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      • The Korean Society of Gastroenterology& SLDDS 2055 : Slide Session ; K-MO-05 : GI Motility ; Autonomic Nerve System Dysfunction in Achalasia

        ( Eunha Cho ),( Yoo Mi Park ),( Yoo Jin Lee ),( Hyo Jin Park ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Achalasia is one of the most common esophageal motility disorder which is characterized by dysphagia and noncardiac chest pain. Various pathogenesis of achalasia has been suggested that hereditary, degenerative, autoimmune and infectious factor. Impairment of vagal function has been reported in achalasia. Therefore, we aimed to evaulate the autonomic nerve system(ANS) dysfuction in achalasia and correlation of ANS dysfuction and clinical signifi cance in achalasia. Methods: Nineteen patients with achalasia (6M/13F; 47.1 ±16.3years) and 10 healthy peoples (4M/6F; 34.8 ± 10.7years) were prospectively enrolled at Gangnam Severance hospital from June 2013 to June 2014. All patients completed questionnaire for ANS dysfuction symptoms and heart rate valiability test (HRV). Results: ANS dysfunction symptoms were presented in thirteen patients with achalasia (69%) and three controls (30%). ANA dysfunction score was signifi cantly higher in patients with achalasia than that of control (P-value= 0.035). There were no statistical differences in standard deviation of all normal RR intervals, high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), LF/HF ratio in HRV test. At subgroup analysis between female achalasia patients and control, cardiac activity that indicating susceptibility to cardiac overload was signifi cantly higher in female achalasia patients (P-value= 0.036). Cardiac activity (P-value= 0.004) and endurance of stress (P-value= 0.004) were signifi - cantly higher in achalasia patient with ANS dysfuction symptoms. Conclusions: ANS dysfuction symptoms are common in patients with achalasia. In this study, achalasia patients with ANS dysfuction symptoms or female gender showed an increased cardiac activity. We should more be paid attention to the cardiac overload in achalasia patient with ANS dysfuction symptoms or female gender.

      • KCI등재


        Cho, Eunha,Jeong, Jinsun The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 2012 한국수학논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        Let M be a left R-module and R be a ring with unity, and $S=\{0,2,3,4,{\ldots}\}$ be a submonoid. Then $M[x^{-s}]=\{a_0+a_2x^{-2}+a_3x^{-3}+{\cdots}+a_nx^{-n}{\mid}a_i{\in}M\}$ is an $R[x^s]$-module. In this paper we show some properties of $M[x^{-s}]$ as an $R[x^s]$-module. Let $f:M{\rightarrow}N$ be an R-linear map and $\overline{M}[x^{-s}]=\{a_2x^{-2}+a_3x^{-3}+{\cdots}+a_nx^{-n}{\mid}a_i{\in}M\}$ and define $N+\overline{M}[x^{-s}]=\{b_0+a_2x^{-2}+a_3x^{-3}+{\cdots}+a_nx^{-n}{\mid}b_0{\in}N,\;a_i{\in}M}$. Then $N+\overline{M}[x^{-s}]$ is an $R[x^s]$-module. We show that given a short exact sequence $0{\rightarrow}L{\rightarrow}M{\rightarrow}N{\rightarrow}0$ of R-modules, $0{\rightarrow}L{\rightarrow}M[x^{-s}]{\rightarrow}N+\overline{M}[x^{-s}]{\rightarrow}0$ is a short exact sequence of $R[x^s]$-module. Then we show $E_1+\overline{E_0}[x^{-s}]$ is not an injective left $R[x^s]$-module, in general.

      • KCI등재

        민중가요와 정치적 경험

        조은하(Eunha Cho) 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 2021 글로벌문화콘텐츠 Vol.- No.48

        1980~90년대 한국에서 분출되었던 사회 전반에 대한 민주화 요구와 대중적 투쟁에 있어 중요한 역할을 한 민중가요는 정치적 억압과 경제적 격차에 의한 사회적 불평등이 심화된 1960~70년대 이미 모습을 드러내기 시작했다. 이후 일부 시민운동과 노동운동 등 소수에게 불리던 민중가요는 1980년 5월 광주 민주화 항쟁의 사회적 경험을 계기로 대학가와 사회 운동 전반으로 빠르게 확대되었다. 이에 발맞춰 민중가요의 생산자이자 연행자인 노래 운동의 주체들이 사회적 문제에 대한 국민적 경험을 노래 속에 담아냄으로써 저항가요의 성격을 분명하게 하였으며, 동시에 시대에 대한 정치적 경험과 각성의 계기를 제공했다. 그러나 민중가요는 1980년대 후반 대중의 이해와 정서를 넘어서는 정치 경험의 제시라는 새로운 역할을 수행하면서 점차 대중과는 괴리된 사회 운동 그룹 내부의 경험만을 반영하는 한계를 드러냈다. 뿐만 아니라 1990년대 이후 부분적 사회 민주화가 달성되고, 당시 사회 운동 그룹이 대안 사회로 주창한 사회주의권이 붕괴하면서 앞서의 괴리는 민중가요의 급격한 쇠퇴로 이어졌다. 본 논문은 1980~90년대까지 벌어진 민중가요의 성장과 쇠퇴라는 역사적 과정을 이해하기 위해, 민중가요 가사를 분석 함으로써 민중가요가 제시했던 정치적 경험을 검토한다. 이를 통해 민중가요는 당대의 시대적 요구와 정치적 경험이 조응할 때 대중적 저항의 계기가 될 수 있으며, 이렇게 형상화된 정치적 경험은 정치적 ‘상상의 공동체’를 형성할 수 있음을 고찰하고자 한다. 동시에 시대적 요구와 정치적 경험이 상충될 때, 민중가요는 그 역할을 상실하고 대중과 괴리되어 소수에 의해서만 소비될 수 있으며, 따라서 한국의 민주화 운동에서 중요한 역할을 한 민중가요가 보여주는 역사적 변동의 계기들을 이해할 수 있을 것이다. People’s songs, which played an important role in the popular struggle and demand for democratization of society in Korea in the 1980s and 1990s, are already beginning to appear in the 1960s and 1970s, when social inequality due to political oppression and economic disparity deepened. However, People’s songs, which were still sung by a minority, such as some civic and labor movements, quickly expanded to university districts and social movements in general after the social experience of the Gwangju Democratization Uprising in May 1980. In line with this, the actors of the song movement, who are producers and performers of people’s songs, clarified the nature of resistance songs by incorporating the national experiences of social issues into the songs. At the same time, it was able to provide an opportunity for the public to awaken and experience the political experience of the times. However, in the late 1980s, these people’s songs played a new role of presenting political experiences beyond the understanding and emotion of the public, gradually revealing the limitations of reflecting only the experiences within social movement groups that were separated from the masses. In addition, after the 1990s, partial social democratization was achieved and the socialist bloc, which the social movement groups talked about as an alternative society at the time, collapsed. As a result, the previous gap led to the rapid decline of people’s songs. In order to understand the historical process of the growth and decline of people’s songs from the 1980s to the 1990s, this thesis examines the political experience presented by people’s songs by analyzing the lyrics of people’s songs. Through this, we saw that people’s songs can serve as an opportunity for popular resistance when the demands of the times and political experiences of the time match, and that political experiences embodied in this way can form a political ‘imagined community’. However, at the same time, when the demands of the times and political experience are in conflict, it can be seen that people’s songs lose their role and are consumed only by a small number of people, separated from the masses. Through this, we will be able to understand the moments of historical change shown by people’s songs that played an important role in Korea s democratization movement.

      • KCI등재

        타자기라는 여자: 소설 『드라큘라』에 나타난 여성 저자성과 타자기

        조은혜 ( Cho Eunhae ) 한국비교문학회 2018 比較文學 Vol.0 No.76

        브램 스토커의 소설 『드라큘라』의 등장인물 미나 머레이/하커는 다양한 매체로 작성된 등장인물들의 기록을 모아 타자로 정서하는 역할을 맡는다. 등장인물 간의 서신이나 일기를 통해 전체 사건을 유추하게 되어 있는 이 소설의 특성상, 미나는 소설 내의 편집자일 뿐 아니라 사실상 사건의 전달과 해석에 최종적인 권한을 행사하는 서술자로, 일종의 저자성을 획득한다. 19세기에 여성의 저자성을 둘러싼 사회적 불안과 강박이 강력하게 발생했음을 상기한다면 미나의 이러한 모습은 당대의 여성성에 반하는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 남성 동료들과 함께 뱀파이어 퇴치를 위해 노력하는 미나의 모습은 전형적인 빅토리아적 여성성 및 공사의 구분을 침해한다. 그러나 소설 속에서 젠더/섹슈얼리티 체계를 교란하는 다른 인물들인 드라큘라나 루시 웨스텐라와 달리 미나는 처벌받고 퇴치되어야 할 존재로 규정되지도 않고 오히려 그 역할로 인해 찬사를 받는다. 이 글은 일견 모순으로 보이는 이러한 현상이 당대 테크놀로지의 발전과 밀접하게 관련되어 있음에 주목한다. 그 과정에서 미나는 단지 작가가 아니라 타자수이며, 타자기를 통해 빅토리아 시대의 여성에게 금지되어 있었던 저자성을 획득한다는 점이 드러난다. 미나의 이런 모습은 여성 사무원 및 타자수의 폭증이라는 당시의 시대상 및 이로 인해 야기되는 사회적・담론적 젠더 질서의 위기를 재현하고 있다. 소설 말미에 타자기를 통해 얻은 미나의 저자성이 소실되고 미나의 역할이 비가시화되어 작가로 여겨지기보다 타자기라는 기계와 동일시되는 과정은 여성 타자수와 그들의 신체를 타자기라는 기계로 재의미화함으로써 기존의 젠더 위계를 방어했던 19세기 말에서 20세기 초의 젠더 담론을 압축적으로 보여준다. 이러한 분석을 통해, 이 글은 『드라큘라』에 드러난 과학 및 테크놀로지 발전과 젠더 구성의 교차를 드러낸다. Wilhelmina “Mina” Murray/Harker is a character derived from the Bram stoker's novel of Dracula. She assembles all of the records of the other characters, whom are composed of various media, and transcribes everything onto her typewriter. The narrative style of this particular novel mainly consists of a combination of letters, diaries and telegrams. This allows her to be not only an editor in the novel, but also the most important narrator of the entire storyline. She has the final authority over the interpretation and deliberation of each and every incident. Her role and character resists the gender norm of 19th century, as there was a massive social unrest and anxiety surrounding a woman's actual authorship at that time; and her activity as a vampire hunter with male characters goes against from Victorian femininity and violates a clear distinction between public and private spheres. However, unlike the count Dracula and Lucy Westenra, who disturb the gender and sexuality norms of the time and were ultimately punished for it, Mina was neither punished nor eradicated; on the contrary, in this novel, she was praised for her outstanding works. This paper notes this clear paradox surrounding Mina as being closely related to the development of technology, and analyses intersections of technology and gender discussion during this era. Mina is not just a writer but a typewriter; it is the machine that brings her the authorship that was forbidden at the time to Victorian women. Mina represents the social and discursive crisis caused from the explosive increase of female clerks and typists of this era. At the end of the novel, her position is completely deprived of the authorship and equated with typewriting machine. This reveals the procedure that late in the 19th and early 20th century, gender discourse that highlighted the female clerks and their body as typewriting machine and secured an established gender hierarchy.

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