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      • KCI등재

        Accuracy of capillary blood 3-β-hydroxybutyrate determination for the detection and treatment of canine diabetic ketoacidosis

        Francesca Bresciani,Marco Pietra,Sara Corradini,Massimo Giunti,Federico Fracassi 대한수의학회 2014 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.15 No.2

        In human medicine, diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA) is usually based on measurement of capillary3-β-hydroxybutyrate (3-HB) with a hand held ketonesensor. This study was conducted to determine ifmeasurement of capillary 3-HB could be useful for thediagnosis and monitoring of canine DKA. Fifteen dogs withdiabetic ketosis and 10 with DKA were evaluated. Pairedmeasurements of 3-HB of capillary and venous bloodsamples were analysed by the electrochemical sensor andreference method. Use of capillary 3-HB measurementduring DKA management was then evaluated throughsimultaneous measurements of capillary 3-HB, urinaryAcAc and venous blood gas analysis. Good agreementbetween capillary and venous 3-HB measurement wasdetected by the electrochemical sensor and referencemethod. Monitoring treatment of DKA revealed asignificant correlation between capillary 3-HB and acidosismarkers, while no significant correlation was observedbetween AcAc and acidosis markers. A cut-off value ofcapillary blood 3-HB >3.8 mmol/L for diagnosis of DKAresulted in 70% and 92% sensitivity and specificity. Theelectrochemical sensor accurately measures 3-HBconcentration in both capillary and venous blood samples, isaccurate in diagnosing canine DKA, and appears to reflectthe patient’s metabolic status during DKA treatment.

      • KCI등재

        High-amylose and Tongil type Korean rice varieties: physical properties, cooking behaviour and starch digestibility

        Andrea Bresciani,Valentina Vaglia,Francesca Saitta,Dimitrios Fessas,Maria Cristina Casiraghi,Daniela Erba,Maria Ambrogina Pagani,이지윤,강주원,고종민,Stefano Bocchi,조준현,Alessandra Marti 한국식품과학회 2022 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.31 No.6

        The National Institute of Crop Science, RuralDevelopment Administration (RDA) of Korea is presentlydeveloping new rice varieties suitable for producing Westernrice-based foods, such as risotto, a well-known Italianstyleproduct. The study considered different milled ricefrom five Tongil-type and six Japonica-type varieties. Besides the biometric properties, cooking behaviour, starchproperties, and in vitro digestibility of Korean rice sampleswere compared with those of the ‘Carnaroli’ Italian variety. The physicochemical traits of the Korean varieties extendedover a vast range; the amylose content stood out (from13.0 to 41.7%), influencing the hardness and stickiness ofcooked samples, and their starch digestibility. Althoughnone of the Korean varieties seemed to guarantee cookingperformances for risotto similar to the ‘Carnaroli’ one,‘Saemimyeon’ and ‘Shingil’ cvs were judged the best forthis purpose up-to-now.

      • KCI등재

        내적 법정과 외적 법정

        카를로 브레시아니(Carlo Bresciani),안세환(번역자) 광주가톨릭대학교 신학연구소 2016 神學展望 Vol.- No.193

        미래의 사제를 양성하는 신학교에는 양성 심급으로 장상(학장과 부학장)과 영성 지도자(영적 지도 신부)가 있어야 한다. 신학생 양성에 영적 지도자라는 직무가 도입된 이후, 내적 법정과 외적 법정을 구분할 필요성이 제기되었다. 전통적으로 내적 법정은 영적 지도 신부의 관할에 속하고 신학생의 양심과 성소 식별 영역을 다루었으며, 외적 법정은 장상의 관할에 속하고 신학교 규율 영역을 다루었다. 인간을 서로 다른 여러 영역(인성, 영성, 지성, 사목)으로 세분화하고 해체하는 경향이 강한 오늘날, 신학생 양성은 신학생의 단일성을 언제나 염두에 둔 통합적이고 통일된 양성 방향으로 나아가야 한다. 이에 내적 법정과 외적 법정의 구분과 역할 그리고 이에 따른 영적 지도 신부와 장상의 구분과 역할이라는 주제를 다시 다룰 필요성이 제기된다. 내적 법정은 신학생의 내밀한 양심의 법정으로 주교에게서 승인된 영적지도 신부의 관할에 속한다. 내적 법정은 절대 비밀 준수 의무에 매여 있지만, 이 비밀로 인하여 신학생이나 영적 지도 신부는 더욱 자유롭게 신학생의 양심에 관한 사항들을 대조해보고 검증하고 성숙시킬 수 있다. 내적 법정에서 영적 지도 신부는 신학생의 행동을 야기한 내적인 힘을 바탕으로, 그의 지향과 동기 이유의 진정성을 검증하고 자극하여, 그리스도의 사목적 사랑에 부합하도록 도와준다. 외적 법정은 신학생을 성품 허가에 추천할 최종 책임을 주교에게서 위임 받은 양성 심급으로 장상의 관할에 속한다. 장상은 신학생의 행동 및 그 행동이 드러내는 동기 이유를 바탕으로, 신학생의 양심에 질문하고 그 양심을 자극하여 하느님 나라에 봉헌된 사목자의 양심을 갖추도록 도와준다. 비록 각 법정이 서로 다른 측면에서 서로 다른 접근 방법으로 신학생의 양성과 성소 식별에 투신하고 있지만, 양편 모두 신학생의 단일성을 언제나 잊지 않으면서, 신학생으로 하여금 자기 자신의 삶과 위탁된 임무를 영적으로 자유로운 상태에서 끝까지 책임질 줄 아는 통합적인 인격을 지닌 사제로 양성하기 위해 협력하고 있다.


        Contributions of the PPC to Online Control of Visually Guided Reaching Movements Assessed with fMRI-Guided TMS

        Reichenbach, Alexandra,Bresciani, Jean-Pierre,Peer, Angelika,,lthoff, Heinrich H.,Thielscher, Axel Oxford University Press 2011 Cerebral cortex Vol.21 No.7

        <P>The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) plays an important role in controlling voluntary movements by continuously integrating sensory information about body state and the environment. We tested which subregions of the PPC contribute to the processing of target- and body-related visual information while reaching for an object, using a reaching paradigm with 2 types of visual perturbation: displacement of the visual target and displacement of the visual feedback about the hand position. Initially, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to localize putative target areas involved in online corrections of movements in response to perturbations. The causal contribution of these areas to online correction was tested in subsequent neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) experiments. Robust TMS effects occurred at distinct anatomical sites along the anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) and the anterior part of the supramarginal gyrus for both perturbations. TMS over neighboring sites did not affect online control. Our results support the hypothesis that the aIPS is more generally involved in visually guided control of movements, independent of body effectors and nature of the visual information. Furthermore, they suggest that the human network of PPC subregions controlling goal-directed visuomotor processes extends more inferiorly than previously thought. Our results also point toward a good spatial specificity of the TMS effects.</P>


        Potential impact of pore-scale incomplete mixing on biodegradation in aquifers: From batch experiment to field-scale modeling

        Kang, Peter K.,Bresciani, Etienne,An, Seongnam,Lee, Seunghak Elsevier 2019 ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Vol.123 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Biogeochemical reactions take place when reactants are present at the same location and time, which occurs through pore-scale mixing. Although the degree of mixing should be variable in space and time, most conventional reactive transport models do not consider mixing-dependent reaction rates and often make predictions based on rates measured with batch experiments. We quantify the effect of pore-scale mixing on the biodegradation rate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) with sediment batch experiments, and study its potential impact on the field-scale fate and transport of DOC with numerical simulations. We collected sediment samples from an aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) field site located in Busan, South Korea, and conducted batch experiments to measure mixing-dependent biodegradation rates. Complete mixing conditions were realized by continuously shaking the batch, and diffusion-limited mixing conditions were realized by keeping the batch under static conditions. The two mixing conditions are most widely used conditions in batch experiments and they also represent the maximum and minimum degree of mixing. The different mixing conditions led to significant differences in the biodegradation rates (a factor of 4.9 on average). We then performed reactive transport modeling using the measured biodegradation rates to study the potential impact of pore-scale incomplete mixing on the field-scale DOC biodegradation. The results show that pore-scale mixing can significantly affect the effectiveness of biodegradation at the ASTR site. We generalize this finding by performing a comprehensive nondimensional sensitivity analysis of the fate and transport of DOC to pore-scale mixing conditions over a wide range of P e ´ clet and Damköhler numbers. We show that pore-scale incomplete mixing can be a major source of uncertainty in field-scale model predictions.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Sediment batch experiments show mixing-dependent DOC biodegradation rates. </LI> <LI> Pore-scale incomplete mixing has significant potential impact on field-scale DOC biodegradation. </LI> <LI> Pore-scale incomplete mixing can be a major source of uncertainty over a wide range of Pe and Da numbers. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Use of aglepristone for the treatment of P4 induced insulin resistance in dogs

        Enrico Bigliardi,Carla Bresciani,Daniela Callegari,Francesco Di Ianni,Giorgio Morini,Enrico Parmigiani,Ezio Bianchi 대한수의학회 2014 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.15 No.2

        Insulin resistance (IR) in dogs is suspected whenhyperglycemia is present despite administration of insulindoses greater than 1.0 to 1.5 UI/kg. IR is caused by increasesin counter regulatory hormones concentrations (glucagon,glucocorticoids, catecholamines and growth hormone). Thisstudy was conducted to investigate the use of aglepristone(RU 46534), a P4 receptor antagonist, for the treatment of IRdiabetes mellitus in bitches during the luteal phase. Allanimals were treated with porcine insulin zinc suspension(Caninsulin) and aglepristone (Alizin) 10 mg/kgsubcutaneously at day 1, 2, 9 and 17 from diagnosis. At day5, no significant variation in glycemia was shown. At day 12and 20, serum glucose concentrations were significant lower(p < 0.05). From day 12 the insulin dose was reduced to 0.8IU BID. Insulin was reduced in the following weeks andglycemia was controlled.

      • It is all me: the effect of viewpoint on visual-vestibular recalibration.

        Schomaker, Judith,Tesch, Joachim,B?lthoff, Heinrich H,Bresciani, Jean-Pierre Springer-Verlag 2011 Experimental brain research Vol.213 No.2

        <P>Participants performed a visual-vestibular motor recalibration task in virtual reality. The task consisted of keeping the extended arm and hand stable in space during a whole-body rotation induced by a robotic wheelchair. Performance was first quantified in a pre-test in which no visual feedback was available during the rotation. During the subsequent adaptation phase, optical flow resulting from body rotation was provided. This visual feedback was manipulated to create the illusion of a smaller rotational movement than actually occurred, hereby altering the visual-vestibular mapping. The effects of the adaptation phase on hand stabilization performance were measured during a post-test that was identical to the pre-test. Three different groups of subjects were exposed to different perspectives on the visual scene, i.e., first-person, top view, or mirror view. Sensorimotor adaptation occurred for all three viewpoint conditions, performance in the post-test session showing a marked under-compensation relative to the pre-test performance. In other words, all viewpoints gave rise to a remapping between vestibular input and the motor output required to stabilize the arm. Furthermore, the first-person and mirror view adaptation induced a significant decrease in variability of the stabilization performance. Such variability reduction was not observed for the top view adaptation. These results suggest that even if all three viewpoints can evoke substantial adaptation aftereffects, the more naturalistic first-person view and the richer mirror view should be preferred when reducing motor variability constitutes an important issue.</P>

      • Asymmetric saccade reaction times to smooth pursuit

        Bieg, Hans-Joachim,Chuang, Lewis L.,,lthoff, Heinrich H.,Bresciani, Jean-Pierre Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Experimental brain research Vol.233 No.9

        <P>Before initiating a saccade to a moving target, the brain must take into account the target’s eccentricity as well as its movement direction and speed. We tested how the kinematic characteristics of the target influence the time course of this oculomotor response. Participants performed a step-ramp task in which the target object stepped from a central to an eccentric position and moved at constant velocity either to the fixation position (foveopetal) or further to the periphery (foveofugal). The step size and target speed were varied. Of particular interest were trials that exhibited an initial saccade prior to a smooth pursuit eye movement. Measured saccade reaction times were longer in the foveopetal than in the foveofugal condition. In the foveopetal (but not the foveofugal) condition, the occurrence of an initial saccade, its reaction time as well as the strength of the pre-saccadic pursuit response depended on both the target’s speed and the step size. A common explanation for these results may be found in the neural mechanisms that select between oculomotor response alternatives, i.e., a saccadic or smooth response.</P>

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