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        MLE와 A/O 공정에서의 nirS 와 nirK를 가진 탈질미생물의 정량적 분포

        임동석,김윤중,김형건,박승국,정태학 대한상하수도학회 2012 상하수도학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Denitrification is an important biological mechanism in wastewater treatment process because this process is technically to remove nitrogen from water to air. There have been lots of study about denitrification engineering and molecular biological research about denitrifying bacteria, respectively. However, combination of these researches was unusual and rare. This study is about the correlation between quantity of denitrifying bacteria and denitrification potential, and consists of NUR batch test as analysis method of denitrification potential and quantitative molecular analysis for denitrifying bacteria. Three reactors (A/O, MLE and A/O of nitrogen deficiency) are operated to get activated sludge with various denitrification potential. All samples which were acquired from reactors were measured denitrification potential by NUR test and NUiR test. Also, Real-time PCR was conducted for quantification of denitrifying bacteria composition in activated sludge. The various denitrification potentials were measured in the reactors. The denitrifiaction potential was the highest in MLE process and the reactor of the nitrogen deficiency showed the lowest. Genomic DNA of activated sludge was obtained and consequently, real-time PCRuse the primer sets of nirK and nirS were conducted to quantify genes involving denitrification reductase production. As the result of real-time PCR, nirK gene showed more significant influence on denitrification potential comapred with nirS gene. Denitrification is an important biological mechanism in wastewater treatment process because this process is technically to remove nitrogen from water to air. There have been lots of study about denitrification engineering and molecular biological research about denitrifying bacteria, respectively. However, combination of these researches was unusual and rare. This study is about the correlation between quantity of denitrifying bacteria and denitrification potential, and consists of NUR batch test as analysis method of denitrification potential and quantitative molecular analysis for denitrifying bacteria. Three reactors (A/O, MLE and A/O of nitrogen deficiency) are operated to get activated sludge with various denitrification potential. All samples which were acquired from reactors were measured denitrification potential by NUR test and NUiR test. Also, Real-time PCR was conducted for quantification of denitrifying bacteria composition in activated sludge. The various denitrification potentials were measured in the reactors. The denitrifiaction potential was the highest in MLE process and the reactor of the nitrogen deficiency showed the lowest. Genomic DNA of activated sludge was obtained and consequently, real-time PCRuse the primer sets of nirK and nirS were conducted to quantify genes involving denitrification reductase production. As the result of real-time PCR, nirK gene showed more significant influence on denitrification potential comapred with nirS gene.

      • KCI등재
      • 現代 漢語 零聲母 硏究

        林東錫 건국대학교 1994 學術誌 Vol.38 No.1

        現代漢語北京話裏使用的零聲母(Sro-또tial), 其來源不同而相當複雜. 醫如, 雖然 '五' '物' '烏' , 三個字的現代謠출均同爲(wu), 但是究以來源, 卽判然不同. 就 '五' 是從疑母(하來變的, 反切爲 '疑古切' ,'#O'是從明母(rn)再變成的微母(·T), 反切爲 '文弗切' , '烏' 是從影母(7)來源的, 反切爲 '哀都切'. 由此觀之, 可說古代漢語裏本身不是零聲母. 到現在就歸納零聲母的較多. 將現在讀音零聲母的分辯出來看, 就證明了古代五個勢璟(包括喩毋, 喩母就本來零勢母的)到今讀零聲母. 其五個是疑母(9) 影母(1) 瑞련) 微母(r) 蘿母). 但這五個變爲零勢辱的現況與剛嗚開, 齋, 合, 撮)有關, 所以포따分布內容穿鑿, 就得出了 斷母談譏爲開口單獨而已. 微母亦讀爲合口單獨, 喘母謫爲齋齒,合癲. 爆口 ,疑母與影母讀爲四吟全韻了. 硏究音韻, 可以駕助對了解漢語的古今變動, 而且在我們韓國漢字音方面, 也有領肋對把握其變化及固定的內容了.

      • 漢代經學의 發展과 今古文派의 異見에 관한 一考

        林東錫 建國大學校 人文科學硏究所 1987 인문과학논총 Vol.19 No.-

        中國學術思想之系聯, 大分以先泰諸子學·兩漢經學·魏晋玄學·隋唐佛學·宋明理學·淸代考證學爲綱要. 其中兩漢經學, 厥旨在於今古文學派之爭論. 先秦諸子學實已達於高潮, 秦先辭戰國混亂局面. ??至漢代, 當秦始皇以便治國, 敢行焚坑書儒, 取灰燼之餘, 書缺簡脫, 禮敎崩壤. 漢建國後, 廣索新??之指導理念. 於是採定儒家之禮敎宗旨. 故惠帝詔求經籍, 開獻書之路, 武帝置五經博士, 以示漢朝注重儒術. 學者多半以整理舊書, 訓??文字. 然今古文之異同, 學者所宗之不同, 因起今古文之爭論, 黨同伐異. 自求其是. 初漢至惠帝除狹書之禁法, 文帝廣開獻書之路, 由比振復, 經籍稍益復出, 武帝表章儒學, 立五經(易, 書, 詩, 禮, 春秋)博士之制度. 此卽, ① 易(田何, 施讐, 孟喜, 梁丘賀), ② 書(伏勝, 歐陽生, 大小夏侯), ③ 詩(申培公, 轅固生, 韓영), ④ 禮(高堂生, 大小戴), ⑤ 春秋(公羊-董仲舒, 胡毋生, 嚴彭祖, 顔安樂. 穀梁-瑕丘, 江工)等是也. 自建元以來, 所立博士皆今文家, 其後劉歆所增者爲古文家, 由此經學有今古之分, 然其分源僅在於文字之不同而已. 卽今文者, 當時通用之隷書, 古文者, 當時已廢之周代文字(??文之-種????文). 此古文之本, 始出於孔壁之私藏, 方古文未興之際, 均屬今文經, 然東漢古文學興盛之後, 兩種經學判然兩途. 西漢經學家不信古文, 東漢古文盛, 今文逐廢. 最後, 鄭玄, 王肅卽混合今古文, 以開新經學之途逕. 自劉歆出而今古文分爭之局以啓, 自王肅出而今古文混合之局以定, 至鄭玄偏注群經, 統一經義, 始漸歸儒家本, 遂以啓唐宋注疏之學及淸代樸學·考證之學矣.

      • 朝鮮時代 外國語 敎育에 對한 一考 : Centred upon Chinese and its boundaries

        林東錫 건국대학교 1989 學術誌 Vol.33 No.1

        As men have lived gathering in groups from the ancient, they have grot the impediment of Communication because of the difference of languages between each other that the interpretation has naturally arisen. Being located between the continent and the ocean, Korea needed to have long history of interpretation. But documents for the official interpreters aren't clearly remained because their social positions weren't estimated high. Despite having frequent diplomatic relations with Mongol, Kitan, Nychem, Japanse and etc, among changes of the continent's power until Korea dynasty, there had just established an administrative organization about the end of Korea dynasty. But with the beginning of Cho-Sun dynasty, documents and system were arranged fairly. Sayukwon and Seongmunwon were founded, which are compared to today's national colleges for professional foreign language education. They lectured on Manchu, Mongol and Japanese as well as the first foreign language Chinese, which are called "Four subjects". They also arranged and consistently managed the entrance examination, the curriculum, applying for the state examination after graduating, or the position of official interpreters. The research is written for making up for today's foreign language education through examining the whole things such as teaching materials as well as systems of foreign language education.

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