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      • KCI등재

        五加皮의 造血 및 免疫調節效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究

        任中根,徐榮培,金東熙,薛仁燦 대한본초학회 2000 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        In order to investigate the reinforcemental Effects of Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex about immunity and hematogenic action. The various immune responses were studied. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Positive cell was significantly increased at the 0.25 d r n P degree of density in the effect of CD4 about the spleen cell. 2. In the effect of IgG positive cell was significantly increased as comrared with the data of control only at the 0.25 mg/ml degree of density. 3. In the effect of Mac-1 positive cell was significantly increased in all treated degree of density. 4. In result of observing the change of WBC after Cyclophosphamide-processing the number of WBC was significantly increased in treated Group. 5. Measurement of RT-PCR in Hematopoietic stem cell TPO PCR products was increased as compared with medium at the 1 ㎛/ml degree of density. 6. In reinforcemental effect about Stem cell factor SCF PCR product was increased as compared with medium at the low degree of density. 7. In reinforcemental effect about IL-3 PCR product was increased as compared with medium at the low degree of density. 8. In reinforcemental effect about IL-6 PCR product was significantly increased as compared with all treated group. 9. Assay about positive cell in the spleen cell, the positive cell was significantly increased in CD4, CD19. 10. Created amount NO was treated group significantly increased all degree of density. 11. In promotional dissolution-effect, treated group was increased one and half times or twice all degree of density as compared with negative control. According to the above results, Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex increase coherence with T-cell by dint of activating CD of T-cell, presentate an antigen, activate IL-3, IL-6 which stimulate B-cell mading an antibody, activate IFN- y which appeal anti-viral activity by dint of activating macrophage, activate IgG which being made in B-cell neutralize Virus directly, increase immunity by means of promoting dissolution of Spleen cell which involve immune cell and strengthen hematogenic action by dint of activating TPO, SCF. Although Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex was used in retrogressional joint disease of deficiency syndrome by reinforcing Liver and Kidney, strengthening bones and sinews, because IFN- 7 which appeal anti-viral activity and IL-6 which almost appear in arthritis increased significantly, in future we should make an effort in looking into action of Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex about common cold by infection and arthritis of excess syndrome.

      • 自縊死와 益水死에 사용된 藥物分析 및 投與方法에 對한 文獻的 考察

        安正祚,薛仁燦 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2001 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        In the literatual study on on the her med and the medication of Resuscitation(蘇生術) of Jayaeksa(自액死) and Yiksusa(猶水死), the results were as follows; 1.As the single herb medication, gesim(桂心), sesin(細辛), johyub(조莢), chongyub(종葉), banha(半夏), yukge(肉桂) etc. were used. 2.The so˘ng(性) of used medicines is mainly onso˘ng(溫性) and yulso˘ng(熱性), the mi(味) is sinmi(辛味). 3.The gwigyo˘ng(歸經) is all most simgyo˘ng(心經) and pyegyo˘ng(肺經). 4.The efficacy is geopung(祛風), geosub(祛濕) and geodam(祛痰) 5.On the method of herb medication, In Jayaeksa(自액死), Chuibub(吹法), Guanbub(觀法) were most used, and In Yiksusa(익水死), Guanbub(觀法) was most used.

      • 소뇌출혈후 신경인성방광으로 배뇨장애를 주소로 한 환자 치험 1例

        안정조,최영,조현경,임승민,김민상,오병렬,유병찬,설인찬 대전대학교 한방병원 2002 惠和醫學 Vol.11 No.1

        In patients with Cerebral vascular accident, Voiding Dysfunction is very usual, but if with no improvement for a long time, it can cause many complexed-problems as urinarytract injury, infection or inflamation and patients suffering from pain, inconvenience and anxiety. In this case 58-year-old female with Voiding Dysfunction with Neurogenic Bladder after Cerebellum Hemorrhage, for 6 monts there was no interval change on symptom, We prescribed appropeiate herbal medication, and perform acupuncture and moxa. 5 days later after admission in Taejeon Oriental Hospital, The patien was able to have self-voiding and gradually improved. So we report it for the better treatment.

      • 東醫寶鑑 火門의 處方에 대한 分析

        林承民,薛仁燦 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2001 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        1.The frequency of source of prescriptions is dangyesimbub(丹溪心法), euihakibmun(醫學入門), dongwonsibseo(東垣十書), goguemeuibang(古今醫方) in sequence. 2.The classification of prescriptions by efficacy is chungyeulsahoayak(淸熱寫火藥), boumyak(補陰藥), hoalhyulguayak(活血祛瘀藥), igiyak(理氣藥), chunghwayuldamyak(淸下熱痰藥), bogiyak(補氣藥), balsanpunghanyak(發散風寒藥), balsanpungyeolyak(發散風熱藥), etc. in sequence. 3.The frequency of used medicines is hoangum(黃芩), danguy(當歸), jakyak(芍藥), insam(人蔘), saengjihoang(生地黃), bokryung(茯笭), hoangbaek(黃粕), jimo(知母), makmundong(脈門冬), chija(치子) etc. insequence. 4.The sung of used medicines is mainly hangsung(寒性), onsung(溫性), the mi(味) is gomi(苦味), sinmi(辛味), gammi(甘味) in sequence. the gwigyung(歸經) is bigyung(脾經), wigyung(胃經), simgyung(心經), etc, in sequence.

      • 中風早期檢診을 통한 高脂血症과 成人病에 대한 比較硏究

        李紀泰,金允植,薛仁燦 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2002 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        From June 1th to December 31th 2001, the study was carried out 285 person who came to the Daejon oriental hospital for the examination of CVA. The result was as follows: 1. Hyperlipidemia patient is 41%, 50's is the highest. 2. In the case of Hyperlipidemia patient, Taeyum type is 49%, Soyang type is 36% and Soyum type is 15%. but in the Control group Taeyum type is 36%, Soyang type is 44% and Soyum type is 20%. 3. In the case of Abnormal EKC, Hyperlipidemia group is 34%, Control group is 32%. 4. In the case of Liver disease, Hyperlipidemia group is 17%, Control group is 9%. 5. In the case of Diabet mellitus, Hyperlipidemia group is 30%, Control group is 7%. 6. In the case of Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia group is 50%, Control group is 42%.

      • 腦의 神明機能과 腦의 호르몬 作用에 對한 文獻的 考察

        金鎭炯,金允植,薛仁燦 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2002 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        This thesis was written in order to help set groundwork of the mutuality between brain hormon and Shin-myung(神明) activity. 1.Shin-myung(神明) means all spiritual functions, and Shin(神) represents thinking, myung(明) represents consciounsness. 2.As a origin of Shin-myung(神明) activity, in ancient times Heart(心) was regared as one, but since Chung-Dynasty(淸朝), Brain(腦) is regared as a main controller to manage Shin(神) in human body. 3.Shin-myung(神明) activity would should between Brain(腦) and Shin-Sin(心神) 4.Hormon is chemical substance to serve convey informations and stimuiate them. In Present day Western medical science, make an attempt to understand Shin-myung(神明) activity of Brain(腦) as a activity of hormon doings. In conclusion, Shin-myung(神明) represent that Brain(腦) include Mind-Sprit(情神) activity, and it can be able by the function of brain hormon activety.

      • KCI등재

        加味鷄血藤湯이 Glutamate receptor와 Free radical 및 뇌손상 보호에 미치는 영향

        안종석,김동희,김윤식,이용구,박종오,남궁욱,설인찬 대한동의병리학회 2003 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        This study was investigated to prove the effect of GMGHT on the gultamate receptor, free radical and brain damage in rats sujected to Brain Ischemia The results were as follows ; 1. GMGHT showed significant inhibitory effect of GMGHT on LDH release induced by NMDA, AMPA, and kinate. 2. GMGHT showed significant inhibitory effect of GMGHT on LDH release induced by BSO and Fe^2+. 3. GMGHT decreased coma duration time in a infatal dose of KCN and showed 30% of survival rate in a fatal dose. 4. GMGHT decreased ischemic area and edema incited by the MCA blood flow block. 5. GMGHT showed improvement of forelimb test after MCA occulusion in neurological exemination. 6. GMGHT showed no significant change after MCA occulusion in pathological observation as normal group. These results indicate that GMGHT can be used in the brain damage sujected to Brain Ischemia. Further study will be needed about the functional mechanism and etc.

      • 腦卒中 食餌療法에 對한 文獻的 考察

        安鍾石,薛仁燦 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2001 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        In the literatual study on the diet treatment of JungPung(C.V.A) the results were as follows: 1.The principle of oriental medical dietary treatment is based on the YumYang Oh Haeng(陰陽五行) and QiMiLon(氣味論). 2.The principle of western medical dietary treatment attachs importance to the treatment of the total heat capacity control and balanced nutrition. 3.The western diet treatment of C.V.A was used to low salt diet, low fat diet and low calory diet, the oriental diet treatment was used to cereals and fruit composed of Qi() of HanYeulOnLang(漢熱溫冷) and Mi()of San Go Gam Sin Ham(酸苦甘辛箴). 4.In the analysis of oriental diet treatment of C.V.A used for cereals and fruits, the results were that Sung(性) is MiHan(微寒), Mi(味)is GamMiHan(甘微酸), Sung(性) is descending, Qi(氣) is YangJungJiYum(陽中之陰) and QiBak(氣薄), the effect is ChungYulYiSub(淸熱利水) GunBi(建脾) YikQi(益氣) etc.

      • Gullian Barre Syndrome 患者 1例에 대한 症例報告

        임승민,안정조,최영,조현경,김민상,유병찬,오병렬,김윤식,설인찬 대전대학교 한방병원 2002 惠和醫學 Vol.11 No.1

        Gullian Barre Syndrome is an acute symmetric polyradiculoneuropathy that typically presents as a progressive flaccid paralysis. The pathology is believed to be caused by both cellular and humoral immune processes The possibility of death is 3-5% and About 20% of patients require mechanical ventilaton. Recently We have experienced a patient who had suspected Gullian Barre Syndrome for 60days, his condition weakness and pain was impoved through the herb and acupucture Therefore I reported it for the treatment.

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