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        Park, Sangwook,Badenes, Carles,Mori, Koji,Kaida, Ryohei,Bravo, Eduardo,Schenck, Andrew,Eriksen, Kristoffer A.,Hughes, John P.,Slane, Patrick O.,Burrows, David N.,Lee, Jae-Joon IOP Publishing 2013 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - Vol.767 No.1

        <P>We have performed deep X-ray observations of the remnant of Kepler's supernova (SN 1604) as a Key Project of the Suzaku Observatory. Our main goal is to detect secondary Fe-peak elements in the supernova (SN) ejecta to gain insights into the Type Ia SN explosion mechanism and the nature of the progenitor. Here, we report our initial results. We made a conclusive detection of X-ray emission lines from highly ionized Mn, Cr, and Ni as well as Fe. The observed Mn-to-Cr line flux ratio is similar to 0.60, similar to 30% larger than that measured in Tycho's remnant. We estimate an Mn-to-Cr mass ratio of similar to 0.77, which is strongly suggestive of a large neutron excess in the progenitor star before the onset of the thermonuclear runaway. The observed Ni-to-Fe line flux ratio (similar to 0.03) corresponds to a mass ratio of similar to 0.06, which is generally consistent with the products of the explosive Si-burning regime in Type Ia explosion models, and rules out contamination from the products of neutron-rich nuclear statistical equilibrium in the shocked ejecta. Together with the previously suggested luminous nature of the explosion, these mass ratios provide strong evidence for a super-solar metallicity in the SN progenitor (similar to 3 Z(circle dot)). Kepler's SN was likely the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf formed in the recent past that must have exploded through a relatively prompt channel.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of an Intense Laser-Produced Preformed Plasma for Proton Generation

        A Sagisaka,A. Noda,A. Fukumi,A. Yogo,A. S. Pirozhkov,H. Daido,K. Nemoto,K. Ogura,M. Nishiuchi,M. Mori,M. Kado,S. Orimo,S. Nakamura,T. Nayuki,T. Shirai,T. Fujii,Y. Oishi,Y. Hayashi,Y. Iwashita,Z. Li 한국물리학회 2007 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.51 No.I

        High-energy protons are generated with a 3-μm-thick tantalum target irradiated with a highintensity laser under the preformed plasma condition. We observe the electron density distributions of preformed plasmas with two-color probe beams as interferometers. The preformed plasma at the front side of the target is generated by pre-pulses of a high-intensity Ti:sapphire laser. In this preformed plasma condition, the maximum proton enegy is 900 keV. The half angle of the generated proton beam (>500 keV) is about 10.

      • KCI등재


        Takahashi, A.,Yasuda, A.,Kaneda, H.,Kawada, M.,Kiriyama, Y.,Mouri, A.,Mori, T.,Okada, Y.,Takahashi, H. The Korean Astronomical Society 2012 天文學論叢 Vol.27 No.4

        We present the results of far-infrared spectroscopic observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with FIS-FTS. We covered a large area across the LMC, including 30 Doradus (30 Dor) and N44 star-forming regions, by 191 pointings in total. As a result, we detect the [OIII] and [CII] line emission as well as far-infrared dust continuum emission throughout the LMC. We find that the [OIII] emission is widely distributed around 30 Dor. The observed size of the distribution is too large to be explained by massive stars in 30 Dor, which are assumed to be enshrouded by clouds with the constant gas density estimated from the [OIII] line intensities. Therefore the surrounding structure is likely to be highly clumpy. We also find a global correlation between the [OIII] and the far-infrared continuum emission, suggesting that the gas and dust are well mixed in the highly-ionized region where the dust survives in clumpy dense clouds shielded from energetic photons. Furthermore we find that the ratios of [CII]/CO are as high as 110,000 in 30 Dor, and 45,000 even on average, while they are typically 6,000 for star-forming regions in our Galaxy. The unusually high [CII]/CO is also consistent with the picture of clumpy small dense clouds.

      • Regulation of Major Histocompatibility (MHC) Class Ⅱ Human Leukocyte Antigen-DRα Gene Expression in Thyrocytes by Single Strand Binding Protein-1, a Transcription Factor That Also Regulates Thyrotropin Receptor and MHC Class I Gene Expression


        The single strand binding protein (SSBP-1) is a positive regulator of TSH receptor gene expression and binds to an element with a GXXXXG motif. The S box of the mouse major histocompatibility classⅡ gene has multiple GXXXXG motifs and can also bind SSBP-1. The S box is one of four highly conserved elements on the 5'-flanking region of classⅡ genes that are necessary for interferon-γ (IFNγ) to overcome the normally suppressed state of the gene and induce aberrant classⅡ expression. In this report we show that SSBP-1, when overexpressed in FRTL-5 thyroid cells, is a positive regulator of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRα classⅡ gene expression, as is IFNγ or the classⅡ trans-activator (CIITA). This is evidenced by increased exogenous promoter activity, increased endogenous RNA levels, and increased endogenous antigen expression after transfecting full-length SSBP-1 complementary DNA together with a HLA-DRα promoter-reporter gene chimera into TSH-treated FRTL-5 thyroid cells whose endogenous SSBP-1 levels are low. IFNγ reverses the ability of TSH to decrease endogenous SSBP-1 RNA levels. Also, whereas SSBP-1 transfection does not cause any increase in IFNγ-induced exogenous promoter activity, transfection of SSBP-1 and CIITA additively increases endogenous classⅡ RNA levels to levels measured in cells treated with IFNγ. Further, competition studies show that SSBP-1 binding is necessary for formation of the double strand protein/DNA complexes that are seen in electrophoretic mobility shift assays when the classⅡ 5'-flanking region is incubated with extracts from IFNγ-treated FRTL-5 cells and that have been previously associated with IFNγ-induced aberrant classⅡ expression. These data suggest that SSBP-1 is involved in the action of IFNγ to overcome the normally suppressed state of the classⅡ gene; it functions together with CIITA, whose expression is independently increased by IFNγ. The effect of SSBP-1 as a positive regulator of classⅡ promoter activity is lost in cells maintained without TSH, in which endogenous SSBP-1 RNA levels are already high in the absence of aberrant classⅡ gene expression. These data suggest that high levels of endogenous SSBP-1 are insufficient to cause aberrant classⅡ expression, but, rather, TSH or IFNγ treatment additionally modulates the cell, albeit differently, such that transfected or endogenous SSBP-1, respectively, can express its positive regulatory activity. The effect of TSH is consistent with reports indicating that TSH enhances the ability of IFNγ to increase classⅡ gene expression despite the fact IFNγ increases endogenous SSBP-1 to only the same levels as in cells untreated with TSH. Finally, the effect of SSBP-1 as a positive regulator is lost when GXXXXG motifs, which exist on both the coding and noncoding strands of the S box, are mutated. Consistent with this, mutation and oligonucleotide competition studies show that GXXXXG motifs are necessary for either strand of the S box to bind protein/DNA complexes containing SSBP-1 in FRTL-5 cell extracts or to bind to recombinant SSBP-1. They also suggest that the SSBP-1-binding sites on either strand of the HLA-DRα S box are functionally distinct. We conclude from these data that the positive regulatory action of SSBP-1 on classⅡ gene expression involves GXXXXG motifs on each strand of the highly conserved S box of the classⅡ 5'-flanking region. As SSBP-1 is modulated by IFNγ and is involved in classⅠ and TSH receptor as well as classⅡ gene expression in FRTL-5 cells, the sum of the data supports the hypotheses that common transcription factors regulate all three genes, and their altered activities may contribute to the development of autoimmunity. (Endocrinology 139: 2300-2313, 1998)

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Corrosion Fatigue of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Different Hot Chloride Solutions

        ( A. Visser ),( G. Mori ),( M. Panzenbock ),( R. Pippan ) 한국부식방식학회 2015 Corrosion Science and Technology Vol.14 No.4

        Austenitic stainless steel was investigated under cyclic loading in electrolytes with different chloride contents and pH and at different temperatures. The testing solutions were 13.2 % NaCl (80,000 ppm Cl-) at 80 ¡ÆC and 43 % CaCl2 (275,000 ppm Cl-) at 120 ¡ÆC. In addition to S.N curves in inert and corrosive media, the fracture surfaces were investigated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to analyse the type of attack. The experimental results showed that a sharp decrease in corrosion fatigue properties can be correlated with the occurrence of stress corrosion cracking. The correlation of occurring types of damage in different corrosion systems is described.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of Interaction of Short Laser Pulses with Large Clusters and Applications to Imaging Processes

        A. Ya. Faenov,Y. Fukuda,T. A. Pikuz,M. Kando,H. Kotaki,T. Homma,K. Kawase,T. Kameshima,I. Daito,Y. Hayashi,H. Sakaki,P. Bolton,A. Pirozhkov,A. Yogo,M. Tampo,T. Nakamura,M. Mori,K. Ogura,T. Kawachi,H. 한국물리학회 2010 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.56 No.1

        The interaction of short intense laser pulses with clusters enhanced the absorption of the incident laser light compared to solid targets. Due to the increased absorption, these targets are heated significantly, leading to enhanced emission of X-rays and generation of multiply charged ions with kinetic energies from tens of keV to tens of MeV. Possible applications of these targets include an X-ray source for microscopy or lithography and an ion source for table-top accelerators. The recent results obtained in Kansai Photon Science Institute for the short, moderate intensity, ~5 × 1017W/cm2, laser pulses interactions with large clusters, are presented. Applications of a femtosecondlaser-plasma cluster-based source for different types of nanostructure imaging are discussed.


        Behaviour of laminated elastomeric bearings

        Mori, A.,Moss, P.J.,Carr, A.J.,Cooke, N. Techno-Press 1997 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.5 No.4

        Experimental work undertaken to investigate the behaviour of laminated elastomeric bridge bearings under compression and a combination of compression and shear or rotation has been reported on elsewhere. However, it is difficult to determine the state of stress within the bearings in terms of the applied forces or the interaction between the steel shims and the rubber layers in the bearings. In order to supply some of the missing information about the stress-strain state within the bearings, an analytical study using the finite element method was carried out. The available experimental results were used to validate the model after which the analyses were used to provide further information about the state of stress within the bearing.


        Behaviour of lead-rubber bearings

        Mori, Atsushi,Moss, P.J.,Carr, A.J.,Cooke, N. Techno-Press 1998 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.6 No.1

        Experimental work undertaken to investigate the behaviour of lead-rubber bearings under compression and a combination of compression and shear or rotation has been reported on elsewhere. However, it is difficult to determine the state of stress within the bearings in terms of the applied forces and the interaction between the lead plug and the steel shims and elastomeric layers. In order to supply some of the missing information about the stress-strain state within the bearings, an analytical study using the finite element method was carried out. The available experimental results were used to validate the model and although agreement was not as good as expected (on account of difficulties in modelling the lead plug), the analyses did provide some information about the state of the stress within the bearing.

      • Assessment of long-term impact of storm surges around the Korean Peninsula based on a large ensemble of climate projections

        Yang, Jung-A.,Kim, Sooyoul,Mori, Nobuhito,Mase, Hajime Elsevier 2018 Coastal engineering Vol.142 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study assesses the long-term impact of storm surges due to typhoons around the Korean Peninsula (KP) resulting from climate change. Long-term projection is conducted based on the large ensemble experiments on so-called d4PDF for the past and +4 K future climate conditions over 5000 years by a single atmospheric global climate model developed by the Meteorological Research Institute of Japan. The use of a large ensemble is to enable one to obtain probabilistic future changes in low-frequency of extreme storm surge events. The properties of typhoons which may directly and indirectly have an effect on the KP in terms of past and future climate conditions is extracted from d4PDF. These are employed as the driving force in the projection of future storm surges around the KP. The storm surge heights (SSH) around the KP are projected to increase in the future climate except for around some areas in the south coast. The magnitude of future change of SSH varies spatially. The maximum variation was estimated to be 0.36 m (9.9%) with a 100-year return period in the west area of the southeastern coast of the KP. The locations of the areas vulnerable to storm surge shift to the north area of the western region and to the west area of the southern regions in the Korean Peninsula under the future climate. The characteristic of future change to areas where high SSHs will occur coincides with that of the typhoon tracks.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The SSH are projected to increase under the future climate except for some areas in the south coast of the KP. </LI> <LI> The maximum variation was estimated to 9.9 % with the 100-year return period in the west area of the southeastern coast. </LI> <LI> The vulnerable locations to future surge shift to the north in the western region and to the east in the southern region. </LI> <LI> The characteristic of future change of the vulnerable locations to storm surge coincides with one to typhoon track. </LI> </UL> </P>

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