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      • KCI우수등재

        대구광역시 도시근린공원의 유형분석

        박찬용(Park Chan-Yong),권기찬(Kwun Kee-Chan),강신용(Kang Shin-Yong),김용수(Kim Yong-Soo) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2003 國土計劃 Vol.38 No.6

        Now days leisure gets more and more important, so we call our society as a general leisure age or an age of leisure popularization. As citizens became anxious for improving their qualitative lives, they wanted more comfortable dwelling environments and leisure places. With all these, the reality is forcing us to classify parks more adequately. Because of all the social characteristics and rapid changes in the urban structures, we are demanded to improve our cities. Nevertheless urban area parks are not satisfying the various needs of citizens and are not playing the various roles, but built in all same types and patterns. Now, our urban area parks can be divided into 4 types according to their sizes, and their attraction distances. But this kind of classification doesn’t take into consideration of the location of parks and their spacial uniqueness. Added to this, with this classification, we can’t distinguish parks again according to their function and roles. so we tried to clarify the features of the near-located parks and looked through how they are different, checked the environmental factors and local peculiarities that might affect the park. Then we searched for the measures that will be helpful to enable the parks to meet the various needs of people and to function as leisure places and recreation fields showing enhanced utilization rate.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Assessment of Utilities of Urban Forest with Reference to User Satisfaction - Case Study of Apsan City Natural Park in Taegu -

        Chan Yong Park 한국산림과학회 1991 한국산림과학회지 Vol.80 No.1

        This study aims at identifying factors and variables which have significant effects on users satisfaction with recreational activities and facilities in Apsan city natural park and thereby establishing indicies of planning and/or development of urban forest. To test the causal models of this research, The data were gathered by self-administered questionnaires from 1,147 households in Taegu city which were selected by the multi-stage probabiling sampling method. The analysis of the data primarily consist of two phases : The fires analysis dealt with exploratory factor analysis which identified major factors involved in satisfaction with recreational activities and facilities in Apsan city natural park and the second analysis tested the fit of causal models of this research to the data using LISREI, methodology. LISREL refers to a general statistical model for analysis if Linear Structural RELationships among quantitative variables. Now a new verson of ;accompanying computer program, LISREL VI is available. LISREL IV is an improved to fit and test structural equation models which specify phenomena antler study in terms of putative cause and effect variables and their indicators. The variables in the structural equations may be observed measurements or latent variables The LISREL or casual model consists of the measurement and structural equation models. The measurement model specifies how the latent variables are measured in terms of the observed variables and is used to describe the measurement properties of the observed variable. The structural equation model specifies the casual relationships among the latent variable and is used to describe the causal effects. Latent variables of unobserved variables represent theoretical constructs. The LISREL model consists of two sets of unobserved variables, the dependent variables η, and the independent variable ξ, which are considered a cause of η in the system of linear structural relations: η=Βη_Γξ+ζ where Β and Γ are parameter matrices of direct causal effects and ζ is a vector of structural disturbance or residuals. The LI5REL computer program estimates the unknown coefficients of the structural equations and the covariance matrices of the residuals and measurement errors. Standard errors of all estimated paramated are provided along with chi-square tests of the fit of the models and structural hypotheses within the model. The most important advantage of LISREL comparing with multivariate analytic techniques is that is enables the researcher to test a theory. To use LISREL the researcher should have a priori theory to be tested. The factor analysis identified that three significant factors are involved in satisfaction with recreational activities and that five significant factors are inherent in satisfaction with recreational facilities. The three factors of satisfaction with recreational activities are mental relaxation, physical health, and calmness and the five factors related to satisfaction with recreational facilities are convenience Facility, linear physical exercise facility, viewing facility, space for repose and play, and climbing facility. The second phase analysis tested the tit of the causal models for satisfaction with recreational activides and facilities to the data and identified sadistically significant causal linkage among overall satisfaction with the park, other indigenous factors and exogenous variables. Overall fits of both causal models were goad. Among iudogenous factors, calmness and space for repose and play factors were identified as having significant effects on overall satisfaction. Exogenous variables which have significant effects on indogenous variables were also identified. These significant relationships represent important factors and variables that should be considered in planning and/or development of the city natural park. On the basis of there significant causal relationships implications for planning and/or development

      • KCI등재

        청도새마을운동 기념공원 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.3

        The Saemaeul Movement, which is the representative national campaign of Korea aimed at the development of local communities, has drawn a great deal of attention from home and abroad and formed an element of Korea``s national brand since 2000. Accordingly, this research was conducted for the purpose of constructing a memorial park in Shindo Village, Cheongdo County, North Kyoungsang Province, which is a home to the Saemaeul Movement. As the Saemaeul Movement is benchmarked by many countries around the world today, this research aims to communicate the spirit and social value of the movement and disseminate its effects of local community development in rural areas through the construction of a memorial park. In this study, the design motive of the memorial park was conceived through the historical review and case studies of the Saemaeul Movement. In parallel, theoretical study was also conducted on design techniques as the basis of this research. In consideration of the characteristics of a technical article, this research was conducted in several phases. In the first phase, the conditions of the site where the park construction was planned were analyzed and the direction of its development was set. In the second phase, the main theme and the basic principles of planning were established, and the contents of the park construction project were devised in detail. In the last phase, a comprehensive plan was established, including a space layout to accommodate activities, facilities and programs to be introduced to the park. The park construction site (106,000㎡) was divided into four zones (memorial zone, historical theme park, education zone and experience zone) based on circulation planning aimed at creating memorial space, and was linked to eco-friendly ecological space in consideration of environmental features. At a time when the Saemaeul Movement is being propagated across the world, the result of this study will help create a place for its memorial and play a pivotal role to boost international movements aimed at promoting co-prosperity across the global village. It will also bear significance as an example of theme-based park construction in a rural area and the invigoration of a local community.

      • 八公山 自然公園의 利用者 滿足에 關한 因果模型 硏究 : Case Study of Palgong Natural Park in Taegu

        朴贊龍,玄重英 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1993 資源問題硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        This research suggests a causal model to investigate factors and variables which significant effects on user satisfaction with natural park recreational facilities in Palgong Natural Park in Daegu, and thereby identifing implications for planning and development of urban natural parks and provincial parks. For this study data were gathered by self- administered question-nares from 933 households selected by the multi - stage probability sampling method. The analysis of the data consists of two phases. The first involves exploratory factor analysis of the draw meaningful factors from the data. Four factors were identified. The second phase test the casual model of this research employing LISREL methodology. On the base of the analysis results. important implication for planning urban natural park and provincial park are recommended.

      • KCI등재

        현대사회의 쟁점과 문학교육 : 세대갈등과 문학교육의 전략

        박용찬 ( Yong Chan Park ) 한국문학교육학회 2013 문학교육학 Vol.41 No.-

        Intergenerational Conflict and Strategies of Literature Education Park, Yong-Chan This article focuses on the role of literature education to resolve the intergenerational conflict. This article deals with literary works in korean language textbooks mainly concerning intergenerational conflict. Intergenerational conflict comes from the difference in recognition of reality and values which each of generations have. The rapid social changes bring about the difference of historical events and cultural experience between each generations. This is a factor accelerating the intergenerational conflict. Since human life contains a conflict itself, the conflict is bound to be a main material in literature works. Intergenerational conflict in literature works is mainly presented as a form of the conflict between parents and child. Since intergenerational conflict takes on the aspects of vertical conflict, it is more serious than horizontal conflict within the same generation. The novels dealing with intergenerational conflict have been positioned as an important canon(正典) in the literary education fields. This article adopted Lee Tae-jun`s ?A Stone Bridge?, Park Wan-seo`s ?A Twilight?, Oh Seung-hee`s ?Meju which followed Grandmother? as main texts in discussion. The main cause of conflicts is mainly derived from the difference of value consciousness looking at the object. These three literary works show the conflict between characters whose values are different. These conflicts can be called a confrontation between characters grew up in a different culture. Intergenerational conflict is derived from an absence of communication between each generations about assessment of value. To resolve the conflict, The width of sympathy and understanding for each other is important. It is more desirable to expose the aspects of conflict rather than hiding it in order to find a solution more seriously. For the first, It is necessary to secure many education canon dealing with intergenerational conflict in the literature education fields. Next, in the process of teaching and learning, activities to understand the other side must be planned as a teaching strategies. Through these process, it makes the learner experience the empathy and communication with each other. At last, while the learner re-contextualize the conflicts on the basis of learned literary abilities, the learner also should develop the problem-solving skills in a new situation.

      • 間歇的 運動에 의한 脫水 및 水分攝取의 生理的 效果

        朴哲浩,朴吉俊,李相于,金永明,朴贊熙,玄松子,呂南會,朴相甲,金榮俊 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 1989 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        This study aims at revealing the physiological responses of dehydration (DH) and rehydration (RH) in intermittent exercises at the work intensity of 70% HR max. First, with general student public, three times of exercise (each for 20 minutes) at the given work intensity were taken, with a break for 25 minutes respectively. Their heart rate, rectal temperature and plasma electrolyte concentration both DH and RH were measured. Second, in two groups of athletes and non-athletes, 9 rounds of exercise (for 100 minutes) and 8 breaks (for 60 minutes) were taken, with RH forced 10 times to compensate for the subjects' water loss. Their change in sweat loss and plasma electrolyte concentration as well as the IVDP(Intensive Voluntary dehydration Phenomenon) were experimented. The summary of this research follows. 1) Mean heart rate and rectal temperature in intermittent exercises were higher at DH than at RH, growing up at the increasing level of DH. 2) RH saw no change in the plasma concentration of Na+, K+ and Cl-, while DH observed a significant increase. 3) HCO₃made a significant decrease at DH before growing up. 4) Mg++ had no change, while Ca++ increased significantly at RH and DH. 5) Lactate showed an increase with significance at RH and DH, especially greater at DH. 6) Osmotic pressure increased meaningfully at DH. 7) Anion gap increased significantly at DH and RH. 8) On the other hand, when the forced RH was held, the group of athletes had greater sweat loss per body surface area than that of non-athletes. 9) The athletes' plasma concentration of Na+ and Cl- revealed a clear decrease. 10) There was seen no significant change in the plasma concentration of K+, Mg++ and Ca++ in both groups. 11) The IVDP occurred at the RH of 2.3ℓfor athletes and more than 2.5ℓfor no-athletes.

      • 연산반응법을 이용한 녹지 관련용어의 의미분석에 관한 연구

        박찬용,이영대 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1997 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.20 No.-

        This research aims at investigating how the public understand greenery related concepts and what kind of images of the concepts they have employing the associative response method. The analysis result shows that the public's responses to the greenery related concepts are relatively confined to specific terms. In case of natural environment, people assoicate it not only with "clean and pure" but also with "preservation and protection" that are attributable to their strong respones against destruction of natural elements such as hill, tree, woods, water, river and stream by pollution and waste warer. People strongly respond to greenery in terms of vegetative covers independent of continuity of open space and ownership. People assoicate parks primarily with functions of recreational places such as rest and walk. Parks are associated more with artifacts than other concepts. The concept of "green" is realted with positive responses such as "pleasurable, beautiful, clean, serene." The concept of "greenery" is most highly related to the concept of "green" and the concept of "pleasurable, environment" is lastly related to the concept of "park." This is because natural environment, greenery and green have common natural elements while parks consist of relatively more artifactual elements than other entities. Based on these findings, it is recommended that further survey research emlpoying samples of public subjects heed on communications of exact meanings and selection of related concpets.

      • KCI우수등재

        都市林의 屋外레크레이션 機能과 價値의 計量的 評價에 關한 硏究 -都市林의 利用滿足度를 中心으로-

        박찬용,Park, Chan-Yong 한국조경학회 1990 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        This study aims at identifying factors and variables which have significant effects on users satisfaction with recreational activities and facilities in Apsan city natural park and therby establishing indicies of planning and / or development of urban forest. To test the causal models of this research, The data were gathered by self-administered questionnaires from 1,147 households in Taegu city which were selected by the multi-stage probabiling sampling method. The analysis of the data primarily consist of two phases : The first analysis dealt with exploratory factor analysis which identified major factors involved in satisfaction with recreational activities and facilities in Apasn city natural park and the second analysis tested the fit of causal models of this research to the data using LISREL methodology. The factor analysis identified that three significant factors are involved in satisfaction with recreational activities and five significant factors are inherent in satisfaction with recreational facilities. The second phase analysis tested the fit of the causal models for satisfaction with recreational activities and facilities to the data and identified statistically significant causal linkage among overall satisfaction with the park, other indogenous factors and exogenous variables. These significant relationships represent important factors and variables that should be considered in planning and/of development of the city natural park. On the basis of there significant causal relationships implications for planning and/or development of the city natural park were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        청송 사과체험테마파크 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2013 농촌계획 Vol.19 No.3

        This study aimed to plan a distinctive apple theme park, thereby specializing the nationwide brand of Cheongsong apple. Detailed objectives included: to establish the best possible environments in Korea to taste and appreciate apple and enjoy the Cheongsong Apple Festival; to identify and foster natural, cultural and social resources in the clean environment of Cheongsong; to clusterize research and production infrastructures for strengthening local competitiveness; and to develop a hub for the vitalization of the region where visitors and locals can mutually prosper. The study was multi-phased. The first stage included basic surveys such as local status and environment analysis and similar case studies, and the second stage was to review the appropriateness of theme selection, develop basic principles and strategies for development goals and review and incorporate project details. And the third stage aimed to develop a comprehensive plan from spatial plans and program plans and suggest plans to vitalize the operation of the park. The dimension of the subject site was 180,150㎡, which was divided into four areas, in consideration of the land use and the environmental characteristics of the resources, for developing a land use scheme. The four areas were named: the apple-theme cultual area; the agricultural culture experience area; the plaza for exchange and harmony; and the plaza for natural observation. This study has significance in that it can serve as a case to develop farm theme parks, and as a case of appropriate development of programs to identify amenity resources with a focus on the existing resources and in consideration of local characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        기술논문 : 삼백 농업,농촌 테마공원 기본계획

        권진욱 ( Jin Wook Kwon ),박찬용 ( Chan Yong Park ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.1

        This study aims to draw up a basic plan to construct an agricultural theme park in a farming city as a way of establishing its regional identity represented by “Three Whites.” Sangju, Kyongsangbuk-do which is the subject area of the study has been well-known for "Three Whites (rice, silkworm cocoon and dried persimmon)." The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at the folk life and culture of Sangju and develop tourism resources to promote regional development and competitiveness of the city. This study was conducted in several phases in consideration of the characteristics of plan and design, on the basis of the theoretical review of agricultural tourism. In the first phase, planning conditions were analyzed as per development objectives. In the second phase, strategies and concepts were established for the theme park, based on which development methods were decided by phase and facility. Then, a preliminary review was conducted on functions and facilities to introduce to the theme park. In the third phase, a comprehensive plan was drawn up, which includes basic plans for respective parts. In consideration of the characteristics of the study, construction was not looked at in detail. The total size of land subject to the study is approx. 97,960㎡, which was divided into four separate zones-Sambaek Cultural Experience Zone, Natural Observation & Experience Zone, Agricultural Life Experience Zone and other facilities zone--in order to connect facilities, functions and experience with the physical characteristics of the city, and separate space planning was conducted for each zone. The outcome of the study carries significance as an example of alternative tourism which considers regional characteristics, develops local resources and makes use of obsolete rural facilities, in what is called the eco-friendly development where nature and eco-system, landscape and culture, and recreation and leisure come together as one.

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