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        반응표면 분석법을 이용한 녹차가루 첨가 젤리 제조의 최적화

        허혜연,주나미,한영실 한국조리과학회 2004 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to find the optimal mixing conditions of three different amounts of gelatin, green tea powder and sucrose for preparation green tea powder jelly. A central composite design involving gelatin(12~16g), green tea powder(3~5g) and sucrose(40~60g) was used to investigate the sensory characteristics of green tea powder jelly. Sensory characteristics, such as hardness, elasticity, sweetness, transparency, color, flavor and overall quality of green tea powder jelly, were measured using a response surface methodology computer program. The overall optimal conditions that satisfied all the sensory properties of green tea powder jelly were 13.4g gelatin, 4.2g green tea powder and 50.8g sucrose.

      • KCI등재

        골프장 경기보조원의 근골격계 자각증상과 관련 요인

        허경화,한영선,정혜선,구정완 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목적: 직업관련성 근골격계질환과 관련된 여러 가지 위험요인에 노출되어 있는 경기보조원의 작업내용과 관련하여 근골격계 증상 유발 양상을 파악하고, 근골격계 증상 관련 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 방법: 경기도 지역에 있는 6개 정규 골프장을 대상으로 경기보조원 316명에 대하여 2003년 4월 9일부터 4월 30일까지 3주간 설문지를 배부한 후 자기 기입 식으로 작성하게 하여 수거함으로써 자각증상 조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지는 미국 산업안전보건연구원이 사용하는 표준화된 설문지(NIOSH, 1993)의 국내 번역판(노상철 등, 1997)을 이용하였다. 결과: 조사대상 경기보조원의 신체 부위별 근골격계 자각증상 호소율은 다리/무릎/발목/발이 41.8%로 가장 높은 증상 호소율을 보였으며 어깨 35.8%, 등/허리 35.8%, 목 28.8%, 팔/손목/손가락 28.5% 순 이었다. 성수기의 1일 근무시간이 팔/손목/손가락 부위를 제외한 나머지 부위에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 경기보조원의 업무특성과 관련하여 골프장의 경사와 굴곡의 정도, 내장객의 폭언 및 폭행, 업무의 속도를 조절할 수 없음, 일의 육체적 부담의 강도, 고용의 불안정성, 직장을 잃을 가능성 등이 근골격계 자각증상과 유의한 연관성을 보였다. 직무스트레스 특성에서는 정신적 직무요구도가 높은 반면, 낮은 직무 재량도를 보여 근무긴장도가 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시한 결과 목 부위, 어깨 부위, 등/허리 부위 및 다리/무릎/발목/발 부위의 근골결계 증상에는 성수기 12시간 이상의 근무시간이, 팔/손목/손가락 부위의 증상에는 낮은 직무 재량도에서 유의한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 관찰되었다(P<0.05). 결론: 경기보조원의 근골격계 증상은 과중한 업무시간과 높은 직무요구도에 비해 낮은 직무재량도를 보이는 고긴장 직무 등에 의해 호소율이 높게 나타남을 알 수 있다. 근골격계 질환의 호소 요인에 대한 구체적인 대안의 마련과 더불어 정부기관에서 주도적으로 검토하여 경기보조원들이 속해있는 골프장 운영업체가 근골격계질환의 예방을 위한 조치와 경기보조원의 건강과 관련한 안전보건교육 등을 시행할 수 있도록 하는 방안이 마련되어야 할 것으로 본다. Objectives: This study evaluated the complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms and investigated the related factors of musculoskeletal symptoms in the caddies. Methods: For 316 caddies working at 6 regular golf courses, we used the self-recording questionnaires to examine general characteristics, job stress factors, subjective musculoskeletal symptoms designed by NIOSH, working environments, and working contents. Results: The complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms according to the musculoskeletal criteria of NIOSH were 41.8% in leg/knee/ankle/foot, 35/8% in the upper back/lower back, 28.8% in the neck, and 28.5% in the arm/wrist/fingers. Important factors affecting musculoskeletal symptoms were daily working hours during the high-demand seasons in all anatomical sites except the arm/wrist/fingers. Other related factors were degrees of winding and inclined in the golf courses, violent language and violence of customers, inability to regulate the velocity and work load control, heavy physical burden, instability of employment, and possibility of unemployment according to the specialty of caddies. As a results of multivariate logistic regression analysis, musculoskeletal symptoms of the neck, shoulders, back/lower back and leg/knee/ankle/foot were significantly influenced by working time over 12 hours in the high-demand season, and symptoms of the arm/wrist/fingers by low decision latitude (P<0.05). Conclusions: The complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms in the caddies were affected by working time over 12 hours and low decision latitude against excessively high psychological job demand.

      • 1982學年度 新入生 實態調査 結果分析

        玄惠慶,許鐵洙 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 1982 學生生活硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        1. 실태조사 결과 요약 1) 대학생의 적령을 만 17~19세라고 볼 때 이에 해당하는 학생이 87.7%, 만 20세 이상이 12.3%나 되며 특히 야간 강좌부에는 만 20세 이상의 학생들이 63.6%를 차지하고 있다. 2) 가족들의 주거지별 현황은 제주도가 96.6%, 타지역이 3.4%이며 가족수별 현황은 가구당 5명 이상의 가족을 지니고 있는 가구가 약 90% 정도가 된다. 3) 부모 모두 생존하고 있는 학생이 81.0%, 편부·모와 함께 생활하고 있는 학생이 18.5%가 되며 특히 야간 강좌부에는 약 90% 이상을 차지하고 있다. 4) 부모 또는 호주의 직업별 상태는 ① 농업(55.9%), ② 공무원(14.8%), ③ 상업(12.2%)의 순으로 비중을 보이고 있다. 5) 가정생활정도는 상에 속하는 학생이 약 10%, 하정도에 속하는 학생이 31.6%이다. 6) 출신 고교별 소재지 현황은 96.3%가 본도 출신이며 타도 출신 고교생은 3.7%이다. 또한 출신 고교별 계열 비율은 인문계가 76.7%, 실업계가 23.3%이다. 7) 대부분의 학생들이 재수 경험이 없으며(83.8%), 6.2%의 학생들이 재수경험이 있다. 8) 신체상태에 있어서 시력이 0.9이하의 시력을 가진 학생이 32%, 0.4이하가 전체 학생의 10%정도가 된다. 남학생보다 여학생들이 시력상태가 매우 좋지 않으며 따라서 안경을 착용하고 있는 학생이 25.5%나 되며 남학생보다 여학생이 안경을 많이 착용하고 있다. (35.2%) 신장은 160~169cm까지 45.0%이며 170cm 이상이나 되는 학생은 30%나 된다. 체중은 50~59kg이 평균 체중치(52.2%)이며, 흉위는 93cm 이상이 15.3%, 81cm 이하가 30.8%를 차지하고 있다. 9) 학생들의 건강상태는 대체로 건강한 편이나(94.2%), 허약한 학생이 5.8% 정도 있다. 10) 대부분의 학생들이 고교 재학시 심리검사를 실시하지 않았으며(60.6%), 실시했다하더라도 적성검사가 대부분이었다. 2. 意見調査 結果 要約 1) 본 대학에 입학하게 된 가장 주된 요인은 생활비 부담을 덜기 위해서(22.8%)이며 입학이 용이(21.4%)한 점을 들고 있다. 2) 본교 지망에 가장 큰 영향을 준 사람으로는 자기 자신 스스로 학교 선택을 하였으며(44.2%), 가족들의 권유에 의해(37.0%)결정되었다. 3) 고교 재학시 희망했던 계열(학과)과 현재 입학한 계열(학과)과의 일치 정도에는 학교와 학과가 모두 불일치가, 28.4% 모두 일치가 27.2%를 나타내고 있다. 4) 전공계열(학과)을 선택한 이유로는 적성과 흥미에 따른 선택이 가장 많고(48.5%), 다음이 직업적 전망에 의한 선택을 들고 있다.(16.6%) 5) 입학한 전공계열에 대한 만족정도는 70.0% 만족을, 9.5%가 불만족을 표시하고 있다. 특히 야간강좌에서 83.3%의 학생이 가장 불만족의 반응을 보이고 있다. 또한 불만의 이유로는 적성·흥미가 맞지가 않으며(24.0%), 1차 지망학과가 아니고(19.7%), 장래 전망이 흐리다(14.0%)는 이유를 들고 있다. 6) 전과나 편입학을 희망하는 학생이 18.9%나 되며, 앞으로 유동성을 보인 학생이 32.8% 보이고 있다. 7) 전공계열(학과)에 대한 이해 정도는 보통으로서 대강 알고 지망한 학생이 71.8%이며 이해 정도가 낮은 수준에서의 지망이 17.0%로서 이해도가 낮은 편이다. 8) 학생들이 당면하고 있는 또는 예상되는 중요 문제를 반응빈도의 우선 순우로 정리하면 ① 학업문제(40.3%), ② 경제문제(36.9%), ③ 진로문제(36.4%), ④ 사회적 적응(26.7%) ⑤ 건강문제(16.0%)의 순으로 문제의 경향을 보이고 있다. 9) 개인 문제 해결을 위한 의논 대상은 ① 친구(27.9%) ② 지도교수(22.6%), ③ 가족(17.0%), ④ 선배(14.8%)의 순위를 나타내고 있다. 10) 써클활동의 참가여부는 대부분의 학생들이 기존의 서클들의 활동실태를 파악한 후에 참가 여부를 결정하겠다는 신중한 반응을 보이고 있다.(70.2%) 또한 희망하는 써클들의 반응 빈도를 세 가지만 순서대로 정리해보면 ① 교양(21.4%), ② 학문(15.2%), ③ 봉사(14.5%) 써클이다. 11) 대학생활 동안의 부직을 희망하는 학생이 전체 학생 중 약 80% 학생들이 부직을 희망하고 있으며 그 이유로서는 사회생활의 견문을 넓히기 위해서(35.7%)와 잡비 마련을 위해서(20.8%), 그리고 학비마련과 자립정신을 기르기 위함에 있는 것이다. 12) 대학생활을 위한 계획 수립이 38.6%의 학생은 수립되어 있으나 나머지 학생은 수립되어 있지 못하다. 또한 대학졸업 후의 계획을 우선 순위로 정리하면 ① 취직·사업(37.0%) ② 대학원 진학(36.0%), ③ 미정(13.3%)의 반응을 보이고 있다. 13) 학생들이 구상하고 있는 이상적인 대학생활은 인격을 도야하는 일이며(54.6%) 또한 학문을 연구하는 (32.6%) 장으로서의 역할 수행을 인식하고 있다. 14) 학생 자신이 대학생활동안 성취해야 할 목표를 인격완성에 두고 있으며(29.0%) 원만한 대인관계를 유지하고(21.4%), 폭넓은 교양을 습득하는 일(20.7%)에 두고 있다. 15) 학생들은 교수님들께 교수 - 학생간 원만한 인간관계를 유지하는 것을 가장 원하고 있으며(51.2%), 전공분야에 대한 연구활동(18.4%)과 인격적 소양(14.5%)을 갖추는 기대를 나타내고 있다. 16) 본교 신입생들이 바라는 바람직한 대학상은 대학의 역할과 기능을 제대로 수행하며 그 속에서 학문연구와 인격을 완성하고 원만한 대인관계를 형성하는 분위가기 갖추어진 대학을 염원하고 있다.

      • 문제 해결력 지도의 수학 교과 학업 성취 수준별 영향

        박혜숙,허기영 서원대학교 교육연구소 2000 敎育發展 Vol.19 No.2

        There are many attempts to study the skills needed for successful problem-solving in mathematics, and to study some effects after applying these skills. Especially, Polya analysed the skills in the view of teaching mathematical problem-solving in his book 'How to solve it'. Also there are another attempt to search for an effective way to teach metecognitive thinking skills in the context of mathematical problem-solving. In this paper, we study the effect of problem-solving on the achievement in mathematics. We conclueded that the teaching of problem-solving is more effective to the high level students than lower level students.

      • 濟大 學生生活指導의 改善方向 探索

        玄惠慶,姜志勇,許鐵洙,梁奇千 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 1982 學生生活硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        A. The necessity and purpose of the study Since 1960s the number of university and college students has increased due to the rapid industrial development which requires more technical and intellectual persons. Also the upward spreading effects of education with generalization of secondary education have increased the social demands of liberal education, which expedite university students' diversity and heterogeneity. Therefore, the problems of students are no longer those of school authorities, but expand into social and national problems. Recently most of university in Korea have put more emphasis on the rearrangement and reinforcement of Student Guidance System. Especially, in case of Jeju National University, taking into considerations the special geographical conditions far away from the Korean mainland, and transitional stage on which JNU was promoted to national full-university status, along with the unification of campuses, the more careful interests and efforts are required for student guidance. This study was conducted with a view to providing the opportunities of educational and social specialization of student guidance. The following are the purpose of this study: 1) To set up directions for student guidance which can carry out the role and function of the university. 2) To consider, in the aspect of education, the main factors which influence the problems of university students. 3) To find out the difference between the problems of students' demand and abilty and realities of guidance, by comparing and analyzing present guidance realities between universities. 4) To offer improvement directions for efficient student guidances. B. The scope and contents of the study 1) The problem of student guidance in view of the purpose and function of a university. 2) The fundamental viewpoint of guidance in university 3) A theoretical investigation for efficient student guidance 4) A root cause of student problems 5) The present condition and problems of student guidance 6) Improvement directions for guidance C. The method of the study 1) To analyze the domestic data as well as foreign data 2) To analyze the questionnaire 3) To analyze the results of guidance through the actual result reports of student guidance 4) To analyze various data of student guidance 5) To represent by percentage(%) the realities and problems of student guidance D. The problematic factors of student guidance in the light of purpose and function of a university 1) The original purpose and functions of university are the acquisition of knowledge the transmission of knowledge, and application of knowledge. They are based on the wholemen community of intellectuals in which research, education, and service are determined to be prime mission, but hasn't well been fulfilled because of the present special situations of Korea. 2) In the expectations of university's roles, it is becoming important to harmonize the real desire of administrative officials, intellectual desire of professors, and idealistic of students with each other. 3) A university's research function of creating academic atmosphere is very unsatisfactory. 4) The relationship between professors and students, and even among students hasn't well progressed because of excessive solicitude of omission by graduation quota system as well as full classes. And cultural education is not conducting effectively because it is very fragmentary and formal. 5) The chaos is being produced about the establishment of concept of community service given to university education, the ways and limitations of participation in society and actual world. E. The viewpoint of student guidance The contents and methods of student guidance are decided according to the view of students to be the subject of guidance. In the reformative viewpoint of student guidance by educative instruction methods, main method of guidance are authority, blind obediance, cramming, subjectivity, control, rectification. From the educative viewpoint of student guidance, self-direction can be possible by means of students' interest, desire and ability. Future student guidance must be conducted to develop their potentiality and natural ability of growth without external force or blind gramming. F. Following theoretical investigation were enforced in order to establish effective directions for student guidance. 1) The concept and purpose of the orientation for freshmen and its basic policy and contents 2) The necessity and contents of department arrangement guidance 3) The practice of alloted academic adviser system 4) The educational functions, necessity, and meaning of campus extracurricular activity 5) The role and function of student government(SNDC) 6) The welfare and scholarship system for students G. As a result of a selection of root causes of student problems from the introspection, the following were important order of immediate and expected problems 1405 freshmen; 1. Studies Problem(40.3%) 2. Course problem(36.4%) 3. Economic life problem(36.9%) 4. Social fitness Problem(26.7%) 5. Health Problem(16.0%) The investigation consequence for sophomore and junior are following; 1. A course Problem(35.2%) 2. Economic life problem(35.4%) 3. Human relation problem between professor and student(35.2%), and a good use problem of spare time(35.2%) 4. Studies problem(26.4%) H. The problems were revealed by a statistics which were investigated and analyzed realities of student guidance as follows, respectively: 1. In the orientation for fresh, it is emphatic to give only a information, the program of a important purpose in an orientation that are helpful to initiation of university life with a safety emotionally by withdrawing from strain from strange environment is making light of. 2. In the guidance of a department choice, department allocation by a record is making without giving a chance searching for self-characteristic like aptitude or hobbies, the guidance plan and materials of objectivity are not prepared, and the chance choosing carefully comes very short of. 3. In the management of partial charge professors system, the relation position between professor and student is very formal because, as a matter of fact, it is meaningfulness to guide students from a professor is responsible for guidance of so many students, director of professors are in want of the whole recognition about guidance contents. 4. Though the circle activities are very important as an educational function, a director professors of a circle has charge of guidance for so many students, the activities without purpose consciousness are unfolding, the activities with interest and recreation mainly are rich in, and the activities for enlightenment sound activity model which gets a value experience are situation insufficiency itself. 5. In the activities and management of Student Body, he is not accomplishing plan and function by nature, the activities and management individual and new are very lack owing to emphasis of events centre and actual results centre. And the appearance of making heteronomy now that he is not also chose relation to the circles in SNDC is more and more deepening. 6. The lower organization taking charge of students guidance specially in managent of the students guidance institute are in need, the number of specialists are for want of, it is just so formal to run the students guidance institute because the institute's finance is in very poverty, its originally functions are not accomplishing due to the consultation mood in consultation room is stiff. 7. Our university lacks in research facilities and mental incentive with regard to student welfare function. I. I am directing the way of student guidance for withdrawing from and getting rid of the problems revealing, concerning the students guidance to the best of his ability by the realities of students problems as follows; First, the investigation and research activities and assistance understanding and helping students have to provide in the side of prevention of problems by understanding university students' nature consciousness and characteristic regularly. Second, students' spontaneous participation, the development of interesting and useful programmes, and faculty members' active supports & guidance should be given to obtain effective result of fresh's orientation. Third, school authorities should provide freshmen with opportunity to judge their aptitudes from the time of entrance by holding orientation several times, and by offering detailed informations on the department selection. Fourth, The academic & human relations between professors and students should be maintained through proper enforcement of alloted academic professor system. Fifth, every circle and club should established proper and patent objectivities of activity, and try, to create and introduce useful and interesting programmes in order to promote an educational function of each circle and club. Sixth, in order to eleminate the gap between students and Students Government, students should take deep interests in Student Body's activity, while Student Body should develop academic and literary activity to promote students research activities. Seventh, in order to promote the function of Student Guidance Institute, there should be secured expert staff for smooth counselling, investigation and employment guide as well as financial and administrative support of school authorities. Finally, university authorities should organize several institute such as student welfare committee(institute) so that they might grasp what student opinions & desire are and make students lead comfortable campus lives.

      • 6-(3,4-디클로로페닐)아미노-7-클로로-5,8-퀴놀린디온의 항진균작용 및 안전성 평가

        윤여표,김동현,이병무,허문영,정해문,강혜영,최정아,김도희,유충규 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1998 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        6-(3.4-Dichlorophenyl)amino-7-chloro-5.8-quinolinedione (RCK50) was tested for antifungal activities in mice systemically infected with Candida albicans. The therapeutic potential of RCK50 was also assessed in comparison with ketoconazole. RCK50 had ED_50 0.22±0.01 ㎎/㎏. Ketoconazole as a positive control had ED_50 6.00±1.70 ㎎/㎏. Intraperitoneally administered RCK50 at the ED_50 for 7 days and 14 days reduced Candida albicans colony count in the kidneys and liver. And administered RCK50 at the ED_50 for 14 days improved survival rates. The genotoxicities of RCK50 had been evaluated. RCK50 was negative in Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium and chromosomal aberration test in CHL cells. RCK50 did not show any clastogenic effect in mouse peripheral blood and was negative in mouse micronucleus assay. These results indicate that RCK50 has no genotoxic potential under these experimental conditions. Acute oral toxicity studies of RCK50 were carried out in ICR mice of both sexes. RCK50 did not show acute oral toxicities and LD_50 values were over 2.850 ㎎/㎏ in ICR mice.

      • KCI등재

        Family caregivers’ perceived value of caring for older patient: A hybrid model of concept analysis

        Seon-Hye Heo(Seon-Hye Heo),Hye-Ryoung Kim(Hye-Ryoung Kim) 한국노인간호학회 2023 노인간호학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to define and clarify the concept of the family caregivers’ perceived value of caring for older patients. Methods: The hybrid model of Schwartz-Barcott and Kim was used to perform the concept analysis of perceived value of caring. Concept analysis was conducted in three phases: the theoretical phase, fieldwork phase, and final analysis phase. Results: The perceived value of caring was found to have four dimensions and nine attributes. The providing care dimension consisted of two attributes—care behavior and care attitude—and the goals and expectation dimension included three attributes—social norms, family norms, and personal norms. The other two dimensions consisted of two attributes each: a belief in usefulness and a belief in meaning in the building beliefs dimension and life expansion and insight into the future in the suffering sublimation dimension. Finally, perceived value of caring can be defined as the personal belief that behavior or attitude of providing physical, mental, and social services to those in need of care is usefulness and important based on one’s goals and criteria, and with the personal effort of sublimating suffering that arises from care. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, it is suggested that the use of the perceived value of caring should expand in nursing phenomena.

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