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      • 비엔나협약의 해석

        강호경 ( Ho Kyung Kang ) 한국국제무역학회 2002 國際貿易硏究 = Journal of international trade studies Vol.8 No.2

        비엔나협약은 서로 다른 법규로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 법적 불확실성을 제거시키기 위하여 1988년 1월 1일부터 발효되어 각국의 법원이나 중재원에서 이에 준거한 판례가 많이 나오고 있다. 비엔나협약의 적용은 계약의 당해 국가가 모두 협약국이거나 국제사법의 규정에 따라 1개국 이상의 협약국의 법률을 적용하게 되어 있는 국제간의 물품매매 계약에만 적용된다. 개인용, 가족용 또는 가사용으로 구입되는 물품의 매매나, 경매, 강제집행에 의한 매매인 경우에는 협약이 적용되지 않는다. 또한, 주식이나, 통화, 기타 전력의 매매에도 적용이 배제된다. 협약의 해석에 있어서 국제적인 성격과 적용의 통일성을 촉진하기 위한 필요성과 국제무역에 있어서 신의성실원칙의 준수에 유의하여야 한다. 비엔나협약의 해석과 관련 협약에 의하여 규율되는 사항으로서 이 협약 중에 명백히 해결되어 있지 않은 문제는 이 협약의 기초가 되는 일반원칙에 따라 해결하여야 하고, 만일 이러한 원칙이 없을 경우에는 국제사법의 원칙에 의하여 적용되는 법률에 따라 해결하여야 한다. 비엔나협약을 적용하는데 있어서 당사자의 진술이나 기타의 행위는 상대방이 당사자의 의도에 따라 해석하여야 하고, 그러한 규정이 적용될 수 없는 경우에는 상대방과 동일한 합리적인 자가 가질 수 있는 이해력에 따라 해석하여야 한다. 62개 국가와 8개의 국제기구가 참석한 유엔 외교회의(Diplomatic Conference)에서 만장일치로 채택하여 성립된 비엔나 협약은 약 50년간의 연구와 토의를 거쳐 탄생한 국제통일매매법이다. 현재 약 60개 국가들이 이 협약에 가입되어 있는데 한국은 아직까지 미가입국인 상태이다. 앞으로 가까운 시일 내에 비엔나협약에 가입하게 될 것으로 예상되기 때문에 이 협약에 대한 정확한 이해가 절실히 필요하다고 본다. This study is focused on the historical background of the 1980 Vienna Convention and rules for the interpretation on the convention on April 11, 1980, UN Diplomatic Conference unanimously approved a convention providing uniform law for international sale of goods. This Vienna Convention, culminating the work of half a century, has escaped the lethargy and divisiveness that plague international legal work and will provide a widely-accepted legal basis for international trade. As the Vienna Convention has been legislated for a new legal system playing roles as uniform rules which govern international sale of goods, it requires appropriate criterion of interpretation. Questions concerning matters governed by this convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law. The Convention is designed to help the law adapt and grow in the light of new circumstances. For the worldwide domain of international trade one may look forward to a rich and varied interplay of thought and experience. Our view of the Vienna Convention should take account of its prospects for growth and development.

      • KCI등재

        신용장통일규칙(UCP)상 운송주선인 운송서류의 수리요건에 관한 연구

        강호경(Kang, Ho Kyung) 한국무역상무학회 2011 貿易商務硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        There can be analyzed severally on the acceptance conditions of freight forwarder’s transport document under UCP. First, Bills of Lading issued by forwarding agents will be refused. This can be seen in the article 20 of 1933 Revision UCP(Brochure 82) and the article 20 of 1951 Revision UCP(Brochure 151). Second, Unless specifically authorized in the credit, Bills of Lading issued by forwarding agent will be rejected. It is prescribed in the front part (a) of article 17 of 1962 Revision UCP(Brochure 222) and the article 19 of 1974 Revision UCP(Publication No. 290). Third, Acceptance conditions are different according to the type of transport documents, that is either Bill of Lading or not. It is prescribed in the art 25 and article 26 of 1983 Revision UCP. Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, transport document issued by a freight forwarder will be rejected unless it is the FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise indicates that it is issued by a freight forwarder acting as a carrier or agent of a named carrier. On the other hand, unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, marine bill of lading issued by a freight forwarder will be rejected, unless it indicates that it is issued by such freight forwarder acting as a carrier, or as the agent of a named carrier. Fourth, transport documents issued by a freight forwarder will be accepted. This can be found in the article 30 of 1993 Revision UCP(ICC Publication No. 500) and the article 14 l of 2007 Revision UCP(ICC Publication No. 600). According to the former unless otherwise authorized in the Credit, transport document issued by a freight forwarder will only be accepted if it is appears on its face to indicate the name of the freight forwarder as a carrier or multimodal transport operator or its agent. The latter prescribed that a transport document will be accepted if it is issued by a freight forwarder by a agent of carrier or freight forwarder itself.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        UCP 600상 상당일치론의 적용에 관한 연구

        강호경(Kang, Ho Kyung),임목삼(Lim, Mok Sam) 한국무역상무학회 2009 貿易商務硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        L/C transaction, the most important issue for the seller and the buyer is the theory of documentary transaction and the theory of strict compliance which are the principles of L/C transactions. According to the leading cases in England and America where the practice of L/C transactions was created and developed, the descriptions of the commodities specified on all the documents which are submitted based on an L/C, should be identical to the descriptions of commodities specified in the L/C. And further, many leading cases of L/C continuously repeat to emphasize strict compliance. However, the recent leading cases in and out of the country show that the principle of strict compliance is being weakened. The leading cases in America show two trends of weakening the principle of strict compliance. That is, on the contrary to strict compliance, tends to apply substantial compliance (which puts more value on the substance of the documents). These leading cases reflect the attitudes of the judicial and the legislative authorization that don't want to approve formal approach to the commercial law. Recently, the Supreme Court of Korea is giving a decision on the principle of strict compliance, “The documents attached to an L/C should strictly comply with the conditions in the L/C, but it doesn't mean that they should be perfectly identical without any mistake in words. In case the bank can understand through reasonable care that a small mistake in words is too trivial to give different meaning or to give damage to the conditions of the L/C, the documents are regarded to comply with the conditions of the L/C. However, the judgment should be based on whether the difference between the documents and the L/C can be admitted by the international standard bank transaction practice or not." This decision tells that the principle of strict compliance is quite much modified so application of this modification can't be ignored. However, from the viewpoint of the party who requests to open an L/C, there is a criticism that a bank's arbitrary judgement can be involved. Therefore, reviewing the original purpose of L/C transactions (activating international transactions), the principle of strict compliance may be thought old-fashioned because it emphasizes a form, but in reality, for prompt transaction and payment, the principle of strict compliance should be observed in L/C transactions. And further, if a legislative device is prepared to systematically compensate for several side-effects, the principle of strict compliance will improve dynamic flow of prompt and low-costly L/C transactions. On the other hand, it will be able to protect the interested parties.

      • KCI등재

        CISG상 계약의 성립에 관한 연구

        강호경(Kang, Ho Kyung) 한국무역상무학회 2014 貿易商務硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        This paper focuses on the formation of contract under CISG through the case by the Korean court. Under the CISG, an offer means that a proposal for concluding a contact constitutes the offer, if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. An acceptance is statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer, and this statement purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance. In practice, parties negotiate for lots of contract terms to conclude the contract, and the last reply indicating of assent which is made by statement or other conduct to a proposal for concluding a contract would be an acceptance. At this time the most important factor is the intention of parties whether they intend the offer or the acceptance, Purchase order by buyer or Offer Sheet by seller would be understand as condition precedent for the formation of contract. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the Korean court is consistent in the way Purchase order by buyer or Offer Sheet by seller is an acceptance to conclude contract.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 디지털 마모그래피에서 SVM을 이용한 계층적 미세석회화 검출 방법

        권주원,강호경,노용만,김성민,Kwon, Ju-Won,Kang, Ho-Kyung,Ro, Yong-Man,Kim, Sung-Min 대한의용생체공학회 2006 의공학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        A Computer-Aided Diagnosis system has been examined to reduce the effort of radiologist. In this paper, we propose the algorithm using Support Vector Machine(SVM) classifier to discriminate whether microcalcifications are malignant or benign tumors. The proposed method to detect microcalcifications is composed of two detection steps each of which uses SVM classifier. The coarse detection step finds out pixels considered high contrasts comparing with neighboring pixels. Then, Region of Interest(ROI) is generated based on microcalcification characteristics. The fine detection step determines whether the found ROIs are microcalcifications or not by merging potential regions using obtained ROIs and SVM classifier. The proposed method is specified on Korean mammogram database. The experimental result of the proposed algorithm presents robustness in detecting microcalcifications than the previous method using Artificial Neural Network as classifier even when using small training data.

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