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        Cytokine responses to moderate-intensity leg cycling exercise in follicular and luteal menstrual cycle phases

        Suh, Sang Hoon,Gretchen, A. Casazza,George, A. Brooks 한국운동과학회 2003 운동과학 Vol.12 No.4

        서상훈. Gretchen A. Casazza·George A. Brooks. 중강도 자전거 운동시 생리주기에 따른 싸이토카인의 반응, 운동과학, 제12권 제4호, 631-640, 2003. 본 연구는 식후 3시간 휴식을 취한 여성을 대상으로 운동강도와 생리주기가 혈장 TNF-α와 Interleukin-6 농도에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 정상적인 생리 주기 (23-24 일)를 가진 건강하고 훈련되지 않은 8명의 여성이 휴식 (180 분)과 운동 (45%와 65%, VO₂peak에서 60 분간 자전거 에르고미터를 이용한 운동) 중에 난포기 (FP, 3-9 일)와 황체기 (LP, 18-24 일)에서 연구하였다. 자전거 에르고미터 운동은 런닝시 나타나는 플라이오메트릭 근수측의 근육손상 가능성을 제한하기 위해서 이용되었다. 실험 하루 전 음식섭취는 조절하였다. 혈장 TNF-α와 Interleukin-6 농도는 일라이자 (EISA, Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay)로 측정하였다. 헐장 TNF-α와 Interleukin군 농도는 운동 중에 약간 증가하였으나, 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다 (p>.05). 혈장 TNF-α와 Interleukin군 농도는 난포기에 비해 황체기에서 낮게 나타나는 경향을 보였지만, 유의한 차이는 발견되지 않았다 (p>,05).운동강도 (45%와 65% V0₂peak)에 따른 혈장 TNF-α와 Interleukin-6 농도 변화는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다 (p>.05). 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 중강도 자전거 운동은 젊고 건강한 여성의 염증 반응 사이토카인 (cytokine) 변화를 유발할 가능성이 희박하고, 둘째, 여성 난소 스테로이드 호르몬은 휴식과 운동 중에 철장 사이토카인 반응을 변화시키지 않은 것으로 사료된다. Seo, S.H., G.A. Casazza., G.A. Brooks. Cytokine responses to moderato-intensity leg cycling exorcise in foliicular and luteal menstrual cycle phases. Exercise Science, 12(4): 631-640, 2003. We examined the effects of exorcise Intensity and menstrual cycle phases on plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) during rest and exorcise in rested 3-h postabsorptive women. Eight healthy, untrained women with normal menstrual cycles (24-34 days) were studied under conditions of rest (180 min) and exorcise(60 min, leg ergometer cycling at 45 and 65% peak oxygen consumption) during follicular (FP; cycle days 3-9) and luteal(LP; cycle days 18-24) phases. Leg cycling was used to eliminate the possibility of muscle damage from plyometric muscle contractions as occur in running. Dietary intake was controlled for the 24-h immediately preceding each trial. The plasma concentrations of TNF-a and IL-6 were measured by Enzyme-Linked immunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). There was a slight increasen plasma concentrations of TNF-aand IL-6 during exorcise, as compared to rest, but this difference was not significant (p>.05). The plasma levels of TNF-a and IL-6tended to be lower In LP than in FP, but no significant difference was found (p>.05). There were no significant differences in the plasma concentrations of TNf-a and IL-6 due to exorcise Intensity (i.e., exorcise at 45 and 65% V0₂peak). These results are interpreted to mean that moderate-intensity bicycle exorcise is unlikely to induce a change in inflammatory cytokine levels in young healthy women, and that plasma cytokine response during rest and exorcise does not appear to be altered by overian steroid hormones.

      • KCI등재

        Tracing the lactate shuttle to the mitochondrial reticulum

        Brooks George A.,Curl Casey C.,Leija Robert G.,Osmond Adam D.,Duong Justin J.,Arevalo Jose A. 생화학분자생물학회 2022 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.54 No.-

        Isotope tracer infusion studies employing lactate, glucose, glycerol, and fatty acid isotope tracers were central to the deduction and demonstration of the Lactate Shuttle at the whole-body level. In concert with the ability to perform tissue metabolite concentration measurements, as well as determinations of unidirectional and net metabolite exchanges by means of arterial–venous difference (a-v) and blood flow measurements across tissue beds including skeletal muscle, the heart and the brain, lactate shuttling within organs and tissues was made evident. From an extensive body of work on men and women, resting or exercising, before or after endurance training, at sea level or high altitude, we now know that Organ–Organ, Cell–Cell, and Intracellular Lactate Shuttles operate continuously. By means of lactate shuttling, fuel-energy substrates can be exchanged between producer (driver) cells, such as those in skeletal muscle, and consumer (recipient) cells, such as those in the brain, heart, muscle, liver and kidneys. Within tissues, lactate can be exchanged between white and red fibers within a muscle bed and between astrocytes and neurons in the brain. Within cells, lactate can be exchanged between the cytosol and mitochondria and between the cytosol and peroxisomes. Lactate shuttling between driver and recipient cells depends on concentration gradients created by the mitochondrial respiratory apparatus in recipient cells for oxidative disposal of lactate.

      • 5-Methylcytosine Recognition by <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> DNA Glycosylases DEMETER and DML3

        Brooks, Sonja C.,Fischer, Robert L.,Huh, Jin Hoe,Eichman, Brandt F. American Chemical Society 2014 Biochemistry Vol.53 No.15

        <P/><P>Methylation of cytosine to 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is important for gene expression, gene imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, and transposon silencing. Active demethylation in animals is believed to proceed by DNA glycosylase removal of deaminated or oxidized 5mC. In plants, 5mC is removed from the genome directly by the DEMETER (DME) family of DNA glycosylases. <I>Arabidopsis thaliana</I> DME excises 5mC to activate expression of maternally imprinted genes. Although the related Repressor of Silencing 1 (ROS1) enzyme has been characterized, the molecular basis for 5mC recognition by DME has not been investigated. Here, we present a structure–function analysis of DME and the related DME-like 3 (DML3) glycosylases for 5mC and its oxidized derivatives. Relative to 5mC, DME and DML3 exhibited robust activity toward 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, limited activity for 5-carboxylcytosine, and no activity for 5-formylcytosine. We used homology modeling and mutational analysis of base excision and DNA binding to identify residues important for recognition of 5mC within the context of DNA and inside the enzyme active site. Our results indicate that the 5mC binding pocket is composed of residues from discrete domains and is responsible for discrimination against 5mC derivatives, and suggest that DME, ROS1, and DML3 utilize subtly different mechanisms to probe the DNA duplex for cytosine modifications.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Democratizing the Police in the Republic of Korea: Decentralization, Accountability and Legitimacy

        Brooks, Graham,McDaniel, John,Kim, Hakkyong(김 학 경) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2018 영미연구 Vol.42 No.-

        국가공권력의 상징이라고 할 수 있는 대한민국 경찰은 역사적으로 강력한 중앙집권적 시스템을 유지하고 있다. 반면 근대경찰의 시초국가라고 할 수 있는 영국(England and Wales)에서의 경찰제도는 분권화된 광역단위의 지방자치 경찰 제도를 채택하고 있으며, 역사적인 배경으로 인하여 우리와 달리 지역주민으로부터 상당히 높은 신뢰와 지지를 받고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 기본적으로 영국 경찰제도의 역사적 개혁(발전)과정 및 그 배경을 고찰하고, 이를 토대로 대한민국 경찰이 나아갈 개혁방향에 대한 몇 가지 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 개혁방향의 첫 번째는 권력분립의 원칙에 의거, 수사와 기소가 분리되어야 하며 이를 바탕으로 범죄수사 및 현장에서 경찰재량권이 일정부분 확보될 필요성이 있다는 것이다. 물론 이러한 경찰재량권 행사에 있어서 법의 공평무사한 집행이 아주 중요한 이슈이며, 부가적으로 동 재량권 행사에 대한 각종 견제장치도 요구될 것이다. 두 번째는 현재의 중앙집권적 시스템에서 지역공동체/지역을 대표하는 분권적 자치경찰제도로 변화될 필요성이 있다. 이와 같은 분권화를 통하여 경찰은 (중앙정부가 아닌) 지역주민의 요구사항에 좀 더 능동적으로 반응할 수 있으며, 결국 지역주민들의 신뢰와 지지를 바탕으로 경찰의 민주적 책임성 및 정당성은 더욱 더 높아질 것이다. The police in the Republic of Korea have often been used as an extension of state power. But in the democratic nation, the police need to reflect the democratic principles that the nation now represents. To do this, we suggest the police need to be far more independent than they currently are, and have the power to investigate some crimes beyond the direction of prosecutors. In addition, we suggest that to increase local accountability and secure public approval, and thus some legitimacy, the police need to move away from a centralised system of control to one that represents a local community/region. Both reforms will increase the legitimacy and accountability of the police in the Republic of Korea, if implemented. Rather than draw on different styles of policing around the world, however, this paper will predominantly draw on policing in England and Wales where regardless of scandals and political setbacks, the police still receive a high rating of public approval and thus legitimacy to police a community / region. This, in time, can also be achieved by the police in the Republic of Korea, if there is the political will to implement changes that increase the democratization of the police and thus secure public consent and legitimacy to serve the citizens of Republic of Korea rather than narrow political interests.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Emergence of Behavioral Testing of Fishes to Measure Toxicological Effects

        Brooks, Janie S. Korean Society of ToxicologyKorea Environmental Mu 2009 Toxicological Research Vol.26 No.1

        Historically, research in toxicology has utilized non-human mammalian species, particularly rats and mice, to study in vivo the effects of toxic exposure on physiology and behavior. However, ethical considerations and the overwhelming increase in the number of chemicals to be screened has led to a shift away from in vivo work. The decline in in vivo experimentation has been accompanied by an increase in alternative methods for detecting and predicting detrimental effects: in vitro experimentation and in silico modeling. Yet, these new methodologies can not replace the need for in vivo work on animal physiology and behavior. The development of new, non-mammalian model systems shows great promise in restoring our ability to use behavioral endpoints in toxicological testing. Of these systems, the zebrafish, Danio rerio, is the model organism for which we are accumulating enough knowledge in vivo, in vitro, and in silico to enable us to develop a comprehensive, high-throughput toxicology screening system.

      • KCI등재

        Pharmacologic Considerations for Youth with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

        Brooks Keeshin,Jeffrey R. Strawn 대한소아청소년정신의학회 2017 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.28 No.1

        Children exposed to potentially traumatic events are at risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the subsequent developmental course of posttraumatic stress symptoms appears to vary considerably. In this regard, some PTSD symptoms resolve without significant interventions, while for many children and adolescents, they persist until the patient receives appropriate treatment specifically designed to address PTSD and other trauma related symptoms. Evidence-based psychotherapies represent the standard of care for children with PTSD and, while psychopharmacologic interventions are utilized for many youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms and PTSD, there is little data available to guide the use of these medications in this population. However, given the structural challenges involved in disseminating and delivering evidence-based psychotherapies in all settings, prescribing clinicians should be aware of the medications whose use in children with pediatric PTSD has been studied. Herein, we review the PTSD assessment modalities, as well as the use of pharmacologic interventions in PTSD, including antiadrenergic agents, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other medications.

      • KCI등재

        Match-Fixing in Korean Football: Corruption in the K-League and the Importance of Maintaining Sporting Integrity

        Brooks, Graham,Lee, Ju-Lak,Kim, Hak-Kyong The Korea Contents Association 2012 International Journal of Contents Vol.8 No.2

        Fraud and corruption is a problem that undermines the credibility and integrity of all sport. It affects fans, owners, shareholders, officials, and players. With the recent scandal in the K-League in Korea, the importance of maintaining the integrity of Korean football is presently of great importance. While other European or Asian football leagues have been plagued with fraud and corruption, Korea has maintained its professional sporting integrity successfully until recent times. This paper is an examination as to why players in the K-League succumbed to match- fixing in 2011. Firstly, we discuss the important role of sport in Korea, which is not to be underestimated. Secondly, we briefly illustrate the range and types of fraud and corruption in international football. Thirdly, we focus on the match-fixing and gambling scandal currently engulfing the K-League. Fourthly, we make some practical suggestions on how to combat and increase resilience to fraud and corruption in football. Finally, in the conclusion, we suggest that much needs to be done to reduce the incident of fraud and corruption in football worldwide, particularly through employing a clear counter fraud strategy.

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