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        ( Ronald E. Goldsmith ),( Dae Kwan Kim ),( Leisa Flynn ),( Wan Min Kim ) 한국마케팅과학회 2010 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.1 No.1

        Setting and changing prices is difficult for marketing managers, especially for new products. Consumer price sensitivity (how consumers react to prices or to price changes) makes a difference in the likelihood consumers will buy (Ainslie and Rossi 1998). For many new products, the reactions of the earliest buyers or innovative consumers are critical to success (e.g., Munnukka 2005). But how important is the price of new products to innovators? The answer to this question is of theoretical interest and of practical importance to marketers, especially when marketing new fashions, where innovators play a crucial role in consumer acceptance. Existing research shows that innovators are relatively less sensitive to prices of new products than are later adopters; that is, they are more willing to pay higher prices (Goldsmith 1996, 1999). However, the evidence in favor of the negative relationship between innovativeness and price sensitivity is based largely on studies that conceptualize and measure innovativeness as a unidimensional construct (e.g., Goldsmith and Newell 1997). Although this approach is valid, it can be criticized because the concept of consumer innovativeness is multidimensional (see Muzinich, Pecotich, and Putrevu 2003). We propose that consumer innovativeness can be conceptualized as a higher-order construct consisting of four dimensions: involvement, information search, subjective knowledge, and opinion leadership. The purpose of the present study is to reevaluate the negative innovativeness/price sensitivity relationship using a causal model analysis in which innovativeness is represented by a multi-dimensional, second-order factor. To enhance this relationship`s generalizability, we perform the analysis on datasets from samples of consumers from Korea and the U.S., offering a cross-national comparison. Price sensitivity refers to individual differences in how consumers react to prices and price changes and is influenced by economic circumstances, demographics, situational factors, personality, amount of product use, and product involvement (Munnukka 2005). Price sensitivity varies across product categories as well as reflecting an overall marketplace disposition. Studies show that when consumer innovativeness is measured directly, a negative relationship exists between price sensitivity and innovativeness; consumers who want and buy the newest products are willing to pay more for them than less interested consumers (Goldsmith 1996, 1999; Goldsmith and Newell 1997). U.S. and Korean adults and college students completed the survey. The U.S. data came from a convenience sample of adult consumers. The sample consisted of 164 men and 151 women, with eight missing values for sex. The respondents ages ranged from 19 to 80, with a mean of 34.4 years (SD=12.5) and a median age of 29.5 years. In Korea the 857 respondents were aged 20 to 73 years, with a median of 27 years and included 398 men and 462 women. Students completed surveys in the classroom. Adults were surveyed via intercept interviews conducted in selected locations around the city of Pusan, S. Korea. The questionnaires contained multi-item scales used to measure fashion involvement, fashion information search, subjective fashion knowledge, fashion opinion leadership, and fashion price sensitivity. To test the hypothesis, we estimated the proposed second-order model with all measurement items from the second-order partial variance invariance CFA using EQS for Windows 6.1. The results revealed an excellent fit of the model with the empirical covariances with 2= 1371.79 on 426 df, NNFI=.940, CFI=.944, CAIC= -2063.07, and RMSEA=.044 (Hu and Bentler 1999). Relying on the excellent fit of the structural model, we tested the hypothesis of a negative effect of innovativeness on price sensitivity. The empirical results support the hypothesized negative effect (p<.01) with a standardized path coefficient of -.546 in Korea and -.569 in the U.S. Although the two coefficients are significantly different at .05, comparing these two coefficients is inadequate as the second order measurement model only supported partial variance invariance (Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1998). These results provide evidence for our novel conceptualization of consumer innovativeness and show that the negative innovativeness/price sensitivity relationship observed in U.S. consumers can be generalized to Korean consumers as well. Managerially, we see that managers can price new fashions at higher levels when they seek to sell them to fashion innovators than when they sell to later adopters. Basically, having the newest thing is worth the extra cost. Moreover, the findings extend the scope of the innovativeness/price sensitivity relationship to a new culture in which it has not yet been studied. This is evidence for the robustness of the theory of consumer innovativeness. The study supports the argument that consumer innovativeness can be conceptualized as a multi-dimensional construct. This may enable researchers to incorporate many variables into their models of consumer behavior that they could not do so previously because they lacked valid, reliable measures of these constructs. Methodologically oriented researchers should also examine possible negative aspects of this approach as well so that it is not accepted unquestionably by the research community. In conclusion, we feel that the study achieves its goal of introducing a new view of fashion innovativeness and a new way to operationalize it cross-culturally. By conceptualizing fashion innovativeness as a second order concept, this study offers a more comprehensive approach to its measure. Furthermore, the dual study context, Korean and U.S. consumers, suggests a possibility that fashion innovativeness results in price insensitivity cross culturally.

      • Fashion innovativeness and materialism

        Ronald E. Goldsmith,Leisa R. Flynn,ELIZABETH B. GOLDSMITH,Wan-Min Kim 한국마케팅과학회 2013 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.4 No.4

        The purpose of the study described here was to investigate the relationship betweenmaterialism and fashion innovativeness in two consumer societies, the US and SouthKorea. The data came from surveys of 259 US student consumers and 225 SouthKorean student consumers. Correlation and regression analysis tested the hypotheses. Materialism was positively associated in both samples of consumers with fashioninnovativeness at the total scale level and with most of the subdimensions of bothscales, but only the centrality, happiness and attractiveness subscales were positivelyrelated to fashion innovativeness in the regression analysis, suggesting that these arethe dominant motivators. Although the findings are limited to the countries andmeasures used, they imply that fashion innovativeness is positively associatedwith at leastsome aspects ofmaterialism.We can surmise that some consumers satisfy aspects of theirmaterialistic needs by purchasing fashionable clothing. Marketers of new fashion canenhance the appeal of their products by stressing materialistic themes, such as centrality,happiness and attractiveness, in their promotions. Cross-culturalmarketing effortsmay besimilar in this regard. The study is original in that there are very fewstudies ofmaterialism,a powerful influence on a variety of consumer behaviors and fashion innovativeness.Nonecompare countries; none use the newer Kasser Aspiration Index to measure materialism;and few examine subscale relationships.



        Goldsmith, Paul F.,Pineda, Jorge L.,Langer, William D.,Liu, Tie,Requena-Torres, Miguel,Ricken, Oliver,Riquelme, Denise American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astrophysical journal Vol.824 No.2

        <P>We study the effects of an asymmetric radiation field on the properties of a molecular cloud envelope. We employ observations of carbon monoxide ((CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13), atomic carbon, ionized carbon, and atomic hydrogen to analyze the chemical and physical properties of the core and envelope of L1599B, a molecular cloud forming a portion of the ring at similar or equal to 27 pc from the star A Ori. The 08 star provides an asymmetric radiation field that produces a moderate enhancement of the external radiation field. Observations of the [C II] fine structure line with the GREAT instrument on SOFIA indicate a significant enhanced emission on the side of the cloud facing the star, while the [C (CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13 J = 1-0 and 2-1, and (CO)-C-12 J = 3-2 data from the Purple Mountain Observatory and APEX telescopes suggest a relatively typical cloud interior. The atomic, ionic, and molecular line centroid velocities track each other very closely, and indicate that the cloud may be undergoing differential radial motion. The Hi data from the Arecibo GALFA survey and the SOFIA/GREAT [C II] data do not suggest any systematic motion of the halo gas, relative to the dense central portion of the cloud traced by (CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Chinese Entrepreneurs, the Party-State, and Gender: Women Succeed in Business without the CCP

        Chen, Minglu,Goldsmith, Benjamin E.,Ratcliff, Shaun 동아시아연구원 2022 Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.22 No.3

        In this article, we take a gender perspective to explore the relationship between private entrepreneurs’ business success and their Chinese Communist Party (CCP) membership. We theorize that, due to male-dominated CCP-business networks, female entrepreneurs are not able to leverage CCP membership into greater business success. Observable implications of this are that women will experience little or no business advantage from Party membership, while men will experience a significant advantage. The independence of women's business success from Party connections allows the possibility that women have carved out an area of autonomy from the party-state. Using a series of national entrepreneur surveys collected between 2002 and 2012, we assess the degree of empirical support for our expectations. We show that the CCP does appear to function as an exclusive “boys’ club” in terms of profitable patronage or networks, while the most successful women tend not to be Party members. The surveys also provide some evidence consistent with a CCP effort to recruit successful female entrepreneurs in order to curtail their autonomy. Our findings suggest non-CCP female entrepreneurs are a significant but generally overlooked socio-economic group with considerable potential autonomy.


        Information Recovery From Pairwise Measurements

        Chen, Yuxin,Suh, Changho,Goldsmith, Andrea J. IEEE 2016 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol.62 No.10

        <P>This paper is concerned with jointly recovering n node variables {x(i)}(1 <= i <= n) from a collection of pairwise difference measurements. Imagine we acquire a few observations taking the form of x(i) - x(j); the observation pattern is represented by a measurement graph G with an edge set E, such that x(i) - x(j) is observed if and only if (i, j) is an element of E. To account for noisy measurements in a general manner, we model the data acquisition process by a set of channels with given input/output transition measures. Employing information-theoretic tools applied to channel decoding problems, we develop a unified framework to characterize the fundamental recovery criterion, which accommodates general graph structures, alphabet sizes, and channel transition measures. In particular, our results isolate a family of minimum channel divergence measures to characterize the degree of measurement corruption, which together with the size of the minimum cut of G dictates the feasibility of exact information recovery. For various homogeneous graphs, the recovery condition depends almost only on the edge sparsity of the measurement graph irrespective of other graphical metrics; alternatively, the minimum sample complexity required for these graphs scales like (n log n)/(Hel(1/2)(min)) for certain information metric Hel(1/2)(min) defined in the main text, as long as the alphabet size is not super-polynomial in n. We apply our general theory to three concrete applications, including the stochastic block model, the random corruption model, and the haplotype assembly problem. Our theory leads to orderwise tight recovery conditions for all these scenarios.</P>

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Shopping Orientation on Cosmetic Attribute Evaluation, Purchase Motivation, and Re-purchase Intention

        박현희,구동모,ELIZABETH B. GOLDSMITH 대한가정학회 2009 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.10 No.2

        The Purpose of the current study is to investigate the differences in cosmetics attribute evaluation, purchase motivation, and brand re-purchase intention with respect to shopping orientations of Korean female university students. Questionnaires were distributed to 250 female students at Kyungpook National University and 220 completed questionnaires were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, shopping orientations and cosmetics attribute evaluation each generated four factor solutions, whereas cosmetics purchase motivations produced three factors. Second, three consumer groups - Efficiency Shopper Group, Indifference Shopper Group Ambivalence Shopper Group - with different shopping orientations were identified. Third, the study found significant differences in consumers' attribute evaluation such as function and price among the groups. The study also revealed a significant difference in contingent purchase motivations and brand re-purchase intention among the groups. From these results, we could identify that cosmetics re-purchase intention was significantly different among three different groups with different shopping orientations. Furthermore, consumer classification according to shopping orientations in cosmetics product purchase can be used by cosmetics marketers and managers to establish product plan and marketing strategy development. Additionally, the current study has originality and value that the relationship between shopping orientation and re-purchase intention has not been studied very much in the cosmetics product domain.

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