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        What Matters in Determining Korean ODA Allocation

        Hyuk-Sang Sohn(손혁상),Sungsik Ahn(안성식),Jiyoung Hong(홍지영) 한국정치학회 2011 한국정치학회보 Vol.45 No.6

        본 논문은 지난 20년 간 한국국제협력단과 수출입은행의 ODA배분에 영향을 미친 요인과 중점협력국 지정에 영향 미치는 요인을 실증 분석하였다. 이를 위해 8개의 변수를 경제적, 정치-전략적, 문화적, 인도적 측면 등의 4가지 분야로 나누어 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 한국ODA의 배분은 어느 특정 요인 한 가지에 절대적인 영향을 받는 것이 아니라, 네 가지 측면의 다양한 요인에 의해 결정된다는 것을 보여준다. 이는 중점협력국 지정에서도 마찬가지로 나타난다. 이 결과로, 무상원조는 유상원조에 비해 인도주의적 측면이 원조 배분과 중점협력국 지정에 더 큰 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설은 성립하지 않는 것으로 증명되었다. 또한 유상과 무상원조 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인도 각각 다르게 나타났다. 이는 한국ODA 정책이 단일한 전략적 목표나 정책적 일관성 없이 이행되어 간접적으로 밝히고 있다. This paper studies the determining factors of Korean ODA allocated by KOICA and EDCF during the last two decades. Empirical research is conducted with eight variables from economic, politico-strategic, cultural/interactive, and humanitarian categories in order to show what factors have influenced Korea’s aid allocation and selection of primary partner countries of grants and loans respectively. The results indicate that the allocation of grants has not been influenced by a single dominant factor but by all four categories, while the loan aspect has been influenced in large part by economic motivation. This research also uncovers the underlying factors for being selected as primary partner countries of both KOICA and EDCF. It finds that there is no single outstanding factor influencing the selection of primary partner countries for the grant again and it is noteworthy that there is no variable from the humanitarian category which has an impact on determining primary partners for the grant. On the other hand, when it comes to primary partners for the loan, all humanitarian factors do not contribute to selecting the partners in a positive way. The countries with a higher Human Development Index (HDI), lower Political Rights Index (PRI), and higher GNI per capita are more likely to be selected as primary partners. Among other categories, only cultural and interactive ones, number of visitors has a strong correlation. As a result, we are unable to validate the two hypotheses built in this paper that humanitarian factors have been more likely to play a prominent role in both allocating and selecting primary partner countries for grants.

      • KCI등재

        심장 전이와 비후성 골관절증을 동반한 재발성 이하선 선방세포암

        ( Sung Yun Jung ),( Dong Won Lee ),( Min Geun Gu ),( Tae Hun Kwon ),( Sung Ae Ko ),( Joon Hyuk Choi ),( Jang Won Sohn ),( Myung Soo Hyun ) 영남대학교 의과대학 2014 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.31 No.1

        Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is an uncommon malignant tumor of the salivary glands that is difficult to diagnose. It grows slowly and shows distant metastasis rarely. We experienced a case of recurrent ACC in the parotid gland with cardiac metastasis and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The 29-year-old man had been suffering from severe multiple bones and joints pain for 2 months. Ten years earlier, he underwent superficial parotidectomy due to a right subauricular mass. The mass was diagnosed with ACC. After surgery, the tumor recurred twice. Then the patient was diagnosed with cardiac metastasis via positron emission tomography-computed tomography and trans-thoracic echocardiography. He also had hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with multiple bone metastasis. He was given palliative radiotherapy and conservative treatment. ACC in the parotid gland with cardiac metastasis and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy has not yet been reported in literature. From this case, it is recommended to evaluate multiple distant metastasis in the ACC of the parotid gland when joint and bone pain are present.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Challenges of Korean Development NGOs : Constraints and Opportunities

        Hyuk-Sang Sohn(손혁상),Young-Hak Yoo(유영학) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2009 OUGHTOPIA Vol.24 No.1

        이 글은 한국의 개발NGO의 역사적 발전과 현재의 상황을 분석하여, 한국개발 NGO의 한계와 기회를 파악하고자 한다. 그동안 국제사회에서는 정부나 정부기관에 의해 행해지는 공적개발원조(ODA)사업에 주된 관심이 모아졌지만, 1980년대에 이르러 NGO가 개발주체로 인식되면서 이들의 사업이 주목을 받게 되었다. 또한 지난 20여 년간 NGO의 개발원조 활동은 긴급구호와 다른 개발 사업영역에서 괄목할만한 성장을 이루었고, 한국의 경우에도 NGO의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 한국의 개발NGO의 역사적 발전과 현재의 상황을 분석하기 위하여 한국의 개발NGO의 특징을 살펴보고자 한다. 즉, 수원국에서 공여국으로 변모한 한국의 특수한 역사적 배경아래, 개발NGO의 역사적 발전과 이들의 종류, 사업 규모와 내용을 알아본다. 그리고 한국의 대외 무상원조를 담당하는 KOICA(국제개발협력단)과의 관계를 파악한다. 이로써, 이들이 국제개발협력 무대에서 하나의 개발주체로서 활약하기 위한 방안을 모색한다. This paper will explore the constraints and opportunities of Korean development NGOs by analyzing their historical paths and new challenges. Until now, the research on foreign aid and its effectiveness has overwhelmingly focused on 'official development assistance (ODA)', which is provided by governments and inter-governmental agencies. From 1980s, however, donor organizations began to formally recognize NGOs as development actors. The aid programs initiated by development NGOs for emergencies and better lives of needed people have expanded rapidly over the last 20 years, which has drawn more attention of international society than ever before. The Korean society has witnessed the surge of development NGOs and their activities as well. This paper aims to analyze the historical development and the current challenges of Korean development NGOs. It will examine historical development, types of Korean development NGOs, their sizes and features, and development cooperation with KOICA. In doing so, this paper will attempt to recommend the ways to empower Korean development NGOs and enhance the effectiveness of their services.

      • KCI등재

        Government-NGO Partnerships for International Development Cooperation : A Case Study of South Korea

        SOHN, HYUK-SANG,KIM, SOWI 이화여자대학교 국제통상협력연구소 2011 Asian International Studies Review Vol.12 No.2

        At the HLF-3 in Accra in 2008, developed and developing countries recognized civil society as an independent development actor in its own right, and they agreed to create a legal and institutional environment enabling CSO contributions to development. The Korean government also announced the Plan for the Advancement of ODA in 2010, which committed it to an unprecedented increase in the volume of NGO assistance and called for methods of multidimensional cooperation with NGOs. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to analyze the government-NGO partnership for development cooperation in Korea. After reviewing the mechanisms of OECD DAC members' partnerships with their NGOs and then Korean government-NGO partnerships in a comparative perspective, we conclude that both the Korean government and development NGOs are still facing many challenges for better partnership. For NGOs, these are accountability and sustainability issues, a tendency toward service delivery, proselytizing activities of Christian faith-based organizations, and a lack of capacity. For the government, it is uncertainty about its public commitment, an unclear vision and philosophy regarding ODA, an insufficient civil society partnership program, and a need for clear policy objectives for NGO support programs.


        Combination of Vitamin C and Rutin on Neuropathy and Lung Damage of Diabetes Mellitus Rats

        Sohn, Uy-Dong,Je, Hyun-Dong,Shin, Chang-Yell,Park, Sun-Young,Yim, Sung-Hyuk,Kum, Chan,Huh, In-Hoi,Kim, Jin -Hak The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2002 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.25 No.2

        We investigated the role of vitamin C or rutin on neuropathy and lung damage of diabetic mellitus(DM) rats. Norepinephrine content was significantly decreased in sciatic nerves of DM rats compared with non-DM controls but vitamin C had no effect on decreases of norepinephrine. 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) incorporation, which is biomarker of protein oxidation, was increased in sciatic nerve of DM rats as compared with normal control. However, vitamin C had no effects on increases of DNPH incorporation . We measured the content of conjugated dienes (CD) as a biomarker of lipid oxidation in sciatic nerve. CD was increased in DM as compared with normal control, Vitamin C or rutin had no effects on increases of CD. However, Rutin plus vitamin C significantly decreased the content of CD as compared with CIM rats. In lung of DM rats, DNPH incorporation or CD was increased as compared with normal control. Vitamin C or Rutin had no effects on increases of CD However, Rutin plus vitamin C significantly decreased the content of DNPH incorporation or CD in lung tissue. Vitamin C caused marked pathological changes such as the increases of parenchyma and the thickening of alveolar septa in the lung of DM. Rutin had protective effects on the pathological changes in the lung of DM rats. In conclusion, Vitamin C had no effects on oxidative parameter, such as DNPH incorporation or CD, and on the decreases of norepinephrine content in DM rats. Vitamin C caused the marked pathological changes in the lung of DM rats but rutin had protective efforts against the pathological changes.


        Protective Effects of Natrii Sulfas on Cerebral Focal Ischemia Induced by MCAO in Rats.

        Sohn, Youngjoo,Kang, Ho Chang,Kim, Kon Sik,Park, Sun-Min,Sohn, Nak-Won,Jung, Hyuk-Sang,Kim, Sung-Hoon Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science a 2009 The American journal of Chinese medicine Vol.37 No.2

        <P>This study examined the effect of Natrii sulfas, a treatment for stroke patients suffering constipation in Oriental medicine, on the physiological indices and brain edema of rats. Brain edema was induced by a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), Natrii sulfas was administered after the MCAO. At 3, 6, 15, 24, and 48 hours after reperfusion, the physiological indices such as the fecal weight, urine volume and water content in the stools were assessed. The edema index was measured 48 hours after reperfusion. At 48 hours, the expressions of iNOS, MMP9, VEGF, GFAP, Bax, Bcl-2, c-Fos, and HSP72 positive astrocytes were observed on the brain tissues by immunohistochemistry. Natrii sulfas significantly improved the decrease in fecal weight, urine volume and water content in the stool caused by the ischemic insult (p < 0.05) and attenuated the brain edema caused by the ischemia insult (p < 0.05). Natrii sulfas significantly down-regulated iNOS and MMP9 expressions and attenuated the astrocyte swelling due to brain edema in the penumbra of the cerebral cortex of MCAO rats. Natrii sulfas reduced the excess Bax and HSP72 expressions in ischemic brain, which was statistically significant in the penumbra of the cerebral cortex but not in the caudate putamen. These results suggest Natrii sulfas has a protective effect on ischemia-induced brain edema and improves the physiological symptoms.</P>


        The Genome-Wide Expression Profile of <i>Nelumbinis semen</i> on Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated BV-2 Microglial Cells

        Sohn, Sung-Hwa,Chung, Hwan-Suck,Ko, Eunjung,Jeong, Hyuk-joon,Kim, Sung-Hoon,Jeong, Jin-Hyun,Kim, Yangseok,Shin, Minkyu,Hong, Moochang,Bae, Hyunsu Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2009 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin Vol.32 No.6

        <P>This study was conducted to evaluate the protective mechanisms of <I>Nelumbinis semen</I> (NS) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced activation of BV-2 microglial cells. The anti-inflammatory effects of NS were determined by analyzing nitric oxide production and proinflammatory cytokines using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The mechanism was evaluated in BV-2 cells with or without NS treated with LPS for various lengths of time using oligonucleotide microarray and real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The oligonucleotide microarray analysis revealed that mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway-related genes such as <I>Fgfr3</I>, <I>Fgf12</I>, <I>Rasal2</I>, <I>Nfkb2</I>, <I>Map2k5</I>, <I>Mapk1</I>, <I>Map3k7</I>, and <I>NFatc2</I> were down-regulated in LPS activated BV-2 cells by pretreatment with NS. In addition, significant decreases in <I>Nos1ap</I> gene expression were observed with NS pretreatment. Cluster linked pathway analysis using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database revealed that the effects of NS were closely associated with the regulation of mitochondria functions. These results suggested that NS can affect the MAPK signaling pathway and mitochondrial functions in BV-2 cells activated with LPS.</P>

      • HCV, Alcoholic : O-021 ; A common variant in the rs738409 polymorphism of PNPLA3 is a risk factor for liver cirrhoisis in Korean patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease

        ( Sang Soo Lee ),( Young Sang Byoun ),( Mun Hyuk Seong ),( Hyung Rae Sohn ),( Bo Young Min ),( Eun Sun Jang ),( Jin Wook Kim ),( Sook Hyang Jeong ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.1

        Background: The rs738497 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of PNPLA3 is associated with hepatic steatosis and severity of liver disease. We aimed to study the genotypic frequency of rs738497 SNP in a Korean population and to investigate the association between this SNP and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in Korea. Methods: The PNPLA3 SNP rs738497 genotype was analyzed using a TagMan 5’ allelic discrimination assay in a total of 334 adults (197 with NAFLD patients and 137 health-check examinees). NAFLD patients were classified as NAFLD without or with cirrhosis. Results: The CC genotype was found in 45 patients (32.8%) and CG+GG type in 92 patients (67.2%) in the health check-examinee group. The CC genotype was found in 50 patients (25.4%) and CG+GG type in 147 NAFLD patients (74.6%), which was not different from health check-examinee group. However, cirrhotic NAFLD patients (n=18) showed significantly higher CG+GG genotype frequency (94.4%, n=17) than that (72.6%, n=130) in noncirrhotic NAFLD by dominant model of inheritance (p=0.047). Multivariate analysis results showed that male, hypertension, and CG+GG dominant allele were the independent factors associated with development of cirrhotic NAFLD. Conclusions: About two-thirds of Korean population showed the CG+GG genotype in PNPLA3 SNP rs738497, and the CG+GG genotype may confers higher risk of liver cirrhosis in NAFLD.

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