtschaft wird zu Unklarheit, Ungewiβheit und Risiko der GUS-Wirtschaft. Denn in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion gibt es nur mangelnde und/oder ungenugende "know-how" uber die markwirtschaftlichen Infrastrukturen.

      • 러시아 시베리아와 한국과의 경제협력 과제와 전망

        한종만 培材大學校 社會科學硏究所 2006 自然科學論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        시베리아·극동지역에서의 협력 사업은 이 지역의 발전은 물론 러시아의 경제력을 배가시킬 뿐만 아니라 동북아와 아·태지역 경제발전의□기관차□역할을 담당할 것으로 예상된다. 이제 한국은 다가오는 시베리아·극동 시대를 맞아 그 잠재력을 현실화하는 데 적극 참여할 의사가 있음을 분명하게 밝히고 한반도의 국운을 유라시아 대륙으로 확장하는 구체적인 계획을 세워야 할 것이다. 시베리아의 잠재력이 21세기에 더욱더 구체화될 것이라는 데에는 이론의 여지가 없다. 시베리아지역의 성장과 발전을 위해서는 러시아의 적극적인 투자의지뿐만 아니라 중국과 남북한으로부터 노동력 유입과 한국을 비롯한 일본과 미국으로부터 자본유입이 우선 과제라고 보인다. 21세기 한국의 미래는 시베리아에 달려 있다고 보인다. 한반도 통합과정에 있어서 시베리아와의 인적·물적 교류의 활성화는 상호간의 경제적 이익을 창출시킬 뿐만 아니라, 사업의 추진과정에서 재외 한민족 및 북한 동포를 참여시켜 민족 동질성과 정체성을 유지해 나갈 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이 교류의 활성화는 북한의 개혁과 개방을 유도하여 한반도의 통합 여건을 가속화시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 21세기 한반도의 통합과 동북아시아의 중심국가로 부상하게 만드는 초석이 될 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to make a comprehensive analysis of the resources potential of Siberian & the Far Eastern territories and deduce specific business opportunities and methods of cooperation on regional development between Korea and Russia. Russian Siberia & Far East have the world's largest storage of natural resources including oil, natural gas, coal, fishes, woods, and etc. The development of Siberia & the Far East requires time and the effort of neighbouring countries since it is a handful ofe the Russian government alone to handle. Korea has both geographical proximity and ideal complementary economic realtionship with Siberia & the Far East of Russia. If Korea were to actively participate in the development of Siberia & Far Eastern territories, then there would be an increase in economic activity between two countries.

      • KCI등재

        식중독균 항원(Salmonella typhimurium)에 의한 계란항체(IgY) 생산성과 분리 정제

        한준표,백반석,배만종 동아시아식생활학회 1999 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study was carried out to get a industrial information about a possibility of IgY antibody production, antimicrobial activity and properties of IgY antibody in egg yolk. After the initial immunization the anti-Salmonella typhimurium IgY antibody level gradually were decreased from firth week to tenth week. On the other hand, the antibody level in the serum were increased from the first week, reaching its peak in the sixth week. Molecular weights of IgY were estimated approximately 72~75KD in a heavy chain and 30~40KD in a light chain by electrophoresis.

      • DHA의 미세캡슐화와 산화방지에 관한 연구

        한성철,류종서,이기영,김도만,최춘순 全南大學校 觸媒硏究所 2003 觸媒硏究 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        We studied the oxidation of docosahexaenoic acid(DHA: C22: 6ω-3). β-Cyclodextrin(CD) inclusion complexes(ICs) of DHA were prepared with antioxidant such as α-tocopherol and BHT, and microcapsulated with Curdlan and Pullulan. Identification of their structural features of ICs were observed with the use of SEM, FTR, and XRD. Methods for quantitative analysis of DHA were used: TLC scanning method and TBARS(Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance) method. As a result, we observed the formation of ICs and estimated antioxidant effect. In this work, loading efficiency of DHA in ICs was about 25%, and the antioxidant effect of α-tocopherol was higher than that of BHT. When ICs containing DHA was microcapsulated with curdlan and pullulan, the loading efficiency was less than 5%.

      • 지역주의와 지역통합 관점에서 본 러시아 극동·동시베리아 지역에서의 물적 자원의 중요성 : 정치경제적 시각

        한종만 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2002 시베리아총서 Vol.2002 No.-

        This study deals with the regionalism and regional integration in Russian East Siberia & Far East. The territories of East Siberia & Far East habe been distant from the center, and as a result have been socially and economically backward compared to the Russian Western territories. East Siberia & Far East remains rich in natural resources, but unfortunately Russia has failed to change development potential into reality. Due to the rise of regional separatism and the lack of financial and human resources, the actual results in this region are meager. The development of East Siberia & Far East requires time and the effort of neighbouring countries since it is a handful for the Russian government alone to handle. Korea has both geographical proximity and an ideal complementary economic relationship with Russia. If Korea were to actively participate in the development of East Siberia & the Far Eastern territories, then there would be an increase in economic activity between two countries. PNG projects from Irkutsk and Sakhalin, East Siberian Angarsk oil pipeline project, and TKR-TSR project will become the foundation for ‘energy & transport integration system of Northeast Asia’ and an opening signal for the new era of multilateral cooperation in this region. Russian president Putin and regional policy-makers emphasize the importance of economic cooperation and integration with Asia-Pacific countries including Korea. In this cooperation and integration process, Russian should make a committment to establish an East development policy so as to make use of both natural & financial resources and human resources.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 시베리아와 한국과의 경제협력 과제와 전망

        한종만 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2006 한국시베리아연구 Vol.10 No.-

        시베리아·극동지역에서의 협력 사업은 이 지역의 발전은 물론 러시아의 경제력을 배가시킬 뿐만 아니라 동북아와 아·태지역 경제발전의□기관차□역할을 담당할 것으로 예상된다. 이제 한국은 다가오는 시베리아·극동 시대를 맞아 그 잠재력을 현실화하는 데 적극 참여할 의사가 있음을 분명하게 밝히고 한반도의 국운을 유라시아 대륙으로 확장하는 구체적인 계획을 세워야 할 것이다. 시베리아의 잠재력이 21세기에 더욱더 구체화될 것이라는 데에는 이론의 여지가 없다. 시베리아지역의 성장과 발전을 위해서는 러시아의 적극적인 투자의지뿐만 아니라 중국과 남북한으로부터 노동력 유입과 한국을 비롯한 일본과 미국으로부터 자본유입이 우선 과제라고 보인다. 21세기 한국의 미래는 시베리아에 달려 있다고 보인다. 한반도 통합과정에 있어서 시베리아와의 인적·물적 교류의 활성화는 상호간의 경제적 이익을 창출시킬 뿐만 아니라, 사업의 추진과정에서 재외 한민족 및 북한 동포를 참여시켜 민족 동질성과 정체성을 유지해 나갈 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이 교류의 활성화는 북한의 개혁과 개방을 유도하여 한반도의 통합 여건을 가속화시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 21세기 한반도의 통합과 동북아시아의 중심국가로 부상하게 만드는 초석이 될 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to make a comprehensive analysis of the resources potential of Siberian & the Far Eastern territories and deduce specific business opportunities and methods of cooperation on regional development between Korea and Russia. Russian Siberia & Far East have the world's largest storage of natural resources including oil, natural gas, coal, fishes, woods, and etc. The development of Siberia & the Far East requires time and the effort of neighbouring countries since it is a handful ofe the Russian government alone to handle. Korea has both geographical proximity and ideal complementary economic realtionship with Siberia & the Far East of Russia. If Korea were to actively participate in the development of Siberia & Far Eastern territories, then there would be an increase in economic activity between two countries.

      • 지역주의와 지역통합 관점에서 본 러시아 극동·동시베리아 지역에서 인적 자원의 중요성 : 정치경제적 시각

        한종만 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2002 시베리아총서 Vol.2002 No.-

        This study deals with the importance of human resources and the harm caused by population decrease in Russian East Siberia & Far East. It is focused on the causes and effects of East Siberian & Far East demographical crisis and on the changes of Russian demographical policy. The population in Russian East Siberia & Far East has dropped respectively by 0.4 and 1 million since 1992, and the average male life expectancy in this region fell below the pension age. The demographical crisis in East Siberian & Far East has a number of causes. East Siberia & Far East suffers from the general instability of a country in the process of transforming itself from a planned economy to a market economy. The principle causes of the demographical crisis is the decline of fertility and the increase of mortality. Besides population decrease, this region has been forced to continue immigration to European Russia. Due to the poor quality of life etc., the East Siberian & Far Eastern demographical problem makes a vicious circles. Demographical situation now threatens not only economic progress but also national security. The demographical trends of Russian East Siberia & Far East in general in the near future will be determined by economic, social, and political changes in Russia. The territories of East Siberia & Far East habe been distant from the center, and as a result have been socially and economically backward compared to the Russian Western territories. East Siberia & Far East remains rich in natural resources, but unfortunately Russia has failed to change development potential into reality. Due to the rise of regional separatism and the lack o financial and human resources, the actual results in this region are meager. Russian president Putin and regional policy-makers emphasize the importance of economic cooperation and integration with Asia-Pacific countries including Korea. In this cooperation and integration process, Russian should make a committment to establish an East development policy so as to make use of both natural & financial resources and human resources.

      • 4채널 원통형 정전용량 변위센서의 자동ㆍ정밀 검보정

        김종혁,김일해,박만진,장동영,한동철,백영종 한국공작기계학회 2004 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.-

        General purpose of cylindrical capacitive displacement sensor(CCS) is measuring run-out motion and deflection of rotor. If CCS has narrow sensing range, its sensitivity coefficients must be calibrated precisely. And x, y component of CCS output can be coupled. In this research, CCS calibration procedure is automated with automatic calibration program and PC-controlled stage. And, coupled-terms of CCS signals were removed and the errors between measured position and mapped CCS signal were reduced obviously by sensitivity matrix that linearly

      • 順天大學 母後山 演習林의 山林資源에 關한 硏究(Ⅰ)

        安鍾萬,金容煥,張漢晟 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        順天大學 松光 演習林에 分布되어 있는 木本植物의 種類를 調査한 結果 다음과 같다. 1. 演習林에 分布되어 있는 木本植物은 51科92屬126種22變種으로 總 148種임을 알수 있었다. 2. 天然林에는 참나무類가 群集되어 있었다. 3. 特히 히어리가 群落을 形成하고 있었다. Suncheon National College Forest is located Seungjy-Gun in Cheonnam Do: more specifically located 34°59′30″-35°20′30″N, 127°10′15″-127°12′30″E. The forest covers are an area of 165. 59ha. This investigation was accomplished one month and the results obtained were as follows: 1. The grown in the College Forested of 51 families, 92 geners, 126 species, 22 varieties, so that the totaling were 148 texa. 2. There were Quercus association in the forest. 3. Among the 4 blocks (Jelte Valley) were cooupied with Corylopsis coreana Nakai, and the part of the other block were occupied with osk.

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