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      • 카뮈의 《표리》에 나타난 「유년시절」연구

        이해방 상명대학교 논문집 1986 상명대학교논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        Notre travail consiste a` examiner,en analysant les images concernant l'enfance, le rapport entre l'homme et le monde,et a` expliquer leur signification dans cet ouvrage. D'apre`s Gaston Bachelard, l'enfance est comme un ve´ritable arche´type du bonheur qui est une ouverture au monde et une invitation au monde. Dans ce petit cahier, nous constaterons que l'enfance est en effet la cle´ nous permettant de nous rouvrir le monde myste´rieiux et qu'elle se re´ve`le comme une source du bonheur de vivre et le facteur de l'accord poe´tique entre la vie d'homme et l'univers.

      • KCI등재

        불어권 카나다 연구

        원윤수,한명수,이인성,이해방 서울대학교 국제지역원 1992 국제지역연구 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 카나다 불어권 지역, 즉 퀘벡의 문화에 대한 포괄적이고 기초적인 지식을 확립하는 데 있다. 퀘벡은 주변 영어문화권으로부터 받는 끊임없는 동화의 위협에도 불구하고 자신들 고유의 불어권 문화를 형성, 발전시킴으로써 세계 문화 구도 속에서 독특한 위치를 차지하고 있으며, 퀘벡의 역사는 문화적, 사회적, 정치적 변화 속에서 자신들만의 독특한 정체성을 형성하기 위한 퀘벡인들의 노력이 어떠한 것이었던가를 잘 보여준다. 따라서 본 연구는 카나다 불어권을 역사, 정치, 경제, 예술, 언어의 다섯 분야로 나누어 탐구함으로써 이 지역이 갖는 특수성을 보다 잘 이애하고자 하였다. 특히 다음의 사항이 주된 연구 대상이 되었다. 주요 연구대상은 카나다 불어의 역사, 문화 생활에 불어의 사용이 끼친 영향, 이중언어주의, 현재의 퀘벡의 경제상항, 다원문화주의, 문화의식과 정치의식과의 상관성, 카나다의 미래 등이었다. 이러한 연구들 통해 우리는 퀘벡이 다른 문화권들과의 관계 속에서 자신의 독자성을 잃지 않으려는 끊임없는 노력을 보여주는 동시에 '다양성 속의 통일성'이라는 자신의 궁극적 목표에 다가서려는 노력도 잃지 않는 독자적인 문화권임을 알 수 있었다. Le but de cette etude est d'etablir les connaissances preliminaires et globales sur la culture du Quebec, region francophone du Canada. Cette region a un statut particulier dans la culture mondiale; comme un petit ilot francophone entoure d'une mer anglophone, le Quebec a toujours eu la volonte de sauvegarder son identite specifique, a travers les aleas d'une histoire agitee, parfois perilleuse meme. Portant notre attension sur cette specificite, nous avons essaye d'examiner la francophonie canadienne en cinq domaines : celui de l'histoire, de la politique, de l'economie, de l'art et de la langue. Notre reflexion s'est penchee surtout sur les questions suivantes: - l'evolution du francaise au Canada a travers les siecles - l'impact de l'usage du francais sur la vie culturelle - la situation actuelle du bilinguisme canadien - la conscience identitaire des francophones canadiens - la situation actuelle economique du Quebec - Le pluriculturalisme et le modele canadien par rapport au modele americain - leur resonnance dans la conscience cuturelle et politique - l'impasse constitutionnelle et la conscience politique des Canadiens - le Canada, quel avenir? Ce faisant, nous avons pu constater que le Quebec est une region culturelle independante s'efforcant a maintenir son identite specifique dans les relations complexes avec les autre communautes culturelles et a atteindre son but essentiel : "la diversite dans l'unit".

      • 혈부축어탕의 고지혈증 유발 생쥐 신장내 지방 축적 감소효과

        김호현,강윤호,방혜정,김진택,박인식,안상현,이해풍 世明대학교 한의학연구소 1998 韓醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Renal tissues of ICR mouse were intraperitoneally injected with Hyulboochucketang(HCE;1.28g/kg/day) after Triton WR-1339(TX;600mg/kg) injection were observed to investigate the lipid accumulation suppressive effect of HCE. The renal tissues were obtained at hour 24,48 and 72 after TX injection that were fixed in fromol-calcium solution and were cryocut. The tissue stained by H&E for general morphology, sudan black B for lipid and perchloric acid-naphthoquinone method for cholesterol. The parietal layer of Bowman's capsule is swelled as cuboidal type at hour 48 after TX injection and the lipid blot and cholesterol particle were noticeably increased in glomerulus than control group. But the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule in HCE treated group was shaped as squamous type that was looked like as normal morphology and the lipid blot and cholesterol particle w3ere considerably decreased in glomerulus than TX group. As results indicated that the accumulation of lipid including cholesterol caused by TX injection were mitigated in renal tissues by the antihyperlipidermic effect of HCE.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Effect of Poly(3-hydroxibutyrate-co-3-hydroxivalerate) Surface with Different Wettability on Fibroblast Behavior

        Lee, Sang-Jin,Lee, Young-Moo,Khang, Gilson,Kim, Un-Young,Lee, Bong,Lee, Hai-Bang The Polymer Society of Korea 2002 Macromolecular Research Vol.10 No.3

        Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is a microbial storage polymer with biodegradable properties. In order to improve the cell compatibility of PHBV surfaces, the physicochemical treatments have been demonstrated. In this study, physical method was corona discharge treatment and chemical method was chloric acid mixture solution treatment. The physicochemically treated PHBV film surfaces were characterized by the measurement of water contact angle, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The water contact angle of the physicochemically treated PHBV surfaces decreased from 75 to 30~40 degree, increased hydrophilicity. due to the introduction of oxygen-based functional group onto the PHBV backbone chain. The mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts cultured onto the physicochemically treated PHBV film surfaces with different wettability. The effect of the PHBV surface with different wettability was determined by SEM as counts of cell number and [$^3$H]thymidine incorporation as measures of cell proliferation. As the surface wettability increased, the number of the cell adhered and proliferated on the surface was increased. The result seems closely related with the serum protein adsorption on the physicochemically treated PHBV surface. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the surface wettabilily of biodegradable polymer as the PHBV plays an important role for cell adhesion and proliferation behavior for biomedical application.

      • Polyethyleneimine‐mediated gene delivery into rat pheochromocytoma PC‐12 cells

        Lee, Jung Hwa,Ahn, Hyun Hee,Kim, Kyung Sook,Lee, Ju Young,Kim, Moon Suk,Lee, Bong,Khang, Gilson,Lee, Hai Bang Wiley (John WileySons) 2008 Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative med Vol.2 No.5

        <P>In this study, we examined the use of polyethyleneimine (PEI) as a non-viral gene carrier and lipofectamine(trade mark) 2000 as control for rat pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells. The complex formation of PEI and DNA or lipofectamine and DNA was characterized by gel electrophoresis and measurement of particle size and surface charge. A gradual increase in surface charge (from 0.7 to 43 mV) and a gradual decrease in particle size (from 900 to 130 nm) was observed in the PEI-DNA complex with higher PEI concentrations. The cytotoxicity of PC-12 cells for lipofectamine-DNA complex was similar to PEI-DNA complex at N:P charge ratios of 4 and 8. Transfection efficiency was 14% for lipofectamine and 15% for PEI. At low N:P ratio, DNA condenses poorly, so the particle size tends to be large and polydispersed, resulting in poor transfection efficiency. Meanwhile, a high N:P ratio results in high transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity. Transfected PC-12 cells showed the generation of neurites from transfected PC-12 cells in the presence of NGF, indicating the differentiation of PC-12 cells. NGF-differentiated PC-12 cells were transfected by PEI-DNA complex of N:P charge ratio 8. From real-time imaging for transfection, the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) started to localize in the nuclei of PC-12 cells at 5 h and localized in the cytoplasm from 15 h. Our study demonstrates that PEI or lipofectamine may be applied as an effective gene carrier for PC-12 cells.</P>

      • SCOPUS

        The Effect of Molecular Weight of Drugs on Transdermal Delivery System Using Microneedle Device

        Lee, Chang Rae,Kim, Moon Suk,Lee, Hai Bang,Lee, Han Ku,Rhee, John M.,Khang, Gil Son Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2007 Key Engineering Materials Vol.342 No.-

        <P>We developed the successive roller type of microneedle system without pain to improve the permeation of drug through the skin barrier. The permeation rates of FITC-ovalbumin (OVA, MW: 45,000g/mole), FITC-insulin (MW: 5,733 g/mole) and FITC-bufexamac (MW: 227.37 g/mole) as model drugs were determined by modified Franz diffusion cells using the microneedle device with four times treatment. The average penetration fluxes of FITC- OVA, FITC-insulin and FITC-bufexamac were steeply increased from 13.4 to 83.3, 10.1 to 110.6 and 11.9 to 242.6 pmol/cm2 with treatment for 12 hrs, respectively. The lower the molecular weight of the drugs, the more the permeation flux investigated. In conclusion, we confirmed the possibility of the application for transdermal delivery of the larger molecular drugs as protein using the designed microneedle treatment device.</P>

      • SCOPUS

        Preparation and Characterization of Porous Membrane for Drug Release

        Lee, Soo Young,Cho, Young Ho,Youn, Ju Yong,Kim, Moon Suk,Lee, Bong,Khang, Gil Son,Lee, Hai Bang Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2007 Key Engineering Materials Vol.342-343 No.-

        <P>To develop osmotic granule with semi-permeable membranes, we prepared the semipermeable membranes with different pore forming agent by using solvent casting method. The membrane was consisted of cellulose acetate, Eudragit® RS, hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), and triethylcitrate (TEC) in the presence of PEG200, PEG1, 000, or dibutylsebacate(DBS) as a pore forming agent. The produced membranes were white and elastic and exhibited soft property on touch. The release amount of pore forming agent from membrane with different pore forming agent was measured in water dissolution media and the order was PEG200 > PEG1, 000 > DBS. The formation of pore in membrane was observed by morphological SEM image after dissolution. The pore formation and porosity of membrane depended on water solubility of pore forming agent. We confirmed that pores in porous semi-permeable membrane could be controlled by the pore forming agent.</P>


        Association of urinary phthalate metabolites and phenolics with adipokines and insulin resistance related markers among women of reproductive age

        Lee, Inae,Kim, Sunmi,Park, Suhyeon,Mok, Sori,Jeong, Yunsun,Moon, Hyo-Bang,Lee, Jangwoo,Kim, Sungkyoon,Kim, Hai-Joong,Choi, Gyuyeon,Choi, Sooran,Kim, Su Young,Lee, Aram,Park, Jeongim,Choi, Kyungho Elsevier BV 2019 Science of the Total Environment Vol.688 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Chemicals such as phthalates and phenolics have been associated with metabolic markers in humans. However, most studies have only looked at a limited number of chemicals, and little is known about their potential effects on adipokines in humans. In the present study, the associations between dozens of urinary chemicals, including phthalate metabolites and phenolics, and markers related to insulin resistance as well as major adipokines, were assessed among the women of reproductive age (<I>n</I> = 459, between 20 and 48 years of age) recruited from major cities in Korea between 2015 and 2016. Adipokines such as adiponectin and leptin, and insulin resistance related markers such as glucose and insulin, were analyzed in serum. Associations between urinary chemicals and the adipokines or insulin resistance related markers were assessed in two steps. First, ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used to assess the association of each urinary chemical with the adipokines or insulin resistance related markers (single-pollutant model). Second, several chemicals were selected using elastic net regression and were subsequently analyzed with OLS regression model (multi-pollutant model), considering simultaneous exposure to multiple chemicals. In both single- and multi-pollutant models, several urinary chemicals consistently showed significant associations with adipokines or the insulin resistance related markers. The sum of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate metabolites (ΣDEHPm) and ethyl paraben (EtP) were associated with increased serum adiponectin levels. Urinary ΣDEHPm levels also showed positive associations with fasting glucose. Moreover, urinary mono-methyl phthalate (MMP), mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP), and bisphenol S (BPS) levels showed positive associations with the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Interestingly, urinary propyl paraben (PrP) levels showed a negative association with HOMA-IR, in both models. Our observations show that among many consumer chemicals, phthalates may affect serum adipokines, and thus glucose, and insulin resistance in adult females. Further confirmation is warranted in other populations.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Urinary chemicals and metabolism related markers were measured in women of reproductive age. </LI> <LI> Multiple chemicals were considered in statistical models for adipokines and insulin resistance. </LI> <LI> Sum of DEHP metabolites and EtP were positively associated with serum adiponectin levels. </LI> <LI> Sum of DEHP metabolites was significantly associated with increased fasting glucose. </LI> <LI> MiBP was significantly associated with for increased HOMA-IR. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Factors Affecting the Rat of Release of 5- Fluorouracil from Ethylene - Vinyl Acetate Matrices

        Lee,Hai Bang,Oh,Seaung Youl,Chung,Hee Won,Cho,Sun Hang 한국약제학회 1994 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.24 No.3

        We have studied the effect of loading amount and particle size on the rate of release of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) from ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA_c) matrix. Release rate increased as the loading amount and particle size increase. We also studied the effect of additives (lactose and algin) on the rate of release of 5-FU. Both algin and lactose promoted the rate of release. The ability to increase the rate is in the order of algin>lactose>5-FU. Scanning electron microscope study clearly shows that large cavities and cracks are created. The results imply that, by the proper combinations of the amount of the additive, EVA_c and drug, the rate of drug release can be modulated over a wide range of values.

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