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      • KCI등재

        한국 임산부의 혈청매독검사에 관한 고찰

        양인환(IW Yang),김철영(CY Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.2

        It is well known that syphilis in pregnancy is injurious to mother and fetus. The prevention of prenatal syphilis y treatment of the infected mother with penicilin during pregnancy is one of the major triumphs in modern medicine. Siphilis in pregnancy has decreased in almost all countries in the world. The trepoema pallidum, the causative agent, is very sensitive to penicillin and registant strains have not been found yet. Neverthless there is still a vast reservoir of infection and an alarming amount of undiscovered syphilis in the population. Recent information, obtained by the Medical Clinics of North America for the years 1960 to 1961 shows that the total number of reported cases of infective syphilis has risen three times in United States. In Korea, there is little documentary evidence of increase of syphilis since 1963. The diagnosis and treatment of syphilis in pregnancy are the same as for any syphilitic person, except that here werare not only concerned with curing the pregnant woman but also hope to avoid congenital syphilis in the baby. In some cases we may be pressed for time and forced to modify our general rules of diagnosis and treatment, in an effort to avoid the birth of a syphilitic infant. In order to know the current pattern of syphilis among pregnant women, 2838 women who delivered at Severance Hospital from 1962 to June, 1966, were analysed and the following retults were obtained. 1. During the 4½ years from Jan. 1962 to June. 1966, the rate of positive V.D.R.L. test`s was 5.2%. The rate of biological false positive test among the positie V.D.R.L. tests was 54%. 2. 51% of the gravidas reeived a V.D.R.L. test during or after delivery. Only 20% of the positive cases received the test prior the 7th month of gestation. 3. The majority of the patients with positive v.D.R.L. and R.P.C.F. test were primigravidas 25-30 years in age. 4. 92% of the syphilitic pregnnt women had latent syphilis. 5. Either a stillbirth or a premature delivery was noted in 48% of the positive R.P.c.F. untreated cases. 83% of the premature infants died during the neontal period. There were no deaths among the term infants. 6. Emphasis is placed upon the necessity of finding and treating all cases of syphilis during pregnancy. 7. In addition to general deucations about syphilis, it is reommented that pre-marital seroligic tests for syphilis be requird by law.

      • KCI등재

        자궁선근증의 임상 및 병리학적 고찰

        김용문(YM Kim),박일왕(IW Park),강윤석(YS Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1979 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.22 No.8

        Authors observed ninety one patients with adenomyosis during the periods November 1968 through April 1977 in Korea General Hospital, Seoul. A clinical and pathological analysis were performed and results were as follows. 1. 91 instances of adenomyosis were found in 490 hysterectomies for various reasons, showing an incidence of 18.6%. 2. Age distributions were between 24 and 53 years, and 53.8% of patients were found in 36 to 45 years old age group. Average age was 41.7% years old. 3. Adenomyosis was the most frequently found in parous women who had four children. 4. Menometrorrhagia was the most common symptom of adenomyosis, 43.8% of all cases. 5. Myoma of the uterus was the most common combined disease in adenomyosis, an incidence of 29.7%. 6. The most common type of degree of involvement by adenomyosis was moderate involvement, an incidence of 43.9%. 7. Endometrial findings of adenomyosis showed secretory endometrium in the highest incidence, 42.9% of all cases. 8. Adenomyosis combined with external endometriosis was 6 cases(6.6%). 9. Additionally, 16 cases of external endometriosis was found in 1100 exploratory laparotomies excluding cesarean sections, an incidence of 1.45%.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        배란장애를 동반한 다낭성 난소증후군에서 혈중 Inhibin A , B와 성선자극호르몬의 연관관계

        노재숙(JS Roh),지일운(IW Ji),손보라(BR Son),김학순(HS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.7

        Objectives: Normal and abnormal follicular growth and steroidogenesis depend on gonadotropins as well as intraovarian peptides. Inhibin also affect follicular development and steroidogenesis and may play a role in dominant follicle selection and follicular atresia. Therefore, we studied the differences of serum inhibin A, inhibin B and gonadotropin levels according to the regularity of menstrual cycle in the women with polycystic ovary syndrome[PCOS]. Materials and Methods: Women who showed typical appearance of polycystic ovaries by transvaginal ultrasonography and had basal serum levels of luteinizing hormone > 5.8 IU/L or LH/FSH ratio > 1.2 were selected. Patients with abnormal prolactin level or thyroid function were excluded. Among PCOS, fifteen women had had normal regular menstrual cycles[25∼35 days] for at least 6 months before the study, and the others had been oligo-amenorrheic. Blood samples were obtained on the cycle day 3∼5 after normal menstrual or progesterone withdrawal bleeding. Serum levels of inhibin A, inhibin B, luteinizing hormone[LH], follicle stimulating hormone[FSH], estradiol[E2], testosterone[T] and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate[DHEA-S] were compared and analysed between the two groups. Statistical analysis was performed using Student`s t-test and the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: Serum LH, T levels and LH/FSH ratio were significantly greater in the group with oligo-amenorrheic, cycle than those in regular cycle. Basal levels of inhibin A and B were not different between the two groups. A significant negative correlation between inhibin A and FSH level was seen in the group with oligo-amenorrhic cycle[P<0.005], but not in the group with regular cycle. Also significant positive correlation was noted between inhibin B level and LH/FSH ratio in the group with oligo-amenorrheic cycle[P<0.001], but not in the group with regular cycle. Conclusion: In oligo-amenorrheic PCOS, higher LH[or LH/FSH] may cause hypertrophy of thecal cells and stimulate androgen and inhibin secretion. In addition, higher androgen can be converted into estrogen by extraovarian tissues. Thus, inhibin A, B and steroids [T, estradiol] may exaggerate disparity in basal LH and FSH levels, and be directly associated with ovulatory disturbance in PCOS, otherwise, in which the endocrine or paracrine influence of inhibin A, B might be enhanced.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        다낭성 난소증후군에서 clomiphene을 이용한 배란유도시 배란 여부에 따른 혈중 inhibin A , B 농도의 비교

        노재숙(JS Roh),지일운(IW Ji),정은환(EH Jeong),김학준(HJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.4

        Clomiphene citrate (CC) has been extensively used for ovulation induction in anovulatory women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Ovulation can be induced with CC in 75∼85 % among them, but the reason for the failure to ovulate is not clear. Therefore, we studied relationship between serum levels of inhibin A, B and gonadotropin, and CC responsiveness in women with PCOS. We prospectively analysed twenty-four patients with PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS was based on clinical symptoms (infetility, oligo-amenorrhea), laboratory findings (LH>5.8 mIU/mL or LH/FSH>1.2) and typical appearance of the ovaries by transvaginal sonography (TVS). The cut-off vaule of LH or LH/FSH ratio was determined by mean+2SD of twelve control women with regular menstrual cycle and normal ovarian morphology. Basal serum levels of inhibin A and B, LH, FSH, estradiol, testosterone, prolactin and TSH were measured on the 3rd and 10th day of the cycle. Ovulation was induced with 100 mg/day CC, from the 5th to 9th day of the cycle. The response was considered ovulatory when a few preovulatory follicle was found by TVS, followed by a normal rise of serum progesterone level (≥ 10ng/mL) in midluteal phase (n=15). If no ovulation was found, the patient was considered CC nonresponsive (n=9). There was no significant differences in basal hormonal profiles except the inhibin B/LH ratio between two groups. The LH/FSH ratio in the nonresponder and the inhibin B/LH ratio in the responder were significantly higher on the 10th day of the cycle. There was higher negative correlation between the basal inhibin B/LH ratio and FSH levels in the responder, but not in the nonresponder. Also, there was higher positive correlation between the inhibin B/LH ratio and estradiol on MCD 10 in the responder, but not in the nonresponder. In this study, higher basal inhibin B/LH ratio and the lack of correlation between the inhibin B/LH ratio and the levels of FSH or estradiol were associated with the lack of CC response in PCOS. Therefore, the CC nonresponder might be related to the disturbance of feedback mechanism between the pituitary and ovarian inhibin.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        도플러 제대동맥 혈류파형검사로 산전진단된 무심쌍태아 1 예

        양순하(SH Yang),지일운(IW Ji),노정래(JR Roh),정재현(JH Jeong),김승욱(SW Kim),이제호(JH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.12

        Sonographic prenatal diagnosis and management of a twin pregnancy complicated by acardia of one twin is presented. Doppler umbilican artery velocimetric studies demonstrated reversed blood flow of umbilican artery in malformed twin and markedly different umbilical artery systolic to end-diastolic(S/D) ratio in the twins. Because of suspected fetal distress of normal twin, preterm cesarean delivery of both twin was perfomed at 31st week of gestation and resulted in survival of the healthy normal twin.

      • KCI등재

        원발성 난관암 1 예

        정재숙(JS Chung),이인우(IW Lee),장중환(CH Chang),곽소명(SM Kwak),강재성(JS Kang),김정례(JR Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.7

        저자들은 1984년 1월, 본원 산부인과에서 수술후 병리조직학적으로 확진된 원발성난관암 1예를 치험하고, 그 발생빈도가 극히 적은 점에 비추어, 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        자궁내피임장치를 이용한 환자에 발생한 자궁부속기 방사선균증

        임태웅(TW Lim),박일왕(IW Park),김용문(YM Kim),강윤석(YS Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1978 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.21 No.6

        이 증례보고는 산부인과 진료에서 매우 드물게 관찰되는 난관난소를 침범한 방사선균증의 한 례를 다루었다. 환자는 15년간 자궁내 피임장치를 삽입한 46세의 경산부였다. 골반내 여성성기에 발생한 방사선 진균증을 임상적 및 병리학적 관점에서 토의했고, 발병경로를 기왕에 발표된 예들과 비교 고안 하였다. 특히 자궁내 피임장치의 장기간 삽입과 난관난소의 방사선진균감염증에 대한 상호관계를 고안한 끝에 이 질병이 드물지만 자궁내 피임장치의 장기간 삽입으로 발생할 수 있음을 저자들은 이해하게 되었다. The report dealt with a rare case of actinomycosis involing, the left salpingoovary. The case was a 46 years old multiparous female with an intrauterine contraceptive device for 15 years. The clinical & pathologic aspect of the pelvic actinomycosis, along with a mode of the infection were briefly discussed. An emphasis was made on the relationship between the insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device for a long period and a possibility of the actinomycotic infection of the pelvic organs.

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