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        『孟子』 〈告子〉편의 構成方式과 主題에 관한 硏究

        양재성(Yang Jae sung) 대동한문학회 2016 大東漢文學 Vol.48 No.-

        본 논문은 孟子 〈告子〉편의 구성과 주제에 대하여 밝힌 것이다. 기존의 孟子 사상을 논하는 연구물들은 〈告子〉편의 텍스트를 많이 활용하고 있다. 그 내용은 대부분 ‘性’에 대한 철학적 담론이 주가 되고 있으며, 〈告子〉편 전체가 마치 전체가 ‘性善說’을 논한 篇이라는 인식이 자리 잡고있다. 그러나 이러한 연구들은 〈告子〉 章句 上의 일부 텍스트를 위주로 논의되었고, 上, 下를 총체적으로 다루는 연구로 나아가지 못하였다. 따라서 본 논문은 〈告子〉편 전체를 단락별로 나누어 분석해보고자 한다. 본고는 〈告子〉편의 구성을 모두 10개의 단락으로 분절하였다. 단락 분석의 방법은 論語 의 선행연구 방법을 채택하였고, 맥락에 맞게 내용별로 하나 이상의 장을 주제별로 묶어서 하나의 단락으로 본다. 첫 번째 단락은 1~6장으로 ‘본성은 선하며 仁義가 내재되어 있다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 두 번째 단락은 7~10장으로 ‘외부 환경에 따라 不善해진 왕과 신하들이 본성의 선함을 회복해 仁義의 정치에 힘써야한다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 세 번째 단락은 11~15장으로 ‘위정자의 본성인 仁義를 비유를 통해 제시하였다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 네 번째 단락은 16~18장으로 ‘仁義를 닦는 天爵에 힘써야 한다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 다섯 번째 단락은 19~20장으로 ‘성인의 도인 仁義를 법도로 삼아야한다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 이상은 章句 上이며 이론제시 및 전반부에 해당한다. 여섯 번째 단락은 21~24장으로 ‘仁義 政治의 실천덕목인 ‘禮’와 ‘孝’가 제시되었다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 일곱 번째 단락은 25~26장으로 ‘앞 단락의 구체적 사례로 폐백과 실천 방식’에 대하여 밝혔다. 여덟 번째 단락은 27~32장으로 ‘당대 군주와 위정자가 富國强兵이 아닌 仁義 政治를 구현해야한다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 아홉 번째 단락은 33~35장으로 ‘벼슬을 하기 위한 군자의 자질로 好善, 禮, 敬, 行’을 밝혔다. 열 번째 단락은 36장으로 ‘心志를 세우는 것이 仁義 政治의 실현방법이다.’는 것을 밝혔다. 이상은 章句 下이며 上에서 밝힌 이론적 제시를 통하여 이를 실현할 수 있는 실천적 방향으로 결론짓는 방식으로 나아가고 있다. 이로서 〈告子〉편의 주제는 단순히 본성이 선하다는 것을 밝히는 데에 그치지 않고, 선한 본성 곧 仁義의 자질을 회복하여 잘 지켜나가는 사람만이 군자로서 왕도정치를 구현할 수 있음을 밝혔다. This paper presents an investigation into the organization and topics of the Goja book of Mencius. Previous studies that discussed the ideas of Mencius made much use of texts from the Goja book, mostly dealing with philosophical discourses about “sex.” There is a perception that the whole content of Goja addressed “the theory that human nature is fundamentally good.” Those studies, however, focused their discussions on some texts from Janggu Sang in the Goja book, never proceeding to address the entire Sang and Ha. The present study thus set out to analyze the whole Goja book by section. The investigator divided Goja into ten sections by employing the method of section analysis for the Analects of Confucius in previous studies. One or more chapters were put in the same section based on context and content. Section 1 spans from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6, demonstrating that “human nature is fundamentally good and has humanity and justice in it.” Section 2 encompasses Chapters 7~10, stating that “the king and his subjects, that have been evil due to the external environment, should restore the goodness of their nature and devote themselves to the politics of humanity and justice.” Section 3 contains Chapters 11~15, arguing that “humanity and justice, part of a politician s nature, has been proposed through figure of speech.” Section 4 includes Chapters 16~18, maintaining that “they should work on their natural nobility of cultivating humanity and justice.” Section 5 includes Chapters 19 and 20, arguing that “they should take humanity and justice, the morality of saints, as their custom.” Those belong to Janggu Sang, proposing theories in the former half. Section 6 spans from Chapter 21 to Chapter 24, showing that “courtesy and filial duty, the practice of virtues of politics of humanity and justice, have been proposed.” Section 7 includes Chapters 25 and 26, discussing “Pyebaek and methods of practice as the specific cases of the previous section.” Section 8 includes Chapters 27~32, arguing that “the contemporary monarchs and politicians should carry out politics of humanity and justice instead of national prosperity and military power.” Section 9 contains Chapters 33~35, mentioning “Hoseon, courtesy, respect, and action as the qualities of a man of virtue to hold government positions.” The final Section 10 is Chapter 36, stating that “keeping one s will right is to practice the politics of humanity and justice.” Those belong to Janggu Ha, reaching a conclusion toward practicable directions to implement them by proposing the theories addressed in Sang. Those findings indicate that the topics of Goja go beyond the demonstration that human nature is fundamentally good and maintain that only those who restore and practice their good nature or the qualities of humanity and justice can carry out benevolent royal politics as men of virtue.

      • KCI등재

        고속도로 IC 및 JCT 주변 유휴부지의 물류시설 활용가능성 분석 : 수도권 및 지방광역시를 중심으로

        양현지(Yang, Hyun-Ji),최재성(Choi, Jae-Sung) 한국물류학회 2021 물류학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        최근 코로나 19 등의 감염병으로 인한 비대면 활동 증가로 인터넷, 모바일 등을 통한 이커머스 택배 이용건수가 증가하며 택배업체 등의 물류시설 부지 확보 수요가 점점 증가하는 추세이다. 업체별로 필요한 부지를 연도별 임계치 수준에서 수급하며 적게는1천 평에서 많게는 1만 평 이상의 부지가 추가적으로 필요하므로 부족한 부지를 현재와 같이 부동산업체 등을 통해 사적영역에서확보하는 것은 지속가능성의 한계에 직면할 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서는 수도권(서울, 인천, 경기도) 및 지방광역시(대전, 대구, 광주, 울산, 부산)를 중심으로 공공 부문의 도시계획시설 측면에서 가장 넓은 유휴부지의 확보가 가능한 고속도로 IC/JCT 교통광장 유휴부지의 부지현황⋅활용가능성을 분석하였다. 분석방법 및 내용으로 다음 카카오맵의 로드뷰, 스카이뷰 등을 활용해 연구대상지의 유휴부지를 전수조사 후 사업지 내 이면도로 등의 존재 유무에 따라 단기 및 중⋅장기적 사업 우선순위화 분류, 국가물류통합정보센터 내 물류단지 건립계획을 이용해 택배업체의 허브 및 서브터미널 건설 시 예상 사업비 분석, 한국은행의 산업연관표를 적용해 경제적 파급효과 등의 결과를 도출하였다. 도출된 유휴부지를 택배업체 등에서 활용하기 위해서는 IC/JCT 교통광장대부분의 지역이 현재 「국토계획법 시행령 제71조」에 의해 생산⋅자연녹지 용도지역인 상황을 고려하면 「건축법 시행령 별표1」 의 ‘18.창고시설 중 물류터미널’을 추가하는 방안, 「도로법」내 교통광장의 설치 및 관리에 관한 규정을 신설하거나 박성중 의원등 10인이 제안하여 위원회 심사 중인 「도로공간의 입체개발에 관한 법률안」의 본회의 통과를 통한 입법화를 완료해 법적 근거마련이 필요한 상황으로 보인다. 향후 법제도 개선을 통해 고속도로 IC/JCT의 유휴부지(총 183만평-수도권 140만평, 지방광역시43만평) 중 수도권은 약 12%, 지방광역시는 약 10% 정도만이라도 활용 가능하다면‘19년 한국통합물류협회의 18개 택배사업자가제시한 물류시설 구축을 위한 유휴부지 마련 수요를 충족시켜 부지확보의 어려움이 일정 부분 해소될 수 있을 것으로 추정한다. As contact-free activities have increased due to infectious diseases such as COVID-19, the number of delivery-related services has also increased through the rise of e-commerce. As such, the demand for securing sites for logistics facilities is rising as well. Each delivery company keeps supply and demand in balance at the annual threshold level, which means that they require additional land ranging from 3,300m2 (1,000 pyeong) to as much as 33,000m2 (10,000 pyeong). However, it is unreasonable to continuously secure land to meet demands from private areas through real estate companies, as is the current standard procedure done by delivery companies. This study analyzes the feasibility of securing unused land in its current state, focusing on unused sites in expressways IC/JCT, where the widest unused land, in terms of urban planning facilities can be found, mainly in the capital region (Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do) and provincial metropolitan cities (Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, Ulsan, Busan). Full-scale inspection of unused land near expressways is first conducted using Kakao Map’s Road View and Sky View, and the results, such as short-term or mid to long term business priorities, are derived depending on whether backside roads exist or not. Estimated business expenses are calculated using information of logistics center from the National Logistics Integrated Information Center, and economic effects of building hubs and sub-terminals for delivery companies in the unused land are also drawn, applying the Leontief input-output table from the Bank of Korea. Most unused land such as those surrounding roundabouts near expressways IC/JCT is considered as productive green areas and natural green areas in accordance with Article 71 of 「Enforcement Decree of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act」, so clause 18, which states “logistics terminal amongst storage facility field”, of schedule 1 in 「Enforcement Decree of Building Act」 should be added to the Article to loosen restriction on construction in areas surrounding roundabouts. Also, regulations on the installation and management of roundabouts in the 「Road Act」 should be established to allow delivery company to utilize the unused land derived through this analysis. Preparation of a legal basis is deemed necessary by passing legislation through the plenary session for 「The Bill on the Development of Three-dimensional Road Space」 under examination made by 10 lawmakers, including Park Sung-joong. If approximately 12% of the total unused land in expressways IC/JCT in the capital region and approximately 10% in provincial metropolitan cities are made available by improving the legal system in the future, demand of 18 delivery companies from Korea Logistics Association will be met. Through this, it is estimated that the difficulty of securing sites for logistics facility construction would be partially resolved.


        A field study of colloid transport in surface and subsurface flows

        Zhang, Wei,Tang, Xiang-Yu,Xian, Qing-Song,Weisbrod, Noam,Yang, Jae E.,Wang, Hong-Lan Elsevier, etc 2016 Journal of hydrology Vol.542 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Colloids have been recognized to enhance the migration of strongly-sorbing contaminants. However, few field investigations have examined combined colloid transport via surface runoff and subsurface flows. In a headwater catchment of the upper Yangtze River, a 6m (L) by 4m (W) sloping (6°) farmland plot was built by cement walls to form no-flow side boundaries. The plot was monitored in the summer of 2014 for the release and transport of natural colloids via surface runoff and subsurface flows (i.e., the interflow from the soil-mudrock interface and fracture flow from the mudrock-sandstone interface) in response to rain events. The water sources of the subsurface flows were apportioned to individual rain events using a two end-member model (i.e., mobile pre-event soil water extracted by a suction-cup sampler <I>vs</I>. rainwater (event water)) based on <I>δ</I> <SUP>18</SUP>O measurements. For rain events with high preceding soil moisture, mobile pre-event soil water was the main contributor (generally >60%) to the fracture flow. The colloid concentration in the surface runoff was 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than that in the subsurface flows. The lowest colloid concentration was found in the subsurface interflow, which was probably the result of pore-scale colloid straining mechanisms. The rainfall intensity and its temporal variation govern the dynamics of the colloid concentrations in both surface runoff and subsurface flows. The duration of the antecedent dry period affected not only the relative contributions of the rainwater and the mobile pre-event soil water to the subsurface flows but also the peak colloid concentration, particularly in the fracture flow. The <10μm fine colloid size fraction accounted for more than 80% of the total suspended particles in the surface runoff, while the colloid size distributions of both the interflow and the fracture flow shifted towards larger diameters. These results highlight the need to avoid the application of strongly-sorbing agrochemicals (e.g., pesticides, phosphorus fertilizers) immediately before rainfall following a long no-rain period because their transport in association with colloids may occur rapidly over long distances via both surface runoff and subsurface flows with rainfall.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Subsurface flow was apportioned into rainwater and mobile pre-event soil water. </LI> <LI> The duration of no-rain period affects peak colloid concentration. </LI> <LI> Rainfall intensity and its temporal variation govern colloid discharge dynamics. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Sound Analysis in an In Vitro Endotracheal Tube Model

        ( Young Sik Park ),( Young Wook Kee ),( Kwang Suk Park ),( Jin Woo Lee ),( Sang Min Lee ),( Jae Joon Yim ),( Chul Gyu Yoo ),( Young Whan Kim ),( Sung Koo Han ),( Seok Chul Yang1 ) 대한내과학회 2011 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.26 No.4

        Background/Aims: Complete endotracheal tube obstruction is a medical emergency, and partial occlusion causes increased breathing rates and failure to wean off mechanical ventilation. Partial occlusion may be underestimated due to the lack of proper detection methods. We tested whether the sound of an endotracheal tube could be used to detect an endotracheal tube obstruction using an in vitro model. Methods: An endotracheal tube was connected to a ventilator on one end and a test lung on the other. Sounds were recorded with a microphone located inside the endotracheal tube via a connector. During mechanical ventilation, we changed the endotracheal tube internal diameter from 5.0 to 8.0 mm and different grades of obstruction at different sites were used along the tube. Sound energy was compared among the different conditions. Results: The energy of endotracheal tube sounds was positively correlated with the internal diameter and negatively correlated with the degree of obstruction. The rate of decline in energy differed with obstruction location. When the obstruction was more distal, the rate of decline in endotracheal sound energy was more rapid. Conclusions: Changes in the sound of an endotracheal tube can be used to detect an obstruction. Further studies are needed for clinical application.

      • Proteomic Analysis of Gingival Tissue and Alveolar Bone during Alveolar Bone Healing

        Yang, Hee-Young,Kwon, Joseph,Kook, Min-Suk,Kang, Seong Soo,Kim, Se Eun,Sohn, Sungoh,Jung, Seunggon,Kwon, Sang-Oh,Kim, Hyung-Seok,Lee, Jae Hyuk,Lee, Tae-Hoon The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecula 2013 Molecular & cellular proteomics Vol.12 No.10

        <P>Bone tissue regeneration is orchestrated by the surrounding supporting tissues and involves the build-up of osteogenic cells, which orchestrate remodeling/healing through the expression of numerous mediators and signaling molecules. Periodontal regeneration models have proven useful for studying the interaction and communication between alveolar bone and supporting soft tissue. We applied a quantitative proteomic approach to analyze and compare proteins with altered expression in gingival soft tissue and alveolar bone following tooth extraction. For target identification and validation, hard and soft tissue were extracted from mini-pigs at the indicated times after tooth extraction. From triplicate experiments, 56 proteins in soft tissue and 27 proteins in alveolar bone were found to be differentially expressed before and after tooth extraction. The expression of 21 of those proteins was altered in both soft tissue and bone. Comparison of the activated networks in soft tissue and alveolar bone highlighted their distinct responsibilities in bone and tissue healing. Moreover, we found that there is crosstalk between identified proteins in soft tissue and alveolar bone with respect to cellular assembly, organization, and communication. Among these proteins, we examined in detail the expression patterns and associated networks of ATP5B and fibronectin 1. ATP5B is involved in nucleic acid metabolism, small molecule biochemistry, and neurological disease, and fibronectin 1 is involved in cellular assembly, organization, and maintenance. Collectively, our findings indicate that bone regeneration is accompanied by a profound interaction among networks regulating cellular resources, and they provide novel insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in the healing of periodontal tissue after tooth extraction.</P>

      • Microbial production of lactate-containing polyesters

        Yang, Jung Eun,Choi, So Young,Shin, Jae Ho,Park, Si Jae,Lee, Sang Yup Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2013 Microbial biotechnology Vol.6 No.6

        <P>Due to our increasing concerns on environmental problems and limited fossil resources, biobased production of chemicals and materials through biorefinery has been attracting much attention. Optimization of the metabolic performance of microorganisms, the key biocatalysts for the efficient production of the desired target bioproducts, has been achieved by metabolic engineering. Metabolic engineering allowed more efficient production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, a family of microbial polyesters. More recently, non-natural polyesters containing lactate as a monomer have also been produced by one-step fermentation of engineered bacteria. Systems metabolic engineering integrating traditional metabolic engineering with systems biology, synthetic biology, protein/enzyme engineering through directed evolution and structural design, and evolutionary engineering, enabled microorganisms to efficiently produce natural and non-natural products. Here, we review the strategies for the metabolic engineering of microorganisms for the <I>in vivo</I> biosynthesis of lactate-containing polyesters and for the optimization of whole cell metabolism to efficiently produce lactate-containing polyesters. Also, major problems to be solved to further enhance the production of lactate-containing polyesters are discussed.</P>

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