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      • KCI우수등재

        재래한우의 보존을 위한 혈청 및 혈구단백질의 유전적 다형현상

        한상기(S . K . Han),윤희섭(H . S . Yoon),정의룡(E . Y . Chung),신유철(Y . C . Shin),변희대(H . D . Byun) 한국축산학회 1995 한국축산학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Biochemical polymorphisms of five red cell and semen proteins, Hemoglobin(Hb), Transferrin(Tf), Post-transferrin 2(Ptf2), Post-albumin(Pa) and Albumin(Alb) as genetic markers in Korean cattle were analyzed by Starch and Polyacryamide gel electrophoresis and their phenotypes, genotypes and gene frequencies were estimated in order to analysis the genetic constitution of Korean native cattle population. In the Hemoglobin(Hb) locus four different phenotypes AA, AB, BB and CH were observed and assumed to be controlled by four different alleles designated Hb^A, Hb^B, Hb^C and Hb^H, and the Hb^H type was rare variant of Korean native cattle. The observed distribution of phenotypes were 73.37% for AA type, 23.37% for AB type. 2.72% for BB type and 0.54%r for CH type. Gene frequencies of Hb^A, Hb^B, Hb^C and Hb^H were 0.8505, 0.1440, 0.0027 and 0.0027. Semen Transfetrin(Tf) locus, 11 different phenotypes AA, AD₁, AD₂, AE, AH, D₁D₁, D₁D₂, D₁E, D₂H, D₂D₂, D₂E, EE and EH type were identified, which considered to be controlled by codominant alleles TF,^A Tf^D, Tf^D, Tf^E and Tf^H at a single locus. The frequencies of Tf genotypes AD₁, D₁E, D₁D₂, D₂E, AA, AE, D₁D₂, AD₂, D₁D₁, EE, AH, D₂H and EH were found to be 16.30, 13.33, 11.85, 10.37, 9.69, 8.15, 7.41, 9.63, 5.93, 4.44, 1.48, 0.74 and 0.01%, respectively. Gene frequencies of TF^A, Tf^(D1) Tf^(D2) and Tf^H were 0.2741, 0.2704, 0,2333, 0.2074 and 0.0148, respectively. And TfH gene were newly identified in Korean native cattle. Considering Post-transterrin 2 locus, three different phenotypess FF, FS and SS were identified, which considers to he controlled by two alleles Ptf^F and Ptf^S at a single autosomal locus. The frequencies of Rf genotypes FS, FF and SS were found to be 51.06. 36.88 and 12.06%n, respectively and gene frequencies of Ptf^F and Ptf^S were 0.6241 and 0.3759. In the Postalbumin(Pa) locus, three different phenotypes FF, FS and SS type were observed to be genetically controllled by Pa^F and Pa^S gene. And genotypes frequencies FS. FF amd SS type were 48.65, 36.(H and 1_5.32%, respectively. The gene frequencies of Pa^F and Pa^S were 0.6036 and 0.3964. The Albumin(Alb) locus were observed to lack any individual variation. Therefore, this locus were defined to be monomorphic. In comparison of genetic distance and dendogram calculated from the gene frequencies, close relationship was obtained between the Japanese cattle and the Korean cattle.

      • KCI우수등재

        Thiouracil , Thyroprotein 및 Diethylstilbestrol 의 병용처리가 웅추의 성장과 장기중량에 미치는 영향

        배종하,조헌조,변명대 ( J . H . Bae . H . J . Cho,M . D . Byun ) 한국축산학회 1977 한국축산학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Eleven weeks old white leghorn male chicks with single comb were injected under the subcutaneous mear the neck with total 2㎖ of synthetic estrogen solution which contained 27㎎ of diethylstil bestrol (D.E.S.), and 3㎎ of euvestin, a derivative of D.E.S. in 1㎖ of aqueous suspension. In addition to the treatment with D.E.S., both thiouracil (0.01% in the ration) and thyroprotein (0.01% in the ration) were fed for 5 weeks, weight gains and the effect on each organs weight in these three group were compared with the control. The results are as follows 1. Statistical significance were P$lt;0.01 in body weight gains among the treatments. The hormone treatment caused growth stimulation about 20% in three injected groups but there were no significant differences between thiouracil group and thyroprotein group. 2. Weight of comb and testis was remarkably reduced (P$lt;0. Ol) by het treatment of hormone solution. Testis weight was showing no significance between neighbouring groups but comb weight showed significant differences between D.E.S. group and thyroprotein group. 3. Weight of liver showed significance with P$lt;0.01 among the each groups, and was showing no significance between the D.E.S. group and thyroprotein group. 4. The abdominal adipose leaf developed remarkably P$lt;0.01 between each group, it was the most ,striking in the D.E.S. group, followed by the thyrotein group, which was 6 times as much as the weight of the control. 5. The liver moisture content was reduced by injection of D.E.S. The liver fat content showed notable difference P$gt;0.01 among the groups and was increased in order, thiouracil, and thyroprotein group The liver fat content in the D.E.S. group was 2 times as much as the control In the muscle, fat content was Slightly increased in the D.E.S. group but no chance was shown in the other group.


        In vitro synergistic anticancer activity of the combination of T-type calcium channel blocker and chemotherapeutic agent in A549 cells

        Byun, J.S.,Sohn, J.M.,Leem, D.G.,Park, B.,Nam, J.H.,Shin, D.H.,Shin, J.S.,Kim, H.J.,Lee, K.T.,Lee, J.Y. Pergamon Press 2016 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters Vol.26 No.3

        As a result of our continuous research, new 3,4-dihydroquinazoline derivative containing ureido group, KCP10043F was synthesized and evaluated for T-type Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> channel (Ca<SUB>v</SUB>3.1) blockade, cytotoxicity, and cell cycle arrest against human non-small cell lung (A549) cells. KCP10043F showed both weaker T-type Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> channel blocking activity and less cytotoxicity against A549 cells than parent compound KYS05090S [4-(benzylcarbamoylmethyl)-3-(4-biphenylyl)-2-(N,N',N'-trimethyl-1,5-pentanediamino)-3,4-dihydroquinazoline 2 hydrochloride], but it exhibited more potent G<SUB>1</SUB>-phase arrest than KYS05090S in A549 cells. This was found to be accompanied by the downregulations of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2, CDK4, CDK6, cyclin D2, cyclin D3, and cyclin E at the protein levels. However, p27<SUP>KIP1</SUP> as a CDK inhibitor was gradually upregulated at the protein levels and increased recruitment to CDK2, CDK4 and CDK6 after KCP10043F treatment. Based on the strong G<SUB>1</SUB>-phase cell cycle arrest of KCP10043F in A549 cells, the combination of KCP10043F with etoposide (or cisplatin) resulted in a synergistic cell death (combination index=0.2-0.8) via the induction of apoptosis compared with either agent alone. Taken together with these overall results and the favorable in vitro ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) profiles of KCP10043F, therefore, it could be used as a potential agent for the combination therapy on human lung cancer.

      • Radiation sensitivity of selected pathogens in ice cream

        Jo, C.,Kim, H.J.,Kim, D.H.,Lee, W.K.,Ham, J.S.,Byun, M.W. Butterworths ; Taylor Francis ; Elsevier Science 2007 Food control Vol.18 No.7

        Microbial contamination was investigated using ice creams with a vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry flavor commercially available in Korea. Radiation sensitivity of the food-borne pathogens was also determined by an inoculation test. Food-borne pathogens used were Listeria ivanovii, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhimurium. Total aerobic bacteria, moulds and yeasts, and coliforms in the ice creams ranged from 2 to 3logCFU/g. Irradiation of 3kGy was enough to inactivate the total aerobic bacteria for the vanilla ice cream but that of 5kGy was needed for the chocolate or strawberry ice creams at a frozen condition (-20<SUP>o</SUP>C). To inactivate (>log6.5) the inoculated L. ivanovii, E. coli, and S. typhimurium into ice cream irradiation of 3, 1, and 0.1kGy was needed, respectively. The D<SUB>10</SUB> value of L. ivanovii and E. coli was calculated as 0.71-0.77 and 0.28-0.38kGy range for the ice cream with different flavors at -72<SUP>o</SUP>C, respectively. The D<SUB>10</SUB> value of S. typhimurium could not be calculated in this study because even 0.1kGy of irradiation reduced the number of S. typhimurium to undetected level. Results suggest that a low dose irradiation can improve the microbial quality and reduce the risk by the food-borne pathogens of ice cream, which has limited alternative sterilization methods due to the temperature characteristics of the products.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주재래마의 보존을 위한 혈청 단백질 및 효소의 유전적 다형현상

        한상기(S . K . Han),정의룡(E . Y . Chung),신유철(Y . C . Shin),변희대(H . D . Byun) 한국축산학회 1995 한국축산학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Biochamical polymoiphisms of four serum proteins (Albumin(Alb), Vitamin D binding protein(Gc). Postalbumin(Pa) and Esterase(Es)) in Cheju native. horse were analyzed as genetic markers by electrophoresis and their phenotype, genotype and gene frequencies were estimated in order to determine the genetic structure of Cheju native horses. In the Albumin(Alb) locus, three different phenotypes FF, SS and FS were recognized and assumed to be controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles designated AIb^F and Alb^S. The observed distribution of phenotypes were 59.32% for FS type, 25.42% for SS type and 15.25% for FF type. Gene frequencies of Alb^F and Alb^S were 0.4491 and 0.5509, respectively. In the Vitamin D-binding protein(Gc) locus, two different phenotypes, FF and FS, were obsened and assumed to be controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles designated Gc^F and Gc^S whereas the SS type was not recognized. The frequencies of genotype FF, and SS, were found to be 92.19 and 7.81%, respectively and gene frequencies of Gc^F and Gc^S were 0.9609 and 0.0391. In the Post-albumin(Pa) locus, two different phenotypes, FF and FS, were identified, which were considered to be controlled by means of two codominant alleles and at a single autosomal locus, but the SS type was not recognized. The distribution of phenotypes were 98.44% for FF type, 1.04% for FS, and gene frequencies of Pa^F and Pa^S were 0.9948 and 0.00.52, respectivety. In the Esterase(Es) locus, four different phenotypes were identified and assumed to be controlled by alleles designated Es^F, Es^I, Es^S and Es^O. The observed distribution of phenotypes FI, II, IS, FS, FF, SS and 00 were 41.78, 30.18, 26.00, 18.00, 14.46, 5.60 and 1.43, respectively. Gene frequencies of Es^I, Es^F, Es^S and Es^Owre 0.4643, 0.3214, 0.2000 and 0.0143 respectively. In comparison of genetic distance and dendogram calculated from the gene frequencies, the most close relationship was obtained between the Cheju and Kiso horses and the lowest genetic similarity was obtained between the Cheju and Arabian horses.

      • 한국産 붉은쏨뱅이(Sebasticus tertius)의 形態 및 骨格

        유동재,한경호,변순규 여수대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        1997年 1月부터 5월까지 전라남도 완도군 연안에서 어획된 붉은 쏨뱅이(표준체장 237.0∼270.0㎜, n=10)를 실험실에서 外部形態를 관찰한 후에 計數. 計測하였으며, 骨格 形態의 관찰을 위하여 신선할 때 삶아서 採骨하여 骨格을 관찰하였다. 기재: 등지느러미는 가시줄기가 12개, 여린줄기가 13개이고, 가슴지느러미는 여린줄기만 19개, 뒷지느러미는 가시줄기가 3개, 여린줄기가 6~7개이다. 배지느러미는 가시줄기가 1개, 여린줄기가 5개이고, 꼬리지느러미 12개이다. 옆줄 비늘수는 50∼54개, 새파는 7∼8+15∼16=22∼24개, 春椎骨은 10+15=25개, 늑골이 8개, 새조골은 7개였다. 표준체장에 대한 항문장의 비가 60.0 ∼64.6%, 體高의 비가 34.4∼37.1%이고, 頭長의 비는 40.0∼43.3%, 주둥이의 비는 11.5∼12.8%, 가슴지느러미 앞까지의 比는 26.5∼31.0%, 배지느러미 앞까지의 比는 41.11∼41.27%, 등지느러미 바로 앞까지의 비는 33.0∼36.3%, 등지느러미 앞까지의 비는 64.8∼70.5%, 꼬리자루 길이의 비는 17.2∼17.8%이다. 形態 및 骨格 : 몸은 타원형으로 머리는 크고, 鼻棘, 耳棘, 노정극과 頸棘으로 구성되어 있으며, 노정극, 頸棘, 眼上棘의 뒤에는 작은 피질의 돌기가 있다. 두눈 사이는 매우 오목하며, 입은 크고, 위턱의 뒷가장자리는 동공의 뒷가장자리 아래쪽에 달한다. 양턱에는 이빨이 있고, 篩骨과 口蓋骨이 있으며, 眼下骨에는 극이 없다. 전새개골의 뒤끝에는 5개의 강한 가시가 있고, 2번째 가시가 매우 길며, 주개개골에는 2개의 편평한 가시가 있다. 비늘은 빗비늘이고, 머리 아래쪽 표면, 코와 두눈 사이에는 없다. 옆줄은 管狀이고, 주새개골은 크고 편평하며, 일반적으로 삼각형모양으로 아래쪽이 하새개골과 붙어있다. 體色은 뒤쪽에 적갈색과 갈색으로 되어 있고, 복부는 주황색을 띤 붉은색으로 다소 밝은 색을 띠며, 등쪽 가장자리를 따라서 5개의 큰 적색 반문이 있다. 포르말린에 고정된 표본은 모든 지느러미와 몸에 밝고 엷은 녹색의 반점이 있다. Diagnosis, morphology and osteology of Sebasticus tertius in the Scorpaenidae was studied based on the ten samples collected from Wando coastal located in South-Western South-Western Sea of Korea, 1997. Diagnosis : Dorsal spinous ray 12 and soft ray 13: pectoral fin 19 : anal spinous ray 3 and soft ray 6~7:ventral spinous ray 1 and soft ray 5 : caudal rays usually 12; lateral line scales 550 ~54: gill rakers 7~8+15~16=22~24: vertebrae 10+15=25: rids 8: branchiostegal rays 7. Measurement for ten specimen (237.0~270.0㎜ SL) in hundredths of standard length: anus length 60.0~64.6%: head length 40.0~43.0%: snout length 11.1~12.5%: pectoral fin length 26.5~31.0%: ventral fin length 19.6~22.5%: caudal peduncle length 17.2~17.8%. Morphology and Osteology; Body oval, compressed, Head large, with nasal, tympanic, frontal, parietal and nuchal, spines. A small dermal filament usually present behind each of the parietal, nuchal, and supraocular spines. Interorbital deeply concave. Mouth large, upper jaw extending to below posterior margin of pupil. Teeth on both jaws, vomer and palatine. No spine on infraorbital bones. Preopercular spines 5, 2nd one longest and opercular spines 2. Scales ctenoid: undersurface of head, snout and interorbital space naked . Lateral line scales pored. The opercle is a large flat bone and generally triangular in form bearing the subopercle below. Body color in life reddish and brown on back, belly red; 5 light large red spots along back at base of dorsal : in preserved specimen spots on body and all fin light olive green.


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