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      • KCI등재

        청도새마을운동 기념공원 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.3

        The Saemaeul Movement, which is the representative national campaign of Korea aimed at the development of local communities, has drawn a great deal of attention from home and abroad and formed an element of Korea``s national brand since 2000. Accordingly, this research was conducted for the purpose of constructing a memorial park in Shindo Village, Cheongdo County, North Kyoungsang Province, which is a home to the Saemaeul Movement. As the Saemaeul Movement is benchmarked by many countries around the world today, this research aims to communicate the spirit and social value of the movement and disseminate its effects of local community development in rural areas through the construction of a memorial park. In this study, the design motive of the memorial park was conceived through the historical review and case studies of the Saemaeul Movement. In parallel, theoretical study was also conducted on design techniques as the basis of this research. In consideration of the characteristics of a technical article, this research was conducted in several phases. In the first phase, the conditions of the site where the park construction was planned were analyzed and the direction of its development was set. In the second phase, the main theme and the basic principles of planning were established, and the contents of the park construction project were devised in detail. In the last phase, a comprehensive plan was established, including a space layout to accommodate activities, facilities and programs to be introduced to the park. The park construction site (106,000㎡) was divided into four zones (memorial zone, historical theme park, education zone and experience zone) based on circulation planning aimed at creating memorial space, and was linked to eco-friendly ecological space in consideration of environmental features. At a time when the Saemaeul Movement is being propagated across the world, the result of this study will help create a place for its memorial and play a pivotal role to boost international movements aimed at promoting co-prosperity across the global village. It will also bear significance as an example of theme-based park construction in a rural area and the invigoration of a local community.

      • KCI등재

        기술논문 : 삼백 농업,농촌 테마공원 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.1

        This study aims to draw up a basic plan to construct an agricultural theme park in a farming city as a way of establishing its regional identity represented by “Three Whites.” Sangju, Kyongsangbuk-do which is the subject area of the study has been well-known for "Three Whites (rice, silkworm cocoon and dried persimmon)." The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at the folk life and culture of Sangju and develop tourism resources to promote regional development and competitiveness of the city. This study was conducted in several phases in consideration of the characteristics of plan and design, on the basis of the theoretical review of agricultural tourism. In the first phase, planning conditions were analyzed as per development objectives. In the second phase, strategies and concepts were established for the theme park, based on which development methods were decided by phase and facility. Then, a preliminary review was conducted on functions and facilities to introduce to the theme park. In the third phase, a comprehensive plan was drawn up, which includes basic plans for respective parts. In consideration of the characteristics of the study, construction was not looked at in detail. The total size of land subject to the study is approx. 97,960㎡, which was divided into four separate zones-Sambaek Cultural Experience Zone, Natural Observation & Experience Zone, Agricultural Life Experience Zone and other facilities zone--in order to connect facilities, functions and experience with the physical characteristics of the city, and separate space planning was conducted for each zone. The outcome of the study carries significance as an example of alternative tourism which considers regional characteristics, develops local resources and makes use of obsolete rural facilities, in what is called the eco-friendly development where nature and eco-system, landscape and culture, and recreation and leisure come together as one.

      • KCI등재

        청송 사과체험테마파크 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2013 농촌계획 Vol.19 No.3

        This study aimed to plan a distinctive apple theme park, thereby specializing the nationwide brand of Cheongsong apple. Detailed objectives included: to establish the best possible environments in Korea to taste and appreciate apple and enjoy the Cheongsong Apple Festival; to identify and foster natural, cultural and social resources in the clean environment of Cheongsong; to clusterize research and production infrastructures for strengthening local competitiveness; and to develop a hub for the vitalization of the region where visitors and locals can mutually prosper. The study was multi-phased. The first stage included basic surveys such as local status and environment analysis and similar case studies, and the second stage was to review the appropriateness of theme selection, develop basic principles and strategies for development goals and review and incorporate project details. And the third stage aimed to develop a comprehensive plan from spatial plans and program plans and suggest plans to vitalize the operation of the park. The dimension of the subject site was 180,150㎡, which was divided into four areas, in consideration of the land use and the environmental characteristics of the resources, for developing a land use scheme. The four areas were named: the apple-theme cultual area; the agricultural culture experience area; the plaza for exchange and harmony; and the plaza for natural observation. This study has significance in that it can serve as a case to develop farm theme parks, and as a case of appropriate development of programs to identify amenity resources with a focus on the existing resources and in consideration of local characteristics.

      • 철 환원법에 의한 엣칭용 염화철폐액 처리에서 볼밀에 의한 철의 재생

        朴贊友,鄭又元,李萬浩,李尙昱 경북대학교 산업기술연구소 1996 産業技術硏究誌 Vol.24 No.-

        We compared the regeneration effects of iron powders with ball-mill treatment at various conditions in the treatment of the waste FeCl_3 solution. And sludges formed during the reaction of Ni^2+ removal were analyzed with X - ray diffractometer and particle size analyzer.

      • KCI등재

        GIS를 이용한 네트워크 최적화 시스템 구축

        박찬규,이상욱,박순달,성기석,진희채 한국경영과학회 2000 經營 科學 Vol.17 No.1

        By managing not only geographical information but also various kinds of attribute date, GIS presents useful information for decision-makings Most of decision-making problems using GIS can be formulated into network-optimization problems in this study, we deal with the implementation of network optimization system that extracts data from the database in GIS, solves a network optimization problems, and present optimal solutions through GIS' graphical user interface We design a network optimization system, and present some implementation techniques by showing a prototype of the network optimization system Our network optimization system consists of three components the interface module for user and GIS, the basic network optimization program module, the advanced network optimization program module To handle large-scale networks, the program module including various techniques for large sparse networks is also considered For the implementation of the network optimization system, we consider two approaches the method using script languages supported by GIS, and the method using client tools of GIS Finally, some execution results displayed by the prototype version of network optimization system are given

      • 민주화와 정치제도화

        박찬욱 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1997 한국사회과학 Vol.19 No.1

        이 글은 정치제도가-문화와 상호작용면서-민주주의의 공교화를 결정하는 핵심적 요소라는 전제하에 한국의 정당·의회·선거의 제도화 수준을 분석하였으며, 민주주의의 공고화를 위해 제도적 영역에서 당면한 정책과제들을 도출하고자 하였다. 먼저 정당의 제도화에서는 정당과 대중의 연계, 정당의 자율성과 그 기능수행의 효율성, 정당조직의 민주화, 정당체제의 안정성과 경쟁성 등을 주요요소로 분석하였다. 의회의 제도화 수준은 의회가 비교적 높은 수준의 자율성·응집성·복합성을 갖고 정책형성, 연계와 대표, 체제의 통합과 정당화라는 3대 기능을 얼마나 효과적으로 수행하느냐 여부를 증심으로 파악하였다. 선거정치의 제도화는 공정하고 공명한 선거의 정착에 초점을 두고 분석하였다. 민주화과정과 함께 한국의 정치과정에서 선거정치가 차지하는 비중이 점차 커지면서 정당·의회·선거 등과 관련된 각종 제도와 법률의 개혁이 요구되었고, 그에 따른 각종 제도와 법률이 부분적으로 개정되기도 하였다. 그럼에도 아직 한국의 정당과 의회는 선거정치와 대의민주주의의 핵심적 장치로서 제도적 가치와 안정성을 확보하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 정당·의회·선거는 밀접한 상호관계를 가지고 있으므로 정치제도화를 통한 민주화전략은 이들 제도를 통합적으로 접근·고찰해야 한다. 이러한 논지 속에서 여기에서는 정치제도화의 확립방향을 정당의 역할을 재정립하는 문제로서 접근하고 그 하나로 우선 대통령의 집권여당에 대한 통제를 완화하는 방안을 검토하였다. 또 노조 등 각종 사회집단과 세력들의 다양한 정치참여를 정당정치로 흡수해야 하며, 이를 위해 필요한 경우 정당설립 요건을 완화하는 것도 고려되어야 함을 지적하였다. 국회의 자율성 제고와 입법기능의 활성화를 통하여 의회정치의 정상화를 도모하고자 하였다. 아울러 선거가 후보자간 공정한 경쟁을 보장할 수 있도록 선거제도의 개선방안들도 논의의 대상으로 삼았다. This article analyzes the degree of the institutionalization of political parties, the parliament and elections in Korea under the premise that political institutions, interacting with political culture, is the key determining factor in the consolidation of democracy. It also attempts to derive policy problems we face in the institutional arena for the consolidation of democracy. In analyzing the institutionalization of political parties, the connection between political parties and the people, the autonomy of political parties, the efficiency of political parties in carrying out its functions, the democratization of party organizations, the stability and competitiveness of the party system etc will be considered to be main factors. And the degree of the institutionalization of the parliament will be understood to depend mainly on how efficiently the parliament carries out its three primary functions-policy shaping, connection and representation, and system integration-with a relatively high level of autonomy, cohesion and complexity. Finally, the fixation of a fair and open election will be the focus in analyzing the institutionalization of electoral politics. In conclusion, the strategy of democratization through political institutionalization requires an unified approach and examination of political parties, the parliament and elections, for there is a very close interrelationship between these three institutions.

      • 韓國 氣象資料의 分析을 通한 運氣 氣候에 關한 硏究

        朴燦永,金基郁,朴炫局 동국대학교 한의학연구소 2000 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        명대 장경악은 기상 현상에 관하여 “오운육기를 토대로 기화를 추측하면 피차의 영허에 대해 십중칠팔은 들어맞는다”고 하였는데, 이를 착안하여 논자는 『황제내경』에 기재된 기상에 관하여 운기의 기후 특징을 한반도 서울을 중심으로 실제 기상관측 자료와 비교 분석하였다. 기상청 자료를 토대로 서울의 평균 풍속·평균 기온·강수량·평균 습도를 운기 이론 가운데 대운과 비교하였다. 또한 과거 1564년에서 1863년까지 한반도의 이상 기후 발생 빈도와 운기성쇠·운기동화·운기순역과 비교하였을 때, 운기동화의 경우와 이상 기후 발생 빈도와 일치하였다. 다만 본 논문의 실제관측 자료와 통계는 한국의 서울을 중심한 분석이기에, 중국과의 어느 정도 오차를 고려하여야 할 것이다. The comparison of climate s character of Yunqi(運氣) with the data of meterological observation were made in the research of climate. 1. The comparison of the average velocity of wind, temperature, rainfall, humidity of Seoul, by late 1954 to 1983, with Yunqi(運氣) was made. Fire-Chi(火氣) and moistme-qi(??氣) were matched with the attribute of Taiyun(大運). Cold-qi(寒氣) was had some relationshlp. Dry-qi(??氣) and Wind-qi(風氣) were not matched. About the relationship of Spirit-of-official-sky(可天之氣) with climate, when the Moisture-soil(??土) was added, they were matched and when the King-fire(君火) was added, they have some relationship. But Wind-tree(風木), Dry-metal(??金), Buble-fire(相火), Cold-water(寒水) was added they were not matched. 2. According to the observation data of rainfall by late 180 years of Seoul; about Taiyun(大運), when the Water-Yun(水運) was greatly exceeded and Fire-Yun(火運) was shorted, in the case of Official-sky(司天), when Wind-Tree(風木) was added, the frequency was highly. So when the Soil-Yun(土運) was greatly exceeded and when Official-sky(司天)was added to the Moisture-soil(??土), the rainfall was not matched. 3. The relationship of the frequency of the abnormal climate occurrences between Yunqi-promotion-weak(運氣盛??)and Yunqi-Hannony(運氣同化) and Yunqi-soft-attaclung(運氣順逆) in the weather of Korean Peninsula was compared by 1564 to 1863. They were not matched except the case of Yunqi-Harmony(運氣同化). 4. There were some cases which were not matched exactly between the climate predicted by the theory and real climate in 1984, the year of Kap-ga(甲子年). But many correspondence between the observation by the office of meteorology and the prediction by the analysis from Yun-qi-sang-hab(運氣相合) theory. 5. Because meterological phenomena of real world and analysis from the hypothesis of Yunqi(運氣) have no relationship with each other, some of Doctor denied Yunqi(運氣) in the way of matching mechanically. But the thought of Doctor who denied Fortune-spirit(運氣) made promotion for the theory of divination by bringing deeper insight. And it was not only the negative side. 6. In the point of geographical difference, the climate of China, the origination Yunqi theory, is different from the Korea's. Thus some observation errors should be considered. From the basis of this thesis, I hope that the deeper advance would be made into the Korean Yunqi theory.

      • KCI등재후보

        만성 위염전 2 례

        박찬규,이동욱,남성진,김추성,조성래,구본천,박영재,허규찬 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1997 계명의대학술지 Vol.16 No.3

        위염전은 위의 비정상적인 회전으로 생기는데 급성증에서는 진단이 늦어질 경우 치명적일 수도 있으나, 만성증의 경우는 비특이적 위장관 중상을 나타내며, 치료되지 않을 경우 수년 동안 증상이 지속될 수도 있다. 최근 저자들은 소화불량, 식후 상복부 동통을 주소로 내원한 환자에서 만성위염전 2 례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Gastric volvulus is an abnormal rotation of the stomach. Gastric volvulus may present as an emergency or as a chronic condition. Acute volvulus si potentially lethal if unrecognized, while a chronic volvulus may cause symptoms for years if not treated. Gastric volvulus may be more common than previously estimated. Approximately 700 cases have thus far been documented. In patients with vague upper abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, early satiety and weight loss, chronic gastric volvulus are reported and the related literature reviewed. The clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment are treatment are discussed. Features of acute and chronic volvulus are compared.

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