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      • 철봉운동의 「붙잡는 기술」에 관한 운동형태학적 분석

        전혜령,김진도,송유진 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        Der Zweck dieser Untersuchung steht darin, daβ diese Untersuchung durch die Besta¨ tigung der Handgriffsbewegung an bestimmten Recku¨bungen zu rationellem und o¨knomischem Studieren und Lehren der Recku¨bungen beitragen soil. Fast in alien Sportgebiete, in der die Gera¨te mit einem Hand oder beider Ha¨nde behandelt werden, spielt der Handgriff eine technische wichtige Rolle. In dieser Beziehung sind die Recku¨bungen auch nicht die Ausnahme. Aber in fast alien HandbOcher sthehen nur solche Griffarten, die als die Aufgabe der Ubungen, nicht als die Technik, ihre Bedeutung haben. An praktischem Lehren bezieungsweise Studieren einer Ubung wird zuerst mehr exaktere Ausfu¨ hrungsweise angefordert. Daher wurde es zuerst zum Zweck dieser Untersuchng gestellt, die praktischen Handgriffsbewegungen aufzufassen. Und diese realen Bewegungsabaufe wurde durch morphologische Betrachtungsweise betrachtet. Die Reckubungen, die hier in dieser Untersuchung als experimentale Aufgaben aufgonommen wurde, sind wie folgt : 1. verschiedene Aufsprunge in den Stutz mit dem Ristgriff 2. der Knieaufschwung mit dem Ristgriff 3. die Felge vorlings vorwarts mit dem Ristgriff 4. die Zuckstemme mit dem Ristgriff 5. die Kippe mit dem Ristgriff Zuerst wurde die Vergleichung der Handgriffsbewegung innerhalb der Aufgaben 1. durchgefuhrt, weil die im allgemeinen als die andere Aufgaben mehr einfacher gemeint sind. Und danach wurde einige Merkmale, die durch Vergleichung innerhalb der Aufgaben 1. bestatigt wurde, mit der Griffbewegungen an anderen Aufgaben vergleicht. Durch diese Vergleichungsarbeit wurde folgende ahnliche Merkmale der Handgriffsbewegung an alien Aufgaben und an alien Versuchungsturner klahr anerkannt: Die Bewegung des Unten- und Oberarmes, die an kurz bevor der Stutzphase etwas gebeugt werden und gleichzitig beide Ellbogen nach der Auβenseite seitlich geschoben werden, uben ein grossen Einfluβ auf die Handgriffsbewegung aus. Das heiβt, die Stangenverschiebung en auf der Handflache sind von der Ausenseite der Handflache(von der Seite des kleinen Fingers) vorkommen, um den Stutz zu erreichen.

      • 제주도 주변해역의 chlorophyll a 함량분포

        전득산,고유봉 제주대학교 해양연구소 1983 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.7 No.-

        In order to determine the state of primary production in the neighbouring waters of Jeju Island, chlorophyll a. contents of sea water were measured with special attention at 10 sites in June, 1980 and the surface layers of 16 sites were estimated in July, 1982. The chlorophyll a. concentrations of the sea water of the north-westem waters off Jeju Island ranged between 0.023mg/㎥ and 0.578mg/㎥ in June, 1980. The averaged concentrations throughout the total water column at each site were inversely correlated with water depth i. e. bottom topography. From this data, the west-northern waters of Jeju vicinity can be divided into three areas based on primary productivity and water circulation during this investigation. The first zone is the narrow coastal zone near Jeju harbour showing relatively high productivity of average 0.376mg/㎥ and the second zone is composed of the neibouring waters of the southern sea of the Korean Penninsula, averaged out to 0.193mg/㎥ . The third zone is amposed of the waters with the lower productivity o f average 0.09mg/㎥ located between these two areas. In July, 1982, a second cruise was made to measure the chlorophyll a. concentrations of the south-eastern waters off Jeju Island. The range of chlorophyll a concentrations during the investigation period varied between 0.033mg/㎥ and 0.743mg/㎥ Thus it may be concluded that the low productivity of the outer sea influenced by theoceanic current Kuroshio, was being extended to the coastal zone of Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        매복된 견치의 Tunnel을 통한 교정적 견인

        전정훈,오유향,이난영,이창섭,이상호 大韓小兒齒科學會 2005 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        매복된 상악 견치를 위한 외과적 수술을 동반하는 교정치료는 주위조직에 손상을 주지 않고 치열궁내에 적절히 위치시켜야 한다. 이를 위해 매복된 치아의 위치에 따라 다양한 외과적, 교정적 방법이 소개되었으며, 그 방법으로 window procedure, apically positioned flap, closed eruption technique, tunnel traction 등이 있다. 깊은 골연하 매복에서 사용할 수 있는 방법으로 closed eruption technique 그리고 tunnel traction이 있는데, closed eruption technique은 점막 및 치은 하방으로 지나는 견인 와이어의 자극으로 염증 발생 가능성이 높으며 치은퇴축 및 부착 치은의 소실이 발생할 수 있다. 하지만, tunnel traction은 치아의 맹출이 터널을 통해서 유도되어 각화치은에 둘러싸인 채 치조골의 중앙으로 나오게 되므로 치은퇴축이나 치주부착의 소실 없이 적절한 각화치은을 얻을 수 있으며 매복치가 치조골의 중심부로 맹출함에 따라 생리적 맹출과 같은 효과 얻을 수 있다. 본 증례는 깊은 매복을 보이는 상악 견치를 tunnel traction을 이용한 치료를 보고한 것으로, 적절한 방향을 가지고 맹출하였으며 치은퇴축이나 부착치은의 소실이 발생하지 않았다. The impacted maxillary canine is a common problem of which all dental practitioners should be aware. The surgical orthodontic treatment of impacted canines is replaced correction position in dental arch without periodontal damage. Many treatment possibilities have been considered for this goal; window procedure, apically positioned flap, closed eruption technique and tunnel traction. Prognosis for these treatment may be very uncertain in many case(infraosseous impacted tooth). Other steps are required to achieve a satisfactory periodontal outcome. Satisfactory results could be expected if the physiologic eruption pattern is restored by tunnel traction, because permanent tooth erupts through the gingiva near the crest of the ridge so that periodontal damage is reduced. This article report that the surgical orthodontic treatment using tunnel traction is obtained proper position and reduced periodontal damage in facially impacted maxillary canines.

      • 제주도 周邊海域의 chlorophyll a 含量分布

        全得山,高有峰 濟州大學校 海洋資源硏究所 1983 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        1980年 6月 제주도 北西海域과 1982年 7月 東南海域의 總 26個 定点에서 Chlorophyll a 含量을 기록하였다. 1980年 6月의 水層別 Chl. a 含量分析치는 0.023 ∼ n0.0578mg/㎥의 범위를 보였고 全 水層에 걸친 定点별 平均含量 分布와 海低地形간에 뚜렷한 逆相關을 볼수 있었다. 1980年 6月 제주도 北西海域의 Chl. a 含量 結果로부터 同海域을 0.127∼0.578mg/㎥ (平均 0.376mg/㎥)의 범위를 보이는 比較的 生産力이 높은 제주 沿岸海域 0.116∼0.290mg/㎥ (平均 0.193mg/㎥) 범위인 南海岸 近海域과 0.023∼0.268mg/㎥ (平均 0.09mg/㎥) 범위인 低生産 海域으로 3大別 할 수 있었다. 1982年 7月 16個 定点의 表層에서 測定된 Chl. a 含量値는 0.033∼0.743mg/㎥의 범위를 보이고 있었다. 이 資科는 Kuroshio 等 外樣性 海流의 低生産 狀態가 沿岸에 까지 連長되고 있음을 나타내고 있는 것으로 思科된다. In order to determine the state of primary production in the neighbouring waters of Jeju Island, chlorophyll a. contents of sea water were measured with special attention at 10 sites in June, 1980 and the surface layers of 16 sites were estimated in July, 1982. The chlorophyll a. concentrations of the sea water of the north-western waters off Jeju Island ranged between 0.023mg/㎥ and 0.578mg/㎥ in June, 1980. The averaged concentrations throughout the total water column at each site were inversely correlated with water depth i.e. bottom topography. From this data, the west-northern waters of Jeju vicinity can be divided into three areas based on primary productivity and water circulation during this investigation. The first zone is the narrow coastal zone near Jeju harbour showing relatively high productivity of average 0.376mg/㎥ and the second zone is composed of the neibouring waters of the southern sea of the Korean Penninsula, averaged out to 0.193mg/㎥. The third zone is composed of the waters with the lower productivity of average 0.09mg/㎥ located between these two areas. In July, 1982, a second cruise was made to measure the chlorophyll a. concentrations or the south-eastern waters off Jeju Island. The range of chlorophyll a concentrations during the investigation period varied between 0.033mg/㎥ and 0.743mg/㎥. Thus it may be concluded that the low productivity of the outer sea influenced by the oceanic current Kuroshio, was being extended to the coastal zone of Jeju Island. .

      • 濟州道 三陽沿岸域에서의 플랑크톤 硏究

        高有峰,全得山 濟州大學校 海洋資源硏究所 1984 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        1. 植物 플랑크톤 1. 조사기간중 同定된 식물플랑크톤은 總 116種으로 硅藻類가 14科 37屬 84種 1品種 1變種, 雙鞭毛藻類가 5科 8屬 26種 2品種이었으며 藍藻類가 1種, Silicoflagellates가 2種이였다. 2. 春季群集의 특성으로는 3月 : 微小針狀體硅藻類, 4月 : 대형규조류, 5月 : 쌍편모조류로 우점종의 변화가 各月間에 뚜렷한 점을 들수 있고 秋季에 접어들어 9月의 대형群體狀硅藻類에 의한 대증식이 특이하였는데 이후 秋季群集은 이들 群體狀대형구조류가 주도하였다. 3. 조사기간중 현존량은 2,425cells/ℓ를 최저로 9月의 정점2에서 기록된 최고치 590,105cells/ℓ의 범위에서 변화하였고 9月이 평균 428,025cells/ℓ로서 조사기간중 가장 탁월하였다. 4. 조사해역의 基礎生産力을 準位하고자 실시된 海水中 클로로필 a함량계측은 6月 평균 1.31㎎/㎥, 9月 평균 12.64㎎/㎥로서 통상의 부영양해역에서 보고된 바 있는 변동폭인 1∼10㎎/㎥의 下限과 上限을 초과함을 알 수 있었고 본 해역의 기초생산상이 비교적 불안정함을 유추할 수 있었다. 2. 動物 플랑크톤 1. 2月부터 11月까지 채집된 동물플랑크톤중 요각류가 全개체수의 95%이상을 점하고 있었고, 同定된 요각류는 43種이 있었으나 그외에도 介形類인 Cypridina noctiluca, 端脚類, 十脚類, 곤쟁이類, 화살벌레등이 출현하고 있었다. 2. 年中出現하는 것으로 생각되는 요각류는 Calanus helgolandicus, Paracalanus parvus, Oncaea media, Corycaeus speciosus等이였다. 3. 계절별 출현요각류의 특징으로는 秋季에서부터 春季에 걸쳐 Paracalanus parvus가, 夏季에는 Acartia hamata가 最優占하고 있는 것이었다. 4. 요각류의 月別生物量資料에서 濕重量의 최대치를 보였던 것은 10月로서 118㎎/㎥였고 春季는 34㎎/㎥이였다. 그리고 조사해역의 平均濕重量은 43㎎/㎥ 여서 우리나라의 타해역과 비교해서 극히 빈약한 값을 나타내고 있었다. 이것은 晝間 10m以淺層採集에 기인한 것으로 사료되므로 금후 야간채집과 24時間連續採集을 통한 日週變化樣狀을 究明할 필요가 있다. Monthly observations of plankton populations were made from February, 1983 to November, 1983 at nine sampling sites on the coastal zone of Samyang in Cheju island. 116 species of phytoplanktons have been identified and the standing crops were ranged between 2,425 and 590,105cells/ℓ. Autumnal blooming in September mainly of diatoms Chaetoceros sp. was outstanding and chlorophyll a contents measured at the same time were ranged 8,15 - 14.72㎎/㎥. Copepods were the most important component of zooplankton community in the study area have been identified 43 species. Dominant species were Paracalanus parvus in spring and Acartia hamata in autumn.

      • 제주도 삼양연안역에서의 플랑크톤 연구

        고유봉,전득산 제주대학교 해양연구소 1984 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.8 No.-

        Monthly observations of plankton populations were made from February, 1983 to November, 1983 at nine sampling sites on the coastal zone of Samyang inCheju island. 116 species of phytoplanktom have been identified and the standing crops were ranged between 2,425 and 590,105 cells/ℓ. Autumnal blooming in September mainly of diatoms Chaetoceros sp. was outstanding and chlorophyll a contents measured at the same time were ranged 8.15-14.72 ㎎/㎥. Copepods wre the most important component of zooplankton community in the study area have been identified 43 species. Dominant species were Paracalanus parvus in spring and Acartia hamata in autumn.

      • 서귀포산 자리돔의 어획개선 및 적정이용을 위한 자원생물학적 연구 2 : 이료생물과 섭이생태

        고유봉,전득산 제주대학교 해양연구소 1983 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.7 No.-

        The stomach contents of a damsel fish, Chromis nofafus from Seogwipo in Jeju Island, were investigated from May to November, lw, Stomach analyses indicate that this species feed primarily on zooplankton ; copepods constitute more than 99.0% of the total prey number. Changes in the diet resulting in a n increase in the size of fish are shown as follows, showing that the smaller fish group(20-40 mmSL) feed primarily on copepod genera Oncaea and Paracalanus, and the medium sized fish group (50-79 mmSL) feed on Oncaea and Euchaeta, while the largest fish group(over 80 mmSL) feed on Euchaeta and Calanus. Prey items were compared to fish lengths, with most items being less than 4mm long. The small fish feed primarily on items smaller than 1 mm, and the medium sized fish feed on 1mm size class items, while larger the larger fish feed on 2 mm size class items, indicating larger prey being found in stomach of larger fish. The trophic level of the species in this area lies between the first or second consumer zooplankton and higher consumer nekton.

      • 서귀포産 자리돔의 漁獲改善 및 適正利用을 위한 資源生物學的 硏究-1. : 生活週期와 産卵 Life Cycle and Spawning

        高有峰,全得山 濟州大學校 海洋資源硏究所 1983 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        제주도의 主要水産生物인 자리돔에 있어서 成長過程, 産卵期, 生活史등의 硏究가 西歸浦沿岸에서 이루어졌다. 生殖巢의 熟度指數 및 組織學的觀察에 의하면, 本種의 産卵盛期는 5월下旬∼8월下旬까지의 3個月間이며 雌雄 모두 體長 60㎜ 以上이면 再生産活動에 參與하나 主産卵群은 體長 70∼90㎜의 個體群이다. 本種의 卵巢內 最大卵 은 0.60∼0.75㎜의 範圍이고 抱卵數는 10,000∼90,000 個程度의 폭넓은 變化를 보였는데, 同一體長의 個體中에서도 體重과 生殖巢重量이 모두 높은 成熟個體일수록 抱卵數가 많은 特性을 나타내고 있었다. 여름철에 産卵된 卵은 부화되어 後期仔魚時期에 이미 表層 가까운 곳으로 浮上하고 빠른 성장을 나타내어 가을철에 體長 40㎜까지 자라고, 겨울철을 넘긴 後 翌年 늦은 봄철이 되면서 成熟하여 再生産에 參與한다. 이들 成魚의 成長速度는 産卵期동안 極히 느리지만 계속적으로 成長한 結果 부화後 2年째 여름철에는 體長이 80㎜ 以上에 달하면서 다시 한번 再生産活動에 參與한 후 死亡한다고 推定된다. 이것은 本種의 壽命이 2年이라는 것을 가리키고 있다. 서귀포沿岸에서 採集된 자리돔의 最大體長 및 體重은 各各 121㎜, 72,68g이었다. Many Chromis notatus(TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL), one of the most abundant inshore-rocky fish in Jeju Island, have been collected near Seogwipo on the southern part on Jeju province, Korea. These collections have provided some information regarding the growth pattern, life history, and breeding season of this species. On the basis of the gonad index and the histological observation of gonads, it is shown that the main breeding season for this fish is from late May to late August, when most of the males and females are longer than the 60mm standard length(SL) at maturity. The main breeding group of this species is the population within the 70 to 90 mmSL. The long axis of the largest egg ranged from 0.6 to 0.75mm. the fecundity ranged from about 10,000 to 90,000 eggs, indicating a great variation among the number of eggs produced. the number of eggs increased with the females having heavier body and gonad weights. The postlarvae migrated toward the surface water after hatching in summer and grew rapidly to about 40 mmSL until autumn. They maintained constant growth until the following spring when the specimens over 60 mmSL matured during the summer. The growth rate of the mature individuals gradually decreased during the breeding season. However, they eventually grow to over 80 mmSL 2years after hatching. They died after reproducing one more time, indicating that the life span of the species is estimated to be at least 2 years. The maximum standard length and the body weight of this species were 121mm and 72.68g, respectively.

      • 서귀포産 자귀돔의 漁獲改善 및 適正利用을 위한 資源生物學的 硏究-2. : 餌料生物과 攝餌生態 Food and Feeding Habits

        高有峰,全得山 濟州大學校 海洋資源硏究所 1983 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        本硏究에서는 서귀포沿岸에서 자리돔을 中心으로한 生物生産과 物質循環究明에 基礎가 될 자리돔의 餌科生物 및 攝餌生態를 記迹하였다. 胄內容物로부터 同定된 餌科生物數는 8790 個體로서, 그중 甲殼類(Crustacea)가 99.4%로서 가장 많았다. 甲殼類中에서는 橈脚類(Copepod)가 많아 全餌科生物 個體數의 99.3%를 占하고 있었다. 餌科生物組成에는 魚體長에 따라 差가 있어서, 小型魚(20∼49㎜)는 Oncaea와 Paracalamus를, 中型魚 (50∼79㎜)는 Oncaea와 Euchaet를, 大型魚(80㎜以上)는 Euchaeta와 Calanus를 主로 攝餌하였다. 體長測定된 餌科生物 8700 個體中 4㎜ 末滿이 99.2%를 占했다. 그중 小型魚는 1㎜末滿의 餌科生物을, 中型魚는 1㎜台, 大型魚는 2㎜台의 生物을 주로 攝餌하고 있어서 本種이 餌科對象生物 가운데서도 크기 選擇의 可能性을 시사하고 있다. 本種은 食物連鎖에 있어서 1次 또는 2次消費者인 動物性plankton과 高次消費者인 nekton을 연결시켜주는 中間的 胃齒를 占하고 있다. The stomach contents of a damsel fish, Chromis notatus from Seogwipo in Jeju Island, were investigated from Mary to November, 1980. Stomach analyses indicate that this species feed primarily on zooplankton; copepods constitute more the 99.0% of the total prey number. Changes in the smaller fish group(20-40 mmSL) feed primarily on copepod genera Oncaea and Paracalanus, and the medium sized fish group(50-79 mmSL) feed on Oncaea and Euchaeta, while the largest fish group(over 80 mmSL) feed on Euchaeta and Calanus. Prey items were compared to fish lengths, with most items being less than 4mm long. The small fish feed primarily on items smaller than 1 mm, and the medium sized fish feed on 1 mm size class items, while the larger fish feed on 2 mm size class items, indicating larger prey being found in stomach of larger fish. The trophic level of the species in this area lies between the first of second consumer zooplankton and higher consumer nekton. .

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