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      • KCI등재

        모스크바 8진의 유라시아 삶과 예술 세계

        이내 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2022 한국시베리아연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This study examines the life and art world of exiled international students called Moscow 8-JIN, centering on the documentary film <Goodbye My Love NK: Red Youth>, directed by Kim So-young. After the Sectarian Incident in August 1956, the Moscow 8-JIN defected to the Soviet Union. The Sectarian Incident was a turning point in North Korean history, in which the Coastal Faction and the Soviet Faction planned to eliminate Kim Il-sung at the plenary session in August but failed. The Moscow 8-Jin became refugees in the Soviet Union and lived in Moscow, Irkutsk, Donetsk, Stalingrad, and Kazakhstan. Films and documentaries with the Diaspora mechanisms are made by them. They also play a pivotal role in leading the second generation of Koreano-Russian. Their status of being stateless is reflected in their overall artistic activities. Choi Kook-in produces films about Kazakhstan and other member republics seeking friendship with the Soviet people, or films that feature Xinjiang Uygurs. Yang Won-sik make a documentary film <Almaty> to express his own unique world that realistically captures the natural scenery of Almaty. However, Choi Kook-in has the misery of not making a film for his people in the Soviet Union, where the Korea Republic did not exist. As such, the Diaspora mechanism, which is their situation that does not belong to any specific ethnic group is presented through various films and documentaries. Han jin publishes novels such as 「Emergency Accident」 and 「What’s the Name of the Town?」 as well as the play 「Don’t Shake the Tree」 with the Line 3‧8 as the background. In his literature, the reality of division and the fate of the Korean Community are magnified. 「What is the name of that town?」 reveals the situation of himself and the Koreano-Russian who cannot visit their hometown.

      • KCI우수등재

        면직물 양이온화처리를 위한 거품가공법의응용

        이내,암종렬 한국섬유공학회 1992 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.29 No.8

        Quaternary ammonium cornpounds(Cationon UK) were treated onto cotton fabric using a saturation pad method and a foam method, and then the cationized cotton fabrics were dyed with a milling and a levelling type acid dye. Dyeability of the cationized cotton fabrics was discussed in terms of the reflectance properties and K/S values of the dyed samples. It was found that, for the cationization of cotton fabrics, the foam method was more effective than the saturation pad method.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기의 창작동요 연구:표현력을 갖춘 단순성

        이내 한국음악교육공학회 2019 음악교육공학 Vol.0 No.38

        This paper searches for the chronological significance of newly composed children’s song during the Japanese occupation period, and investigates how the rhythm of lyrics in syllabic-metric pattern and rhythm of melody create a sense of unity in these songs. Also how the necessary characteristics required for children’s song such as simplicity, conciseness, and functionality were achieved through this unity by analyzing these songs. The analyses show a process of finding an answer for reflecting the regularity in the rhythm of lyrics into music when using the rhymed verse as lyrics. In order to find out the coherence of figures consisting melodies of songs, parameters such as pitch rhythm ect. were used as analytical tools. The syllabic-metric pattern of the most of early children’s songs follow usually stereotyped 7·5 pattern, and the pattern’s rhythmic regularity corresponds to that of phrase thus resulting a sense of unity between lyrics and melody. It seems that “simplicity” in these early children’s song is realized through regular reiteration. Homogeneity inherent in similar figures also yield consistency. Uniformity achieved by repeated rhythmic pattern is related to simplicity of melody. Through the analyses, it is also confirmed that the composers of early children’s song follow the traditional western music language such as “repetition” and “contrast” of formal structure. In this point of view, musical form has the order of “presentation- repetition–contrast-recapitulation.” Variation technique is also found in these songs where the skeleton of the melody is maintained while the other elements are transformed and modified. 본 논문은 일제강점기의 창작동요에서 가사의 율격을 갖춘 리듬과 선율의 리듬이 어떻게 일체감을 만드는지와 그 일체감을 통해 동요가 갖추어야할 성격들, 예를 들면 단순성, 간결성, 기능성 등을 어떻게 성취하였는지를 분석을 통해 살펴본 연구이다. 분석에서는 정형화된 시를 텍스트로 사용하는 경우 가사의 리듬이 갖고 있는 규칙성을 음악적으로 어떻게 반영할 것인가에 관한 답을 찾는 과정에서 매개변수를 분석의 도구로 사용해 동요의 선율을 구성하고 있는 음형의 응집력을 살펴보았다. 서양어법으로 만들어진 초기의 창작동요는 대부분 가사의 율격이 7•5조의 율격으로 정형화되고, 율격의 규칙적인 리듬을 악구의 규칙적인 리듬에 맞추어 가사와 선율의 일체감을 만든다. 초창기 창작동요에서는 “단순함”이 규칙적인 반복으로 실현된 것으로 보인다. 가사를 음악화할 때에는 일정한 리듬형을 통해 통일성을, 그리고 다양한 형태의 굴곡을 갖는 선율로 다양성을 실현한다. 동질성을 갖는 유사한 음형은 통일성을 만들어낸다. 리듬형의 반복을 통해 구축한 통일성은 곧 선율의 단순성과 연관된다. 각 행의 동일한 위치에서 동일한 음고를 듣는다는 사실은 악곡 구조의 응집력을 만들어준다는 의미에서 중요하다. 분석을 통해 초기의 창작동요의 작곡가들이 서양음악 어법을 충실하게 반영하고 있는 것을 알 수 있는데 특히 형식에서 보여주는 반복과 대조가 그것이다. 이 관점에서 형식은 “제시-반복-대조-재현”의 질서를 갖추었다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 분석된 동요에서는 변주기법도 나타나는데, 선율이 골격을 유지하면서 변주된다.

      • 하프타임 실전전략-2006 하프타임 워크숍 전략, 하반기 사무실을 가져라

        이내,Lee, Nae-Hwa 벤처기업협회 2006 벤처다이제스트 Vol.95 No.-

        행복한 인생은 하나의 과학이다. 행복이란 저절로 이루어지는 것이 아니라 '구체적인 계획'과 이에 따른 '지속적인 행동' 그리고 '성취'라는 연결고리를 통해서 나오는 결과물이기 때문이다. 지금부터 2006년 인생의 중간 점검에 들어가 보자. 이 작업은 당신의 희망찬 후반전을 구상하는 '2006년 하프타임 워크숍'이다.

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