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        Cromakalim Blocks Membrane Phosphoinositide Activated Signals in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cells Stimulated with Antigen-Antibody Reactions

        Jai Youl Ro,Ji Young Kim,Kyung Hwan Kim 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 1998 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.2 No.2

        <P> Cromakalim (BRL 34915), known as an airway smooth muscle relaxant, inhibited the releases of mediators in the antigen-induced mast cell activation. It has been suggested that cromakalim, in part, inhibited mediator releases by inhibiting the initial increase of 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) produced by the activation of the other phospholipase system which is different from phosphatidylcholine-phospholipase D pathway. The aim of this study is to further examine the inhibitory mechanism of cromakalim on the mediator release in the mast cell activation. Guinea pig lung mast cells were purified by using enzyme digestion and percoll density gradient. In purified mast cells prelabeled with [<SUP>3</SUP>H]PIP<SUB>2</SUB>, phospholipase C (PLC) activity was assessed by the production of [<SUP>3</SUP>H]insitol phosphates. Protein kinase C (PKC) activity was assessed by measuring the protein phosphorylated from mast cells prelabeled with [γ-<SUP>32</SUP>P]ATP, and Phospholipase A<SUB>2 </SUB>(PLA<SUB>2</SUB>) activity by measuring the lyso-phosphatidylcholine produced from mast cell prelabeled with 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonyl phosphatidyl-[<SUP>14</SUP>C]choline. Histamine was assayed by fluorometric analyzer, and leukotrienes by radioimmunoassay. The PLC activity was increased by activation of the passively sensitized mast cells. This increased PLC activity was decreased by cromakalim pretreatment. The PKC activity increased by the activation of the passively sensitized mast cells was decreased by calphostin C, staurosporine and cromakalim, respectively. The PLA<SUB>2</SUB> activity was increased in the activated mast cells. The pretreatment of cromakalim did not significantly decrease PLA<SUB>2</SUB> activity. These data show that cromakalim inhibits histamine release by continuously inhibiting signal transduction processes which is mediated via PLC pathway during mast cell activation, but that cromakalim does not affect PLA<SUB>2</SUB> activity related to leukotriene release.

      • Effects of a Mixture of Three Extracts of Wolfberry, Chives and Graviola on the Erectile Dysfunction Induced by Bilateral Cavernous Nerve Injury in Rats

        Jai Youl Ro,Gwan Ui Hong,신연호,Chung Myung-Hee 건강기능식품미래포럼 2022 건강기능식품미래포럼 학술지 Vol.2 No.4

        Although some chemicals are available for erectile dysfunction (ED), efforts have been also made to seek health functional foods that can improve ED. Lycium barbarum (wolfberry) and Allium tuberosum (chives) were reported to enhance erectile function. And Annona muricata L is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. We assumed that if the three plants were used together, they may enhance erectile function synergistically. Hyunsung Vital Co. Ltd. prepared a mixture of water extracts of the three plants and named it Jikdaijangryeuk (JDJR). In the present study, JDJR was tested for the effect of improving ED in the rats subjected to bilateral corpus cavernous nerve injury (BCNI). BCNI decreased intra-cavernous pressure and also induced biological responses in the penile tissue that lead to ED, which were decreases in the expressions of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) and nervous NO synthase (nNOS) that produce NO (a stimulator of 3′,5′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate [cGMP] synthesis), neurofilament-1 (a marker of nerve fibers) and an anti-apoptotic protein (Bcl2) and in the amounts of NO, cGMP (a blood vessel dilator) and smooth muscle as well as increases in the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) (an inducer of microvasculature dysfunction), phosphodiesterase-5 (a cGMP destroyer), apoptotic molecules (caspase-3 and Bax) and transforming growth factor-β (a fibrosis inducer) and in the amount of asymmetric dimethylarginine (an endogenous NO synthases inhibitor). These data indicate that BCNI suppresses function of NO/cGMP axis and causes apoptosis and fibrosis of cavernous tissue. JDJR, however, reversed all these responses in a dose-dependent manner and the effects of JDJR were comparable to those of sildenafil (a positive control). The powder of Platycodon grandiflorum (a negative control) did not show the effects. These data support that JDJR has the action to enhance erectile function and thus, may be of help for ED.


        Effects of Ginsenosides on the Mechanism of Histamine Release in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cells Activated by Specific Antigen- Antibody Reactions

        Jai Youl Ro,Young Soo Ahn,Kyung Hwan Kim 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 1997 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.1 No.4

        <P> We previously reported that some components of ginsenosides decreased mediator releases evoked by the activation of mast cells with specific antigen-antibody reactions. This study aimed to assess the effects of ginsenosides (Rb<SUB>2</SUB>, Re) on the mechanism of histamine release in the mast cell activation. We partially purified guinea pig lung mast cells by using enzyme digestion, the rough and the discontinuous percoll density gradient method. Mast cells were sensitized with IgG<SUB>1</SUB> and challenged with ovalbumin (OA). Histamine was assayed by fluorometric analyzer, leukotrienes by radioimmunoassay. Phospholipase D (PLD) activity was assessed more directly by the production of [<SUP>3</SUP>H]phosphatidylbutanol (PBut) which was produced by PLD-mediated transphosphatidylation in the presence of butanol. The amount of 1,2- diacylglycerol (DAG) were measured by the [<SUP>3</SUP>H]DAG labeled with [<SUP>3</SUP>H]palmitic acid or [<SUP>3</SUP>H]myristic acid. Pretreatment of Rb<SUB>2</SUB> (300 ㄍg) significantly decreased histamine release by 60%, but Re (300 ㄍg) increased histamine release by 34%. Leukotrienes release in Rb<SUB>2</SUB> was decreased by 40%, Re was not affected in the leukotrienes release during mast cell activations. An increasing PLD activity during mast cell activation was decreased by the dose-dependent manner in the pretreatment of Rb<SUB>2</SUB>, but Re pretreatment facilitated the increased PLD activity during mast cell activation. The amount of DAG produced by phospholipase C (PLC) activity was decreased by Rb<SUB>2</SUB> pretreatment, but Re pretreatment was not affected. The amount of mass DAG was decreased by Rb<SUB>2</SUB> and Re pretreatment during mast cell activation. The data suggest that Rb<SUB>2</SUB> purified from Korean Red Ginseng Radix inhibits the DAG which is produced by the activation of mast cells with antigen-antibody reactions via both phosphatidylinositide-PLC and phosphatidylcholine- PLD systems, and then followed by the inhibition of histamine release. However, Re increases histamine release by stimulation of DAG production, which is mediated by phosphatidylcholine-PLD system rather than by phosphatidylinositide-PLC system, but inhibits the mass DAG production. Thus, it could be inferred that other mechanisms play a role in the increase of histamine release during mast cell activation.


        The Inhibitory Mechanism of Aloe Glycoprotein (NY945) on the Mediator Release in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cell Activated with Antigen-Antibody Complexes

        Jai Youl Ro,Byung Chul Lee,Myung Hee Chung,Seung Ki Lee,Chung Ki Sung,Kyung Hwan Kim,Young In Park 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 1998 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.2 No.1

        It has been reported that the g1ycoprotein extracted from A10e has strong anti-inflammatory response,However, there has been no research report yet about the effect of A10e on allergic hypersensitivity reactivity, By using guinea pig 1ung mast cells, this study aimed to examine the effects of A10e g1ycoprotein (NY945) on the mediator re1eases caused by mast cell activation, and a1so aimed to assess the effects of NY945 on the mechanism of mediator re1eases in the mast cell activation. We partially purified mast cell from guinea pig 1ung tissues by using the enzyme digestion, the rough and the discontinuous density percoll gradient method. Mast cells were sensitized with IgG1 (anti-OA) and challenged with ova1bumin. Histamine was assayed by fluorometric ana1yzer, 1eukotrienes by radioimmunoassay. The phospholipase D activity was assessed by the production of 1abe1ed phosphatidy1alcoho1. The amount of mass 1,2-diacy1g1ycero1 (DAG) was measured by the eH]DAG produced when pre1abe1ed with eH]myristic acid. The phosph01ipid methy1ation was assessed by measuring the incorporation of the eH]methy1 moiety into phosph01ipids of cellu1ar membranes. Pretreatment of NY945 (10 μg) significant1y decreased histamine and 1eukotrienes re1eases during mast cell activation. The decrease of histamine re1ease was stronger than that of 1eukotriene during mast cell activation. The phospholipase D activity increased by the mast cell activation was decreased by the dose-dependent manner in the pretreatment of NY945. The amount of DAG produced by PLC activity was decreased by NY945 pretreatment. The amount of mass 1, 2-diacy1g1ycero1 produced by activation of mast cells was decreased in the pretreatment of NY945. NY945 pretreatment strong1y inhibited the incorporation of the eH]methy1 moiety into phosph01ipids. The data suggest that NY945 purified from A10e inhibi엄 in part an increase of 1, 2-diacy1g1ycero1 which is produced by activating mast cells with antigen-antibody reactions, which is mediated via phosphatidylcholinephospholipase D and phosphatidylinosit01-phospholipase C systems, and then followed by the inhibition of histamine re1ease. Furthermore, NY945 reduces the production of phosphatidylch01ine by inhibiting the methy1transferase 1 and II, which decreases the conversion of phosphatidylcho1ine into arachidonic acid and inhibits the production of 1eukotrienes.


        Effects of Ginsenosides on the Mechanism of Histamine Release in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cells Activated by Specific Antigen-Antibody Reactions

        Ro, Jai-Youl,Ahn, Young-Soo,Kim, Kyung-Hwan The Korean Society of Pharmacology 1997 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.1 No.4

        We previously reported that some components of ginsenosides decreased mediator releases evoked by the activation of mast cells with specific antigen-antibody reactions. This study aimed to assess the effects of ginsenosides ($Rb_2$, Re) on the mechanism of histamine release in the mast cell activation. We partially purified guinea pig lung mast cells by using enzyme digestion, the rough and the discontinuous percoll density gradient method. Mast cells were sensitized with $IgG_1$ and challenged with ovalbumin (OA). Histamine was assayed by fluorometric analyzer, leukotrienes by radioimmunoassay. Phospholipase D (PLD) activity was assessed more directly by the production of $[^3H]phosphatidylbutanol$ (PBut) which was produced by PLD-mediated transphosphatidylation in the presence of butanol. The amount of 1,2- diacylglycerol (DAG) were measured by the $[^3H]DAG$ labeled with $[^3H]palmitic$ acid or $[^3H]myristic$ acid. Pretreatment of $Rb_2$ ($300\;{\mu}g$) significantly decreased histamine release by 60%, but Re ($300\;{\mu}g$) increased histamine release by 34%. Leukotrienes release in $Rb_2$ was decreased by 40%, Re was not affected in the leukotrienes release during mast cell activations. An increasing PLD activity during mast cell activation was decreased by the dose-dependent manner in the pretreatment of $Rb_2$, but Re pretreatment facilitated the increased PLD activity during mast cell activation. The amount of DAG produced by phospholipase C (PLC) activity was decreased by $Rb_2$ pretreatment, but Re pretreatment was not affected. The amount of mass DAG was decreased by $Rb_2$ and Re pretreatment during mast cell activation. The data suggest that $Rb_2$ purified from Korean Red Ginseng Radix inhibits the DAG which is produced by the activation of mast cells with antigen-antibody reactions via both phosphatidylinositide-PLC and phosphatidylcholine-PLD systems, and then followed by the inhibition of histamine release. However, Re increases histamine release by stimulation of DAG production, which is mediated by phosphatidylcholine-PLD system rather than by phosphatidylinositide-PLC system, but inhibits the mass DAG production. Thus, it could be inferred that other mechanisms play a role in the increase of histamine release during mast cell activation.

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